chapter 17

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"So what now?" Delirious asked after a 'Lunch' Break aka a huge meal with burgers

"Dunno Mini has to come up with a corgrathy" Bryce said drinking from his water (*Cough* Maybebloodidontknow ;3*Cough*)

"Maybe--" Evan got cut off by a groan and a slam

"Ow" Mini said holding his forehead "Why did i do that?"

"Uhm. . . No plan...?" Ohm asked a bit hesitant

"What does it look like?!" Mini aske and slumbed down onto the table with his arms around his head making his vision turn black

Tyler felt a sting in his chest like seeing his Mini like this-- 'WAIT WHAT!? Tyler what are you thinking?! Ugh!' Tyler sighed and changed seats next to him "Hey maybe we dont have to dance to it we could maybe just do a roleplay thingy?" Tyler suggested wich made Mini look up

"Maybe but it would be hard because he game has multipul chapters" Mini said looking at his drawing's of the charaters wich they'll be playing

They disided that Mini would be The Lady Tyle, Marcel and Evan would be three Six's Bryce would put up all the things they need and Cartoonz and Del would be the twin Chefs and Ohm the Janitor wich fit purrfectly ((I FORGIT HIM!))

"Yeah i know but we can do it!" Tyler said like a motivator

"I dont know Ty Ty it'll be hard because the last level is The Lady getting defeated by a mirror wich'll be hard to do" Mini keept giving up

"Maybe we can cut the chapters short so it would fit to the song?" Tyler asked and patted Mini's head

Mini blushed and nodded "Thats... A great idea Tyler thanks for the help"

Tyler smiled and blushed aswell "Your welcome pri-- I-i mean Mini heh yeah Mini"

Tyler quickly fled to the other table back to his friends


After Mini finished how it would go everyone went off to get matirials for they're costume Mini was the only one who already had his costume ready he had to be tall so Bryce gave him high heels wich made him like 10ft. Taller wich is amazing cuss it can change levels

"Ok i'm back the other two fuckers are still looking for a fit" Tyler said scaring the living shit out of Mini

"Tyler you scared me!" Mini whined like a kid and put a hand over his heart

"Oh i'm sorry!" Tyler apoligized

"It's fine just dont do that!" Tyler went over to Mini and kissed his forehead and put his to Mini's

"I wont i promise" Mini blushed and so did Tyler

"Oh uhm... I think this was awkward enough to break a mirror" Mini joked after Tyler stepped away

"Haha yeah and the mirror would be like 'Oh no!! Two people who are not gay are cute heeelp!' Tyler played along and Mini laughed

"Amazing!" Mini said dying of laughter

After a few minutes of talking and stuff the others came back and got they're costumes done but for someone evil as Chara to do something horrible inturpupted wich will be in the next chapter "Bye reader!" Mini waved bye

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