Chapter 35

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Yunlan took Wei home. The ride was silent but not uncomfortable, and every time Yunlan stole a glance in his direction, he saw that Wei was smiling at him. Every single time. He wondered if his heart would be able to take it.

He drove to the parking lot and stopped the car.

"Remember to take a leave from work. Starting tomorrow, I want you to follow this case with me."

Wei's face turned serious. "We'll find a way. Don't worry, I hate to think of you in danger."

"That's my job, you know."

Yunlan meant to say that as a cop there would always be a certain degree of danger involved, but it didn't seem to calm Wei. On the contrary, there was now a sad smile and a frown on his face. Yunlan didn't like it, so he leaned down and planted a kiss on his lips.

Wei immediately grabbed him by the arm to pull him closer and the kiss got longer, but there was a need in it that wasn't there before.

"Ehi, you'll see me again, you know," Yunlan joked, but somewhere in him, something felt weird.

"I have something to do tonight. Can I see you tomorrow?" Wei asked.

"Actually you must. I told you, I want you to work with me on this."

"Right." Wei had a small, weak smile on his face and he pecked him on the lips once more before getting out of the car.

"See you tomorrow, then." Wei waved at him while Yunlan watched him disappear through the building's back entrance.

There was nothing for him to do here, at this point. Yunlan knew he should just go, he also wanted to stop at the station to check if there was anything new - knowing perfectly well that if that was the case, someone would have called to inform him.

It was his duty to go back anyway, and yet he stayed still. Something was bothering him but he wasn't sure what it was. Wei had seemed sincere when he said that he was busy tonight, but he also seemed... secretive.

Yunlan frowned when that word popped into his mind. Was Wei hiding something? What did he want to do?

He pondered on the matter for a while, replaying their last minutes together, searching his brain for any clue as to what was troubling him so much.

The kiss was one thing. That sad smile was another. Why did Wei look sad? Had Yunlan done something wrong? Everything seemed to be going well between them, Yunlan had even opened up to him, had talked about his feelings. He still felt a bit uneasy about that, but he didn't regret it.

He analysed everything that had happened. Unlike himself, Wei showed his emotions in his smile and his eyes. No, Yunlan felt sure that Wei had enjoyed their time together as much as he did. Even if his own face was harder to read, Yunlan felt confident that his feelings had clearly transpired while they had sex that afternoon, and in the car Wei had been smiling.

It had to be something else. Wei's expression had changed after he had mentioned the case again. Maybe he shouldn't have talked about work so soon? But he had to, it was important, and Wei knew it too.

He thought of their last kiss. Was Wei worried about him? That seemed plausible, but didn't explain the sudden sadness. He had been in danger before, what had changed?

He would always be in danger, it was part of his job, but he had to admit that this time around he was very much like a fish out of water. He needed Wei's help to solve this. Would Wei think that he was just trying to use him?

Yunlan discarded that thought at once, it didn't feel right. Wei didn't strike him as the easily offended type. He gave out an aura of seriousness, he was much more like it to take it way too far. After all, a lot depended on Wei's help. The only progress so far had been related to Wei one way or another.

Wei was probably taking that responsibility very seriously. Was he frightened that he might not be able yo help? Overwhelmed by such a burden? Or trying to find a solution by himself?

Yunlan didn't really know much about him, other than he had basically lived alone for a long time, sharing himself with his ghost friends alone. Yunlan felt a shiver at that thought. Did Wei really see them? Talk to them? It was all so weird, but that was how Wei had lived his life. Yunlan wondered if right now Wei was home talking by himself about the case and the best way to go about it.
What was Wei planning to do?

Yunlan was now walking around his car, slow steps to accompany his methodic thoughts, when a sudden noise startled him. He turned to the direction of the noise and saw the back of Wei's car disappearing from view.

Yunlan cursed out loud. He hadn't been ready enough, there was very little chance now of following him. Maybe he didn't have to worry, Wei could be doing something personal, completely unrelated to their case, but Yunlan had a hunch that he was about to do something stupid.

He was getting worried, he had to make sure that Wei was alright, but how? What could Yunlan do now?


Wei had entered his apartment with his heart and mind full of the day's events.

He revelled in knowing that his feelings were requited, and that day had been a rollercoaster of emotions. He hadn't expected Yunlan to say those words, and the truth behind them showed in what they did later.

Yunlan had spent a long time eagerly caressing every inch of him, much like Wei had done the second time they slept together. There was emotion in that touch, and Wei had felt it. It had been wonderful.

He knew he should be happy about what had happened that afternoon, and a part of him certainly was, but the more time he spent with Yunlan, the more he felt himself falling for him.

The more he cared, the more he felt worried that something bad might happen.

The more he worried, the more he felt the need to protect him, because he was the only one who could do it.

Shadows couldn't be stopped with normal police procedure. He could give him another pendant, sure, but when would it end? That wasn't enough. Wei had to do something. Being the only one able to see them or understand what was really happening made him feel responsible, as if it was all up to him to make it stop, as if anything that might happen next was on him. There was nobody else to blame, if Yunlan or anyone else got seriously injured it would all be on him unless he acted first.

"But what can I do?" he loudly complained.

"Yes, Takeo, I know you're ready to fight for a good cause, you always are, but I don't see how we can win this time."
He sagged down into a chair, burying his face in his hands.

"I'm not a superhero! I can only play with numbers and talk to you, and I don't even know how I can do that!"
He was almost crying now, feeling an overwhelming weight over his shoulders - and his heart.

People had been hurt already. Next time someone might actually die. What would he feel then? It might even be Yunlan...

He couldn't let that happen, any plan was better than no plan at all at this point, he couldn't wait any longer.
He sprang to his feet. "Right, if my only power is being able to talk to you - no offence there, I love you all - then I can try talk to them too. I can do it. They'll listen to me and stop this madness. Of course. I must do it as soon as possible."

He said those words pacing around the apartment. Now he took his car keys and hastily put his jacket back on.

"Of course you can come with me, all of you. You know I always want you with me, although when I work it can be too distracting..."

He paused, apparently staring at his empty living-room, actually listening to his friends reminding him of other occasions when he refused their presence. Too bad Yunlan wasn't there to see the red spreading over Wei's cheeks, he would have found it incredibly cute.

"That is... different, you must stay out of my bedroom, I've told you many times during our years together. It hasn't changed. That room is... personal. Private."

It was absurd to blush in front of his ghost friends. Being no more than bits of souls without a body, they didn't understand sexual feelings or desires anymore. Still, he was grateful that they would obey and stay out of it. He didn't want to see anyone else other than Yunlan when he was in there. He had had enough embarrassing moments in his life. It had not been easy as a young man to have a private moment with himself only to finish and open his eyes to the sight of his friends right in front of him.

He shook his head to lock that though in the most secluded part of his brain where it couldn't do damage to his mental health. He straightened his shoulders and walked to the door. There was no time to lose.
"Come on, you can all come with me, we are going out."

He didn't look back, knowing that they would follow him faithfully.
He reached his car and started it without a clear idea of where he wanted to go. Probably an open space, where he could try to expand his energy and attract the Shadows to him.

Since he didn't have a better idea, he drove towards the park, and walked to the centre of it. He couldn't see any presence around.

"Now what?" he murmured to himself, but nobody could give him an easy answer so he just opened his arms wide and closed his eyes. He took deep breaths and focused on trying to gather all his energy and let it flow through him.

The park was either already closed or it would be very soon. He wasn't sure of the hour, but it didn't matter. Luckily for him, there was nobody around. The days were getting shorter and it would soon be dark. Everyone had probably gone home already. Seeing that he was alone, he spoke without fear of attracting human attention.

"Can you feel it? Come talk to me. Stop what you're doing, leave people alone and talk to me."

For the first time in his life he felt suddenly incredibly silly. What was he doing? Did he really think that the Shadows would listen to him?

Opening his eyes, that he had closed again to better concentrate on his energy, he saw Shadows appearing all around and a sense of panic threatened to overcome him.

He fought to be strong, it was too late to change his mind.
"Stop hurting people, you can talk to me," he tried again. The Shadows drew closer and closer and he swallowed his anxiety.

"I can help you, we can work this out togeth..."

His words got broken when all the Shadows around him, sensing that his energy was more powerful than that of other humans, shot into him all at once.

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