Liftys biggest scare (A halloween special)

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One evening on Halloween night Lifty and Shifty were driving threw happy tree towns neighborhood and sees some sweets, little kids in costumes their bags full of candy (including Cub who was dressed in as an adorable little pumpkin with the face on it and on his very first trick or treating night and Pop was very excited to take him to trick or treat night.) The raccoon twins spot a few kids at the door step of a near by house; one dressed up like a cute doll, the second was dressed as a vampire, the third was wearing a sheet like a ghost, and the other one was dressed up as a creepy tree. They planned to snatch the candy from the children and take it for themselves. They snickered to that plan until Shifty remembered the time they were 3 years old


Younger Lifty was in a demon prince costume ready to trick or treat. Their mom (Alice) said, Lifty are you excited to go trick or treating with Shifty? Lifty nodded in excitement at his mother saying that he promised to share the candy with the family but his mother only giggled at her younger son's offer. As Lifty headed out of the house and stopped at the front porch to wait for Shifty he heard something rustling in the bushes beside him when he came closer something or someone jumped out at him and scared him. Lifty screamed and opened his eyes and started to cry to Know it was Shifty (wearing an undead doctor costume) laughing at the scared and crying Lifty. But as he stopped laughing he apologized to Lifty for scaring him then the two head out for trick or treating laughing

(Flashback ended)

Shifty gathered another idea instead of robbing some kids of their candy, he wanted to scare Lifty out of his mind so he got out of the van and said with a mischievous grin on his face, can you wait right here Lifty? I'll be right back I just need to take care of something. Lifty obeyed his brother as Shifty walked away and closed the driver seat of the van behind him. Lifty was suspicious on why Shifty changed his mind but he had to obey him as he waited for Shifty to return. At the same moment Splendid waited for the twins to take action but they haven't done anything yet he saw Shifty got out of the van and left but not Lifty. Splendid was confused to see Shifty leave the area but Lifty didn't. Splendid thought, I wonder why he didn't rob those kids and why didn't Lifty follow him? what's going on and what the hell is Shifty up to? An hour passed and Shifty didn't return but Lifty went to go and find him because he got a text from Shifty that says; come to happy tree amusement park! Lifty was really stunned nobody has been in that old park for 29 years. Yet he heard that there will be a new haunted house that was completely safe than the last one at Lumpy-Land. So Lifty went to the old amusement park he heard footsteps from behind him and turned around to see nothing then he saw footprints Lifty recognized them as Shiftys footprints as he decided to follow them he came across a scary and spooky funhouse ( a scary but fun happy tree amusement park ride that was said to spook the individuals of happy tree town that will dare ride it (but the main reason it closed is because of technical difficulties they had on the roller coaster and one individual (a middle age Skunk) got killed while he was on the roller coaster with the rest of the civilians (the civilians who were on that ride miraculously and surprisingly survived but in very critical conditions not to mention they had severe injuries and one (younger pop) had the worst) the ride had everything that was scary (including: bloody hallways, monster animatronics, a dungeon with a couple of skeletons, and it even has its own graveyard.) Lifty was shaken in fear but had to follow that led him inside as he stepped inside the doors closed in behind him. Lifty looked behind him and shakily yelled, SHI...SHIFTY WH...WHERE ARE YOU?! Lifty was shaking in fear as he whimpered then slipped on something as he said, OUCH! Why me? As he felt his head Lifty looked at his hands in horror and gasped seeing that his hands were stained red. Then Lifty slowly and shakily looked up as he heard a clown or two laughing evilly. Lifty gasped and his eyes widened seeing a couple of killer clowns covered in blood, grinning evilly, and laughing. Lifty screamed and ran from the clowns. Meanwhile outside of the fun-house (unknown to Lifty) Splendid (who had a crush on the younger twin and was worried about him) was following Lifty seeing him go into the fun-house really shocked the town hero as he saw the doors closed behind him. Splendid scratched his head, this can't be right that ride hasn't been used in a while! why would it be working? Splendid took a moment to figure this out until he figured that Shifty wanted to scare Lifty. Splendids said as his eyes widened, I think Shifty is taking this a little too extreme! Then Splendid without hesitation burst in the funhouse with one swish. Splendid looked around to see Lifty but he wasn't around here. Splendid heard a clown or two laughing evilly as he turned he didn't react to see the clowns with their evil grins but Splendid wasn't impressed he said in a irritated tone as he walked towards one of them and kicked him, one thing I hate more than anything is a bunch of stupid clowns. The clowns were confused as the other one said, hey that one didn't react to our evil look. The first one said, what you expect he said he hates us. Splendid said with a stern glare as he crossed his arms, you were paid to do this weren't you? The other clowns said, yeah we were paid extra to scare the other one. The town hero huffed, turned, and walked away to find Lifty as he said coldly, to hell with it I freaked hate clowns! Meanwhile Lifty was walking and trembling in fear at the same time he whimpered as he went down one of the bloody hallways. But as a ghost swoop down and as Lifty ducked his head he screamed and ran away. Lifty was catching his breath until he realized he was in the skeletal dungeon and saw three skeletal animatronics jump out at him and scared him. Lifty screamed and ran away. Lifty was getting very scared as he yelled, SHIFTY STOP IT IF THIS IS ONE OF YOUR GAMES THEN ITS NOT FUNNY!!! SHIFTY?! Before Lifty can yell further he realized he was in the chamber of the evil witch sisters and saw the six remaining ugly and evil-old hags making potions outta real corpses as they were laughing. Lifty looked at it in horror seeing a finger, an eyeball, and a lung in the cauldron but then screamed and ran away again and then stopped to catch his breath again. Lifty felt like he was going to puke as he said feeling sick to his stomach thinking about that cauldron filled with body parts, uuuhh...I think I'm going to be sick. Lifty then realized to see that he's in the wolves territory and heard them, HHHHOOOOOOOWWWWWLLLLLL!!!!! Lifty was petrified of the wolves coming towards him. Lifty screamed and ran away towards the last place the funhouse graveyard. Lifty felt like he was going to pass out as he felt his body trembling he sustained some injuries while he was running away. Lifty gasped to see Shifty now dead on the ground with his chest bleeding. Lifty walked towards him slowly and scared but then gasped to hear Shifty moan as he got up and walked towards Lifty in an undead way. Then Lifty screamed in horror as he ran away in horror to the right and then tripped. Shifty pointed and laughed at him as his brother was hiding behind a tombstone faraway and screamed like a girl. Then his laughter came to an end as Splendid (who somehow managed to find a way to the funhouse graveyard and saw everything) slapped him across the face and said, I thought you two were about to do some mischief but this is what you were really planing? Shifty said, what? it was just a joke! Splendid said in a cold tone, that wasn't funny Shifty you really scared him half to death! Shifty growled as Splendid gave him a cold glare. Shifty walked towards his younger brother but as Lifty looked at him his eyes widened as he whimpered then he screamed as he crawled away backwards, NO PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM ME! SOMEONE HELP ME! I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!! GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME YOU HORRIBLE THING!! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!! AAAAAAHHHHHH!! Lifty trembled as he started to cry as he closed his eyes and raised his arms to cover up his face. Shifty frowned and realize that Splendid was right he really did scared him. Lifty trembling in fear as Splendid was flew towards them and said as landed on his knees right next to the horrified younger twin, sheesh Shifty I know that you would be this mean to him but I didn't know that you were so goddam nuts you just used this abandoned ride to your advantage to torture your terrified brother until he cried. Lifty looked at Splendid while he was crying. The town hero said as he patted his back, there's no need to be afraid Lifty it's just me. Lifty was shaking more violently as Splendid thoroughly looked at him as he noticed that he gained a couple of bruises on the back of the head from the bloody hallway, a few scratches on the chest and left arm from the skeletal dungeon, a scrape on the knee from the chamber of the witch sisters, several wounds from the wolves chamber, and a swollen ankle wrist right at this very graveyard. Lifty was too shaken to stand up and bruised. Splendid felt really bad for Lifty as he picked him up bridal style and he flew off into the sky leaving Shifty in shame. Shifty said to himself as he walked out of the haunted house, I really fucked things up this time. What was I thinking scaring Lifty like that? Meanwhile in the sky Lifty was shaking like crazy and whimpered. Splendid was worried as he pulled Lifty closer. At 10:00 pm Lifty was being treated for his injuries. Shifty told Doctor Sniffles the whole story. Sniffles said as he cleaning his glasses, I see that explains why he looked like he was in shock. Splendid nodded his head. Sniffles said, you can see him if you want you might wanna stay with him until his brother comes here to pick him up. Splendid nodded his head and said, I understand. As he walked in he saw Lifty bandaged up and traumatized as he saw Splendid who was sitting right next to him the younger twin was crying as he began crying on Splendids chest. The town hero didn't mind he wanted to comfort Lifty as best he could. Lifty broke the hug and whispered as he blushed, sniffed, and smiled, thank you Splendid....the town hero whispered as he hugged him once more and petted his head, your welcome Lifty its the least I can do for you. Then Lifty fell asleep in his arms.


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