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Lifty was going out on a date with his boyfriend and hero Splendid to happy tree cafe. But what started out as a date turns into a shocking misunderstanding. Splendid was waiting for Lifty to come to the place they were supposed to have there date at when a certain pink haired girl had walked in front of him and said, hey there Splendid waiting for someone? Splendid said, uhh...yeah but Giggles why are you here? Giggles said mischievously, oh not much just thought I check ya out if you know what I mean.... she winked as Splendid figured out what she meant. Then he heard a gasp in horror he turned to see it was Lifty who was going to cry and was about to scream. Splendid yelled in a concern tone, NO LIFTY WAIT IT...ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE ITS REALLY NOT WHAT YOU THINK! Lifty didn't believe him he just stared at him and yelled in a heartbreaking tone as he started to cry, SPLENDID...HOW COULD YOU!? AFTER ALL I DONE FOR YOU THIS IS THE FUCKING THANKS I GET YOU CHEATING ON ME?! WELL I HOPE YOUR HAPPY BECAUSE WE'RE THROUGH!!! With that Lifty stormed outta the cafe crying. Splendont who coincidentally walked in on them said in a very upsetting tone, not cool Splendid. The bluenette was upset that his boyfriend had been heartbroken and betrayed although it was a misunderstanding he really felt guilty. Without hesitation he stormed out and went to search for Lifty. Meanwhile Lifty was walking home as he was taking a shortcut to the Allie way. Lifty still felt like crying as he whispered and it started raining, Splendid am I some kinda toy to you? I thought you love me. But then all of a sudden Lifty was grabbed by both arms and revealed three men who had scary faces. One of them said, well well well look what we have here a beautiful sissy-ass girly boy. Lifty said trembling and struggling, WHAT DO YOU GUYS WANT?! YOU MONSTERS LET ME GO OR I WILL....MMMPPH!!! The one holding Liftys wrists cut him off with a strip of duct tape and tied his wrists together behind his back with a long piece of duct tape. Lifty was scared to death that these goons were about to do something to him. The first goon said as he cut Liftys shirt a little, well you got anything underneath beautiful? The second goon said as he held his arms and licked his neck, I wonder if we should have fun with you. Lifty began to feel paralyzed as the last and third goon said as he pulled the gun on him, don't try to resist hot-stuff now give me what you have and maybe we'll let you g.... before the third goon can finish right he was killed by a pair laser eyes Lifty turned to see Splendid who looked outta breath. The two remaining goons were shocked as one of them pulled the gun to his head and said as he snarled, don't even think about it hero if you take one step towards us we will shoot him. Splendid didn't know what to do he was either going to let Lifty die or surrender for him. Splendid went on his knees and said, okay I surrender but just let him go. The goons exchange looks as they tossed the bound and gagged greenette on his knees unharmed. The two goons were about to shoot him but were killed each time by Splendids laser vision. Splendid ran towards Lifty and removed the tape from his mouth and whispered, are you alright Lifty? The greenette nodded as he apologized for acting like such a brat back there and ruining their date crying. Splendid said as he untied him, it wasn't your fault Lifty Giggles tried to flirt with me but I was already taken by you sweetness. Lifty smiled sadly and in a apologetic tone said, oh Splendid I knew you do love me! The bluenette said as he clung to his sweetheart, I love you too Lifty and I always will. Then they kissed under the moonlight as they walked home.

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