chapter five- Playing with magic

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Tyler's pov

It's the weekend so we can talk to him today's satureday and we headed to him we where walking talking and laughing as we got closer we heard music from in his house we saw him through his living room window he was holding a rose a rainbow rose i stopped when i noticed "Yo Ty you okay?" Lui asked me i just nodded and we walked over the street knocking on his door.... Nothing. I rang the door bell waiting.

Craig's pov

I heard the door bell ring i put my rose down my family always grew standing up not even caring about the music i walked to the door opening it and just spat out when i saw who it was "What do you want?" Tyler took a glance behind his shoulder and i could feel my eyes something funny this diden't happen before but it was the same feeling like by my hair 'CRAP!!!!' I thought as Tyler looked back i just stared at him "We want to talk" I took a minute and nodded "Make yourself at home untill you can be here" I moved away and headed back to the living room not giving any fucks i just lay down with my feet over the back and letting my head off the couches body with the music still on they walked over and sat where free space was "Um... Where are your parents?" Tyler asked and i felt myself not breath i quickly regained that and answered "They abandont me a long time ago..." The answer was followed by silence nothing but silence i heard wisperes but i diden't care i saw Ty pick up the rose and egsamin it "We always grow that" I said took out a picture wich was hiden under the couch "Here's the picture of before" (Picture up top) "Wow" Tyler maniged to say amazed

(Quick chapter!!)

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