No matter what

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(This is human version)

Lifty was walking around the empty streets with his hands in his pockets he was sad and alone when Shifty told him to get out and don't come back. Lifty began to cry as the sky turned grey and rain began to poor down. He sat down a nearby bench as he hugged his knees and cried in sorrow and whispered, why...why do.....this to me.. I HATE YOU SHIFTY!!!!! I HATE YOU!! I.....never....want to see his face a...MMPPH! Before Lifty can finish his sentence he was cut off by a hand covering his mouth. The greenette was scared but he didn't know want to know who it is. The figure dragged him away to the Allie way and into a nearby abandoned room nearby. Lifty was getting even more scared as was forced to sit down. The figure began to tie him down extra tight with a rope, zip tie his wrist together behind his back and zip tie his feet together and used a piece of cloth to tie up his knees together. Lifty whimpered as the figure pulled out a roll of duct tape, don't...I'll be quiet I promise....please don't....put tape on my....mouth please don't I'll shut please no...MMMPPH... before Lifty can finish his plead to the figure who ignored his pleads with a smirk on his face the figure placed a strip of duct tape and placed it on Liftys mouth. Things gone from bad to worse as the figure revealed to be Fliqpy who was amused by the crying thief and said, your mine Lifty Raccoon and you will be all mine now let me have a good look at your beautiful face. Fliqpy made perverted smiled as he looked into the eyes of the scared younger thief. Then Splendid came bursting through the door and said as he sees what was happening, hold it Fliqpy and let go of Lifty now. Fliqpy smirked to see that Splendid came and pulled out a piece of krytonut from his pocket and the town hero fell on his knees. STTMMMMMPH IMPH!! PLMMMPH NNNMMMPH!!! NNNMMMPPH!!! Mmph mph mph mmhhmhmhmhmhmhmhm! mmmmph! mmhhmhmhmhmhmhmhmMhmhmhmhmhmhm mmmph!! Lifty muffled a scream out of his gag but couldn't help but cry through it to. That's when Fliqpy came back and slapped him across the face and then grabbed his chin with a perverted smile and said as he laughed, well well you are actually kind of cute when you are all bound, gagged, and helpless. Hhmmm you look fine and sexy as hell today babe. Let's see how hot and sexy you really look. Lifty thought he had lost hope and closed his eyes. The evil war veteran began kissing his taped up lips and started violating him as he cried more and moan. But Splendid sees it right through him that he ain't enjoying it so he got up on his feet slowly and crushed the kryptonut as hard as he could and yelled out, HEY YOU DESPICABLE BASTARD!! Fliqpy turned in surprise to see that the hero wasn't dead and then ran over to him and beat the snot out of him sure enough Splendid won and Fliqpy collapsed. The bluenette went over to the tied up and gagged Thief and said as he carefully removed the tape from his mouth, are you alright Lifty? Lifty nodded as he felt Splendid untying him and used his laser vision to cut the zip ties and untied the cloth that tied his knees together. Splendid looked at him with a concern look Lifty was paralyzed and looked at him with sad and scared eyes filled with tears as he cried on his chest. Splendid picked up Lifty in his arms and flew off with him. Splendid looked at Lifty as he closed his eyes trying not to look down. Splendid looked at the sad thief and whispered, Its okay Lifty I got you I know how hard it is and we are different but I promise I won't let anything like that happen to you no matter what happens Lifty I will save you I love you with all my heart. Splendid accidentally used that last sentence and blushed as Lifty looks at his cheeks turned pink. Lifty was shocked yet amazed that Splendid loved him. As Splendid landed on the grass of happy tree park while still holding Lifty they kissed under the starry night sky.

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