Let's Meet Again !

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Oneshot for Gmrsugarart 's writing contest !

DM FatYoshi5 on discord for my prizes due to me uninstalling discord and not going to be back anytime soon. Please let Nacht know about any prompts for upcoming months

"What's going on
The look in your eyes tells me something is wrong
Stay with me
Help is on the way; just try to breathe."

A soft melody made its way into her brain, surrounding her as the darkness that surrounded her began to softly melt away. It wasn't like the original song by a band she couldn't remember; however, it felt like it was someone singing. The singing was gorgeous; furthermore, the female could only dance around in the darkness alone. Where was she...? Could she escape...? She tried to peel away at her eyelids; however, it was no use. The darkness began to slowly take its grip off of her, and she tried to scream. Her thoughts felt empty as she couldn't remember who she was. Who was she...? She glanced down at her hands, and they seemed so foreign to her that she couldn't make out if they were real or not. The melody that shifted around her began to slowly fade into a small hum.

Her heavy eyelids felt like they were glued shut and rejected to open. She felt like she was out of control of her body as a noisy beeping noise began to flood her ears. The sound was a small, stable throb as the concealment around her surroundings began to gently blur, light and color racing towards her fast as a mumble pattered upwards.

There she laid, in a white room, and the blinds had been thrown open to allow some precious sunlight to steal into the room. The throbbing noise had faded; however, it was now a sensation she felt in her temples.

Where was she...? She tightly closed her eyes as an empty blank only painted itself there in her consciousness. Her green eyes hurriedly veered towards the door as a tall man with gray hair and red eyes entered the room. He wore a long, white looking.... she thought for the longest time; however, the object's name didn't come to mind. Her bewildered thoughts ended when the man moved towards a small table and picked up a tool. He had his back to her as he asked, "hello, Mavy. How are you feeling?" His angelic voice flew around the room as she sat dumbfounded. Mavy...?

That's right! She exclaimed to herself as she placed a hand to her forehead, her fingers snagging on a soft fabric, and began to pick at it. Her name was something of the sort; however, she thought it was something a bit different...

"Woooooooah Mavy." A cold hand grasped her fingers away from the soft fabric on her forehead and gave a stern look. She shivered when her fingers touched his icy cold skin as she couldn't bear to bring her eyes to look at his haunting red orbs. Her soft green eyes focused on the floor as the doctor let go of her hand. "Don't take off that bandage, Mavis."

"W...why...?" Mavis asked. Her throat was dry and coarse that reminded her of something smooth running against sandpaper. Her green eyes finally glanced at the doctor, who moved away from her, his back offering her a break from his haunting red eyes. Has she... seen him before...? Her mind couldn't process the question as a nurse wearing a skimpy white uniform tumbled into the room.

"I'm... very sorry to interrupt Doctor; however, Mavis' best friend is waiting out in the lobby." The nurse had adjusted her dress before standing up and looked like a midget compared to the 6'5 male. Her shoulders were tightly being pressed together, and her legs were crossed.

"Thanks, Virisila." He turned towards Mavis as her eyes began to fall down to his cheek area, a large scratch noticeable on his left cheek. As sudden as she saw the scratch, her attention snapped to a loud noise that visibly took her breath out of her soul.

"MAVYYYYYYYYYYYY!" the angel glided towards her. Getting down on her knees and sliding on the floor to where Mavis had rested. Her soft green eyes flashed fear as the doctor grabbed the tenki angel and placed her to her feet.

"That was very irresponsible of you," the doctor's voice growled as he still clenched the neck of her shirt tightly. The angel plastered a nervous smile and gave a soft, "sorry" before being released. She dusted herself off as she softly made her way towards Mavis. Mavis didn't know the angel that stood in front of her; however, she wrecked of familiarity. Her eyes didn't haunt her, and neither did her stance.

"I'm Sarah, Sarah Gloom. Do you remember me Mavy... We've done something together, do you remember what...?" she asked softly. Her voice was angelic as Mavis closed her eyes. Soft pictures of the gentlewoman tutoring her brought a warm smile to her face; however, everything began to blur once more as she opened her mouth to speak. Her eyes shot back open as she scratched her forehead, her doctor once more grabbing at her fingers and letting out a sigh.

"Mavis, I told you not to pick at this again." She ignored him, allowing him to push her fingers down into her lap, and glimpsed up at her doctor, a thin line spreading across her face. She didn't know why she liked the soft scolding of her doctor as she heard Sarah gloom clear her throat, getting a bit impatient with the hybrid.

"Give her time, Sarah," the male muttered, his usual soft glance at Mavis hardened to stone when his eyes met Sarah's, who only shivered and gave a timid nod. His words blurred together and Mavis cocked her head, she couldn't quite make out the foreign words through a thick accent breaking through the seams. The doctor seemingly coughed, the accent fading away as soon as it had appeared.

"I...I know that...!" The angel remarked, her nails burying themselves into her fists as Mavis watched... intrigued. She didn't know how to respond to the death glares the two were giving each other; furthermore, she ignored them as she decided to focus on the question that was asked.

"It was..." Mavis closed her eyes as she couldn't get quite a clear image. She glanced down at the fuzzy memory and noticed a simple problem scrawled on paper. Her eyes scrunched up as she began to mouth a word; however, the word was clustered in her throat. What was the word??

She opened her eyes and noticed a small, reassuring smile on her doctor's face as the word magically lit itself like a fire in her mind. "Math... Wasn't it?" That question seemed to light up Sarah's face as she tightly clutched the fox girl, only to be snarled at by the doctor. His red eyes narrowed down as Sarah softly let go of her, giving a sheepish smile.

"Please refrain from hugging her, yet." The doctor glared as Sarah only nodded in response. The doctor scribbled down something on a notepad and handed it towards Sarah, who gripped it intensely. She gave a small nod, tucking the piece of paper into her hand and proclaiming to Mavis in a light whisper,

"Come on, it's time to leave the hospital." She moved towards the white and purple fox and offered the fox her hand. The fox softly ran her fingers across the palm of Sarah's hand and closed her eyes. She remembered a faint memory of 3 people hanging out. She couldn't quite make out one of the faces as her face scrunched up in irritation. Who was that? She felt her legs leave her control as her green eyes softened at Sarah's wings, the door grew closer and closer to her.

"Now Mavis." The doctor responded, adjusting his white lab coat and grabbing a clipboard from his desk. He unclipped something from the board and handed it carefully to her, avoiding touching her soft skin once more. "I want you to come back every day to make sure you're ready and feel stronger from your... accident."


"Just call me Doc," Doc responded as he turned towards Sarah, who only gave a nod and glanced away. Mavis only glimpsed at the two of them, feeling tension rise between them for some strange reason. Did they know each other? Did they share some kind of secret between them?

She felt a small slug in her side as Sarah gave her a small chuckle. "Are you going to say anything back or be awkward...?"

"Oh! I'm sorry...!!" Mavis breathed out, the words seemed foreign to her and her mouth curved in comfortable ways. She wasn't going to say that; it felt like her mouth had a mind of its own. She placed her fingers to her soft, delicate lips as she began to pick at them.

"Don't be," Doc chuckled. "You should regain your memory back in a few weeks, maybe even a couple of months." The words stung her heart for some reason. Was it because there were things that were going to be forgotten to her...? She rubbed her temple as she glanced towards her doctor. That awkward smile was plastered on his face struck her as a locked away secret she wished she had the key for.

"Have we... met before...?"

"Try to experiment with your surroundings and people. I am sure Ms. Gloom will help you back into your friend group." Doc dodged the question as he finally took his haunting eyes off of her. Her heart began to skip a pulse as a million questions flew out of her ears. Have they met before...?

"And I know the perfect place~!" Sarah grabbed her friend's hand as she gave a small laugh. "We will go to your favorite place, Mavis."

Mavis blinked in confusion as Sarah began to continue. "We are going to go out for dinner at Funfetti's Funkalicious!" She pulled Mavis out of the room and dragged her down a narrow hallway. Her eyes couldn't help but wonder and noticed small pictures drawn in crayon taped to the wall as workers dodged the two females, screaming for the two to move.

"Who was my Doctor...?" Mavis asked boldly, her soft green eyes wandering around the boring hallway. She noticed children jumping on chairs in the lobby as a member of the staff scolding them for their behavior. "He seems... familiar..."

"He's your Doctor. You've had checkups with him before." Sarah put coldly and gripped the hybrid's hand closer. "So of course he looks familiar." Mavis closed her light green eyes as no recollection of him appeared. She didn't say anything to Sarah as they thundered down the steps and burst through glass doors. The sun glared brightly at Mavis, and the sunlight absorbed its way into her flesh, causing a small smile to paint itself onto her flesh. Her skin giggled at the rays of sunlight as her mind felt free; relaxed.

Sarah gave her a warm smile that was heavily contagious; furthermore, she couldn't help but giggle at the sight. Her green eyes burned whenever she looked up and felt young under the warmth of the sun. Clouds kissed and hovered in the wide-open space called the... called the... she closed her eyes as one word came to mind; sky. She let out a small gasp, shooting her arms towards the sky in delight.

"I can see you're back to your sun-loving self~" Sarah placed her hand around Mavis's shoulder and felt someone else's presence. She couldn't shake the thought as Sarah frowned softly; however, she didn't ask what was the matter. Her mind wanted to wander; however, it sadly couldn't.

The two began to walk in silence. The sun sparkling down brightly on the two of them as Sarah entangled her fingers, causing Mavis to stop when Sarah's movement stopped suddenly. She glanced at a seafoam green building, white stripes along the side of the building, and two big glass windows revealing comfortable seating inside. Sarah held open the door for Mavis, who stumbled inside the big place. Although her green eyes were large, she was on alert to any foreign noise. A soft aurora waffled into her nose, dancing through her nose as her mouth began to water. What was that delicious smell...?

"Hello. Welcome to Funfetti's, how may I help you?" A purple cat sleeked his way to the front and a small spread across his cheeks, realizing who the customers were.

"Well, well, well!!!" He exclaimed, running forward and standing by Sarah's side. "It's so nice to see you out of your incident, Mavis! I have whipped up your favorite!!" His energy seemed odd to the fox until his name got caught in her brain. Funfetti. She closed her eyes as she remembered a small memory of a date she had taken here with someone. Funfetti went on and on as he began to drag the two until Mavis spun around. Facing the male with her hands out in front of her.

"I don't quite understand..." Mavis responded politely, her eyes veering around the seating area as confusion wrote itself more on her face. She didn't remember why she liked this place, it didn't look like anything special... Sarah ripped her out of her thoughts as they began to move once more; however, it was towards a corner table by a glass window. Sarah held out Mavis's chair for her and pushed her in, sitting across from the fox as Funfetti dashed towards the kitchen.

"What don't you understand?" Funfetti asked, her voice never faltering from the happy tone, which began to get on her nerves. Sarah placed a small hand on his shoulder, giving him a comforting smile as she whispered something in his ear, and he raced off.

"Did I do something wrong...?" Mavis asked quietly, her fingers fumbling out in front of her as she watched the purple cat hurry off towards the kitchen. Sarah leaned her head on her knitted fists as she stated,

"You usually go on dates here. You always seem to find comfort and happiness in reading and geeking out to your dates about the kinds of books you read."

Her eyes gleamed when her hands made contact with the table cloth as her memory soared. She remembered melancholy times when dates would not show; however, one date stuck in her mind like glue. A tall male sat across from her. His accent thick as he began to sing her a song that blared over the speaker. Sarah interrupted her thoughts softly as she continued.

"But of course, many of them wouldn't show."

Her eyes glanced down at the dim candles and breathed in the soft scent of pine trees.

"And I always told you to stop trying to find lovers from Sparks Fly, the dating app." Sarah chuckled softly as it began to fade as she turned her head.

"... What happened next...?" Her voice cracked as she asked the question. A wave of nostalgia began to roll down her whole body as her hands coaxed the table cloth softly.

"Hm? Oh, nothing. You'd usually giggle and say you would find the perfect one—" Sarah paused as Funfetti dropped off small knots of dough that Mavis eyed. Did she like these...? And if she did, why did she like them so much. They seemed bland...??

She picked one up as Funfetti crossed his hands out in front of him as the dough began to creep closer and closer to her until she took a chunk out of the soft and gooey dough. Her mouth blew up in flavors, her eyes began to close as she could not help but chew and chew and chew and chew even more. The warm dough traveled down her throat as she let out a small "mmm."

"She loves it!!!" Funfetti cheered as Sarah watched Mavis grasp at more ... she felt the tenderness in her hand as she asked, glancing down at the dough knots as her mouth watered down her words.

"What are ... these...?"

"Croissants!" Funfetti cheered as he jumped softly, spooking Mavis for no reason whatsoever.

"There are scrumptious...!" Mavis panted as she noticed one more croissant on the table and glimpsed back at Sarah, who was watching with melancholy eyes. Feeling awkward, Mavis placed the croissant back down on the plate and asked once more, "what are these...?"

"Croissants!" Funfetti exclaimed again, letting a slow giggle release from his snout.

"Croissants..." she mumbled the word to herself as she handed the last one to Sarah, giving a small smile. "Want the last one?"

"I'm lactose intolerant," Sarah gave a small smile as Mavis cocked her head towards Sarah, staring softly at her. A thin smile extended itself forcefully on her lips, "dairy-free."

"Ooooh..." Mavis trailed off as a waiter buzzed by Funfetti and sat down Sarah's salad handing her a fork and a knife. The waiter began to talk to Funfetti, his lips close enough to kiss Funfetti as he shagged the male's hair.

"Although I would love to stay and chat, I will leave you two for dinner." Funfetti backed up slowly, making sure he didn't run into waiters, and whisked himself away. The waiter following him with every step. Mavis watched the two of them leave and turned her head towards Sarah, who turned her eyes in shame at Mavis. They ate in silence for what seemed like ages until Mavis asked curiously, "did I... ever find a lover...?"

Sarah did not respond right away as she set down her fork, chewing her fresh leaves and glancing down at the table in thought. Was it something Mavis had said to her? Sarah finally swallowed the healthy leaves as no words came out as Sarah opened her mouth.


Mavis's ears perked up when soft music played softly at first and blurred out of the speaker. At first, she was not listening until the voice began to sing.

"What's going on
The look in your eyes tells me there is something wrong
Stay with me, help is on the way
Just try to breathe
Can you hear my voice
Let it guide you through all of the noise
Your lips are blue
I would sell my soul for you to pull through."

Her heart quickened as her mouth began to move to the lyrics, her heart trapped itself within the lyrics as she closed her eyes, a small memory of a small bar played in her mind. The same man - that was singing to her - was singing a soft duet with her as a cold touch crept her ways into her thoughts.

"What song is this...?" Mavis asked, her ears twitching to the beat as the melody surrounded her in a comforting aura. She did not want to leave the small restaurant where she was; furthermore, she wanted to rest in the comforting aura this place was giving her.

"Your favorite song Mavy," Sarah gave a small smile that seemed to be a resolve for her.

"Dancing With Your Ghost by No Resolve... right?" Her mind pounded in excitement as she stood up. The chorus blasting through the speakers as she stood on the table; furthermore, her arms shot towards the ceiling. She began to use her voice melodically in a way that was locked behind a door. Sarah glanced up at Mavis and crossed her arms, slugging down as Funfetti raced out of the kitchen.

"Mavy!! Get down please!!" Mavis turned towards the purple cat and began to descend back into her chair; however, her foot hit the chair sideways awkwardly. Her body began to plummet towards the floor. Her eyes slamming shut as she felt contact with a foreign body.

"You okay?" The voice started off ice-cold as she stood up, embarrassed at the small mistake, and noticed Doc glancing at her curiously, his eyes seemingly staring at her. Mavis turned away from Doc as he chuckled lightly and shrugged off, joining an orange-haired boy who sat alone at a back table. Her eyes rested on the male until she felt a soft shake come from Sarah.

"Do not stare; that's rude," her voice seemed... tense. She quickly adjusted her shirt and grabbed Mavy's hand, dragging her out of the small restaurant and into the softly lit street. Small blossoms fell down from a soft cherry tree as Mavis lost herself in thought. The tree was taller than her, and she pressed her hand against the soft, dark brown bark. She closed her eyes as Sarah began to complain,

"Are you even listening??"

"Oh dear-!" Mavis shot her eyes forward and gave an awkward smile. "No, I am sorry, I just..." she didn't finish her sentence as her hand was stripped away from the bark of the tree and entangled with Sarah's.

"Mavis, I don't mean to be rude. Furthermore, I am sorry if I sound clingy."

"You don't sound rude at all!" quipped the white fox as she shut her green eyes tightly. "Not at all." she was trying to understand what Sarah meant by being rude; however, she couldn't get over her tone.

"I didn't want to tell you this and let you figure it out on your own. However, I am your girlfriend Mavis."

Mavis's heart sank as she realized how foolish and immature she had been towards Sarah's feelings as Sarah began to scratch her arm. "Sarah..." she couldn't shake the feeling of melancholy as her heart sank. For some reason, she couldn't keep down the feeling of wanting... wanting someone else.

"I'm sorry for being so careless in the restaurant and singing..."

"It's quite fine, I just wasn't... heh... having a lot of fun." The two walked in silence as the night began to draw itself out into a boring and long. Sarah began to skip quietly, not wanting to start a conversation with Mavy. The pavement beneath their feet sung a sad lullaby as Mavis brushed her tail against the ground; what was she going to do...? They stopped in front of a small log house, and Sarah stopped in the pathway leading up to the door.

"This is your house; you live here."

Mavis glanced back at Sarah, who handed her the key to the fragile house and flew off, her wings gliding through the air. Mavis noted that the female had not even said goodbye. Mavis sighed as she turned the doorknob to her house and fidgetted with the key. She pushed open the small door and inhaled deeply; this was her home.

She moved through the dark house, silhouettes of furniture that peacefully slumbered. She noticed a small light on in a cooking area and trotted towards it. Her eyes glimpsed at a small gift that laid wrapped neatly in pink and blue paper.

She saw a small card as her heartbeat like a drum. She opened the fragile thing, and her eyes read over the calligraphy of words. "For you." For some reason, she was so attached to the handwriting that she couldn't concentrate. She glanced towards the present and crudely tore into the delicate paper. It was a rounded object topped off with some sort of white cream and a cherry. The sides of the cake had no cream, and Mavis gingerly placed the glass covering on the table and licked the cream she scooped up with her finger.

"Whip cream..." she breathed as she grabbed a small fork and bit into the foamy cake. As she began to chew, small sugar cubes danced up and down her tongue, and she swallowed. The taste bubbled across her tongue as she couldn't control her urge to eat more.

"This was my... favorite dessert..." she glanced at a calendar and noticed something peculiar. She had a red X through the 13th of March; however, when she glanced down to check her watch, it read June 12th. Why had she stopped? Her world began to spin as she realized something. She woke up in a hospital from a coma. She glanced at the cake and began pounding her fists at her temples. Why can't she piece two simple things together?

She felt a strange feeling wash over her as she began to walk back towards the door, her mind racing uncomfortably. She nearly tore off the metallic doorknob as she observed the setting sun that shot out pinks, oranges, and yellows to overcast the darkening sky. A soft blue faded into a shining purple as she marveled at the soft sight. Her feet began to move again as she hurried off away from her humble home and into the unknown surroundings that seemed like a vague dream.

She noticed a small creature all alone and staring at her silently. Mavis stopped her running as her feet became stuck to the ground. The creature let out a small chirp as it began to hop deeper into the obscene woods.

"W...wait...!" she called out as she reached out her arm, trying to get the creature's attention. Her feet finally unstuck as she began to race into the calamitous woods, her body swaying to avoid dreadful branches that hang so ever low. She saw the creature dart into a green bush, and she paused at it, getting down on her hands and knees and softly letting out some noises she thought would attract the creature; however, none had worked.

"Oh come on..." she softly phased as she began to crawl towards the bush and cloak herself into the green thicket. Branches scratched at her arms and legs as she squinted her eyes.

"Chirp...Chirp..." She heard a soft chirp come from the other side of the bush and she grabbed the creature when she emerged from the bushes behind the creature.

"Got you!! What are you??" She picked the creature up as the creature began to kick its legs out softly. The chirping fading as the creature's ears flopped down, its eyes happily gleaming as Mavis stroked the back of the creature. The creature began to push its head into her hand, wanting more strokes when she stopped. She giggled softly as she felt the fur of the white-black-gray creature and closed her eyes.


"Is that what your name is, Chirp?" Mavis asked as her eyes turned towards the snapping of a branch. Chirp bobbed its head up and down and hopped away from Mavis, and jumped towards the branch that had cracked. Mavis stood up carefully, her eyes veering around the concealed area as she followed after Chirp.

Chirp leaned over and sniffed a branch as she heard a low voice come from behind her that made her skin shrivel. "We have met again." She spun around and noticed the silhouette of Doc as his poker face was the first thing she had noticed.

"Ooh.. yes... I am not stalking you-! I, I mean-!" She choked out and shut her hand over her mouth as her tail dragged across the dirty trail. The man raised an eyebrow as Chirp bounced his way happily towards Doc and had climbed up to his shoulder where Chirp nuzzled his face.

"I see you have met Mavis, Chirp," Doc responded as an accent began to break the surface of his words. He glanced at Mavis who was busy eyeing the two and trying to figure out why he was so familiar.

"Why do you do that-?" Mavis asked quietly as her eyes began to narrow down into a squint.

"Do what...?"

"Your voice, are you... up pitching it?" Mavis asked as she began to creep closer towards the male. "Who exactly are you...?"

"I'm not up pitching," the deadpanned voice of the male glared as he crossed his arms. She reached out to the male who seemed apprehensive about it. "Please, don't touch me."

Mavis wanted to retort; however, she bit her lip and followed his request. Silence welled up between the two of them until the male had enough.

"Wanna go for a walk with me. I want to address some awkward things between us." His voice sounded genuine and Mavis contorted her fingers to a thumbs-up as she let out a small giggle. Chirp bounced off of his shoulder and began to lead the way as the male waited for Mavis to catch up.

"Whoever you think I am, I am not."

"But... I remember you," Mavis pushed as Doc rolled his eyes at the childish statement. "I... I remember a silhouette and the memories are stuck behind a lock and you have the key."
Doc didn't say anything as his red eyes began to turn towards the woods, his mind wandering as Mavis wished for a chance to read his thoughts. She bit her lip as her green eyes noticed that scar that hadn't healed yet.

"What is this scar from...?" Mavis asked as she placed a soothing hand on the face of the taller man. She felt him jump away from her and noticed shame shine glimmer in his eyes. The trust between them had been shattered from something that Mavis didn't remember.

"It was from..."

"It's okay, you can tell me," Mavis gave a gentle smile as she noticed a thin line creep itself onto Doc's face softly.

"From glass," the male stated simply as he grabbed Mavis's hand with his covered hand and placed it back down by her side, and proceeded to take off the glove and feel the crescent-shaped scar. "All my other small scars had held, besides this one."

"How did glass cut you?" Mavis asked quietly as Doc began to hum a soft tone, not being able to look at her as he responded.

"Car accident."

"Car accident...?"

"I was driving," the male responded quietly, he shoved his brown glove into his pocket as pressed his fingers at his eyes as he began to continue slowly. "I was giving my girlfriend a ride since her car had broken down on the highway."

"That sucks..." Mavis began to fumble with her fingers as she softly glanced down at the floor and shuffled her feet together.

"We were at a four-way stop," Doc continued as his bare hand landed down by his side and sighed softly. "Then, a drunk driver didn't stop and slammed right into the passenger side door. The glass from her window shattered up and slashed at my face." Doc ended the story as Mavis glanced up at the taller male, giving a sympathetic look when his red eyes refused to glance her way. "It was devastating..."

"I bet..." she whispered softly as his voice began to pick up again.

"I do hope she is happy," she closed his eyes as he let out a small hum, his hands crossing up in front of him and sheltering his aching heart.

"Is she... alright...?"

"She is; however, I can't go back to her."

"Why not?" Mavis whispered softly as Chirp jumped onto her shoulder and pressed his face into her cheek softly. She couldn't help but feel a warm smile manifest onto her thin lips as Doc finally faced her.

"I caused this."

Those words rang in her ears as her legs began to stiffen up, refusing to move off of the dirt path and grasped at the man's bare hand. He seemed almost frozen when he turned around and those red eyes began to bleed into a familiar memory. She felt warmth in them as if he were the sun. Her mind swarmed with memories that she favorited and had lost as she couldn't hold back a smile.

"My dearest... I still don't know your name," Mavis breathed as the male flinched away from her, refusing to say a word. He reminded Mavis as a dark gray wall, refusing to let its guard down and keep its people in.

"It's better that way," he mumbled as the birbbun skipped from her grip and stopped at his owner's feet. "I can't forgive myself."

"Well my dearest," she sighed softly as her gaze turned upwards, her cheek hueing up as she smiled as she remembered his beautiful smile and couldn't help but smile herself. His melancholy frown didn't shift as she exclaimed. "I forgive you. You may not forgive yourself; however, it isn't your job to create a judgment on yourself."

"..." He didn't respond as Mavis glanced at him and asked honestly,

"Why did Sarah pretend to be my girlfriend?"

"I told her to," Her lover responded as he crossed his arms. "She claimed I had taken you from her, so I decided to give her a chance." Everything began to fall around her as she tried to squint her eyes, her memories swarming all around her as she couldn't speak.

"I know you may think all of this was fabricated; however, she told you everything you enjoyed."

"Except you... She didn't tell me about you." Mavis frowned as the male tried to hide a small smile that began to grow on his pale features. Even with his small smile, he didn't say anything as their eyes locked together in a deadly game. She heard him mumble something quietly to himself as her ears perked up.


"My name," he quickly stated, his red eyes gleaming down at his birbbun as his lips stayed the same. "My name is..."

She couldn't handle the apprehensiveness that he held back; however, her mouth didn't urge him to move on as he adjusted himself on his heels.

"Sergei. My name is Sergei."

That moment felt like fireworks exploding off in her mind. "How could I ever forget your name?" She raced into Sergei's arms and wrapped herself around the Russian male who only patted her head softly, not saying a word to the small fox. She wanted to stay in her lover's arms for the rest of time; however, when he softly let go, she allowed him to.

5639 Words

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