Splendid and Liftys first date

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Lifty was walking all by himself as the dusk came by when a certain town hero came right in front of him and said as he smiled, hello Lifty. Lifty not amused looked away as he said, what do you want? Splendid always loves it when Lifty is playing hard to get. As he walked towards him he whispered to his ear, and wrapped his arms around his waist, nothing just thought I asked you out on a date. (Lifty blushed when he said date) so what do you say my dearest and sweetest heart? Lifty looked dumbstruck and confused for a moment as he blushed and then for a mere twenty seconds Lifty slowly and nervously whispered as he nodded his head in a deep red blush, yeah sure whatever but don't tell Shifty okay? Splendid was impressed yet surprised by his answer but said, okay. Meet me at happy tree park by tomorrow okay? (Lifty nodded) good because there's something I want to show you. 19 hours later Lifty made his way to happy tree park without letting his brother know where he's going. While Splendid waited for his date he stood by a tree nearby then a split second Lifty arrived and said, sorry I'm late just needed sometime to kill is all. Splendid smiled as he saw the younger raccoon in front of him and took his hand as they sat down. Then it happened Lifty and Splendid saw the most amazing thing ever in happy tree park it was a firework show filled with lots of multiple colors that nobody can count. Lifty was impressed and amazed at the same time as Lifty rested his head on his shoulder Splendid said as he placed an arm around his shoulder, I knew you like it. Lifty blushed again but he snuggled on his new lovers side and whispered as he drifted to sleep, I love you so much Splendid..Splendid blushed and smiled at the same time and whispered as he brought him closer, I love you too Lifty.

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