chapter 15

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Oookay firstly i diden't know that the flight was in 2 days so here's a chapter

Today was a friday so Mini was heading to school listining to 'Don't' By Ed Sheeren when he got to school literly a group of girls where around someone Mini went over there only to see Bryce with Aurora (Aka The girl who bullied Mini) Aurora was cuddled up to Bryce

"Uhm...." Mini looked at Bryce but his friend only looked at the floor

"Aawh whats wrong baby?~" Aurora asked wich made Mini get something clicked in he never felt before

"Dont fuck with my love" Mini said but the 'My' Sounded like 'His' Wich made Bryce look up and Aurora give a death stare

"Oh looks like someone's jelly" Aurora said

"Should i get...?" Bryce nodded and Mini quickly rushed off

Finally he saw Ohm Mini ran to him out of breath

"Huh Mini whats wrong?" Ohm asked

"Bryce..... Girls..... Lies" Mini forced out and grabbed Ohm's hand dragging him to Bryce

"Ohm!" Bryce said and forced himself out if the group to go and hug him

"Baby!!! What are you doing?" Aurora asked and went out of the group

Ohm held Bryce close to him "Who do you think you are?" (Running down leaving scar's! Collecting your jar of hearts)

"Well you silly i'm his girlfriend right babe?" She asked

Bryce shook his head multipul times and burried his face in Ohm's chest

"For your sake i'm his Boyfriend" Ohm said and gave a very painfull death stare

"What?! No! Bryce said yes to if he wanted me to be his girlfriend!" She screeched

"I highly dought he would want a crazy bitch like you" Mini said with disgust

Aurora looked at Mini and smiled "Oh right~" She hummed

Then all of the girls and Aurora fled

"Thanks for the warning Mini" Ohn thanked

"It was no problem" He assured and headed off to class

Later that day~

Mini was in his last class and the bell rang he got up and packed his things and headed out of course he stopped at a tree to sit down and draw a bit

"Oh here you are!" A familiar voice said

Mini looked up to see Aurora "What do you want?" He asked

"Well silly i am your girlfriend right?" She asked with a smile

"What?! No fuck off" Mini said and quickly packed his things ready to leave

He stood up and started walking away but Aurora grabbed his arm and janked him back

"But silly you have no choice" Her voice was demonic

Mini broke free from her grip and started running

"COME BACK HERE!!!!" She yelled and ran after him but Mini was faster

Mini quickly ran into the forest and did short cuts while he was looking behind him he dumped into someones back and he fell on his butt he was breathing heavily

"Huh? Mini! What are you doing here?!" Mini looked up to see Tyler

Mini catched his breath "Aurora tried to make me her boyfriend and so i said no but she said in a demonic ass voice 'But silly you have no choice' Wich freaked me out so i ran and i ended up here" Mini said and Tyler helped him up

"Tyler whats the hold up?" Lui asked and walked into view of Mini

"Oh yeah Mini dumped into me while running away from Aurora" Tyler explained while Mini dizzly looked at Lui

"Huh ok then he can come with us it'll be safer" Lui said and walked off

"Ok then" Tyler said and started walking Mini followed but miss stepped alot of times

Tyler noticed and put an arm arouns Mini's waist to keep him still both of them blushed and headed out of the forest

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