I love you! I miss you! I wish you were here!

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Liftys pov

I.....I never been so sad since the day my parents had died my heart sank as I watched my fiancé Splendid on that hospital bed hurt and I wanted nothing more than to have him back by my side again. I cried while sitting at his side looking at my wedding ring. We were dating for a few months but then the happiest day of my life he proposed to me and asked me to marry him and I said yes and I was so very happy as he put the ring on my finger. But then 2 days later it happened. It's bad enough that Shifty abandoned me but Splendid injured and it was all my fault. I still remembered what happened 5 weeks ago.

Original pov (5 weeks earlier)

Lifty was really happy when 2 days ago Splendid proposed to him and asked him to marry him. Everyone in Happy tree town was shocked but very happy for them everyone accept the selfish and jealous evil side of the war veteran who was really separated from Flippy (who was also happy for them and not to mention he is picking out a tux because he is their ring holder). Fliqpy was walking around town irritated about Lifty and Splendids wedding he can even hear Toothy said happily and playfully, Cuddles your happy for them but I think your only doing this for a certain pink hair with a red bow. Cuddles said completely embarrassed and blushed, WAIT WHAT?! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT TOOTHY THAT....THATS NOT THE REASON I REALLY AM HAPPY FOR THEM!! Toothy sees it that he likes Giggles and started teasing him as he repeatedly said, Cuddles likes Giggles! Cuddles likes Giggles! Cuddles likes Giggles! Toothy laughed at his embarrassed friend. Cuddles said as he blushed, OKAY OKAY I LOVE HER! ALRIGHT I GET IT ALREADY TOOTHY YOU KNOW! HA HA HA HA HA! VERY FUNNY TOOTHY VERY FUNNY! Cuddles walked off while blushing a deep red and Toothy walking behind him. Fliqpy was amused by the embarrassment but wasn't satisfied enough. But as he saw Lifty walking by happily an idea hatched in his head and began to to it immediately. Lifty said as he was walking obliviously unaware of Fliqpy sneaking behind him, wow I never been this happy in my entire life although I feel bad that Shifty didn't get invited to our wedding but I relieved because he would've try to ruin everything but everyone is so excited for the occasion. But I do haft to wonder where is he anyway? Lifty walked for 1 minute until Fliqpy grabbed him and placed a gun to his head as Lifty gasped in horror. Fliqpy grinned evilly and said as he laughed, don't even try to run and don't even try to scream either or I'll shoot you unless you do as I say got it? Lifty whimpered as he nodded at the evil veteran. Fliqpy said, good now let's get going. The veteran dragged Lifty towards the Allie way that leads to one of the warehouses unaware of Splendid seeing everything and then turn to Nutty and Splendont (who coincidentally turned into a female about 3 months ago all because she was dating Nutty (after the surgery), (not to mention she was wearing a short red dress and short red go go boots and I ponytail (I mean really Splendont looked so gorgeous and dazzling that Nutty had a nosebleed by looking at how cute she is) but still wore her blue mask) and was looking for a bridesmaid dress about her size considering how big her rack is until she saw what Splendid has seen) and said, Splendont go find help and quick. Splendid flew to the direction they went as Splendont nodded and turned to her candy loving boyfriend as she cried in a concerned tone, NUTTY-BEAR WE NEED TO FIND HELP IMMEDIATELY!!! Nutty said as he hugged his girlfriend tight, don't worry honey-heart I'll call the police you go find help okay? Splendont nodded in agreement, they kissed, and ran to go find help. Meanwhile at one of the warehouses Fliqpy was about to finish tying Lifty up to the chair. The frightened greenette said as Fliqpy finished tying the knot behind his back, what do you want from me Fliqpy? The evil veteran smirked and said as he placed a gun towards his head, I'm not going to do anything to you because your the bait who's going to lure that fucking town loser my way. Lifty yelled as he gasped and started to cry, NO PLEASE FLIQPY I BEG YOU PLEASE DON'T HURT SPLENDID I'M BEG.....OOMMMPPPH!!!! Before Lifty can finish Fliqpy gagged him by tying a dirty white cloth around his mouth and said as he was satisfied, hehehehe that should keep keep your mouth shut. MMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPHHHH!!!!! Lifty muffled a fearful scream. Fliqpy grinned as he looked at the struggling greenette. PLLMMMMPH NNMMPH FLMQPH PLMMMMPH DDDMMMMNNNTT KMMLL HMMM!!! Lifty screamed in a muffled tone begging Fliqpy (who was ignoring his pleads) not to kill him. 14 seconds later Splendid burst in and shouted, HOLD IT RIGHT THERE FLIQPY LET MY FIANCÉ GO!!! Fliqpy laughed evilly and said to himself, ha I knew you step into my trap Splendid you dam fool. Splendid pushed Fliqpy hard enough for him to be stunned. SPLMMMDMD! Lifty muffled his name as the town hero came towards him and whispered, it's okay Lifty your safe now. Splendid removed the cloth from his mouth and started to untie him. Lifty whispered to him as Splendid finished setting his bride to be free, Splendid I.... the town hero put a finger on his lips and whispered, ssshhh.....I love you too Lifty but you need to get outta here I'll distract him. The greenette felt tears flowing down his face and said, but what about you darling I can't live without you. Splendid motioned him to know its ok and kissed him on the lips. As Splendid turned to fight Fliqpy who was standing up, Lifty took off running outside where the police, Splendont and Nutty were at. Splendid and Fliqpy fought until Splendid collapse when he was taken by surprise by krytonut and was hurt pretty badly. Lifty was heart broken as he found out.

Liftys pov (now)

I was really careless about my actions on that week and here I am now clinging to my fiancé for dead life. But then my world changed forever Splendids heart stopped beating and I cried more badly than before. The day of my fiancés funeral was more depressing during the time I sang a thousand years by Cristina Perri. I whispered as I saw him in his coffin, I love you I missed you and I wish you were here my darling. I sobbed as I became more depressed but after the service I was really sad and heartbroken as I walked outta the cemetery Fliqpy appeared in front of me and said as he grinned and pushed me on the ground, well looks like your hero is dead and there is no on..... before he finished his sentence I heard a gunshot as Fliqpy gasped in pain. He turned to see someone behind him and said as he growled in fear, you? But how are you even back? That's when a voice I was able to recognize said, you think I would leave town that easily? I turn my back a few measly months and look what I came back to see an evil veteran threatening my only family. I was scared and cried even more for Splendid but as Fliqpy fell to his death I looked up to see my brother Shifty who was confused on why I was crying in front of me.

Shiftys pov

Oii vei I was walking around town because Petunia told something about a wedding actually I knew my brother and that bastard hero got engaged and I kinda deserved to be uninvited because I abandoned my brother during one of our heist and left to go to crystal clear town but then I realized I am only doing it for my own selfish way so I came back to happy tree town not just to see what was going to happen but for Lifty as well. But as I turned to see the heroes funeral (which stunned me) I saw Fliqpy threatening my brother. Aii yi yi this day never ends so I picked up a gun and shot that bastard of a war veteran. I was confused as Lifty looked at me.

Liftys pov

Shifty didn't want to know why I was crying but for the first time since childhood he was worried about me as he comforted me. Shifty said in a concern tone as he picked me up off the ground like a toddler, look I don't know what the fuck is going on here but let's just go home and get back to our old lives. I nodded in agreement and mumbled to myself, I'm all alone. Shifty was shocked as he heard me say that and said in a concern tone as he held me tight and walked off slowly, Lift you think that your alone but your not alone and you'll never will be. I didn't come back home because this was happening I came back for you and there are things I might have regretted in the past. Our Mom and Dad would've been disappointed in me if I didn't come back for you bro. Dam it I regret everything even leaving you behind Lifty. It's the truth he promised mom on her final moments he would watch over me but me being killed isn't watching over but I know Shifty has a good reason. I saw Shifty crying and fell on his knees still holding me as he continued, I...failed Lifty.....I really failed.....not just you....but our parents too.... I couldn't bare it as I whispered, Shifty I love them I miss them I wish they were here. Shifty whispered, I know but there's nothing we can do now. I can't bare my pain and cried as I let go,....I'm so alone Shift no one cares first our parents and now Splendid.....I can't handle it I rather be dead like the.....Big brother... Shifty held on to me as if he didn't want to loose me to and whispered as he cried more, PLEASE DON'T SAY LIFTY I REALLY REGRETTED EVERYTHING I HAVE DONE TO YOU I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU BRO YOU ARE NEVER ALONE!!! I couldn't believe my ears as I comforted him and both of us stood up. But I got to admit Shifty hardly ever cries not to mention he hasn't cried since our parents died. I accidentally fell asleep on him.

Shiftys pov

I felt him falling asleep he must've cried so much that it made him passed out. Poor thing I picked him up and whispered to him, everything will be okay Lifty no matter what. I walked all the way home carrying my brother in my arms.

Liftys pov (3 years later)

everything went back to the way they were almost everything because 2 reasons 1. Splendid my lover and fiancé is dead. And 2. Is that Splendont stayed being female and married that candy loving whack job. But I do visit Splendids grave every week though not married to him Shifty tells me that I really needed to get back on my feet. One day I visited his grave not just to give him flowers but to say to him in a sad tone, I love you, I miss you and I wish you were here Splendid my love. Then as I walked outta the cemetery I was stopped by Shifty who caught me in the shoulder and whispered, come on little brother I think you need a break from all this for a little while. I agreed to him and walked off along with him. Though the next day I always will think that my beloved Splendid is still with me I feel like my-old-heisting-thieving-self again as I snickered with my brother for another day of stealing but with sorrow in my heart.

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