info! About Mini!

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So this is Mini's background story so here i go!
Craig Thompson was born in the small town of Flowercrown(Fake place) It was at it's name it had the most beautifull flowers in all world there where rainbow roses grey, purpel all the colors we know so Craig was born there well as he knows he was adopted by the Kiszl family a family where they treated him badly but he had a sister named Hanna she was like a twin to Mini brown hair green almost hazel eyes she was kind nice quiet a perfect match of Mini and like Mini Hanna had powers she already knew how to hide them so she thought Mini aswell they're family miss treated, abused and raped them alot of times but only Mini his sister was the gold and Mini was the coal after this went on for like a few years maybe 6 they're parents where killed and they ran and took shelter in the forest where Hanna thought Mini the normal things on how to survive but after that she disapeared so Mini was alone he moved in the city of Lemuria where he meet Bryce his best friend and then Roommate after Mini got on his feet he moved out and moved into the town he lives in now but before that he moved all around getting no friends because everyone picked on him for being diffrent but he never thought of it he got it from his sister he was always nice kind and a warm hearted person and always been that until he meet the crew wich where his story began again...
Hole you liked it took a bit!

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