Trapped With No Exit

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This is for pastelchromist's July - August writing challenge!

Warning: abuse , violence, fucked up behavior and blood. Proceed with caution if these things trigger you


"Do you really believe that Moon and the four girls ACTUALLY disappeared on their way to work?" Snorted Shadow as he interrupted his shorter manager. She began to adjust her blonde pigtails as her mouth gaped open. "My sister goes missing for attention. I'm sure this is one of her sick pranks."

"They've been missing for three weeks! I don't think it's a cruel joke, Shadow."

"Naïve, Paris. Quick to believe everything without taking an analytical approach to things. You're like a colorful crayon."

His manager tensed up at that statement as she flicked the light switch, turning the establishment she owned off. "Annnnnnd guess who lost their ride home."

"I'll walk," he snorted as he grabbed his red bag that he gripped intensely. The red fiber began to wrap around his fingers as Paris punched in the code to completely locking down the fastfood building as her purple eyes glimpsed back to look at him.

"I was just joking..."

"I know," he chirped proudly. His stance powerful and leaned towards the Frenchwoman, giving her shoulder a punch. "Besides, I'm untouchable. If I go missing, you get all my stuff."


The memory of last night stank tremendously in his baffled mind as tears trailed down his confused face. Maybe it was all just a sick prank that Paris was playing to get back at him? The male took deep breathes as he couldn't control the fearful tears that wailed down his dark face.

His red eyes squinted through the obscure darkness, the surroundings dim as he wrestled in his bindings. The crunching of footsteps from above him sent pieces of dead wood descending into the male's unkept hair that he so desperately tried to maintain. His wrists screamed as his flesh felt like it was burning from the tight bindings that held his wrists and ankles together.

A forbidden door squealed, exposing a ray of light that seemed to blind the male. However, he noticed chains dangling from the ceiling while rusty iron bars kept him in his cell.

"So~" the voice purred down the moaning stairs, each step wailed and wailed louder and louder as the being proceeded down the wooden stairs.

"P... Please...!" Shadow begged. He threw himself against the cracked wall, feeling what felt like old newspaper clippings crinkle behind him. His red eyes couldn't make out the figure that rattled something against the iron bars.

"You know what this is?" the voice shrieked in glee. Shadow heard the door screech and footsteps that trotted towards his direction. "Do you know what situation you're in?"

"N... No," Shadow whispered. His cockiness caught in his throat as the figure was standing over the bonded male.

"You're in for a night of your life~" the popping of knees alerted the male that the figure and him were seeing eye to eye and he shouldered his captor. He made contact with the cold, gravely ground as he tried to slither away. Darkness submerged him as pain flooded from his knee-joint as someone dug their gnarly fingernails into his flesh.

"You think you can shoulder me and expect to get away with it?" The voice hissed out daggers; sending a chill to rake down his spine. Someone tugged at his bounded feet and felt his stomach make contact with what felt like shattered glass stabbing up into his abdomen.

He tried to wiggle away from the darkness that kept him; however, his limbs felt like they were being played around like a doll. His red eyes began to cloud up again when he felt cold hands yank shattered shards out of him.

"You idiot. Thought I wouldn't have a defense to keeping you in this hell?"

"Why are you doing this????" He shouted out. He heard the crunching of broken glass ring around him as a foot made itself home on his back. He met the cold floor in an agonizing reunion. His face met a glassful shard that ripped open his right cheek as a crooked laugh danced towards him.

"Why do you think?"

The bars that held him screamed open and screamed shut as quickly as it started. He didn't dare shuffle towards the rusty bars until the stomping of footsteps ascended up the staircase. A small light made its way through the small crack which shined on a dark red puddle underneath a tall object the male couldn't quite make out. The door softly shut and the male wished he could dig out the piece of glass that itched within his skin.

... Maybe I should just rest... He felt the cold embrace of the wall behind him as he closed his red eyes. However, no dreams filled his head only the chilling darkness hovered over him.





His red eyes plastered open as he heard a bone shivering noise buzz all around him. His bloodshot eyes stared around the object that began to give off such an ominous red buzz. His parched throat could only muffle out small noises when he spotted a petite figure hiding in the darkness.

"Sh... Sh... Don't be shy..." The voice was soft and hauntingly eerie as the figure leaned into the harsh, red light. His jaw dropped open when he noticed his familiar sister wearing a mask as if there was a pandemic in the monster world.

Her arms moved up like she was a marionette doll as yellow strings glowed brightly through the dark void. The strings were tied all over her and noticing her walk forward, all her life had been drained from her.

"..." Shadow wanted to choke out but felt his feeble confidence fizzle out. He contorted his body, trying to edge away from the monster that stood infront of him.

"Accept your fate. Like I did." She hauntingly whispered out to him. The door to the cellar flung open as a male surrounded in darkness stepped ever so cautiously down the stairs. This action, lit the room of life, revealing four tiny marionette dolls made out of bone when the void set down his darkly lit lantern as if he shouldn't be down in the dark cellar in the first place.

"G'job Moon. Looks like you are getting a reward tonight. I'll loosen those strings for you and you can torture my next victims. You seem to enjoy the adrenaline."


"Seems like you enjoy my collection. It's made out of the four missing girls who've refused to cooperate. Unlike Moon, she is priceless."


"What happened to their bodies you are asking? What'll happen to you if you don't like my offer."


"HONEY!! CHAMOMILE WANTS TO KNOW IF HE CAN HAVE FRIENDS OVER!" A voice filled with sunshine chirped down the stairs. The darkness waited to answer for a split second before shouting in response. "Sure, honey!"

"I make it into jackets. What? Don't believe me? A lot of powerful men enjoy wearing the coats of the damned souls. Brings them power. Your ex-lover always enjoyed carrying around that purse I made her. Too bad she ended up as pants."


"Do you want that to happen to you, Shadow? Shake your head."

Shadow shook his head in whatever direction he knew. He felt a warm liquid squeeze out of his tightly shut eyes as a dark laugh sounded off infront of him.

"I can't wait for my next victim. I'll make it that playboy you know; however, you can't go off and tell him." A dark chuckle escaped from the darkness infront of him as he snapped at Shadow's mindless sister.

"Get Shadow ready for tonight. I gotta take Mavis and my son out for dinner and then the movies. I'll be back for you." He tiptoed up the stairs, quietly shutting and locking the door behind him.

Moon tiptoed towards the sobbing male who wiggled hard in his bindings. Her bloody mask trickled down the soft fabric and onto Shadow's face.

He shoved himself back, trying to create distance between his sister and him; however, it failed with every tiptoe that advanced towards him.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt. You will be beautiful like me or ugly like the doll marionettes depending on how you act towards our master."


Words: 1405

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