• 1 - "Greetings!" •

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I've been walking through this forest for what seems like hours...

"..." I silently panted as I stomped through the forest, barely able to handle the weight of my legs.

Water... Would be amazing right now...

"I can't take it... Wait- Is that...?" I mumbled, looking ahead. I spotted an entrance to a clearing.

Maybe there's food?

I ran ahead with a feeling of relief. Once I arrived, I realized that it was a clearing, only lit up by the very small gaps of the leaves between the giant trees that towered above me. "..." I sighed, falling forwards. "I only have a sip of water left, and I wanna save it for later... But... I guess there won't be a 'later'..." I said, drinking the last bit of water that I had left. "Ugh..." I plopped back onto the ground, leaning against a small Boulder. "I should... Get some rest..." I mumbled. My eyelids got heavier by the second, and I eventually gave in to sleep.

"Who's that?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know?!"

"Draco, simmer down."

"Maybe... She's... Lost? The poor girl probably hit her limit."

"Yeah, her water bottle is empty."

"Draco, hands to yourself."


"Ngh..." I slowly opened my eyes, waking up from my nap. "Oh great... You woke her up." I heard an agitated woman's voice. "..." I slowly closed my eyes again.

"You're pretty damn lucky that she was half asleep."

"Yeah, Ur has a point."

"No one asked for your opinion, Nagi."

"No one asked for yours either, Draco."

"I suggest that you two stop bickering before Ur gets mad."

"EVERYONE NEEDS TO SHUT THEIR FACES! I'm gonna need someone to carry her back to my place."

"I'll do it."
"I can do that."

"Alright. Loki, you're gonna carry her."

"Hey, why him?"

"Because two people can't carry one person. And you are nowhere near being qualified to touch a girl, due to your irresponsibility. Hell, I can't even begin to imagine you with a girl."

"You don't have to be THAT mean, Ur."

"Jeez, at least Nagi cares about me."


"...Ngh..." I mumbled, as I slowly began to wake up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Hey." I looked around, and saw a pale-skinned woman with short white hair and purple eyes sitting on a chair next to the bed I was lying in. "Who.. Are you? And where am I?" I asked, looking around the room. I was in a castle of sorts. "I'm Ur, and this is my Castle." She smiled kindly. "How did I get here... And... What's that shouting?" I asked, noticing shouting coming from downstairs. "Haha, don't mind the shouting. The boys are probably arguing again... It's a long story." She laughed, before walking halfway down the spiral stairs. "SHUT UP WOULD YA?!" She shouted, causing the others to quiet down. "Sorry about that, anyways..." She said, walking back over to me. "Me and the others found you in the clearing, so I decided to bring you here so you could get some proper rest." She smiled. My stomach growled. "You're hungry too, huh?" She asked. I nodded. "Oh yeah, what's your name?" She asked. "...Light." I said, smiling slightly. "Huh. That's an interesting name. Alright, I'll get you something to eat." She smiled. "Can you stand?" She asked, taking a step back. "Yeah." I nodded, following her downstairs. "Alright boys, use your manners." Ur stated, as we arrived at the bottom of the staircase. "Guys, this is Light. Treat her nicely or else I'll bash your faces in." Ur said, putting her hands on her hips. "Oh hey, she's up!" There was a boy with short green hair styled like what seemed like a small Mohawk sitting on a velvet red couch, positioned across from a tv that had a videogame on screen. He waved with a cheerful grin. "That's Nagi. He's a good kid." Ur smiled. Sitting next to Nagi was a guy with short, Aqua-green hair that faded into purple, along with bright red eyes. He seemed to be wearing a black sweatshirt with Aqua, purple, and black colored stuffed dragon heads attached to the back. He glanced over at me, then ran over to us with a goofy smile. "Hey, I'm Draco! What's your name?" He waved. "Give her some space... Anyways, this is Draco. He's an irresponsible, hot headed, pain in the ass most of the time, but he's a nice guy." Ur said, as Draco growled at her before walking back over to the couch. "Uh... Where's Loki?" Ur asked, looking around with a raised eyebrow. "He said he was going to make us something to eat. He's probably in the kitchen." Draco yawned, as the two resumed their game. "The kitchen is this way." Ur smiled, as I followed her down a long hallway. "I just met you, and you're going to treat me to dinner?" I laughed. "Why not?" She smiled. "I'm just suspicious, that's all..." I said. "No need to be suspicious. If we had wanted to kill you, we already would've." She said, as we arrived in the kitchen. There was a guy with gray hair at the counter. "Yo." He turned around to face us. He had bright green eyes, and was wearing a grey and white cloak. "Hey. Light, this is Loki. He's the one who helped me carry you here. Not to mention that he's probably the calmest person here." Ur laughed. "It's a pleasure." He smiled kindly. I waved. "You can go sit with the others if you'd like, the food will be done soon." He said, as we both headed back into the living room.

Heya Guys! (=゚ω゚) it's me, Wafflecakes!

I made this book because I wanted to write something different. Usually my stories have an adventure theme.

I wanted to try and write something different for you guys!

^^ let me know what you think in the comments!

Thanks guys! I'll see you all in the next chapter! Bye bye!!~ <3

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