The Pumpking & The Haven

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Old oneshot in my old oneshot book. Decided to rewrite this for old times sake

♡(> ਊ <)♡

Her fingers ran across a small history book she had read a thousand times. Her sky blue eyes skimmed the part about Haven's history as she murmured to herself. "Havens ran the kingdom of Mirerralia and had special duties. They were the all-powerful wings of "Orious'' also known as the creator of this whole Earth. Tch." The haven flapped her white, gorgeous wings that were tipped in orange. She heard a loud female storm towards her bedroom door and the female quickly hid the history book under her heavy space comforter. Queen Rose didn't bother to knock as she just threw open the door and trotted in. 

"Oh Angela, why can't you be ready one time for once in your life?" Her mother sighed as the queen trotted towards the Angelican princess and moved Angela's blonde hair out of her face. Her sky-blue eyes narrow at her mother's touch. 

Her sky blue eyes turned towards the balcony, wishing she could fly away from Haven city and leave the princess bullshit behind her. A sigh escaped her open mouth as she asked, "Do I have to marry Prince Vulgar shit?" 

Her mother glared at Angela. She was an old-fashioned queen who didn't like traditions being broken. Her mother gave a disappointed look that Angela could've cared less for. "Language. Remember- an Angelican Princess-"

"Holds her tongue. She's a token of charm and beauty to her prince or her husband." 

Her mother smiled. "I raised you well." 

Raised me wrong. Angela thought to herself as a pissed-off look began to paint itself onto her face. I want to see the whole world of Mirerralia. Not be stuck being forced to marry a Prince who yawns all the time and cares more about beauty than intelligence. 

Her mother slapped her cheek a bit as if she could read her mind. "Princesses DON'T go to the outside world. They're needed here to create babies and look like a beautiful jewel." 

Before Angela could say her disgust at what her mother had said, the royal scientist - Jack - walked into the room and glanced towards Angela, noticing the pissed-off look in her face and moved his eyes back towards her mother. Angela couldn't help but glance over his features a thousand times, studying him to keep down her rage. Jack had wavy, blonde hair and teal-colored orbs. He had that dorky smile on his face and Angela glanced at him as his eyes were locked with her mother's. 

"Your highness... a word with the Princess?" His voice was calm and polite, his eyes never faltering off of her mother's cold glare as Angela knew her mother sat in a debate with herself. 

Angela began to cross her arms in disgust as she began to think of her argument. She couldn't see why they couldn't, they were childhood best friends and were still close. Jack was the reason she could even read and write since according to the tradition of the land, females shouldn't read or write. Without thinking, Angela shouted out as her mother had begun to say her famous 'don't ask such a foolish question' speech. 

"Please, I would want to spend my last day of freedom with my best friend!!" 

"Fine... Just because you guys knew each other growing up," her mother gave in, shooting Angela a scolding look of distrust as she began. "I trust you not to do something.... 'stupid'." 

"Mom..." Angela groaned. "Leave." 

"That's no way to talk to your queen, even if you're my daughter." The queen sat up, dusted off her jeweled dress, and adjusted the blonde braid that tapped her back every time she walked. Her mother trotted down the steps; however, she kept the door cracked open to make sure they wouldn't try anything foolish, which amused Angela. 

Angela let out a heavy sigh and glanced at Jack. "Without you, I would be informationless..." She gave Jack a side hug as she buried her head into his shoulder, wishing she didn't have to marry a lifeless prince. 

"No prob. Lucky you didn't get caught reading about 'Space' and the 'History of Mirerralia'. How's reading that book for the 500th time?" 

"Gotta stay sharp and occupied," Angela smirked. "I like breaking the rules..." 

"Your highness...!" He gasped as he placed a hand to his heart. "I thought I taught you better, it's bending," and he returned her smirk. He raced a hand through his hair and glanced at her. "Too bad you have to marry Prince Yawns."

"Tch... he doesn't even like me... he doesn't even show me respect!" Angela sat down on her squishy bed, burying her face into her hands as she felt a comforting hand on her shoulder. She wanted to vomit every time she thought of spending her life with him, going to bed with him and...

"Some haven prince he is..." Jack muttered, interrupting her thoughts. "I don't know why you can't just choose your fate and life." 

"Because Orious denies it."

"Orious didn't even fucking exist-" Jack muttered. Jack wasn't the one for traditions and religion. He preferred science over everything and would often become disgusted when one would mention Orious.

"Well... I don't think you're wrong... Some of his ways are..." Angela trailed off. She frankly didn't like a big hypocrite telling her she HAS to follow the traditions he sent in place. 

"Bad? If you say bad, that's an understatement." 

"...Could've been handled better." 

"You think? I wish I could rewrite that old, filthy book," Jack muttered as Angela brushed his scar tissue on his left arm. She understood his hatred towards Orious as Orious stated in his own words, 'disabled havens deserve public humiliation' which is what happens all the time in the castle to Jack. 

"It's not fair they treat you like that…" Angela murmured as Jack glanced down at her. 

"It's fine, you guys have it worse; being informationless, being forced to marry, being jewels for their husbands, and more things that are horrendous to speak, that's not living." 

Before Angela could respond, there was a knock on the door. "Come on Angela! Time for your big wedding!" 

Angela glanced at Jack before leaving. He brushed his wavy hair out of his face as he smiled that charming smile that always gave her butterflies, even when she was little. 

"Hey, Angela- don't do something stupid, alright? Do something that'll make you happy. Like, yanno… make your destiny..." 

She didn't respond right away as she finally gave a light, "alright. I will." Her body veered away from him as millions of ideas raced through her head, but she held her head up high. Her mother noticed and smiled. 

"See...? You are ready to get married." 

That's what wasn't on Angela's mind right now - getting married. The two of them walked down in silence down the spiraling stairs, red carpet soft under her feet. Her mother eyed at her feet and when they reached the end of the stairs, her mother grabbed at diamond high heels. 

"Mom, I—" 

"Just. Put. Them. On." Her mother glared at her, grabbing her wrist tightly, and watched Angela slip on the tight high heels. Her balance was wobbly and she had to open her wings up to keep her balance upright. 

"Was it that hard?" Her mother asked her daughter as a sneering look from her eyes glanced in her direction. 

Angela wanted to break the diamond shoes or bash them over the tyrant that stood next to her. She responded to her mom's question through gritted teeth, "no, mom." However, that was a lie. 

A glass door was open to the ballroom and piano music started playing cheerfully and loudly as they approached the door. Angela's nerves were on edge as her father gave a warm smile and flew down the aisle, to lock his arm around her arm. Arm in arm, as all King's had to walk their baby girl down the aisle to marry someone they didn't love; how sweet. 

Her eyes were focused up ahead as they landed on the prince that would make her feel "loved". She gagged to herself softly as he so wanted to cross her arms; however, her father kept her locked arm tightly. He did look charming, that strong jaw and those dazzling green eyes; however, it was just she didn't feel like they were meant to be ... together. He stared coldly at her, as she made her way across from him and he hissed quietly. 

"Took you long enough..." 

"..." Angela didn't even know how to respond. She glanced at the priest who grabbed out a small ceremonial candle, he was busy setting up. 

"Speak when I talk to you!" he muttered in a hissed tone. She didn't want to respond; however, she rolled her eyes at the impatient fool. 

"Weddings are long," Angela placed flatly. She watched his eyes bubble in anger and she bit back a smirk. Her eyes traveled towards the hallway, where she spotted Jack who held her gaze for a split second and went back to talking to a tall male dressed in black. Her eyes squinted towards the silhouette as she couldn't see any wings on the male, maybe he was just like Jack, born without wings. 

Her eyes painfully veered back to meet Prince Charles' eyes and held his hands like they practiced one hundred times last week. They never practiced the kiss because they'd save the real thing for the real wedding. Not practice. Angela's gut tightened as she thought of that moment. Would she want to waste her first kiss on someone she didn't love…? 

"Angela... you first..." Prince Charles whispered as the Priest began to stop talking, glancing her way. 

"Me ... first... what?" 

"ARE YOU STUPID?" Charles shouted, no one in the crowd jumped to her defense as she fumbled with her fingers. It was alright to yell and beat your undisciplined wife according to Orious and she knew he was going to beat her before stealing her virginity. 

"Oh... those...." 

She gulped as she closed her eyes. It comes from the heart, not a stupid lie. "We rule the kingdom side by side and have a lovely future together of keeping the peace between our allies and enemies; furthermore, we will help out our people." She paused as she caught a deep breath. The people in the audience stared dumbfounded at her as she cleared her throat, something unladylike. "I would be a great wife and—"

"Okay. Okay. My turn." He yawned as she glanced at her mother, her mother glaring at her fiercely. "Your charm and beauty will help after a tiring day of work. Your beautiful looks are everything and I will make you proud. When you're off harboring 10 little boys, I will be heavy lifting for this kingdom." He yawned at the end of his vows as a frown painted itself onto her face. Why did it have to be just boys…? Why did it have to be about her looks? She stopped listening as the priest began to read traditional marriage pages from the sacred text of Orious. 

Her attention snapped back in place when she heard the words, "do you Prince Charles take Princess Angela as your lovely Queen?" 

"I do." 

"Do you Princess Angela take Prince-" 

The priest jumped out of his skin when the window above the wedding scene and a dark silhouette landed on the window sill, a maniac laugh echoing down throughout the ballroom.

"Well... well... well...! Having a lovely wedding without me? The best man!?" The creature jumped onto the floor, the haven's shivering in fright as the icky substance dripping from makeshift wings. 

"Everyone too flabbergasted to speak, aww.." The creature placed his hands onto his chest as Prince Charles grabbed her, throwing her out in front of him and using her as a shield as a coward would. Her anger boiled as she stormed her way towards the creature, grabbing a guard's sword that was thrown on the ground as surrender, and stormed towards the creature. 

"What in Posudius' name are you doing here?" She refused to use Orious's name as she thought of it as support to a bad cause and decided to use a female Haven guard in the ancient text that people tend to look over. Her eyes glared as a sneering look was exposed on the creature. 

"What are you doing??" Her mother hissed as more creatures climbed up from the window sill, watching in anticipation. 

"Hmm an educated princess we have~" the creature stomped forward and she could feel his breath wreck down her skin. His ashy gray skin flaked when a small breeze rushed through and Angela felt like she couldn't choke out a response. 

"Get away from her!" Jake rushed in, his wingless body heaved a sword as his goggles that rested upon his head were over his eyes. 

"Jake—!" Angela shouted as an iron grip latched onto her wrist. The creature had grabbed her. His skin felt dead and lifeless to the touch as he let out a dark chuckle. His tail was sharp like a cactus and he heaved her over his left shoulder and he raced out of the building. She kicked and punched at his shoulder as he chuckled darkly. 

"It's no use princess, just give up." Guards around her ignored them as she tried to wave and touch them, falling short of what her goal was. 

"h-?" The demon covered her mouth and finally burst through the main doors. 

"Invisibility. A gadget made by-" 

Jack stumbled out of the castle behind them and glanced at them, his eyes burning through his brown goggles as he brushed his steampunk outfit off of dust.  

"Jack...?" Angela cried out as the creature turned towards Jack, a grin on his face. 

"Remember Tarius-" The creature, spun around and faces Jake, who placed a hand on his cold flesh. A small smile edged itself onto Jack's face when he touched the creature.

"Take her far away from here, gotcha sweetheart!" And Tarius sprouted his inky wings, she finally knew why everyone was so afraid of Tarius. He was a Night Crawler. Nightcrawlers are shapeshifters that can be anything. They typically kept the blue tail that Tarius had recoiled. They were cursed with blue skin from the Orious; who sent a blue baby down from the heavens since they were different and unstable.

And the text that everyone reads says that Orious loved all... Angela muttered to herself, losing herself in thought as Jack broke through her thoughts. 

"Jack, why??" She finally breathed as his eyes burned into her memory.

"It's for the best." 

The nightcrawler flapped their wings and started flying; however, it was more like gently falling. Angela pushed away from the nightcrawler, sending him off balance and shapeshifting into a more stable flyer, a Haven. Tarius grabbed her once more and he veered his head towards Jack.

"My close friend wants me to assist you out of."

Close friend? Angela asked quietly to herself. Was there a double life that Jack had been living and didn't tell her about?? Speaking of Jack, she glanced downwards. She noticed Jack press some buttons on a gadget he wore around his wrist, creating makeshift wings, chasing after them.

Angela wasn't going to allow anyone to pick where she was going. She'd choose for herself and bit the nightcrawler, who released his grip on her and she quickly flapped her wings, soaring off as her sky blue eyes blurred up as she tasted freedom. She heard Jack and Tarius talk loudly behind them; however, she couldn't veer her head back, she couldn't stop looking forward. 

Her royal wings couldn't take more than six hours due to her lack of exercise and being able to fly longer distances than what was allowed for her. The royal family did that as a trap to keep princesses in check and from flying away; however, Jack would help her sneak out to train longer. She didn't rest until she dropped from the sky, her wings too tired to keep her up and her mind busy on something else. Her whole weight dropped and she was falling towards the ground - hella fast, her vision fading softly as she began to rest, although she was falling.

(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩') 

Although she was still tired, her eyes finally glanced open as words were scribbled on a small board, Evernwood. The words instantly sent a shiver down her spine. 

No haven had escaped with their lives when entering the layer of their mortal enemy, deceitful-demises. Angela heaved upwards, she scraped her fingers against tree bark as her fall had been comforted by leaves. Her white and fading to orange wedding dress was ripped at some places; however, she hardly cared. 

The kingdom surrounded by Evernwood picked up her curiosity as she dropped from the tree, landing in a small steel trap. 

"WE GOT HER—!!" A demon wracked his fingers against the cold steel bars. Angela moved into the middle, her wings screaming in agony as she held her shoulder. 

"Orious will… will…" 

Another deceitful-demise hopped onto his friend's shoulder and smirked. "Orious is a fake moron of an old man. We call bullshit!" 

"Yeah, bullshit!" Another one perked up.

Angela couldn't breathe as her legs gave in, falling towards the cold floor as she placed her hands on the cold bars. 

"What are you going to do…?" 

"I'm sure the king would LOVE to see what pest we caught in our trap." The two sniggered as their eyes grew cold and callous. Angela bowed her head down, glancing at her torn wedding dress, her hope bleeding all around her. 

(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩') 

The pumpkin king sat in a long, gothic chair. The black satin giving comfort to his back pain. They slammed shut the sacred text of the havens that was called "secret wings". The Haven's book of scriptures, consisting of the Old and New Testaments from Orious "himself". Of course, no one in the Evernwood forest ever believed in Orious, since the legend of how the deceitful-demise got here was from Orious throwing a deformed child out of the sky, and was loved by creatures that looked like him was disgusting to all the creatures that lived in Evernwood.

The King adjusted his skeleton mask and leaned back, a sigh escaping their throat as they didn't see the point in how heartless the Haven's were; however, they were trying to learn what was so special about this damn book since rumors of marriage was taking place the day before the new approval of the peace treaty that would finally allow trade and citizens to go back and forth between the layers.

The pumpkin king was relaxing in their castle that overlooked the pumpkin patch and the capital, Darkenwoods. Being the king meant great responsibilities and sometimes they didn't want that. They were about to take off their mask that was their life source, when there was a loud, blaring knock from their 2nd in command, Jynx and a crowd gathered around the car that his boyfriend Psy was operating.

"I bring something great!" Jynx chirped as the king had his back to his second in command still.

'This can't be good...' The king sighed, heaving upwards and moving like a shadow in the dead of the night. "You always seem to surprise me," The King muttered as he followed behind Jynx. 

(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩') 

They lifted Angela out of her cage and towards the center of the city. A stake rested sideways and they threw her against the stake, holding her there and tying her hands up with a steel rope that burned as her wrists rubbed against the steel rope. Her wings were widespread as 4 deceitful-demise - 2 on each side - were holding her wings steady, tying them back with steel against the stake. 

"And by this flame, you'll burn-" a clown with tear marks going down their face chuckled. He was about to throw the match at the stake until a growling voice boomed from a dark purple castle that loomed above the small town. Her eyes searched the castle until she spotted a figure emerge from deep within the crowd. 

"STOPPPPPP! WHAT IN THE PUMPKIN PATCH IS GOING ON HERE!?" A path was formed from the stake as the silhouette of the figure began to become more clearer to the haven. The figure wore a skeleton mask with the left side leaking some sort of black liquid. They wore a tuxedo and a gray and white striped tie. They had a red demon tail slash the air around them. 

"Well?" the creature asked. 

"Oh... um... a trespasser! It's a Haven!" The one that captured her exclaimed, his tail raking across the tiles of the floor. 

"Tell me something I don't know..." the creature responded, there was no clear emotion in the tone of voice as Angela began to squirm, even more, her voice choking out of her throat as her wings began to ache. 

"I didn't trespass...! Your friends trapped me by the border when I fell out of a tree!!" she shouted. "I was running away from a marriage! You see... I was getting married to Prince Charles-" 

"A runaway princess! Oh, come on boss-! We can get a ransom for her!" The fat clown whined, he lit a small cig as the figure crossed his arms in disapproval. 

"No," the 'boss' replied. "We will not harm her. I'll return her myself back to Haven where she belongs..."

The words sunk in heavily. Where. She. Belonged. 

"Of course your majesty..." The clown bowed down as the figure glanced at Angela on the stake, their eyes observed the sight as they snapped their fingers towards Angela. The clown ran lazily through the crowd as the imp that had kidnapped her appeared behind the figure. 

“Take…” The figure glanced at the princess and continued. “Angela somewhere comfortable for the night Jynx, allow your boyfriend Psy help too.” The two demons who had captured her stood up straighter as they turned towards the haven, who watched the figure fade off from view. Nobody had ever called her just Angela before and she couldn’t help but smile. 

“We know just the place…!” Jynx shouted as he began to untie Angela, grabbing her and dragging her off towards the castle. “There’s a nice cell waiting for you!” Angela’s smile began to slowly fade as the words began to settle in. She’d be sleeping in a damp cell… 

(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩') 

"You. Placed. Her... down... here...!?" Lex replied. He remained calm even though he wanted to strangle the imp that cowered before him. “Why am I not surprised? You need to work on your hospitality.”  

"Yes ... your majesty- I didn't know where to put her!" Jynx retorted a bit and caught himself and placed a sardonic smile as Psy elbowed Jynx in the side.

 Lex wasn't amused. "You could've let her bunk with the witches, Jynx...!" 

"The witches- oh." 

They trotted down the stairs, opening a wooden door and into the dark black and dark blue-tiled room. Water dripped everywhere and Lex started around. 

"Which cell?" 

"At the end-" 

Lex didn't allow Jynx to finish his sentence. He raced quickly and gracefully to the end of the hallway and glanced inside the cell, his hands tightening around the bars as his skull mask was covered in shadows. 


The princess was cowering in the corner. Her sky blue eyes flashed up at Lex and she seemed reassured for only a second and turned back to fear. 

"Please... don't... hurt me."

"I won't. I promise." Lex opened the cell up and shot a disapproving glance at Jynx, who only smirked with a carefree smile and once again got elbowed by Psy. Lex stood up and held out their hand to the Angelican princess. 

"Come on, I wanna show you something." 

She placed on a smile like the Mona Lisa - mysterious and small. 

(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩') 

"So... Tell me why you wanted to run away?" The figure next to her asked. They were walking in the woods and Angela had a blanket cover over her shoulders, drinking some sort of chocolate liquid that warmed her insides.

"What is this?" she asked the creature. She still didn't know their name. 

"Ummmm... Hot chocolate your highness." 

"Don't call me that-" she paused and realized that she didn’t know the creature's name. They adjusted their skull mask and finished Angela’s sentence. 


"Don't call me that Lex, please...?" 

"Sure. Of course." 


Silence surrounded them both as Lex began to tap on their leg, their eyes straightforward; however, it was hard to tell with the mask. 

“You didn't answer my question, Angela..." Lex responded, crossing his arms and waiting for an answer. 

"Oh. I am quite sorry,” Angela responded softly and cleared her throat. “I want my own life. My destiny... My own... my own..." 


"That too…" Angela turned her eyes towards the woods and only heard Lex ask, 

"Find your love? I do recall that in the Secret Wings Women are forced to marry." 

"Yeah- I want to find love on my own... find it not based on royalty but affection.” She closed her eyes as she felt Lex looking at her. “Now, I have a question for you." 

"Go ahead." 

"Answer honestly." 

"Us deceitful-demises do answer honestly- most of us at least,” Lex responded carefully and began to carry on. “What your puny 'god' Orious says is false about our kind, Angela. You can find the kindest person in the world in these woods. Just because we're different doesn't mean we don't have hearts." 

The words seeped into Angela's skin. Just because we're different doesn't mean we don't have hearts. When she was younger, she had always thought of the world through the typical haven, until she understood the darker meanings behind certain things that shouldn’t be excusable. Her heartbeat in her ears as she finally snapped back to reality when Lex interrupted her thoughts. 

"Question?" Lex asked. "Go ahead." 

"O-oh! What exactly are you... - like! I don't mean-" Angela fumbled with her fingers as Lex adjusted his mask and a small smile formed on Lex's lips. "A pumpkin king." 

"'Pumpkin king'? What's that...?" Angela asked curiously, her voice fluttering as her mind began to soar. She never learned any of this through the history book and she felt compelled to know more and more. 

"Just a term for a king in the deceitful-demises, why are you so curious?" Lex adjusted his head and moved his mask down. 

O-oh…!” Angela perked up, a fluster drawing itself across her face. “I just…” 

“Like learning?”

“Yeah, it’s my favorite pastime.” she moved a piece of hair behind her ear and began to continue to fidget with her fingers. 

“Feel free to continue asking more questions,” Lex hummed as they kicked up some leaves that fluttered in the wind around them. Angela softly smiled at what the pumpkin king had said and the question fell out so flat that she couldn’t hide her blush,  

"Are you married?" 


"Wouldn't you be a prince?" 

"No. Deceitful-demises find love whenever. And when we reach a certain age... the old king and queen give up the crown or abdicate. If a deceitful-demise doesn't find love or have children then their siblings get the throne. Or they are 2nd in command." 



"Do tell me more-" Angela moved in front of Lex's way and grabbed his tie to stop him. "What's it like seeing the world? Have you ever seen it?" she let go of the tie when she noticed what she had done and wiped her hands on her dirty wedding dress. 

"Of course. Gotta stay more towards the shadows. Not many people appreciate Deceitful-Demises cause we have our way of looking at religion..."

"Was it a thrill?" 

Lex nodded. "Yeah." They paused for a second and then Lex spoke back up. "I'd love to show you the world sometime." 

Angela smiled a little bit brighter. "Thanks..." she felt her cheeks get warm. She turned away and glanced at the evening's purple-blue sky. It looked so much lovelier than seeing no sunset and just clouds. 

"There's a tavern up ahead... We'll rest there..." 

"No. I can keep going." 

Lex glanced at her. "It's best not to keep going. The wolves would eat you alive-"

"Are you saying that I can't handle a couple of wolves?" 

"Werewolves.... zombies... other creatures that go bump in the night. They don't listen to anyone. No one's safe outdoors when the moon is up,” Lex responded calmly as their eyes glanced towards the purplish sunset, a small smile carving itself onto their face. “It is beautiful tho.”

“I am sure I could still beat a couple of wolves!” Angela huffed, crossing her arms as her eyes began to soften as Lex agreed with her.  

"I'm sure you could beat a couple of wolves," Lex continued carefully. "You are brave, your Highness." 

She shot him a glare as he brushed his brown hair out of the way. "Sorry, you're a very strong Haven, Angela."  

Angela smiled and brushed her golden-blonde hair out of her face. "Thanks. Thanks for also correcting yourself, I hate the term 'highness'." 

"That's fine Angela," Lex smiled softly as he began to hum. "I'd probably hate it if I was a Haven."  

The tavern seemed to grow closer and closer and soon, Angela could smell the scent of food. Her tummy rumbled as the purple dead wood started to sprout green fluorescent mushrooms that shined in the darkening sky. Lex grabbed at the rough door and held it open for Angela. Something buzzed in Angela as she took the door from Lex and replied, 

"After you..." Which caused Angela to giggle. It felt good to finally say those words when she wanted to be polite and hold the door open. She expected Lex to rip the door from her grasp; however, he said “thanks” and walked inside the small tavern, and soon, she followed in pursuit. 

"Room for 2?" The tavern owner asked, spitting down on the counter and using a rag to “clean” the surface. This made Angela uncomfortable as his eyes began to scan and began to contemplate the Angelican princess. 

"Yeah," Lex replied. “2 is fine.” 

"Is that an Angelican princess!? She can cost a fortune!" 

"Hands off," Angela replied. She placed her hands into fists and raised them. Lex gave her a soft smile and turned back towards the owner. When she noticed Lex’s attention at the owner and talking to him, she grabbed at a crystalized dagger he held in his buckle. 

"Ya heard her..." Lex crossed his arms. 

"What she goin' to do? Hit me-?! Report me to her... 'guards'. Oh no- I'm so-" everything moved in a blur, and Angela had the owner pinned against the wall with Lex's dagger in her hand. She gently raced it across his neck. 

"Worse, I'll murder you. I had 7 years of self-defense training and I was at the top of my class before my Mom found out."  

"Damn- that got to the point hella quick," Lex replied. He noticed the dagger that she was using and only shrugged it off, even though it was his favorite dagger. He flashed Angela a thumbs up. "Go for it, kill him." 

"W-w-wait your majesty and highness! I-" 

"He harassed you," Lex replied. "Execute him if you want." 

Were they...? Testing her? Angela glanced at the deceitful-demise and back at the owner who was pleading for his life. She took a step back, and the knife was stripped from her hand and the business owner threw it at her. Lex moved lightning-quick and pushed Angela to the side. Angela grabbed his tie and pulled him down with her; making sure Lex didn't get hit in the process. 

"Thanks..." Lex replied.

"No problem," Angela smiled a little bit. 

Lex stood up, dusted himself off, helped Angela up, and pinned the owner against the wall. 

"Don't. Touch. The Angelican Princess-" 

"Or-!" Angela butted in. "I'll make sure I throw the dagger at you next time..." 

"Of course... your majesty," he glanced at Lex and shouldered past Angela. 

"Watch your back." 

"No- you watch YOUR back," Angela retorted and walked towards Lex. "Why-?" 

"They've never been taught manners. Usually deceitful-demises like that owner - or Sherby - don't know how to handle themselves around... women..." 


"It was brave what you did back there..." 

"Oh, thanks... it was... nothing..." Angela blushed a little shade of pink and Lex smiled softly. They opened the door, only for Angela to hold it. "Thanks again- but I insist..." 

"I'll stay a little bit in your chambers, but I won't dwell long." 

(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩') 

"So do tell me..." Angela replied. She glanced to the side at the deceitful-demise sitting on the couch, stirring some sort of liquid. 

"You are full of questions. But please carry on..."

"I'm sorry- am I being annoying?" 

"Not at all. Carry on please." 

"Alright..." she stared at her fingers and smiled a bit. She glanced up at them. "W-" 

"Chérie, You can go on..."

"I know- I know... but I do feel like I am annoying you." 

"You aren't. I enjoy your sense of humor and brains- which, may I ask- how'd you learn all that stuff? Aren't Angelican princesses only used for their beauty and looks?" 

Angela sighed. "Yeah..." she turned towards the window and heard a werewolf howl. "My best friend, Jack, taught me all this stuff. He's the reason why I am here. Him and his... friend," Angela put the ending vaguely. She hugged her knees and closed her eyes. "I wish for someone who'll see me for who I am. Someone who would allow me to rule or be by their side..." 

"I'm sure you'll find someone," Lex replied. They stood up and walked towards the door. "There's always someone out there for somebody." 

"... Really…?" Angela quipped, she shagged her blonde hair out of her face as Lex nodded. 

"In the book of Sorrow," Lex started, he leaned up against the door and closed his eyes, thinking back to the old text that was written long before Secret Wings. "Orious had 12 savior angels didn't he?" 

"Yes, he did. My favorite has to be Posudius." 

"She's a very brave and loyal angel," Lex agreed as they nodded their head softly. "However, Orious had more angels than just 12. The other angels are known as the Midnight Ryes, and there were 13 of them." 

"Why didn't…?" 

"These 12 angels would be sentenced for treason for protecting the 13th angel who was deformed and different. Orious had high standards and these angels founded my species." 

"Why did the Havens change this…?" Angela asked. She stared at her hands as her mind whizzed at a million miles per hour. 

"How could something so pure as angels make something so heretic?" Lex quoted, straightening his posture as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "That's what was said at our last treaty ceremony." 

"Who said that…?" She quietly asked as Lex tapped his skull mask. 

"Your Father had said that as he refused to sign a treaty announcing we were at peace and could finally trade once more." 

"My… my father said you guys attacked him and they chased you out…!" 

"Havens are too afraid to fight us. We don't believe in Orious and had lost faith in him; furthermore, our customs are different." Lex laughed as he shook his head. "Many of them think we have powers…!" 

They opened the door, locked the door, and glanced at Angela. "That was quite a fun conversation." Lex shut it softly behind them and Angela glanced at the wood that was forbidden in Haven. 

"I can't believe…" she couldn't believe she had lied to all this time. 25 angels? She closed her eyes and hummed softly as more thoughts buzzed through one ear and out the other until it rested on the thought of love. Maybe there was someone out there for her, she'd have to keep on looking. 

(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩') 

They were back on the road again, moving a little slower than they were yesterday. It was awfully quiet and Angela could hear the crows in the back. 

"You could fly back home..." Lex had offered her. 

"No," she replied. "I'd rather spend my time with you..." 

Lex smiled softly at her comment as they made it to where Angela had fainted. Angela glanced around and turned back towards Lex, who only smiled sadly at her. 

"I guess... this is where we part ways… I would love to accompany you; however, I don't have the strength for wings." 

Angela's heart felt like it was being broken and squeezed like a tennis ball. She waved goodbye to the deceitful-demise, only to have her hand get caught by Lex. 

"I hope you have a safe trip and get to see the world one day. Don't let a no good prince hold you back Angela."  

"I hope." She started to flap her wings as she glanced back, seeing the Pumpkin King wave hurt her heart a bit. "I hope I can see you again and be friends." 

"We may see each other sooner than we think," Lex responded as Angela only gave a small smile. They were a cool breeze on a hot summer day. 

"I hope." And she flew away. She glanced down and saw the deceitful-demise watching her. She flew faster to get the thoughts out of her head; however, she couldn't help think about everything she learned and got her questions answered. And she couldn't get their smile out of her mind. 

(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩') 

"You seem like you're in a daze Princess Angela!" One of her servants replied, tying her blonde hair back into a ponytail and straightening out her bangs. 

"Probably daydreaming about someone... Prince Charles," Another one perked up. The 2nd servant wasn't wrong on the daydreaming part, but the Charles part. The wedding was rescheduled to be in 2 days, and Angela was stressing out. 

Jack knocked on the door and she hugged him. "Thank you..." she whispered. 

"Didn't leave long." 

"I do wish I stayed..." 

“Why didn’t you-?” Jack asked cautiously as Angela placed a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear, why didn’t she stay? She closed her eyes as she smiled softly. “Because someone wanted to help me get home and be safe.” 

"Princess Angela-!" her mother called, storming up the stairs and Angela turned away from Jack, shouting “coming” and flashed him a bright smile.  

"Coming!" she turned away from Jack and flashed him a bright smile, and left the room. It would've been the day of the wedding if she would've stayed and she heard something that fluttered her heart. 

"King Lex of the deceitful-demises!" an Angelican voice called out. Angela popped their head out of the window and saw a whole army. 

"We are here to negotiate the treaty like you reschedule in peace King Zegna." 

Her father strolled forward as he gripped her wrist iron tight. She tried to move away from her father; however, he held on persistently. "You poisoned my daughter with lies! You kidnapped my daughter!" 

"We didn't kidnap your daughter King Zegna," Lex responded as the creatures began to shift tensely. "I sought after that she was returned safe and sound." 

Her father ignored what the King had said and cleared his throat. "For kidnapping Princess Angela, we have decided to declare war against you and your race." 

"No need for that," Lex replied calmly. "She's returned safely as I said. She passed out in front of our territory. She's lucky the wolves didn't get her-"

"Come with us and be executed, or face our army!" 

"Dad—" Angela shouted as she began to squirm more. "I wasn't kidnapped —" and she felt a hard sting make contact with her skin. Her cheek screamed in agony as her father screamed viciously at her. Tears threatened to spill; however, she wouldn't let them. 

"TAKE HER TO HER ROOM!!" He bellowed as he threw her at her servants who clumsily grabbed her. 

"L… Lex…!" She shouted out the window before she was dragged to her room that served as her dungeon. 

(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩') 

Lex glanced at the citizens all around him. Would he sacrifice their lives for something they all knew that truthfully happened? She wasn't kidnapped. 

"I'll go." 

"LEX!" Jynx replied. 

Lex hopped out of his carriage and landed roughly. "Angela will prove my point though. We didn't-" Angelican guards gathered around and tied Lex up in sun rope. The rope felt like it would burn thru Lex's skin and they gritted their teeth. Angela would make their point true. There was no kidnapping. 

(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩') 

"Come my dear flower~" Prince Charles replied. He grabbed Angela's chin rather tightly and moved it around. "Glad that horrible creature didn't lay a hand on my precious... lovely... jewel~" 

Princess Angela cringed at those words. "They aren't a horrible creature! They were very nice-"

"'They? You think they have any affection towards a spoiled brat like you?" 

She puffed out her cheeks in anger as her mood boiled higher and higher. "Well, they're my friend!" 

"They took pity on you, dear. Their kind use mind control on the weak."

"I'm not weak!" She shouted and felt another burning sensation; however, it was on her other cheek. She placed her hand to her cheek as she couldn't fumble out any words. 

"Whatever! Whatever you say won't get appointed for. You're just a good-looking jewel who should learn to keep her mouth SHUT!" If only she were brave enough to stab him with Lex's dagger right now. 

"But don't worry-!" Prince Charles replied cheekily. "That creature you are quite affectionate for is going to be out of the picture." 

"W… What do you mean…?" She stammered as Prince Charles only sneered. "That creature is going to get executed shortly!" 


"Yep," he replied. "Just for us- and you'll finally get your head into now and out of the clouds."

Angela pushed away from him and raced towards the execution halls. Her legs ran like the wind as she scanned the empty cells. There was nothing. She glanced towards the darkest chamber one could get themselves into and threw open the door. She sped down the tainted walls and turned a corner, bumping into a knight. 

"Princess Ange-" 

"No time Everheart!" and she raced down into the dungeon. She glanced at the marble, high-tech bars and spotted Lex. They were tied up in sun ropes and to her horror - Lex's tail was wrapped around something inside the wall. Lex looked beaten and battered and she opened their jail cell. 

"Lex-?" she got down on her knees and placed her hands on Lex's mask and took it off. Their eyes were dark and a black liquid oozed out of their 2 eye sockets. 


"Come on, I need to get you out of here…" she grabbed at a small Axe she found on the outside of their cell and was about to slash at the golden ropes that were secure around the King's body. 

"And what do you think you're doing?" Prince Charles shouted. "Helping a kidnapper?" 

"They're not a kidnapper!"


"Angela... just let me accept punishment-" Lex shouted outwards, their head bowed down as Angela's heart began to fragment. She didn't want them to go through with this. This wasn't right. Her melody sung loudly inside her and it seemed like she was the only one to hear the soft melody. 

"YOU DID NOTHING WRONG!" Angela turned towards Prince Charles and tackled him, dropping the ax heavily on the floor. The prince hit his head hard on the marble floor and she scratched and clawed at his face and eyes. 

"YOU ARE CROOKED! EVIL! YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYONE BESIDES YOURSELF!" she shouted and Prince Charles grabbed her wrists and started twisting. 

"Your princess will be under MY control! YOU will rule by me like a jewel. Nothing more nothing less." He threw Angela against the wall, her back exploding in pain as she veered her head to the side. 

"Maybe I am nothing to you; however, to someone, I am their life force." Her dirty fingernails grasped for the dark ax and shattered the sun ropes that held Lex in place. 

Inky wings sprouted from the maskless King and he grasped Prince Charles's collar of his prince suit tightly. "That's not how you treat anyone, regardless of gender." He threw Charles to the side, his back thumping against the marble and laying in defeat. 

"You okay Angela?" Lex offered their hand towards Angela, who grasped it tightly, hauling herself up and giving a small,  


Lex smiled. "Of course ... 'your highness'." 

Angela gave him a playful, teasing look. 

"You two are like animals...! You will rot in eternity!!" Prince Charles seethed out, his teeth exposed as a glare fathomed on his face. Angela put up her hand and flipped the Prince off and shut the heavy cage after Lex came by her side. 

"Come on...!" Angela intertwined her fingers with the King and felt her skin turn a small hue at their touch.  

"Why'd you come back for me...?" Lex asked once they snuck out of the war-thirsty castle. Angela kept her eyes on her once beautiful home that had turned rotten. Her white and orange wings flapped beautifully as she finally had an answer to their question. 

"Because. You saved my life..." Angela playfully punched Lex and Lex chuckled a little. "And... I finally found someone who completes me." 

The male grasped his mask and finally placed his mask back on, the inky darkness disappeared as he began to stretch out his screaming muscles. 

"I think I feel affectionate towards you..." Angela continued as Lex stopped stretching, turning their attention towards the Haven. 

"How come? I look scary, mean, 'deceitful'..." 

"It doesn't matter what the couple looks like, what gender they're with, or if they look cute or not, but it's all in the chemistry... I truly do feel affectionate... towards you..." Angela breathed out as she closed her eyes. "I never felt truly happy around any of my suitors as they made me feel like a prize one had to win. However, you see me as another being. One that has their struggles, goals, and dreams." 

Lex stayed quiet a little longer. "Are you sure?" 

"I'm quite positive. Unless… you don't feel the same…" the thought of Lex not feeling the same began to tear through her heart until she heard them quip, 

"I do... feel the feelings you're feeling- but... I truly don't think I'd be able to make you happy." 

Angela smiled a little bit and moved a little closer towards Lex and hugged them. She buried her face into their tux as she couldn't help but extend her smile even further. Lex smiled softly and placed their arms around Angela's waist and she glanced up, laughing almost. 


Angela glanced up at him. "What does... that mean?" 

Lex smiled. "Sweetheart-" Angela kissed their cheek softly. 

"Ce sentiment est si nouveau... Je n'aurais jamais pensé trouver l'amour, mais elle est là..." (This feeling is so new ... I never thought I'd find love, but it's there ...)

"Are you.... talking to yourself in a different language?" Angela asked. "Are you... embarrassed...?"

"I... this feeling is just so new... I thought I would never find that one person, but- there you are..." Lex responded softly, which brought a smile to her face as they continued. "I thought that I would never find someone like you because I was different and all the … stigma around my species." Hearing their insecurities caused her to place a warm hand on his shoulder and her mouth opened; however, someone beat her to speak. 

"Sorry to ruin the moment..." A deceitful-demise replied. "But Lex, you're needed."

"Can I... come with you...?" Angela asked.

"May I ask you a question Princess Angela of Haven...?"

"Sure," Angela smiled. "What is it, my dear?" 

"Come with me?"

Angela smiled a little brighter. "I will always stand by your side and protect your kingdom alongside you, my dear." 

Lex couldn't help but smile like the brightest star in the sky. "I'm glad you will be serving next to me. I wouldn't want anyone else." 

"ANGELA!!" Her mother stormed out as her father stormed after his wife. Angela turned towards them and gave them the middle finger, which caused her mother to snort in disgust. "YOU COME BACK HERE!!" 

"You guys refuse to accept a peace treaty with these kind folk," Angela glared at her father as she watched him swell up red. "And I am going to unite the two kingdoms, whether you like it or not." 

"That's certainty right," Lex piggybacked on what Angela had said. "According to your testament that your kingdom has to send over a son and daughter to keep two kingdoms at peace." 

Angela fluttered her wings and sat down in the carriage that Jynx was driving and heard her father angrily shout after her, only for Lex to jump on the side of the carriage and wave the King and Queen off. 

"Bye-!" She stuck out her tongue as her parents stormed angrily back into the gleaming white castle. 

"You didn't have to do that yanno," Angela responded as Lex climbed into the seat next to her. He adjusted his mask upwards so that his mouth was visible. 

"Your happiness is important to me. If you wanna be with me, then as you wish." 

Words : 8127

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