Be Careful What You Change

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This is for Gmrsugarart 's writing contest !!


Enjoy ! .D


The flashing lights and the dazzling of an audience must've gotten to her head. Thought a solitary male lurking in the obscurations, his costume sodden from the heavy gunfire that the clouds unleashed outside. His boots drooping from the heavy water; however, they began to trot towards stage left, while his wet hands held his freezing clothing. 

They replaced me. They used that freaking understudy… the forsaken male regarded as the succubys angel plunged a crossed the stage, Summer let out a small mocking noise while he heard a damp tap escalate off his shoulder. 

" Roman …? " the white and purple fox asked, her eyes enlarging as Roman flashed her a toothy glower. 

" Don't. " 

The ears of the fox went down; furthermore, her tail in betwixt her legs. As she scurried off, her eyes warned others with tears.

 Roman should've chased after her, held her between his arms; however, he didn't. 

He should've, but his anger was out of control as he slammed into the metal door as his eyes were focused on what was in front of him. He entered the war zone of rain, the torrent of bullets hammering on his head and body. His eyes squinted against the fog swarming around him as his phone buzzed loudly in his pocket. He took a deep breath in as he braced himself but didn't anticipate the message he had received.  

The glaring face of Summer taunted as he sighed. He never had been happy in the relationship for weeks now and had been seeing his understudy in secrecy. It felt like an arrow had pierced his heart when he saw his understudy tumbling on stage and making the musical look like a fool, it burled under his skin like a mammal in winter. Roman leaned against his black Darcia Duster and a fit of anger manifesting throughout his body. 

" BE LIKE THAT THEN —!! " he bellowed as he heard what sounded like a thousand thundering claps from the auditorium where HE should've been and not some dumb understudy. He wouldn't even care if his understudy were to die; furthermore, murdered or killed! 

His eyes began to dance with tears as he took off his ballet shoes and slammed them against the passenger door; however, the shoe responded with an angry retort and hurled itself into his chest, feeling like a bullet. 

" Inadequate. Pathetic. " 

" … what …? " Roman spun on his heels, his right foot drowning in what seemed like an ocean as he held his breath. 

" I said… pathetic! " The words hissed and traveled around Roman like a piece of prey caught in a boa constrictor's grasps. Roman's feet felt like they were glued in place; furthermore, he had nothing to pull himself away from the ambiguous voice. 

" w… what do you want… " Roman didn't respond right away as his words felt caught in his throat and finally choked out a response. His anxiety had heightened greater than his fear of heights. His feet whined of running away, and he slowly began to back up until his ass bumped into something behind him and felt the dead hands of a creature. 

"I jussssst wanna help an inssssssufficient ssssoul like you. You ussssssed to have everything, did you not ? " the creature didn't wait for Roman to choke out a response and gave a hissy chuckle. " I can get it back for you. " 

Intrigued by the perplexing creature, Roman spun around and saw only rain behind him, his heart throbbing in his chest as he seized his soggy shirt. 

" I… I think I'm going insane —! No, I am dreaming, of course, I am dreaming…. Right? " He screeched out to the world. He must be envisaging... he must be off his rocker... where was everyone...? 

" If only ~ " the hands slammed down on his shoulders, his quaking legs giving in on him as his face kissed the road outside. " I can get you EVERYTHING. All you have to do is ssssssay sssssomething to sssssumon me for my help ~ " 

" … please …? " Roman whined out, burying his face in his wet arms from the rain, a hot liquid streaming down his face as he heard something heavy slither across the ground. 

" All you have to do is ssssay my name 3 timessss with 3 lit candlesssss in front of a mirror in the dark. " 

" I don't know your name... Please help me.. " Roman sobbed out, slamming his fists against the pavement. 

" Be patient, and the anssssswer will come to you. "

Perplexed by what the creature had said, Roman stretched towards and noticed the miry incrustations that belonged to a snake. His heart thumped as the words in his head began to murmur a name he couldn't quite understand. 

" When it comessss to you, " continued the snake god. " You must ssssay my name three timesssss, spoken, unbroken. " 

Roman eyes peeked upwards. The rain encircled him in a protective bubble as he observed people file outside the auditorium. He scurried upwards to his feet, picked up his clammy footwear that once had been on his foot and darted into the car, and drove away from the damned place. 

~. ~ 

Roman seized the candles in his arms as he scampered upstairs. He kicked his sloppy footwear off of his clammy feet and kept his bedroom light off. His eyes were clenched as he inhaled upwardly, igniting the candles with a black igniter while catching the scent of vanilla. 

The murmuring began to grow louder and louder as the candles flames began to dimly light the room. Stry'fe. 

" Stry'fe. " He immediately opened his eyes up and stared deeply into the glassy surface. 

" Stry'fe. " He stammered. Did he want to carry on? Minutes felt like hours until he finally let the name slip out of his lips. 

" Stry'fe. " 

The mirror began to fracture as the creature emerged from the darkness, a devious grin plastered on the face of the snake god. 

" Roman dear, you're open for business~ " Unlike before, the s in the snake God's sentences were clean and crisp. The snake god lunged towards Roman, the mirror shattering instantly and glass shards danced on the carpet floor. Roman raced towards the door, but it was too late. 

" Where are you going~? " Stry'fe laughed viciously as Roman's body felt like it was out of control; furthermore, he felt an extraordinary throbbing manifest in his ribs. Even though he was in pain, he kept going and going and going and going. Each minute felt like an hour that he won't ever be able to get back. 

" I don't want to… " He finally collapsed towards the floor. The ritual had been successful as his head began to ache. 

" Shouldn't have tried to run away. " Stry'fe slithered towards Roman, who began to clench his eyes. The blackness surrounding him as everything went black and blurry. 


It felt like he had languished for three days. He woke up in a cold sweat as his dark brown eyes held fear, the same fear from the night he had collapsed. His heart throbbed as he noticed something next to him, an orange ball of fur next to him, resulting in the nostalgic memory of Summer.

Why wasn't I honest with you about the relationship…? Roman whined to himself as he heard a faraway noise coming from downstairs that caused him to jump within his skin.

His body veered out of the humble blankets as curiosity had gotten the best of him. He trotted quietly down the ruler-straight stairs as an odd feeling overcame him. As he traveled throughout his house, something didn't seem quite right as his anxiety began to bubble when the noise began to grow louder and louder and louder. His stomach wouldn't stop doing backflips as he shifted on both legs. 

His whole body jumped back when he noticed the white door to the bathroom open up on its own. His legs stuck to the carpet like cement to the ground, and he heard the blood rush wildly to his ears. He quietly pushed open the door with his hands as he stepped into the bathroom. His feet danced in a small puddle that had formed and his eyes followed the trail to the tub, while his ears heard the roaring sound of the tub. The only sound he began to hear, however, was his heart.

This gave him a nostalgic feeling back to a show he and Tobias had watched together, where the protagonist found a dead body in a tub, and his mind raced frantically as he began to fidget with his fingers. 

Please don't be a dead body. 

Please don't be a dead body. 

Roman quietly murmured to himself as he nearly shredded the shower covers off its rings and noticed a scarlet red in the water. His nose wrinkled up at the sight disturbed; however, his vampire's teeth poked outwards in hunger. 

" what the fuck is going on… " 

" so, you've finally awoken, " Roman swung around and regarded a slim figure wearing a light azure dress as she made her way towards him. Her orange bangs almost cover her playful yellow eyes. 

" Summer… how did you…? " Roman took a step back, slipping on the water on the ground and landing in the bloody tub, his brown eyes gaping open as Summer made her way towards her. The water had attached itself to his clothing, and once more, he was wet. 

" Sorry for the alarm, baby. I had to clean out my wound and not worry, but clearly, you smelled my blood. " 

Roman peeped down at the dark red water and up at Summer as if she could read his mind. She giggles. " I cut myself while making you some breakfast for an apology on how brash I acted Monday. " 

She extended her hand to Roman, who reluctantly took it, his brown eyes glanced at her perfectly groomed orange fur, and he noticed a brown bandaid wrapped around her index finger. 

Maybe she did cut herself. He dangerously thought as her tail swooshed out in front of him, leading him to his own kitchen. But his stomach held a deadly thought that it was something much more severe. 

In the kitchen were 3 warm pancakes and chopped ham, his favorite breakfast meal. He picked up his fork as her yellow eyes watched every movement he made. His teeth sunk into the delicious food, the flavor danced all the way down his tongue and throat and he felt a warmness remain after a small mouthful.

" Summer ! " he breathed. " I didn't know you could cook so well… " Summer usually relied on Roman to cook and sizzle their food, and the fox only giggled. 

" Learned from the best. " That sentence seemed a little out of place for Summer as she never would have said something on the lines of that, but Roman's desire clouded his judgment as he began to stuff his mouth full.

" I'm going to go outside and garden, be right back~ " she skipped towards a shovel and heaved it over her shoulders as Roman watched in awe at his girlfriend. 

" You garden…? " 

" Yes darling, I do ~ " she opened the backdoor and shut it, a weird lock happening behind her, which raised his suspicions. 

Summer doesn't like dirt… maybe it's a surprise or something? The more he thought about it, the more it became apparent that maybe she was teasing him to join her outside and a quixotic smile drew itself on his face. 

" Yeah, it's probably that ~ " he breathed in as he got off his feet and pushed in the chair behind him as his daydreaming began to grow like a weed.

Roman moved towards the now locked door and tried to open it to join her outside, no use. He squinted through the petite window and noticed a black trash bag, a dark red trail leading from the shed to where the bag was placed caused a sickening thought to arouse in his head. His balance was thrown off track as he nauseously made his way to the front door, locked as well. 

" No , No ... " he raced towards the last door he hadn't checked, the back door. No use.

" ... shit ... "

His breathing picked up as he climbed up the stairs, his vision blurring as he stormed up into the upstairs bathroom and started the cold water. 

It's probably just a cruel prank that Summer decided to do, idiot....

The water roared heavily in his ears as his brown eyes tried to regain their sight; however, his irritation began to boil.

" Snap out of it. It is nothing… " Roman splashed water on his face, the water giggling as it hit his white flesh, and, finally, he began to reacquire his senses. He sighed quietly to himself and then… 

Something overtook his attention in the mirror, a bloody mess drawn across the wall as the writing had caused a scream to erupt throughout the room as he noticed the message on the wall.

" Wouldn't care if the understudy were to die ". 

The backdoor swung open as he heard Summer scream. " Baby !?!? Baby !?!? " Roman secured the bathroom door with a loud slam and locked it. Panicking in the small enclosure, he leaned against the opposite wall from the door and cuddled his legs to his chest. 

" … Go … Go away… " was all he could muffle out in tears when he heard Summer bang up the stairs, the shovel clanking behind her. 

" DON'T TELL ME YOU WANT TO FUCK THAT PRICK BABY !?!? " Summer roared, her first began to bang on the bathroom door. Roman's body began to quiver out of his control as his bottom lip quaked like a building in an earthquake.

" Summer… stop, please…! " Roman cried out, he seized his dark brown hair in his hands, and he could not stop the barrage of tears that fell like a waterfall down his cheeks. " I wasn't involved with him!!! Please believe me...!!! "

" Open. This. Fucking. Door. Roman. " The demand was dark and angry. The voice behind the door began to sound less and less like Summer. " Is this not what you want? You said it yourself. You didn't care if your understudy were to die. " 

" I… was just angry…! " sobbed out Roman, the bloody mess beside him made him feel miserable, and he felt nauseous once more. His hands were now clammy from the millions of tears he had been crying, hearing the shovel beat against the door furiously. 

" I FUCKING SAID OPEN THE DOOR! " The orange fox began to chip away at the door, her yellow eyes slowly starting to become more and more visible with each thrust. 

" Summer. Summer. Summer… stop, please… !! " Roman shrieked as he began to grab the tank cover that rested so plainly on the toilet. 

" No, you made plans with Tranquil when we were dating !! " Her yellow eye was pressed tightly against the opening her shovel made as she grinned a devilish smirk. His heart felt like it threatened to stop as he began to plead with the madwoman. " You were never happy in our relationship, you would gather fuck your succubys understudy !!! " 

" Summer, no… no, I didn't … Summy, I love you... ! " Roman pleaded he felt too sick to use the tank covering as his arms felt like spaghetti. 

" Don't worry, baby, you will forever just be mine and only mine. Think about someone else like Tranquil, and I'll break your legs ~ " Roman saw her smile through the door as he tried to back even more up. His hand fell in blood and his vampire teeth poked through; however, his fear was greater than his desire. 

" Summer, Summer …. Please … let me go…! " Roman fearfully heard a growling laugh and watched her orange hand unlock the bathroom door with such ease. He felt like a deer in the headlights as the shovel that Summer grasped so tightly in her hand began to chip paint onto her orange fur. 

" Summer … " Roman moaned out in fear, his legs tightly together as they felt like Jell-O. At any moment he felt like he could collapse and he shivered out a final plea. " … p-p-please…? " 

The obsessed fox gave a crooked grin and dropped the shovel. Her hands were coated in dry blood and dirt, and Roman squinted his eyes at her as she coaxed his cheek. 

" you don't have to worry about that useless understudy… you'll be the only mine just like you intended me. " 

" … I don't want this, I want the pretty face and ugly personality of you back … " Roman murmured quietly to himself as Summer's eye twitched. Roman felt a sour sting as Summer's hand made contact with his cheek. He whimpered in response as he had already been crying.

" You get what you wished for from Stry'fe without throwing a fit. " Her crooked smile reminded Roman of a crooked painting on the wall as she grasped his hand tightly, blood coating his palms as she dragged him into his bedroom and locked him in there. 


Word count : 2842

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