No one loves me, no one loves me not

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Lifty (wearing an old green jacket, black shirt, two dark blue tennis shoes) was standing on the tallest building of happy tree town he couldn't help but feel depressed and looking down to where he will die. He remembered three flashbacks that want to make him do it even more.

(Flashback #1) (5'th grade middle school)

Lifty w smiling all the way from school when Splendont said in a teasing way, ha ha ha ha ha look who it is the wimp of the raccoon brothers where do you think your going looking like a girly-boy. Lifty couldn't help but stop and feel about 6% down and whispered, please quit it.

(Flashback #2) (High school)

Lifty was in class looking out the window when a few people (Fliqpy, Splendont, and Jay) picked on him and made fun of him and said out loud so he could hear at each time.

Fliqpy: hey look how weak he is boys.

Jay: (laughs)

Splendont: what a stupid idiot he even gets scared when he wets his pants I heard when he was held hostage he was so helpless that he never knew what to do.

Jay: (laughs again) well he looks like a very stupid wimp he doesn't deserve to live.

Splendont and Fliqpy: (laughs so hard their eyes popped out (not literally) out of their head)

Lifty was crying completely as they laughed at him.

(Flashback #3)

Lifty thought about the times his brother deceived him and would never save and run off with the stolen stolen goods. Poor Lifty was devastated as he let tears run down his face and the people that laughed at him and made fun of him.)


Lifty was now having to live or to see the light of day. He started to fall to his death he wanted to do it at home but he was scared that Shifty might stop him like he did those two other times:

1, Lifty tried to drown himself in the bath but as everything turned black Shifty got him out of there he did a little CPR on him. Lifty regained his consciousness and looked at his terrified twin.

2. Lifty was about to hung himself when he heard Shifty yelled, NNOO NOT AGAIN! STOP DON'T DO IT! Shifty was fortunate that he got Lifty down in time.

Lifty whispered to himself as felt himself getting closer and closer to the ground, good..bye everyone I know you'll be better off without me. Shifty was looking for him when he sees Lifty falling towards the ground and yelled as he ran towards him, NNNOOO LLLIIIFFFTTTYY!!! SOMEONE SAVE HIM I'M NOT GOING TO MAKE IT!!! Lifty was about to hit the ground when someone quickly catches him. Lifty took a minute to know it was Splendid who saved him. Lifty was still depressed and was still crying but remembered the positive times in the three flashbacks,

(Flashback #1) (5'th grade middle school)

Splendont laughed even more until Splendid came out and punched him in the face and Shifty yelled in anger, SHUT UP AND LEAVE US ALONE YOU MORON!! and turned to his brother with a concern look and said as he grabbed his hand and walked off, let's go Lifty and just ignore him he's just being stupid. Lifty looked at him as his cheeks turned red. Then turned to his twin Lifty held Shifty hand tighter before but was shocked when Shifty placed a jacket around him and continued to walk while placing an arm around Liftys shoulder.

(Flashback #2) (High school)

As Splendid walked in and heard everything he saw Liftys teary eyes and he walked towards the three and yelled, KEEP THOSE DIRTY THOUGHTS TO YOURSELF YOU THREE!! With that the three morons left the room and Splendid walked towards Lifty and whispered as he placed an arm on his shoulder, hey it it's okay Lifty. Its okay. Lifty blushed as he sees the town hero looking at him Splendid wiped his tears away, kissed him on the lips, and whispered, don't tell your brother I did that okay he will freak out none stop. Lifty smiled as he nodded.

(Flashback #3)

Lifty thought the times Shifty did care when he rescued him and Splendid asked him out for the very first time and sometimes Shifty or Splendid who defended him.


Lifty was crying nonstop as he whispered, I'm very sorry... Shifty ran towards the two as he looked at his heart broken brother. Splendid whispered to him, we need to take him to a hospital. Shifty agreed to do that as Lifty was being hoisted up by both Shifty and Splendid. As the town hero wen to a phone booth to call an ambulance Lifty thought while looking at him blushing deep red, thank you I love Splendid. Shifty held Lifty tight and whispered as he petted his head, ssshh...ssshhh...ssshh it's going to be alright Lifty I promise you it will. Lifty closed his eyes while laying his head down on his brothers chest as he was thinking of Splendid which made him smile as Shifty hugged his little brother.

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