Comfort from a friend

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Sorry for the delay everyone. It took me some time to think of another part. By the way this story also features the two oc's of my best friend and awesome story writer on Wattpad and is also a cool Htf pal. The one and only UnknownRC alrighty featuring his two oc's: (the sweet, adorable, yet timid and soft (almost as soft as a teddy bear) little blue bear) Timi (or Timid Bear) and the police kitty himself (and the feline with the pistol) Gun.

Splendid's pov

Lifty told me everything that happened I couldn't believe it. That son of a bitch Jay the wolf! He's been raping Lifty again!.. ugh that bastard was a real fuck in the head. I had caught him more than once harassing young men. I sighed and said to myself, alright that's it...I'm getting that asshole arrested but I gotta need some help from the cops. But I can't leave Lifty alone. I then walked out of the room but I only was near the door. I dialed the police before waiting for the chief to answer. When he did I said, hey Chief it's Splendid we need to talk. That's when a voice I didn't recognize said in a stressed and stern tone, what the heck do you need to talk about sir? I said, HEY WAIT A MINUTE WHOS THIS?!..WHERES THE CHIEF?! The voice said, he's on vacation so what's the big emergency? I growled cause this guy must be a real stressed smart ass. Then I recognized Toothys friend from Vega-City (I forgot his name it kinda rhymes with Nat) and said, is everything okay Splendid? I said, no everything is not okay...but who the heck was that? Matt said, sorry about that Splendid Gun's new to this police department. I asked, Gun? Matt replies, our new rookie cop in the happytreepolice department...he just transferred from a another police department. I said rolling my eyes, hmph!...I see... Matt asked, so what's going on? I told Matt everything by the time I finished he was shocked. Matt said, seriously?!...oh God...I'll have Gun with the other cops arrive at the scene. I asked sternly, seriously your letting a rookie cop arrive there with others? Matt said, look he maybe new but he was transferred for a reason...just trust me on this. I said as I grunted, ugh fine I will...I'll be there shortly. Matt thanked me and hung up. I then dialed a friend of Liftys I don't remember his name he was just some blue bear. I then left the hospital.

Liftys pov

I felt so scared of being alone but that's when I saw my friend Timi. He said as he entered, h-hey Lifty...a-are you okay?...I-I heard what happened? I started to cry and said and whimper, I'm so scared...I'm hurt and I've been raped..I have been... I couldn't stop crying and shaking as tears stream down my face. Then Timi hugged me for comfort. He's been like a little brother to me. I cried in his arms as Timi said, h-hey i-it's alright...I-I'm here now...y-your safe its okay. I cried in Timis arms before I fell asleep. Latr when I opened my eyes I coulda sworn I saw Timi walked out with something in his hand. I fell asleep before I asked where he was going. I woke up a few minutes later and see a orange raccoon doctor I assume was Sniffles friend. I asked him, hey Doctor?...where did my friend go? The raccoon replied, oh...if you mean your friend that left he said something about hunting. I said confused, that's not like Timi...he never hunted fact Timi never went hunting he wouldn't hurt an innocent butterfly...besides he's an innocent boy. The raccoon said as he adjusted his glasses in confusion, well whatever he was doing with that knife he must be something important. I looked at the ceiling and thought, I wonder why Timi left and with a knife?...I guess I'll never know... the raccoon said, you think he was delivering it to a friend. I replied, I dunno...Timi knows pretty much everyone in town including me...who in the world was he delivering it to? The raccoon shrugged as if to say I dunno...before he left leaving the fall asleep again.

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