Thanks, I Hate It

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Me: You know, it would sure be frustrating if I had to change the numbers for Firestarter/Firelight

Stranger Things, after I've written a season and almost finished a second:

The first I found on Tumblr, the second I actually went to the IMDB to confirm. Do I think it's weird that it's ONLY a stunt "double", with no actual actor? Yes...but also it's one episode, likely only one scene, so I can see it.

Also I was a clown making characters with limited amount of slots in a show that is

1. Still happening

2. Likely to show more of said limited slots

So honestly I can't blame them for fleshing out their own world. Am I annoyed they apparently told the comic people they could use ALL OF THE OTHER NUMBERS BUT ONE, but then didn't use the one number they reserved? Yes.

But that's on me. Sigh. Alas I'm likely to have finished season 2 and 3 by the time season 4 comes out.

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