Lifty and the nightmare

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Lifty was walking in a deep dark forest all by himself when he feels a lot of someone's or something's stalking him he realized that he wasn't safe as he felt a tap on his shoulder as he turned around and in a scared yet alarming state he thought he was losing his mind as he saw nobody there then continued to walk but then something happened. He was breathing fast and his heart beating faster than ever he thought this was over but then he said to himself, I wish this was a horrible nightmare but I created a horrible monster (Yandere) inside me. I'm so scared, I'm on my own and I got....nowhere to go. He thought as he ran, this monster is a beast inside my head it's a living hell and my mind in paired if this is a nightmare Shifty, Splendid, someone anyone wake me up please. Lifty stopped to catch his breath towards a nearby tree and still feels someone watching him as he whispered,'s not right at all something is wrong. Lifty asked himself, have I been here far too long? Then his skin felt like ice and his vision became a blur. It was like time passed as he watched everybody but him age in front of him and screamed, PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!! SAVE ME FROM MY EVIL SIDE!!!!! Then started running as he repeatedly yelled, I created a horrible monster (Yandere) inside me. I'm so scared, I'm on my own and I got....nowhere to go. He thought as he ran, this monster is a beast inside my head it's a living hell and my mind in paired if this is a nightmare Shifty, Splendid, someone anyone wake me up please. Lifty stopped to see a ledge and found himself looking down as he froze in fear and then fell off the ledge he thought if he could fly he would convince himself this isn't his time to die. But instead of rocketing a lot faster he to the ground and when his body craves to the hard solid ground he was right back where he was before he repeatedly screamed in terror as he cried, I created a horrible monster (Yandere) inside me. I'm so scared, I'm on my own and I got....nowhere to go. He thought as he ran, this monster is a beast inside my head it's a living hell and my mind in paired if this is a nightmare Shifty, Splendid, someone anyone wake me up please.

As Lifty crashed onto the ground again he woke up as he screamed. He found himself in the hospital with a oxygen mask on he looked at his secret boyfriend Splendid who was surprised to see him awake finally he walked towards Lifty and hugged his secret crush who was crying and scared at the same time Lifty whispered, I was so scared I a dark and.....scary woods and I was feeling like someone was oh Splendid it was really scary. Splendid whispered as he placed a kiss on Liftys forehead and hugged him tight.'s okay Lifty Your safe. it's okay please Lifty please don't cry. Then out of nowhere Splendid wiped his tears away and caressed Liftys cheek as he whispered, please remember I will always protect you no matter what. Lifty smiled as he hugged Splendid back.

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