Chapter 15: The Day Of Darkness

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'That voice...' Kris thought, his rage and eyes suddenly blazing like a forest fire.

The Knight grabbed Kris by his shirt and then lifted him to his face. "What's the matter, Kris? Quiet already?"

Kris growled, The Knight's voice just filled him that familiar urge to stab him until his armor was bloody. "...Shut up..." He muttered.

The Knight laughed. "What was that?"

"STOP TALKING!!!!!" Kris screamed, slamming his fist into The Knight's face, doing it over and over again.

The Knight stumbled backwards over and over again, but he did not drop Kris. Then, his visor glowed red and he punched Kris onto the ground, lowering his HP to 20.

"Huh, I expected more from a man I tried to make my slave, but this fight is more disappointing...I may as well just ignore my original plan and go to Plan B." The Knight said as he pulled out his trident and then raised it in the air, ready to stab Kris in the chest. "Do not worry about your death, human. You'll just save and I'll kill you and over and over again. Your prince on the other hand...He'll die like his family."

Kris tried to get up, but he was far too weak, his body was covered in bloody cuts and scars, and his bones ached. And if he did try to fight, he'd die instantly...But, how did he know about his SAVEs? No one knew about them except him!

"Goodbye, Kris." The Knight snarled. He lifted his trident higher into the air and as he was about to stab it into Kris' chest until suddenly Kris rolled out of the way, and his HP was once again 90/90.

Kris turned around and then saw Ralsei behind him, he must've healed him. "Ralsei?! What are you doing here?!"

Ralsei did not respond, he only looked at The Knight with pure rage in his eyes, like he wanted to tear him apart, and then he summoned his magic, the energy emerging from his paws.

The Knight just smiled and then stabbed his trident into the ground, wanting Ralsei to attack.

"Well? What are you waiting for, Prince Of Darkness? Don't you want your revenge?" The Knight asked, crossing his arms.

Ralsei practically roared and then his magic turned a neon green and he attacked The Knight by blasting his magic at The Knight. The Knight took out his sword and slashed both of the blasts in half, and then slashed Ralsei in the chest, and slammed his knee into his chin, instantly knocking him onto the ground.

"RALSEI!!!" Kris cried, growling at The Knight and slashing him with his switch blade, sending him to his knees. As he was about to plunge the blade into The Knight's chest, The Knight slashed his sword at him, and then out came a slash of darkness, hitting Kris and sending him tumbling onto the road.

The Knight laughed, but was then suddenly punched in the chest rapidly and then blasted with the neon green flame Ralsei had earlier. The Knight slid and then laughed, pulling out his trident. "Remember this? The weapon that I took when your father groveled at my feet?"

Ralsei growled. "Just keep talking..." He fired another flame at The Knight, but it was deflected by The Knight's trident and sword.

The Knight ran over and then slashed Ralsei rapidly, creating bloody scars all over his clothes and body, sending him to the ground, covering his wounds in dirt. The Knight summoned one of his diamond attacks and was about to fire it at Ralsei, killing him off until Kris ran in and took the hit, falling to his knees and then immediately being kicked in the face and sent to the ground.

The Knight growled and slashed Kris' leg, lowering his HP to a critical level. "You have a foolish sentimentality, and it won't help this battle, nor will it stop The Day Of Darkness"

Kris looked up at him, getting to his knees. "W...What the hell....are y-you..."

"Who do you think created The Second Dark Fountain? I am the being that pulls darkness from our Earth and am the being who knows the truth about both worlds...The Day Of Darkness is inevitable."

Then, the ground began to shake and the sky went dark and a storm almost immediately began to rage, thunder roaring. Then, rain came pouring down onto them.

"As much as I'd love to slay you now, I know you will come to fight me, so I will see you all very soon." The Knight laughed as he slammed his trident against the ground and he and Spade teleported away.

Kris groaned in pain, but he grabbed Ralsei and tried to get him next to the others so h could take them to the hospital, but then he felt his body become weak, and he fell to his knees, letting the rain pour down on him.

"K...Kris?" Ralsei muttered.

Kris looked down on Ralsei and saw him in pain and went closer. "Ralsei...I'm...."

"Don't be s-sorry...It's my fault..."

"N-No...It's not, Ral. I'll get you to the hospital."

Ralsei shook his head and casted Dual Heal on Kris, Susie, Noelle, and Lancer. He tried not to pass out and heal himself, but Kris just scooped him up in his arms and ran him to the hospital. 

Susie tried to figure out what happened, but she signaled her team to follow Kris, wherever he was going.

"Come on, let's go!" Susie cried, running after Kris.

Lancer nodded and then signaled Noelle to follow him, which she did.

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