My Dear Hungarian Friend~

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A rewrite of an old drabble in my old drabble book!

Includes violence, feelings of inadequateness and descriptive scenes of gore


"Why can't you ever listen? This is why we will never be together. You're not someone I wanna spend the rest of my life with." 

Those words boiled him to a small crisp. His clean smirk dropped down to a deepening frown, his brown eyes steaming at the small Hungarian.

"What do you mean, IstIsti?"

"Stop calling me that, dipshit," the Hungarian growled while he rose on his tippy toes. His small and slim figure couldn't compare to the height of the Romanian, which caused him to scoff at the fire that burned within István. "I have someone better to waste my time on. Good day."

The smaller's hand made contact with the softness of the Romanian and before he could lash out, the smaller darted around the corner, not waiting to find out what the Romanian would do.

Although that all transpired a month ago, his mind raged at the betrayal. He paced infront of his picture of him and Hun so friendly, both their eyebrows high and gleaming eyes of anticipation!

Those were the good old times, weren't they? His mind wept while the anger remained in his gooey, chocolate eyes. His mind pondered over many situations; what was he to do?

He heard his house door open as his small (and more fragile brother) crept within the eerie house. His chocolate eyes drooped, gazing around curiously. His shoulders tensed as he noticed Roman staring at him through the crack of the door.


"He... He... Austria..." Moldova choked as the door flung itself open, Roman charged forward, his eyes burning through Daniel's soul. He slammed Daniel to the ground, peering over his shoulder with a hysterical smile.

"You've done well."

"What are you going to... Do...?"

He didn't open his mouth as he slammed the door open and slammed the door shut, causing small splinters to lunge out all over.

Gaining the Austrian's trust had deemed itself difficult as Roman slammed his phone down on the marble table of a small coffee shop.

"Too grotesque?" Scoffed Roman as he turned his phone over and learned from the waitress that the male was teaching piano lessons across the street at a certain time. A crooked smile painted itself onto his pale features as he shagged hair out of his eyes.

He waited an hour in the small cafe before exiting the lame floral decorated place and made his way towards the music store. He didn't bother to glance both ways as he couldn't be killed by a mere mortal.

He opened the door and noticed an old man with wrinkles splattered all over his face. He was chewing on a pencil before taking it out of his giant mouth and jotting something down.

"I'm here for piano lessons, " Roman lied, coaxing his deep voice to be even richer. "You're a fine man. How did someone wonderful as you land a place like this? "

After hearing the comment, a smile beamed itself onto the old hag's face as he began to stroke his chin. "Why yes, yes, Mr. Tobias is in his room ready."

"Thank you. " That had been too easy as he noticed the dark blue door that was cracked open behind the old man. He rounded the corner and pushed the door ever so softly, only to prompt a huff from Tobias, who was too busy studying the piece of song lyrics in front of him. He always sat at that damn piano.

Hell, he'd probably even have sex there too.

"Roderich, you're hella late. I expected better from a fellow Austrian," the male set down his song lyrics when Roman slammed the door shut behind him.

"Hello, Austra."

"What in bloody heaven are you doing here?"

"Stealing Archie's catchphrase now, are we?" He scoffed as the Austrian fumbled to his feet, falling on the ground in the process. His brown eyes tried to mask the weariness it had; however, it stunk so bad that Roman began to taste the damn thing.

"What the hell do you want—?"

"I think you know what I fuckin' want," the male creat towards the crawling male who desperately tried to grasp at a viola.

Roman stomped on Tobias' foot keeping the male in place. A crooked smile edged itself onto his face as Roman fumbled for his weapon.

"What do I want, Austria?" Roman purred out, his shining blade becoming exposed. Austria's eyes narrowed upwards at the Romanian that towered over him.

"I don't know... You're just drunk... Get off me..." Roman knew that he was trying to make sense of the situation; however, a dark laugh escaped from the Romanian's mouth.

"István. I want the short male to pay for ever choosing you over me." He crouched down to where Tobias had straightened himself out and traced the blade against Tobias' cheek. Adrenaline filled him when he realized that the taller's life hung in his control.

Tobias didn't say anything at first and only stared calmly at the crazed Romanian. He cleared his throat after what felt like an eternity of waiting. "He'll never love you "

And that's where Roman lost it.


The Hungarian had unlocked his apartment door, slowly sliding it open, his tired eyes barely open from the tiring shift he had at work. He didn't see Tobias in his usual spot on the chair and a frown wrote itself on his face. Tobias wasn't the one to go out at night. His brown eyes snapped open when he flicked on the light and an eerie picture deafly whispered back.

"Tobias?" He entered the small apartment, shutting the heavy door and gazed around the empty living room. All the lights were off and the house didn't even respond back.

Suddenly, a small light from under the crack of the door, lighting up the small hallway.

Thank god, he was only sleeping. The Hungarian sighed in relief as a smile edged itself to the ends of his lips. "Tobias -! I thought you were off with some chick-"

Isti stepped into the small room, only for the door to slam behind him, sounding like a firecracker had gone off in the bedroom. He spun around and that's where he saw him. Where he saw Roman. Blood had been splattered onto his usual attire and his brown eyes were sparked with malicious intent.

" R.. Roman ... ? " István asked confused and he began to take a step back towards the bed. He had blood gathered around his curvy mouth.

He prayed to God it was just ketchup.

He prayed to God that it was just his tired brain being mean towards him.

He prayed to God nothing bad happened.

He trotted towards István, his eyes almost bugging out of his sockets has he done so. He coughed, straightening his shirt as he got down onto one knee and showed him a bloody ring.

"I had to tussle with Tobias to get this ~ " he whispered, showing his pearly white teeth. Isti's gaze turned towards his canine teeth, they were longer than the rest and his heart skipped a beat. The male lifted the ring higher to get it in Isti's sightline. 

"W.. why... ?" István pleaded, tiptoeing even more back; however, the sick individual only followed in pursuit. Isti's heart stopped beating as his heart kept screaming the same message; he didn't want to accept the male's marriage proposal.

"I love you more than he ever did!" He spat, bouncing up onto his agile feet and he squeezed István's hand with an iron tight grip. István tried to wiggle away from the vampire, only for his skin to start burning in pain.

"And so ~ I stabbed him in his heart for you and I couldn't control my urges so I drank his blood.. "

The bluntless and coldness in the male's voice caused waterfall of tears to make their way down his face as his efforts to squirm away from the vampire increased.

"Don't worry - we will be happy together once I bite you and convert you...~"

"Shut. Up." István shouted, his free hand smacked Roman square in his jaw, which only caused the male's grip to loosen. István squeezed away, only to be pushed down against the bed, the vampire's bloody hand gripped around his warm neck. and Roman softly raked his teeth against the warm neck; however, he wouldn't bite down but if he must... He would.

"Accept my proposal István... !" He hissed and István began to quiver.


I have had enough of István's teasings.

"Fine. You wanna do this the hard way?" Growled Roman, his lips softly rubbed against the male's neck until he found the warm and large vein. "If I can't have you, nobody can !" And grew out his teeth, sinking it into the male's flesh; however, he wouldn't make it fast and painless. He started off swallow, causing the male to squirm only for his teeth to grow deeper and deeper before striking the artery.

" I hope you get a stake to your heart ... ! " István cried. Something inside Roman collapsed as he nicked the artery, quickly pulling out and watching the large holes in the male's neck leak with a scarlet red.

"That's a warning István. I'll come for you when you're ready. I won't be so nice." And he slammed the door shut, leaving the male on the floor as a bloody mess.

Words: 1593

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