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Splendids pov

I ran into the hospital as fast as my speed can carry me as everyone turned to me holding an injured Lifty in drag. Most of the People in the hospital were shocked and while others just to busy laughing at how humiliating Lifty is in drag (I mean really it wasn't his fault that rapist made him) and then I screamed in a panicked tone, HEY SOMEBODY GET DR. SNIFFLES WE MEDICAL NEED HELP RIGHT NOW!!! That's when one of the nurses went to get him immediately.

Sniffles pov

I was working on a patient (I don't remember his name he was a millionaire lemur who happens to be in a minor limousine accident.) when one of the nureses came in and said concernly, Doctor Sniffles we have another one patient that looks badly hurt. I sighed as I knew who it was. But I had to do my duty. I said as I walked out, Nurse Snow-globe I need you to find Dr. Lenny PHD and when you do tell him to take over for me. I thought as I ran towards the waiting room, geez I know it's Lifty I can feel it besides I'm sure he is not badly...OH MY GOD!! I looked at Lifty he was very badly hurt than I imagined him to be. Then I yelled as I ran towards them, OH GOD WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?! Splendid turns to me and said, haven't you heard Sniffles? Splendid decided to tell me the whole story and by the time he was finished I was completely shocked. I said shakily, o..oh good god...I never heard about that. Then I use the intern-call and called out to the staff I need, ATTENTION STAFF MEMBERS WE MUST OPERATE IMMEDIATELY COME TO THE WAITING ROOM WHEN I CALL YOUR NAME: DOCTOR CLEAN PHD, DOCTOR WASH HD, NURSE DAYLIGHT, NURSE PUMPKIN-PIE, AND DOCTOR DIM SD!! PLEASE COME TO THE WAITING ROOM WITH A STRETCHER AND MUST OPERATE IMMEDIATELY!! Then as Doctors Clean and Dim came out with a stretcher I placed Lifty on the stretcher and rolled out to the operating room. We began operating on him. It was tough but they don't call me Mr. successful for nothing. I told Dr. Clean, wash rag. He repeated as he handed the wash rag, wash rag. Dr. Wash, Nurse Pumpkin-Pie, and I used the wash rags to clean his wounds. We did whatever we could to make sure Lifty was okay. Fortunately for us he made it out okay and passed with flying colors. But we have a bit of questions....why was Lifty in drag, when, how, where, and why did Lifty get hurt, who in the world would hurt a Lifty (I mean sure he and his brother a thief but it doesn't mean he deserves to be beaten up, violated, and mercilessly slaughtered that brutally) more importantly who in the heck is Jay the wolf?

Liftys pov

I woke up in a hospital room covered in bandages and an oxygen mask was wrapped around my face. I felt so much pain and misery I can't began to look at myself anymore. Then I see Splendid walking in and said, you had me worried for a bit back there you alright? I nodded I couldn't even talk I felt like my voice was taken away......Splendid sees it right through me that I was really frightened....I was so scared I started to cry.....Splendid saw me and whispered as wiped away my tears,'s okay Lifty it's okay....I wondered in my mind, Shifty,.....Flippy,.....& Flaky.....please be okay...

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