Chapter 16: Preparations

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They all waited for a report on Ralsei, who was too weak to cast his spell on himself.

Kris began to pace, worried about Ralsei's life. And if there was some form of a bright side, Susie or Noelle would try to side with that bright side, but there wasn't one now.

Finally, the doctor came out, letting out a sigh of relief. "Thankfully, he's going to be alright. But you're lucky you all came when you did, this storm is pretty bad."

"Yeah." Susie said, trying not to sound like she knew what was going on.

"Can...Can I see him?" Kris asked.

The doctor nodded. "You and the other ones seem to be the only ones he wants with him now."

They all followed the doctor to Ralsei's room and Kris speed walked over when he saw Ralsei, lying down on a bed, letting his wounds heal.

He turned his head. "Kris? Guys?"

Kris smiled, but just a little bit. "Yeah, it's us. How are you feeling, Ral?"

"Weak." He sighed. "And I can't use my magic because of that."

"That's ok. You need to rest." The human reassured.

Susie nodded. "We'll bring this armored asshole a few hits from ya, ok?"

"I-In this storm?" Noelle asked.

Lancer grunted. "The Knight must be stopped, storm or not. And the longer we stay here, the longer this storm stays and destroys both our worlds."

"Lancer..." Susie said, a bit surprised, this wasn't like him.

"B-But, how are we gonna make it to The Dark World? There's no portal." Noelle said.

Kris was more focused on Ralsei than this, but if he wanted a happily ever after with his family and friends, he was gonna have to come up with a plan. "Well, there's bound to be more than one entrance, we just have to find it."

"I might know where one is." Lancer spoke up. "But, we'll need some gear to prepare ourselves, there should be some in my castle though."

Susie smirked. "So, we got a plan, and now let's put it into action." She said, cracking her neck.

Noelle nodded, even though she's never fought a huge enemy or any enemy before in her life except for yesterday, she was ready.

Kris sighed, and took out the helmet he put in his backpack, just in case they would go to The Dark World again, and clenched it. "Then, let's go."

Ralsei smiled a tiny bit, the prophecy really was true...But, he needed to be with them if they wanted a chance....He just had to hope he could heal quickly.

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