Chapter 36

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As he saw the back of Wei's car disappear, Yunlan ran. Out of the parking lot and on the road but as he had guessed it was already too late to see where Wei had gone.

He exhaled in frustration, turning his head right and left in a futile attempt to see which direction he had taken. Defeated, he went back to Wei's parking lot wondering what he could do.

He walked back to his car without even seeing it, then he turned and entered the building. He reached Wei's apartment. Obviously the door was closed, so he used his skills to break in. He inwardly chuckled, remembering his doctor friend saying that he pictured him on the other side of the law. It almost brought a smile to his face, but not quite.

He got in to a very empty apartment and paced around looking for any clues that might point him in the right direction. Frustrated by any second passing, he cursed and spoke to the air. His voice became more uncertain after each word, due to the deafening silence and the uneasiness it was causing him.

"Anyone here? I need to find Wei, he might be in danger. I need help!"

New silence followed his words.

"Great! I'm talking to myself now."

Did he really try to speak to Wei's ghosts? Maybe he was losing his mind. Wei would probably be angry when he came back and saw that he broke into his house like that, but there was real worry inside him that he couldn't shake off.

After the living-room he checked the bedroom. Finding it empty broke something inside him, something small and unexpected that he hadn't even realised was there. Hope, it was. Hope that Wei might simply be sleeping, that maybe what he saw was not really his car, or that maybe it was but with someone else at the wheel.

He walked into the bathroom next, silently discussing the foolishness of hoping that someone stole Wei's car. He saw a blood vial already full and stared at it.

"You don't give up, huh?" he murmured to himself picking it up. He didn't know how he felt about that, or maybe his heart knew and his mind was just slow in catching up to it.

He walked into the kitchen finding it just as empty, Wei was definitely not here, but he already knew that. Yunlan sighed and looked around but saw no indication of where he might have gone. He opened the fridge with no real reason other than he had already looked everywhere else and was now lost in his own thoughts. He saw another vial stored there. He sighed again, Wei was doing so much for him and he wasn't even able to find him. And he was the police officer...

He took a deep breath thinking rationally of what he was doing. Was Wei really in danger? As far as he knew, he might have gone grocery shopping. There was some food in the fridge but that didn't mean anything. What right did he have to break into his apartment like that?

Shaking his head, he brought a hand to his chest. There was no way he could just wait, he had a feeling that he had to find him, that something might happen to him. He was a rational man but he was also a cop, and he couldn't discard his worries. He had learned that it was better to follow one's instinct than to have regrets later.

What could he do now, he had already tried speaking to Wei's ghost friends but he had no way to know if they were just fantasy or if maybe they weren't here. Maybe they had followed Wei. Yunlan had listened carefully to everything Wei had ever told him about them. Did Wei think he would be in danger and had asked them all to go with him?

Either therapy or a good drink, Yunlan wasn't sure what he needed the most. He never truly believed in them, but he had accepted that there was something he couldn't explain about Wei.

Did it really matter now? Those ghosts were not here anyway, so what use could they be even if they were real?

Suddenly a thought came into his mind. He wanted to reject it, but he was too worried. Wei had been so serious, and it had worked before. They need my energy, Wei had told him. He had Wei's blood right here, would it work? Could he call them? He thought back at yhe first time he was in this apartment and reached a decision. He took both vials in his hands then stood in the centre of the kitchen. He drew a deep breath and then spoke.

"Andrew?" he called. Silence again, but he continued. "I don't know if there's really anyone here, but Wei said that Andrew... that you are always here in the kitchen, so if you really are here, help me find him. I don't know where he is... I need to find him..."

He paused. As much as he tried to tell himself that everything was alright, anxiousness was killing him. Why didn't Wei tell him where he was going?

"If you're really here, find Wei for me and lead me to him. I promise we'll let you cook a whole dinner as soon as he's alright."

He closed his eyes, asking himself for the umpteenth time what the hell was he doing, then he raised the arm with the two vials.

No more than two seconds and he felt something brushing his face. He opened his eyes and saw sprinkles of flour dusting the floor creating a sort of path leading out of the house.

He stared at it with wide eyes. What the... he moved slowly at first, following the path of flour outside the apartment. It stopped suddenly and Yunlan's brow furrowed in confusion. Was he imagining things?

He looked at the elevator, then at the stairs, but the floor was clean, totally flour-free.

"Why would a ghost use stairs?" he murmured chuckling, secretely grateful that nobody could hear him because he guessed he probably sounded crazy at that moment.

He went down using the elevator. He checked the front, then ran to the back entrance, and indeed after a few seconds he managed to detect white stains on the dark ground.

He followed the path of flour, feeling rather silly and remembering a fairytale his mother told him when he was a kid, the story of a little boy leaving crumbs to find his way back home.

Right now he didn't care how silly it would sound if he were to tell anyone. He wanted to find the way back to his man and he would take any help he could get.

He went on foot, fearful that he would lose the trail if he took the car, walking as fast as he could while being careful not to get run over by passing cars.

Damn ghost, couldn't he stick to sidewalks? he thought bitterly keeping his eyes on the road.

Thankfully he was trained and in perfect shape. He was too much of a peacock to let himself go, but right now it was a blessing. He had even cut down the amount of sigarettes and alcohol he submitted his body to, since the night Wei rescued him.

He arrived at the park, his eyes taking everything in, looking for any sign of Wei. He kept following the path of flour until he reached the center. There were lights only along the park paths, but it was enough to detect a standing figure.

He ran forward. He heard Wei's loud cries and saw him shaking, while his jacket moved as if by a strong wind.

He ran as fast as he could. He saw Wei falling down but he was still too far away.

He reached him three seconds after Wei's body had touched the ground. he seemed unconscious: his eyes were closed and he wasn't moving. Yunlan fell on his knees cradling Wei's head in his lap, calling out his name while checking for a pulse.

Wei was alive but didn't respond when he called his name. Yunlan wanted to cry out his worry, to get Wei to wake up, instead he closed his eyes for a couple of seconds to collect himself and think of the best thing to do now.

He had never been one to panic, he was a man of action, so he lifted Wei in his arms and walked towards the road in search of a taxi.

It wasn't the first time he saw Wei unconscious. Wei would be alright, he told himself, everything was going to be alright.

He told the taxi driver his own address, keeping Wei's unconscious body firmly in his arms. Wei was cold, so cold. Yunlan hugged him closer to give him some warmth.

He carried him inside his house and put him gently on the bed, resting his head on the pillow. With the lights on, he could study his face now.

He saw Wei's eyes moving beyond the closed eyelids and wondered what he was dreaming about. Whatever it was, it registered as a good sign in Yunlan's mind. Wei was just sleeping and dreaming, nothing to worry about. He repeated those words in his head to reassure himself, but he couldn't help the fear that invaded him thinking back of when he saw him fainting. It was the first time that he heard him cry out that way, and it worried him.

He covered him with a soft, warm duvet and moved away to let him sleep, not knowing what else he could do. He wondered once again what was Wei dreaming about. He opened the door and got out. He was about to close it but stopped for a second when he heard Wei murmur something.


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