Chapter 14: Encountering An Old Evil

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Monday, probably the worst day out the entire week, in Kris' and every other kid's minds anyway. But this was probably more worse because of how Kris would have to leave Ralsei all by himself, and after his nightmare, he wasn't so sure about leaving him all by his lonesome, but he's missed school enough already...In Toriel's eyes anyway.

As Kris and Ralsei walked into the living room, Kris sighed and headed for the door, putting his bangs over his eyes again.

"Kris? Where are you going?" Ralsei asked.

Kris turned to him. "It's that week where I'm gonna be gone for the rest of the day because of school, and since you're not enrolled in any school, you may have to stay here for a while by yourself..." Kris said. "And believe me, that's the last thing I wanna do."

"Oh, I see...Well, I should be ok! I was alone for longer than a day after all!" Ralsei said, smiling to make Kris feel a little better.

"Are you sure you'll be ok? Cause I think I can somehow find a way-"

"Kris," Ralsei's eyes had become very reassuring and calm, and were staring right at Kris. "I'll be ok. I promise."

Kris sighed and then smiled. "It's amazing on how you're able to cheer me up so quickly."

Ralsei giggled and smiled. "Call it one of my spells I guess!"

The human walked over and kissed Ralsei's forehead. "Cya soon, Ral."

"Yup, cya soon." Ralsei replied as he watched Kris leave and then sat on the couch, grabbing a book.

Kris was walking to school this time because Toriel had to get there early for a meeting. He hummed a small tune as he walked, but suddenly there was screaming off in the distance and it was getting louder and louder.

He turned and then immediately jumped out of the way when he saw what was coming towards him. 

Susie, Noelle, and Lancer were tossed onto the sidewalk, covered in wounds and bloody scars.

"Guys?!?!" Kris cried, running over to them. "What the hell happened?!?!"

Susie groaned, and then turned to Kris. "....R...Run...." She muttered before becoming unconscious.

"Run? Run from what-"

Then, some kind of spade missile had been stabbed into the ground and out of nowhere, almost hitting Kris.

"Oh no..." Kris said as he looked up and saw The King Of Spades, smiling wickedly.

"Well, well...If it isn't the leader of the heroes of this world." Spade snarled.

Kris growled and clenched his fist. "How the hell did you get free?"

"Same way that foolish prince did..." Spade laughed.

Kris' eyes glowed a blazing red. "Normally, I wouldn't wanna fight...But it looks like you give me no choice."

The human quickly took out his silver switch blade and attacked Spade, stabbing him in the arm, ripping the switch blade out and then stabbing him again.

Spade roared, and then swatted Kris away, causing him to slid. The King laughed and threw his spear like spade at Kris, doing it over and over again until he hit him.

Kris grunted and dodged all the attacks that Spade had thrown at him and then punched him in the jaw, and The King stumbled backwards. Kris did it again and again, and then slammed his knee into Spade's stomach, making him groan loudly in pain.

Spade covered his stomach, but grabbed Kris by the neck. "YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!!!!"

Kris smirked and then shoved the switch blade into his wounded arm, causing him to scream in pain and fall to his knees, dropping Kris. The human landed on his feet and then got ready for Spade to get back up again.

Spade roared like an animal and then fired multiple spade attacks from the air, hitting Kris and creating cuts and bloody wounds all over Kris' body, causing his HP to be lowered to 45.

Kris fell to the ground, letting out a weakened groan. "Y-You...Ugh...I'll get you..f-for..."

Spade laughed and then tied him in a spade chain. "I don't think you will, for without your team, you are nothing."

Kris groaned, but quickly got to his feet and wrapped his hands around Spade's throat, punching him in the face and knocking him right out. His knuckles were bruised and so was the rest of his body, and then fell to his knees. 

"Damn, this is hard without my sword or my armor. Looks like no one bothered to heal him completely." Kris groaned. "Agh, I don't think I can get up..."

Then, suddenly Kris was grabbed by a red chain and then pulled against the ground and then at the feet of black armored boots.

Kris looked up and then saw The Knight, the visor of his helmet glowing red.

"Hello, Kris...I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting each other face to face."

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