My Son [ Au ]

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This is an Au ( that isn't canon )


He couldn't breathe.


Everything around him felt numb as he felt like his legs weren't working. His stormy gray eyes scanned the landscape as his thoughts ran wild.

It was his fault.

It was HIS fault.

The male sat behind the door as he choked back sobs, his mind wanting to start a world war.

The lights were off as he placed his head in between his legs and let out the sobs that invaded his throat.

Multiple seconds later, he heard running up the stairs and loud knocking on the wooden door.

" Mitch ...? " The voice called through the door. The American was still leaning against the door, his mind tired as he tried to choke back the sobs.

" If you don't open up this door, I will come in through the window ...! "


Mitch stood up, wiped his eyes on his sleeve, and cleared his throat. He was still sniffling, while he was hoping he could play it off by him having allergies as he had done.

" Mi... " The male on the other side begged, his voice giving in as Mitch's legs had finally stopped seemingly like jelly.

He unlocked his bedroom door and peeked out, seeing a male with messy dark chocolate hair and those lovely, gorgeous brown eyes as they glanced at the broken male, at the male who caused this all too...



" It's not your fault Mitch... " The male reassured the male who only pushed the shorter male away from him.

" No Buck, it is my fault... " The male turned towards the window. His eyes peeping out into the darkness of the night. The thought of what he had done, or what he hadn't done haunted and fueled his negativity.

He felt arms shelter him as the male pulled him close. Buck was shorter than the male by a couple of inches and even though Buck always cracked wisecracks about it, he knew that deep down inside that Buck wished he was a bit taller.

" Mitchell ...! " Buck shouted, he had used Mitch's full name , which caused Buck to gripped the male even tighter. He cupped the taller male's face and squeezed it a bit. " Please don't blame yourself for what happened to Angel- "

" Don't. Speak. His. Name. "

" Mitchell... " Buck sternly said, his voice dropping a bit, which made the American lower his head into the male's shoulder.

Mitch had promised him that he would always be there for him, and then one day, he wasn't. He was off in Europe on a business trip, thinking he can leave his son alone for a few days with Maple, but when he returned after the stressful business trip, Maple was on the ground in tears as Angel's favorite bandanna had been shriveled up on the floor.

" Don't blame yourself, okay Mitch...? " Buck chirped. A loud bang came from downstairs. Their eyes staring at each other in bewilderment as the noise had relatively gotten louder and louder, which caused the two to sprint downstairs.

A figure in a cloak was downstairs in the castle, their back to the two.

" Excuse me!? " Buck shouted, his eyes narrowing as the figure seemed to jump, their face covered in darkness.

The figure didn't seem to answer but instead pulled out a small, jade dagger. Buck's eyes widened as the stranger jumped at them, tackling Buck to the ground.

" H-hey ...! " Mitch tore the stranger off of his beloved boyfriend and the stranger in robes stared at Mitch in silence.

A medium pitched voice shouted through the broken window as a male with low, brown hair entered the room, his dark brown eyes narrowed down at the male, it was Deweii.

" You're supposed to kill him 12, not stare and gawk at him ...! "

The stranger, known as 12, glanced at Mitch, his eyes narrowed. He lunged towards the male and tackled Mitch to the ground.

Mitch's fight or flight action kicked in and he grabbed the wrist of the male, noticing scars and bruises from the torture that had been endured.

Mitch squinted through the darkness of the mask and saw light blue, broken eyes. Mitch shoved 12 off of him and stood up, the male was incredibly weak and didn't stand a chance against the American.

" You're weak and pathetic 12, must I do everything myself...? " Deweii shoved 12 to the side, Deweii's deranged eyes narrowed down sharply as he pinned his gaze on Mitch. 

Deweii lunged for Mitch' neck and aimed right at it, causing Mitch to choke for breath.

" THIS is what you do 12 ~! " The deranged male purred as Mitch began choking for breath and for some odd reason, 12 wouldn't look at him. The american tried to grab in his belt, his lucky gun.

His vision stayed on point, just one shot would do the trick, while his choking began to got shallower and shallower as Deweii held a deranged smile through it all and then suddenly, 12 removed the hood covering his face, revealing his long lost son, Angel.

" A.. " was all Mitch could choke out and saw Angel ram into  Deweii's from the side, his grip on Mitch's neck being released.

Mitch gasped for air as he sat in awe as he saw the determination in his son to save him.

Deweii let out a small hiss as Angel stabbed his right shoulder. Deweii stood up and jumped out the broken glass window.

Angel glanced down at his scarred hands and his breaths were heavy, his light blue eyes wouldn't meet the gaze of his father

" ... Angel ...? " Mitch stumbled out, his emotions getting the best of him as he hugged the shorter male, who jumped at the sudden touch.

" Dad... " Angel had finally said, the coldness in his voice thawing as tears filled his light blue eyes, falling out like a waterfall heading downstream.

" ... What happened to you...? " His Dad glanced down at the many scars that the shorter male possessed and Buck smiled softly in the background, he stood up and began to wobble towards them, giving his son a hug.

" I'm... sorry what I did to your shoulder dad... " Angel cried out, he placed his face into his hands and let out small whimpers. Mitch glanced up and noticed a large cut in the male's clothing and noticed a large gash. h
He noticed that Buck was biting his lip and holding back tears.

Mitch hugged his broken son and picked him up and sat him on his shoulders like the good old days.

" It's time for you to rest up and heal my son.. "

Mitch lightly laid the male down, Angel shivered at the touch of the small bed that he hadn't slept in for 5 years. Mitch pulled the small space blanket over his son and gave a soft smile.

" I'll be back. "

" ... " Angel didn't say anything as he hugged a pillow, he had his eyes shut tightly as he wanted to stop crying.

Mitch went to leave but his heart didn't allow him. He thought back to the 5 agonizing years that his son must of went through and then responded,

" Don't you fret, I'll check for monsters under your bed. " Mitch first checked the closet as he shook his head and then peaked under the bed, noticing a small teddy bear.

He reached for it and felt the soft fur in his hands and handed it to his son.

" Here, take Mr. Fluffy . "

Angel poked his head up from behind the pillow. His eyes were red from crying and then grabbed for the bear and cuddled it close to his chest, laying down in bed and turning the other direction.

" I'm so, so sorry for what I did. Deweii kidnapped me for 5 rough years and ... " he began to cry again as Mitch placed a hand on the small bed.

" It's okay Angie, your two fathers are here for you. "

" ... Thank you ... "

" It's going to take some time to heal and Buck and I will be here for you, always because we love you and are proud of you. "

" I know, " the male softly responded.

" I'm going to check up on your father, " Mitch stood up after kneeling to talk to his son and exited the bedroom, his vision lingering protectively on his son.

After a few seconds , He went down the hall and heard Buck whimpering from behind the door.

" I'm coming in Buck.. " Mitch tapped on the door and pushed it open, seeing the male sitting on the lid of the toilet, poking at the large gash.

" Buck —! " Mitch shouted, which scared the male. " Here, let me help. "

Mitch grabbed a small rag of water and pressed it against the male's large gash, which made Buck sit up a little straighter, his eyes out in front of him as he then gave a small ,

" Thanks. "

" How's our son ... Is he comfortable in his bed ...? " Buck asked, his brown eyes staring intensely at Mitch's stormy gray eyes.

" He's- " Mitch spoke and then heard a soft-spoken voice come from behind him, which caused Mitch to veer his head back to look at his son.

" I'm fine, thanks for asking- " a loud, British accent boomed down the hallway as footsteps stormed towards the bathroom.

" NO. FUCKING . WAYYYYYYY! " Archie shouted as he gave Angel a big, giant bearhug. He released the uneasy male and then shagged the male's blond hair.

" Archie —? " Mitch stepped out of the bathroom and glanced at the male. Archie spoiled his son like he was a grandfather or something.

" Uhhh... Did you invite them...? " Buck asked as Mitch shook his head no.

Paris bounced up the stairs and ran towards his son and gave him a much more bigger hug.

" What happened!?!? " Archie asked, his voice caring and curious, his eyes glancing at the wrecked place and noticed the broken window.

" Deweii. " Angel put it simply as he made his way into the bathroom, glancing at the wound he had inflicted on his father and glanced away.

" What happened to you-? " Paris asked, her voice sad as she noticed the bloody rag in Mitch's hands.

" This Jaded dagger Deweii had given me.. " Angel dropped it on the ground and dark red blood was visible in the carpet.

Buck frowned at what his son had done and then let out a small grunt and turned his eyes towards his partner.

Mitch only let out a small shrug as Maple stormed up the stairs, his light blue eyes crying as he gave his nephew a swift hug.

" I'm so sorry for not protecting you... I should've done better... I..  " Maple took deep breathes as he tried to catch his breath since he was talking so fast.

" Hey Mapie, it's not your fault.. " the older twin said as he ruffled his brother's hair. Buck glanced at Mitch and Maple and let out a playful scoff, crossing his arms.

" We have been looking all over for you, where was Deweii hiding you...? " Archie asked, his voice serious as he glanced down at his watch.

" It was.. somewhere underground. I don't remember where but.. " Angel responded, he closed his eyes as he started to start up again.

" I was in a cell, no bed, no delicious food from my fathers .. " he opened his eyes and glanced at his dad's and then closed his eyes once more. " No toilet or water... Only what he gives you... "

Mitch cracked his knuckles as Buck pointed to the bathtub. " Then someone needs a bath. "

Buck got up off the toilet and began to fill the tub with warm water, he hummed a bit as he placed bubbles into the bath and then started to shove everyone out of the bathroom.

" Bathroom is all yours Angel , let us know if you need anything, " Buck responded and closed the door after they had all gotten out of the bathroom, besides Angel.

" Thank you so much for coming... Unannounced, " Buck plastered a fake smile until he heard the chilling words of Paris say,

" What ? Someone texted us to say that you guys had a killer surprise for us ! "

Mitch glanced at Buck, who didn't respond. Mitch stepped closer to his partner and whispered

" They were going to be next.. "

Buck clapped his hands together and gave a small smile, nothing escaped his mouth as these gave their farewells and stepped down the stairs.

" I'm so glad our son is alive.. " Mitch entered the door next to the bathroom, their bedroom and sat down on the bed, his shades came off of the top of his head and Buck sat down next to him, a small nod was all Mitch had gotten.

" See Mitch, it wasn't your fault. How could anyone predict what was going to happen 5 years ago ? " Buck asked sternly and gave a small smile, they both knew he was right on that level.

" I shouldn't of went for that business trip, I should've stayed there.. "

" At least we have our son back Mitchy. Don't worry, we will make up lost time with him by showing we will always be there. "

Mitch gave the German a soft kiss on the male's rough lips and only nodded softly.

" Yeah, you're right... As usual. "

ლ(' ❥ 'ლ)

words : 2208

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