You are my hero, my only hero

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(It's sort of a parody of if the song you are my sunshine)
(Again this is human version)

Lifty was walking towards happy tree park because his brother left him all the way from the robbery again. The younger thief wanted to kill sometime in the park while his brother was doing all the work. All of a sudden he felt someone grabbed his hand he turned to see his old enemy and secret crush Splendid. The bluenette smiled and whispered as he he walked closer to the younger twin, hey there sweetheart did you miss me? Lifty turned away from him and nodded as his cheeks turned into a dark red. Splendid smiled as he blushed and placed both of his hands on each of Liftys shoulder. The bluenette whispered as he massaged his shoulders, I need you to.....come with me for a moment if you please. Lifty didn't hesitated he just nodded as he took his hand and walked with the town hero. The two boys just walked in the park for a moment as they reached a field of red, white, pink, yellow, and blue roses and a beautiful sunset was over the horizon the younger twin was amazed at the beautiful sight. Splendid (who was behind him) held the greenette close to him and said, I knew you would love it Lifty. As Lifty was gazing at the meadow he started to cry as the bluenette started singing;

You are my sunshine My only sunshine

You made me happy when skies are grey

You never know dear how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away.

Lifty cried a little as Splendid finished the song. Splendid comfort him and whispered, hey sweetie why are you crying? Lifty returned the hug and whispered, because that song used to be the one my mother always sang and my brother when.....we were little it had been so long since I heard it. Splendid knew that the twins parents have been killed a long time ago but he always wanted to know Lifty even if he is a thief he still wanted to get to know him. Lifty smiled as the bluenette placed the hand on his cheek they were about to kiss when Splendids twin Splendont interrupted their scene. The red haired boy was disgusted by the sight he was seeing and said as he snorted, hmm this is pathetic you mean to tell me your just ditching our fight for Shiftys younger brother? Splendid gave him a glare and said, it isn't your business Splendont I told you I'm not in the mood to fight. Splendont was not pleased but was amused by his reaction and said as he laughed, sure it is besides I can stick my business anywhere I want and I think your just too scared because I might beat you. Lifty went in the way and said, stop it right now Splendont he said he's not in the mood to fight. The red haired boy came up to him and smacked him in the face and told Lifty, look here you naive little pest this is between me and him this doesn't involve you so why don't you go home and be with your older brother? Splendid yelled, HEY LAY OFF HIM SPLENDONT!!!! Splendont yelled back, WELL YOUR GOING TO HAVE TO MAKE ME!!! Lifty stepped in again and yelled, please Splendont leave Splendid alone now! Splendont was from cold to amused by the younger twins fear Lifty attempted to kick him but Splendont grabbed it as he pulled Lifty closer to him. Lifty was petrified of the red haired boy. Splendont was amused even more and said as he smirked, hehehehe you look like a naive little pest but you have the body of a sexy looking slut. Splendid was getting angry as Lifty was struggling in his grasp Splendont knew this would trigger him. Splendont continued, hmm maybe once I beat the snot out of my twin you and I can have a little fun. With that Splendont was forced to let the younger twin go as Splendid yelled, KEEP YOUR DAM DIRTY HANDS OFF OF HIM SPLENDONT!!!! with that the two fought in front of Lifty who had hidden behind a tree nearby until nightfall an injured Splendid collapsed and a frightened (yet eager to know where Lifty get to) Splendont flew off. The greenette came out of his hiding spot and ran towards him and picked him up and whispered as he began to cry, Splendid?.. Splendid please hold on. The bluenette slowly opened his eyes and whispered, hey it's okay. Lifty there's something I tell you. Before he can confessed Lifty took his hand and sang,

You are my hero my only hero

You always save me when I needed you

You never you dear, how much I see you

My hero I love you so much.

Splendid was amazed that Lifty had sang the song differently but was more amazed to hear him say, Splendid...I love you... the injured bluenette was surprised but whispered as he passed out with a smile, I' hear that Lifty...because I love you too....Lifty cried as he looked at the passed out hero. 3 hours later an ambulance came in and picked up Splendid and took him to the hospital. Lifty was crying as they drove off with him he was so frightened he can't even know or tell that he might make it. But as he was drying his tears and was about to walk off he stopped and was surprised to see the get away van parked right in front of him and the one coming out was none other than Shifty who had a concern yet worried look on his face and said as he took his brothers hand, there you are Lift! What the hell took you so long? I've been looking everywhere for you. Lifty was shocked to hear that his brother was worried about him and asked, looking for me? Shifty answered as he dragged his brother to the van, dude when I successfully did the heist without you I expected you to be mad at me and blame me for leaving you behind again but what I didn't know is that you weren't even home so I went out and looked for you. Lifty whispered still down, I was killing some time and I lost track of it. Shifty still worried said, I realized that bro but lest you forget I get completely worry about you and I have to watch over you.

(At the same moment with Splendid and Lifty)

Shifty was walking with 50% of the goods as he walked in. He expected Lifty to with a stern glare and tapping his foot and blame him for what he did. The fedora greenette said as he opened the door, Lifty listen I know you....huh? Before he finished his sentence he realized his brother wasn't here. Shifty put the bagged goods down on the floor and as he walked towards the getaway van, I'm such an idiot I shouldn't have left him back there. Concern for his brother he said, Grrrr I better go find him before some perverted jerk does. With that Shifty drove off to find Lifty.


Lifty strapped himself in and then rubbed his eyes as he leaned against the seat. Shifty said as he looked at his twin with concern, Lifty you seem unhappy did something happened to you? Lifty was to tired to talk no doubt it been quiet a day now that his new lover is in the hospital the twins drove off as Lifty fell asleep thinking about Splendid. As the drive home went on Shifty let out a gasp as he noticed how swollen Liftys cheek was. As they made it home Shifty undone Liftys seatbelt and carried him inside and sat down on the couch with his slumbering brother on his lap. 5 minutes later Lifty woke up to see his brother (who was more concerned than before). Lifty thought about if Splendid is okay and whispered as Shifty was surprised to see him awake, Shifty I.....I remembered the song that mom....used to sing to us when....we were little.. Shifty gasped. Lifty thought about Splendid even more in the hospital and continued as he started to cry, I was in happy tree park when I....bumped into Splendont and then he smacked me across the face....for bumping into him. Then Lifty thought about Splendid more and more thinking he might be dead as he whispered, Shifty what am I going to do? Then Lifty began to cry as he thought Splendid even if his lover will be able to make it he might be in the hospital for who knows how long. Shifty whispered as he comforted his crying brother,'s ok Lifty. it's okay. Everything's going to be alright Lifty I promise. Lifty calmed down enough to go to sleep and thinking how Splendid will be able make it and made a small smile as Shifty petted his green hair.

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