Chapter 2 - New Home?

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Divinitii POV

We all went looking for a place to live. Personally, I am indifferent to it, but some wanted to find a good place, so I didn't mind.

Icicle:"We need to figure out something."


Icicle:"Will we build one big house or will everyone build their own?"

Innnocent:"That's a good question."

Dry:"If we build one large house, it will take us less time, but if we build our own houses, it depends on how big these houses will be."


Karmi:"In my opinion, it is better to build a large one and everyone will just make their own room."

Milla:"Ummm. Take a look at this."

Everyone looked and we saw an abandoned woodland mansion.

Moon:"How is it possible?"

Innnocent:"I think apart from origin mod we have a few more mods."


Divinitii:"If this woodland mansion is abandoned, maybe we will live in it?"

Innnocent:"I don't think this is a good idea, what if there are zombies or other mobs there."

Moon:"I doubt it. In my opinion it's a good idea to live there."

Karmi:"Let's see if there are mobs there, if not, we can live there, if so, we'll start looking again."

Divinitii:"Let's do it."

We all started walking towards the woodland mansion, when we got there we walked in and looked around.

Dry:"I think we should split up."


Innnocent:"Moon, Karmi and Dry go check this floor. Me, Milla, Divinitii and Icicle are going to check second floor."


Together with Innnocent, Milla and Icicle we went to the second floor."

Moon POV

Together with Karmi and Dry we were checking the first floor. Expect for the lack of light, everything looked fine until we heard the sound of some mob.

Dry:"What was that?"

Karmi:"I don't know."

Moon:"We better check it out."

We slowly started walking towards the sound. As we were next to the room something jumped on my face, surprised, I felt fur. I took this mob off my face and saw that it was a cat. It was black with white paws, it was quite small. And he looked scared and lonely.

Karmi:"Why this little guy is here?"

Moon:"I don't know. Maybe he spawned here?"

Dry:"His meowing was probably the sound. But why was he meowing?"

Karmi:"Maybe he wanted us to pay attention to him?"



The cat went to Karmi, Karmi picked it up with a smile on her face. But suddenly the cat jumped on her face and started scratching her. Karmi tried to take it off. When I suddenly saw that she was close to a window with no glass.

Moon:"Watch out!"

At that moment, Karmi fell out of the window, I ran to the window when suddenly something flashed infront of my eyes, I turned my head and saw Milla flying and holding Karmi with one of her hands, and Karmi was holding a cat with one hand.

Milla:"That was close."


I was relieved with relief.

Karmi:"Can you now get me back to the inside of the mansion. I would like not to fall."


Milla flied trought the window and put Karmi down on the ground.

Dry:"How did you even know what was happening."

Milla:"I'm not sure. I just felt something was going to happen."

Moon:"You're an angel so it's actually makes sense."

Milla:"And you're a chicken."


Then I started chasing Milla.
595 words. I really liked writing this chapter. And I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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