Happy Birthday Baby!

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( 10'th grade (they maybe thieves but they need to be in school besides they never learn) High school)

Lifty Raccoon was getting ready for not only for school but a very special day and that day is March 16'th AKA Splendids birthday and he has a very special gift just for him once he sees him. Shifty rolled his eyes and said, come on Lifty we're going to be late. Lifty yelled, COMING! 4 hours later they arrived at school entrance and Lifty sees his secret boyfriend and classmate Splendid looking like his super cool self pretending he didn't see him. Lifty came closer to him and said, hello there my sweet have any idea what day it is? Splendid said casually, yeah it's my birthday yeah I know. Why? Lifty was really determined to get close to him and said (not giving up easy) as he placed a hand on his chest, well I was wondering.....if we can spends some quality time together.....after school......just the two of us my handsome babe. Splendid blushed but shrugged him off and said, just shut up I don't want to talk about this right now. Lifty said, so anyway before I go in I want to give you some..... Splendid rudely interrupted him harshly yelled, ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME LIFTY I AM NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT IT SO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!! Lifty felt heart broken as if things didn't turn out worse he cried and ran off as he accidentally dropped his birthday present at the entrance. Shifty looked at him cold and said, WHAT DID YOU SAY TO MY BABY BROTHER?! Splendid didn't answer he just looked at the other way feeling guilty for yelling at Lifty like that he just wanted to make his birthday a lot better and celebrate it with him. Shifty stomped away as he gave him a cold glare. The rest of the school day went terrible Lifty and Splendid didn't even talk to each other Splendid just stared at him sadly and Lifty just looked away from him and trying to stay away from him as possible unaware that Splendid picked up his birthday present that he was happy that Lifty thought of him but was feeling bad about lashing out at him. But then during lunchtime Lifty was outside about to eat his lunch still hurt unaware that he had bumped into Splendont and muttered, excuse me. Enraged Splendont said as he turned to see who it is, *growling* look it's Lifty grab him. With that Lifty was caught by one of Splendonts henchmen. Lifty was held by both wrists. Splendont said as he put a hand on his cheek, how about we do something about that sweet little face of yours Lifty. The younger raccoon was so scared he doesn't know what they're going to do with him. About 4 minutes later Splendid came outside to see if Lifty was there but was shocked to see him a little beaten, laid down on the bench and unconscious. Splendid rushed over to Liftys side and picked him up. A little but later Lifty woke up to the middle of the argument. He got up quickly and yelled, STUPID LITTLE SNOTS!! looked to see he was in the nurses office as the two familiar voice said as he recognized Splendid and Splendont, I DON'T GIVE A CRAP ABOUT WHAT YOU DID SPLENDONT MAKING LIFTY A DECORATION LIKE THAT IS JUST INEXCUSABLE! WELL BROTHER I NEVER GIVE A CRAP ABOUT HIM HES WAS JUST TRYING TO MAKE OUR BIRTHDAY BETTER BY PAYING ATTENTION TO YOU!! With that finished Splendid walked towards the nurses oftto see Lifty a little sad yet awake. Splendid sat next to the broken hearted raccoon. Lifty said, I'm sorry for this morning I just wanted to....Splendid said as he placed a finger on his lips, ssshhh....no you were only trying to make me happy. I'm sorry for being harsh it's just that I..... before he could finish he sees Lifty gazing at him with a forgiving look. The two just looked at each other for a moment and then school went out. Splendid just walked away still in guilt until he felt a hand holding his. He turned to see Lifty and said, Li..Lifty what are you.... the younger raccoon said happily as he wrapped his arms around his neck, oh shut and kiss me and happy birthday baby I love you. And then Lifty kissed Splendid and Splendid kissed back. On that moment Splendid realized he had the best birthday because he got the only thing he wanted for his birthday and that only thing was a kiss from Lifty. Splendid thought, I love you too Lifty. Walking passed them Shifty whispered, oh get a room you two.

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