Chapter 3 - Start working

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Innnocent POV

Together with Divinitii and Icicle we went down to the first floor. When we met with the rest, they told us what was going on.

Innnocent:"We haven't seen any mob so we can live here."

Karmi:"What about this cat?"

Innnocent:"Anyone want him?"

Divinitii:"I WANT!"

Innnocent:"So it's yours."

Divinitii walked over to the cat and took it in her hands, the cat liked being held by Divinitii so it was obvious that Divinitii was perfect for taking care of the cat.

Icicle:"We need to clean up and light here if we're going to live here."


Milla:"I think we need to split up again."

Karmi:"Me, Milla, Moon and Icicle will clean up and Innocent, Divinitii and Dry will go get the torches. What do you think about it?"

Dry:"I'm okay with that."

Milla:"I'm okay with that too."

Karmi:"So let's started."

Together with Divinitii and Dry, we started walking towards the exit from the Mansion. We collected some wood and made some tools and started looking for a cave.

Icicle POV

Me and Karmi started cleaning the first floor of the mansion, we were even doing well, but after some time it started to get boring.

Karmi:"I am so bored."


Karmi:"Maybe we'll do something else?"

Icicle:"We can't we have to clean this place up if we're going to live here."

Karmi:"Can't even go out even for a moment?"

Icicle:"You know what. If you want to come out, I don't care, do what you want."

Karmi:"If so, I'm leaving."

I watched Karmi go, but I didn't care, if she wants to leave, I let her go, I don't care.

1 hour later

I was taking a break because I was tired, when suddenly I heard Moon's voice, I turned my head to see Moon and Milla running towards me.

Icicle:"What you two are doing here?"

Moon:"We just finished cleaning the second floor and we decided to help you. By the way where is Karmi?"

Icicle:"She left."

Milla + Moon:"What!?"


Icicle:"She was bored and she wanted to leave, I told her she had to stay but she wasn't listening. And she just left."

Milla:"We have to find her! She can be in danger!"

Icicle:"I guess you're right, Let's go."

Milla, Moon and I left the mansion and started looking for Karmi, we started looking in the woods first, but we couldn't find her. Then we went to look for her in the clearing, but she wasn't there either. We started giving up.


Moon started running towards the forest, Milla and I started following her.

Moon:"I found a piece of Karmi's coat."

Milla:"It means she might be nearby."

Icicle:"Let's go this way."

We started walking towards the forest until suddenly we heard Karmi's voice, we started walking in this direction. When we arrived we saw something that surprised all of us."
501 words. Another Chapter LET'S GOOOO!!! I hope you like it.

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