chapter 16

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Today was.... Well Mini diden't know so he checked his phone to see it was 6am and it was friday then something hit Mini's mind and he facepalmed he quickly got out of bed took a shower git dressed into a grey t-shirt with a blue hoodie and black jeans after that he quickly got his phone and his backpack putting on 'Don't' By Ed Sheeran and running out and too school

"I'm not late! Well i'm a few minutes early" Mini said

Today was a very special day today they just got to sing all day and dance and make plans for the next weeks show well.... Kinda a contest but he diden't see it as one

"Oh so i'm not the only one early" A voice made Mini jump

He turned around and took off his headphones "Oh hey Bryce" Mini gretted

"Hey so what are you going to do?" Bryce asked and Mini shrugged

"Maybe we could so something?" Mini asked hopefull

"Sorry but i'm already with the guys" Bryce replyed

"O-Oh okay it's fine it's totally fine" Mini tried to hide his sadness

"Maybe me and the guys couls get you a role well we dont really know what to do" Bryce said smiling

"Yeah sure!" Mini said excited

"So you have an idea what you could have done?" Bryce asked

"Yeah i could have sang 'Dont' By Ed Sheeran" Mini explained his plan if he diden't find anyone to do something with

"Oh well do you have any idea what we could do?" Bryce asked again

"Hold up you dont know if i can be in your group" Mini said

"Fair enough but they're here" Bryce said and pointed behind him

"Oh..." Mini said and looked behind Bryce and they where there talking

Bryce grabbed Mini's hand and dragged him too them (Authors note: The guys are Evan, Del, Bryce, Tyler, Ohm, Cartoonz and Marcel) "Hey guys Mini was wondering if he could join us" Bryce said and Mini stayed quiet

"If he has a plan" Luke said tiredly

"I do actully have a few ideas" Mini quietly said

"And what are those idea's?" Ohm asked

"Well we could do Bang Bang Switching vocals it's a three things and the others could do some corograthy the second idea is that we do Despacito or Gonna Go Far, Kid with just dancing and stuff and my last idea is..." Mini quietly mumbled the last idea

"What was that?" Vanoss asked

"I said that maybe we could do some roleplay or costplay to a rap but thats a dumm idea isin't it?" Mini looked down on the floor

"What's the rap called?" Marcel asked

"Well it's off a fearly new game called Little Nightmare's and the rap is called Little Nightmare's Hungry and we could play like 3 or 2 Six's and someone could play the Janitor, the two Chefs and The Lady" Mini explained and looked up only to be meet with confused faces

"What the fuck did you just say?!" Evan asked confused as fuck

"I'll explain later" Mini said

"I am fine with that because the other songs would be hell to do" Marcel said

"I agree" The others said and Mini air fist pumped

"Yes!" Mini said happily

Quick ass chapter guys

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