Liftys rescue

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In the afternoon of Happy tree town Splendid was flying high in the sky when a familiar scream hit his ears as he saw the source of the scream. One of his enemies Lifty Raccoon was tied with duct tape to a big piece of dynamite and guarded by six beavers in masks. Lifty kept screaming, SHIFTY HELP ME!!! SHIFTY HELP....MMMPPH!!! The younger raccoon was cut off when one of the masked beavers as he said, there that at a shut you up. Lifty struggled as the bomb to exactly 4:00 minutes. Splendid couldn't afford to waste anymore time so he flies towards the tied up raccoon and in front of him but unfortunately was surrounded by masked beaver bandits but luckily Splendid breath them all at once. Then walked towards Lifty. WHHMMMT MMRMP YMMPH DMMMNNNG GMMMM AMMNPPHH! Lifty yelled in a muffled tone to tell him to go away. But Splendid refused to leave he as he removed the tape from his mouth. Lifty was getting scared as the bomb went off to, 2:00 minutes. But was lucky that Splendid freed him from the duct tape that strapped him to the dynamite. Splendid said as he picked up Lifty in his arms, hold on okay? Lifty nodded as he blushed completely. As the dynamite exploded Lifty was feeling secure in his arms and whispered, why did you save me? I'm a thie... Splendid put a finger on his lips and whispered, ssshhh..... because even though your a thief I love you Lifty Raccoon. Lifty blushed because Splendid loved him and kissed him on the lips. Lifty blushed pure red as he smiled he blushed even more. As they reached the ground Lifty and Splendid were gazing into each other's eyes and kissed. Lifty thought as he closed his eyes, even if we are different people Splendid I love you too Splendid. Splendid thought as he closed his eyes, I...I love you Lifty. They both made out on the sidewalk when no one is looking.

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