chapter six- Finally friends

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Craig's pov

The song was at the end i was on my phone looking through my nightcore when i saw one thing i diden't notice before it was a nightcore of Sucker For Pain X Pacify Her i got intrestid and pressed it, it was wierd sounding but i liked it the music was low so only i can hear it i got pretty lost so i diden't notice the others getting out thier Phone's i got a notification from someone called I AM WILDCAT he commented on my vid the comment said "Wow how can you do that?!" I smiled and repleyed "I teached myself my parents worent really there for me so i'm used to doing things alone" I just felt good right now someone complimented me "Hey you guys o found a cool YouTuber called Mini Ladd" I heard Tyler say i sat up not caring about my feet "Mini ladd?" I asked a bit suprised he nodded and showed me my vid "He's cool" I just facepalmed "The one vid where i diden't say shit is the one you found" I said to myself and laughed "Wait what?" He looked at me with a wierd look i just stock my toungue out and the others laughed.... I finally have friends

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