He Belongs To Me

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Tagging lilspacebirb because they maybe interested in this .>


The male didn't know how to... Correctly express himself when the shorter male walked into the room.

Roman had been ... Watching István's every move as the male grabbed a book off a high shelf and flip to the back cover, clearly interested in what it was saying.

Roman shut his book rather loudly and made his way towards the hungarian, smacking the book that István had in his hands and watched the book tumble towards the ground.

" Hey, what the fu— ?? " István veered his head upwards and his light brown eyes narrowed in disgust.

" Ew, Roman, what are you doing in the library, I didn't know you could actually read, " scoffed the hungarian as he picked the book up and held it close to his chest.

" Hm ? That's very clever István , like I haven't heard that one before . " Roman rolled his eyes, clearly seeing the irritated hungarian made a smirk draw itself onto his face , which caused István to grunt.

" Well..? "

" I wanted to annoy you out of this library like I annoyed you out of transylvania ~ " Roman leaned in and noticed the male clench his fists, clearly ready to try and knock some sense into the taller Romanian, but István took a step back, his light brown eyes dull with emotion and flipped the Romanian off, and left the library.

" Awwwwww , someone running away ~ go cry to your daddy ~ !!! " Roman shouted after the hungarian who didn't even bother a glimpse back. Roman let out a small scoff as he glanced at the book he had left on the table and veered towards the door, skipping towards the door to follow and annoy the hungarian even more.

Roman noticed that István was walking somewhere, the book clearly being clutched close to his chest and Roman placed his hands in his pockets, keeping his distance away from the male and ... Not come off as creepy.

Roman didn't know why he felt a strange attraction towards the shorter hungarian, but he knew that he wanted the hungarian to be his, just like how Hristo was his.

Intrusive thoughts flooded his mind; pressing István up against the wall and telling him sweet nothings, getting his face all red, and deny what the Romanian was saying.

Roman sighed a bit, the October air checking his water vapor and making it visible to him. István took a sharp turn down a street to his left and Roman glanced at the street name, noting that this was a way to a park....

" ... Maybe I can tell him how I feel ... " Roman asked quietly, his heart thumping rather loudly in his chest as he passed the small sign letting Roman know, that they were entering the park.

(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩')

Roman had lost sight of the small hungarian. István had ducked behind some trees and Roman stood their like a lost child in a grocery market.

He wanted to yell out , scream for the hungarian and break down right then and there until he heard the loud laughter of the shorter male.

He's alright...! Roman bolted into a phase of eccentric energy and walked towards where the laughter was. He saw a bench in front of him and 2 people sitting on the bench, one with darker, brown hair and one with lighter brown hair that resembled István's.

" Oh, you're reading the book I recommended you, " the taller male noted, turning his head towards the shorter male on the bench and that's when Roman finally noticed who it was






Roman wanted to scream in fury as he spotted István turn his head towards Tobias, their eyes locking as he gave a small nod.

" Yeah, very intriguing right now, you have such great tastes in literature ! "

Tobias let out a small chuckle, his shoulders bouncing up and down as he leaned in to kiss István on his forehead.


Roman turned away quietly, his eyes closed as he made his way towards the entrance of the park, trying not to think about the small gesture that Tobias had done.

István was SUPPOSED to be HIS , not Tobias' and what Tobi had done had lit the fire that burned brightly in his chest.

Roman began to sprint home, tearing through his overalls and shirts and stuff , ripping his whole bedroom apart like a tornado had ravaged through there.

Roman noticed a long, black trenchcoat and reached for it, his vision blurred from the pain he was going through and then a large, delusional grin painted itself onto his face.

If he can't have István, then no one can. He grabbed a black shirt and stitched up a broken heart on it.

He grabbed the trenchcoat and spray painted red at the bottom of it and placed bandages on both his legs, while he placed leather, fingerless gloves on. He glanced at the small Romania flag István had gotten him for his birthday and grabbed his choker, placing it on and turning it into a choker-collar type deal.

He stormed out of his house, grabbing a small knife with him and gripped it intensely in both of his hands, his eyes narrowing as a smirk wrote itself onto his face.

He couldn't wait for Tobias to pay and leave István alone.


He arrived at Tobias' house and noticed the male sipping tea at the kitchen table, clearly alone. Roman knocked on the door and ran around back, glancing at the screen door and sliding it open, allowing himself to enter through the back , instead of where Tobias expected someone to be at.

Tobias turned around and his expression was steady as he asked Roman,

" What are you wearing and why have you entered through the back door like a creeper Roman ? " Tobias held coldness in his voice as he didn't seem too pleased to see the male.

Roman's smirk never left his face as he took a couple of steps forward.
" Oh Tobi ~ "

" Roman... " Tobias muttered, his dark, chocolate brown eyes narrowed as Roman revealed the small knife he had been carrying with him.

" I'm tired of you getting in my way and taking all of the glory ~ " Roman responded, clearly amused by the sight of Tobias taking a step back towards the door, his hand on the doorknob.

" What you petty Austrian , too afraid to fight me ~ ? " His voice sounded like he had been stopped in the middle of fucking and his brown eyes were narrowed at the Austrian.

" Listen Roman, I don't want to fight you. "

" I'm tired of István saying Tobias this, Tobias that ! " Roman flat out stated, his jealousy mapping over the horniness in his voice.
" He's MINE ! "

The toilet flushed as István walked out, wearing a shirt that read Paprika on it that was wayyyy to big for him.

" How do I look Tobias...? " István spun around and then after he stopped spinning, he finally noticed Roman in the room.

" ... Roman ... ? " István responded as he clutched the cuff of his shirt tightly, it seemed like the male wasn't wearing any pants which only fueled Roman's anger.


István took a step towards the bedroom and tucked the front of the Paprika shirt into his pants that were slightly shorter than the shirt.

" I could ask you the same fucking question moron !! " István shouted, he began to move towards Tobias when Roman shouted.

" Move and I'll slice and dice at Tobias' throat, we both know I am faster than you István ! " Roman smirked, the horror that was portrayed on István's face was priceless as he stopped moving and turned towards Roman.

" ... No ... Don't hurt him... Please... "

" István , nothing will happen to me, " Tobias flashed István a reassuring smile and István seemed to calm down a bit , while Roman grabbed Tobias by the arm and dragged him out into the middle of the room.

" ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT THIS IST ! " Roman shouted, his lust coming forth as István glanced over at the love of his life and glanced at Roman, squeaking out.

" Please... Don't ... "

" Give me. One. Good. Reason. "

" He's the fire in my life, please don't extinguish it ..  "

Roman glanced over at the Austrian who seemed awfully calm in this situation and then shouted,

" Fine. Choose me , or he dies ! "

" Roman, don't ! " Tobias shouted as the horny bastard watched István in interest as István glanced down at the floor, his eyes not meeting either of the two.

" I choose... "

(♡ω♡ ) ~♪

Word count : 1417 words

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