Farewell Shifty

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Hello everyone pinkiewish3 here I would like to say that this one is based off a little of the farewell song by Hatsune Miku

Lifty and Shifty were were off stealing the jewels from the Jewelry store they were crossing the street without ever giving it any thought when a car came rushing towards them. As Shifty saw the car coming closer and closer he pushed Lifty out of the way as the car hit him and a streetlight. Lifty woke up with six minor bruises on his body and a glass piece on his arm and his right leg broken he even got bruises on his faces. As he woke up he saw Shifty on the ground lying on his chest, he crawled towards him and tried to shake him awake and whispered, Shifty?...are...you okay? No answer Lifty tried to shake him awake again but this time he was scared as he yelled a little bit, Shifty please?...if this is some kind of joke it ain't funny, still no answer. Shifty? Shifty? SSSHHHIIIFFFTTTYYY?! Lifty began crying as he began yelling his name out loud knowing that something was wrong. Then Shifty started bleeding and that's when Liftys heart sank. Lifty gasped as he whispered, no..no it....can't be....Shifty you can't die...I beg...you.... DON'T LEAVE ME!!!! Lifty started crying as he knew his only family, his only brother was gone. Lifty cried on Shiftys corpse until a familiar voice said, oh no Lifty are you okay what happened? It was Nutty who walked out of the candy store when he saw the raccoon twins injured. Nutty ran towards him and pulled him away from Shiftys dead body but Lifty struggled while crying as he yelled, NO STOP IT ITS NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS YOU STUPID CANDY LOVING IDIOT!!!! Nutty tried to calm him down when the town hero Splendid came landing beside them & said, what the hell is going on here? Nutty explained while holding a struggling Lifty, I was walking out of the candy store when I saw Lifty and Shifty hurt as I tried to help Lifty he started getting really upset. Splendid took the struggling crying thief as said, you need to get help immediately Nutty and call an ambulance while you're add it I'll try to calm him down. Lifty now struggling in Splendids arms was very upset but Splendid did his best to calm him down and whispered, ssshhhhh.....calm down its going to be okay Lifty. His words calmed Lifty down a bit but was still upset about what happened. Lifty cried as cried on the town heroes chest and said, i....it's not okay...... Splendid it's not okay at all. Splendid was confused as he asked as he petted the younger raccoons head, what do you mean everything is not okay? As Nutty came back with Cuddles, Toothy, Giggles, Handy, Petunia, Flippy and Flaky Lifty yelled out loud as he cried even more, BECAUSE.....BECAUSE..... Splendid asked, Because why? Lifty screamed out loud with more tears on his face, BECAUSE MY BROTHER IS.....MY BROTHER IS......DDDDEEEEEAAADDD!!!! Shocked everyone yelled,

Nutty: WHAT?



Cuddles: NO WAY!!!

Giggles: NO THAT ISN'T POSSIBLE!! ( She cried on Cuddles chest)


Flaky: No....it can't be..(Flaky also began on Flippys chest considering that they were her friends to)

Flippy: (comforting Flaky) there there Flaky.( then looked at Shiftys body) I don't even know how this tragedy started....

Splendid: I can't believe my own ears Shiftys dead but Liftys injured.

Everyone turned to Lifty who was petrified of that gruesome scene. 2 minutes later an ambulance arrived Sniffles and Lumpy put out two gurneys one for the Shiftys corpse and the other for the injured Lifty. Splendid was granted permission to be in the ambulance with Lifty if he told him what happened Lifty explained weakly, we were.....about to.....to do our usual thing....when we got.....we got careless.....enough to.....cross the street....without.....even thinking.....not knowing.....that a was coming towards us.....Shifty pushed me out of the way and I.....I passed out and then.......woke up to see..... that Shifty was really gone for good... everyone couldn't believe their ears but the part that shocked them all them all was that Shifty pushed him out of the way everyone each shred their thoughts.

Nutty: man I thought Shifty was going to leave him behind again but I never knew he cared about Lifty.

Toothy: that explains the car that bumped into a streetlight over there. But I never guess Shifty would get him out of the way in time.

Handy: it makes sense Shifty pushed Lifty out of the way but Shifty himself didn't.

Cuddles:if that's true did only Shifty knew that he was going to die?

Giggles: I don't want to know but why he didn't get out of the way himself?

Petunia: maybe he didn't have any time to get out of the way himself.

Flaky: or...or he was....sa..sacrificing himself to...save..Li..Lifty.

Flippy: I agree Flaky but I'm sure he probably wouldn't have died in vain for saving Lifty.

Splendid: (in the ambulance with Lifty and Shiftys corpse) it's okay Liftyz it's okay.

Lifty who was crying while strapped on the gurney whispered, I....have no..nobody left...I'm all alone...I don't know.....what should I do now? I'm so sad and...so alone. Lifty was still very sad because Shifty is gone he was all alone but Splendid wiped his tears off his face and whispered, but your not alone Lifty. A little while later Lifty and surprisingly everyone was at Shiftys funeral Lifty was sad and depressed as he sat right next to Splendid who held his hand and whispered as he blushed, listen Lifty you know if your still hurt I'll take you in I know your brothers all you have but the thing to remember is that you are not alone. Lifty was still crying but blushed himself whispered, okay but why...why are you doing this? Splendid turned his head and pressed his lips against Liftys as he held him in his arms and whispered as they broke the kiss, because I love you Lifty. The younger raccoon blushed but was still tears as he scooted closer to Splendid who pulled to his lap and pulled him closer Lifty turned to the completed grave and whispered as he rested his head on his shoulder and closed his eyes, farewell Shifty. Splendid whispered to the raccoon giving him a kiss on the forehead, I love you Lifty.

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