Cuddle Me To Protect Me

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This is a rewrite of an old oneshot in my old drabbles book. This is for FatYoshi5 ❤️❤️


Fate was sleeping alone on a very uncomfortable, rock-hard couch. Their back ached as they rolled over the side, their spine screaming in agony. He ignored the temptation to go back to the comfy bed as he didn't want to bother Nacht with his problems. 

Fate sighed as they stared up at the ceiling littered with glow in the dark stars that Nacht had placed up. The thought of Nacht softly painted a smile on their thin lips as it was a distraction from their worries of falling asleep. 

The clock ticked and ticked and ticked. Minutes felt like long-lasting hours as Fate picked up their phone, the light lighting up their face and their amber eyes squinting.

".... Fuck..." They murmured to themselves, throwing their phone onto the soft carpet and rubbing their eyes. "Why now?" 

They hadn't had an insomniac incident for the past week, and here it was, its sharp claws refusing to let Fate drift off. They grabbed a couch pillow and placed it to support their back. They felt bad if they kept Nacht up as he tended to get cranky when waking up early, and they had to wake up and travel up North in the morning. 

You're strong. 

You're strong. 

Fate told himself multiple times, his eyelids closing; however, they would only snap open and refuse to stay closed. 

"Why can't..." Fate murmured to himself. His ears heard a soft groan on the floorboards and ducked towards the couch, trying to give off the allusion that he was sleeping. However, it seemed like the taller male's motives were somewhere else. 

"Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate~ ! " whined their lover, Nacht. He whipped his tired eyes and stood there like a child. "Why did you move to the couch when I fell asleep watching Saw 7?" He trotted towards the couch. When he finally reached the couch, he leaned over and hugged Fate intensely as the shorter male-only patted his shoulder, resting his chin on the male's arm. 

"Thought you wanted to hog the bed-? " Fate asked, and Nacht's grip tightened around Fate. Fate only stood up and watched the young man nuzzle his way into their oversized sweatshirt. 

" You didn't stay with me... and... I wasn't hogging the bed. I was... Scared — " Nacht blushed darkly in embarrassment and hid his face deeper into Fate's sweatshirt. Fate knew that a conversation about their insomnia would enter at some point, and Fate only shagged his hair, chuckling. 

"It's okay, you big softie." Fate kissed the male's pale cheek softly, hearing the soft breathing of their lover fluttered their heart as they departed away from his cheek. "Back to bed." 

"You're staying with me this time!" Nacht huffed, crossing his arms as Fate only placed a hand softly on his shoulder. "I'm not going if you're not staying!" 

"Got it," Fate whispered softly. "I'll stay this time." 

"Good because you're not a burden when you're insomnia kicks in! I wanna make sure you're okay too!" Nacht whined as Fate began to step softly towards the bedroom, directing the male towards the soft room. Fate felt the hand of Nacht gently grip their pointer finger, his eyes hiding underneath his eyelids. 

Fate gently sat down on the bed as Nacht fell forward, plopping himself down next to Fate and giving a small giggle. Fate dug underneath the blankets on their bed and found a petite gray penguin and handed it to Nacht, who joined him under the space comforter. 

"Here," Fate smiled softly, handing Nacht the comfort penguin he always cuddled at night. 

"Thank you," he squeaked, hugging the stuffed animal to his chest tightly. He began to paw at the bed, digging through pastel red blankets and a Minecraft sheep blanket. Until finally, he pulled up a small fox that they married to the soft penguin. A Jack Skellington plush leaned against the bedstand while Fate scootched closer towards their lover. The glow in the dark stars glistened above them as Nacht cuddled into Fate's chest, finding warmth and safety. 

"I knew you didn't want me worrying," Nacht mumbled tiredly, his words hard to make out. "Despite your efforts, I always worry about you." 

Fate didn't say anything right away as Nacht placed the small penguin up to their cheek, the soft beak pressing into their cheek. "Yeah! There's nothing you can do to stop Papa from worrying..." Nacht squeaked out, voicing his small penguin and giving a tired smile. 

Fate softly took the penguin from the male, who eagerly let go and kissed the penguin's forehead. Fate hummed softly as his boyfriend adjusted his head to lay on Fate's shoulder. 

"You're not upset... are you?" Fate handed the toy back to Nacht, who snuggled the penguin with love as he whispered his question. Fate kissed Nacht's forehead softly and glanced at the clock on the wall, the digits reading 12:45 am. 

"Nono, not at all. Why would I be upset?" 

"I dunno..." Nacht whispered as a small yawn escaped his rosy lips. "You just seem sad." 

"I am kind of worried about the trip. You're going to have fun, right?" 

"Yes!" he chirped tiredly, wrapping his arms around the shorter boy and nuzzling Fate's cheek. "And so are you, I promise!" 

"Okay..." Fate softly ran their cold hand through Nacht's dark chocolate hair. His brown eyes began to disappear behind the eyelids. As his soft breath lifted up and down in a steady pattern, it sounded like a gentle lullaby to Fate. 

"I love you..." Fate whispered softly, brushing the brown hair off of his forehead, and a small smile attached itself to its perfect features. "I'll see you in the morning my little Starfire. I love you so much..." 

"I love you too..." Nacht murmured out, his brown eyes staying closed as Fate moved closer to him. Their amber eyes finally decided to close and the claws of insomnia refused to touch the slumbering male, giving Fate victory over his insomnia demon. The warmth of Nacht resting against him reminded him that there will always be light to fight the dark. 


Words : 1038

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