Chapter 12: Jin's Final Breath

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Chapter 12

Jin's Final Breath

In the most populated city in the Kanto Region there were Pokemon battles littering the street. Celadon City was under siege by none other than Organization Omni. They came out of nowhere. Nobody in the city saw the attack. Organization Omni was marching into the city with their glimmering silver armor with pokeballs in hand. They showed no mercy, bringing the city into the ground. The entire city was on fire. Black smoke clouded the skies. The once beautiful city was ablaze. There were loud attacks echoing throughout the city, but none louder, than the ones that emitted from the Celadon Gym.

"Bellossom, Petal Dance!" a kimono wearing woman commanded. The grass type Pokemon released a storm of pink petals towards the army of Pokemon that belonged to the Omni Grunts. The flurry of petals blasted through the Pokemon causing them all to collapse with swirls for eyes. Omni Grunts began to collapse as their Pokemon lost their battle. Beads of sweat were dropping from the face of Bellossom. 'Bellossom won't be able to last any longer.' Her thoughts were interrupted when more Omni Grunts began to release their Pokemon. 'There endless!'

"His majesty will reward us when we defeat the Celadon Gym Leader, Erica!" an Omni Grunt shouted. "Houndoom, Flamethrower!" The black dog-like Pokemon with horns protruding from its head released a stream of fire from its mouth towards the grass type Pokemon. Erica gritted her teeth.

"Bellossom, Energy Ball!" the purple haired Gym Leader ordered. The green Pokemon lifted its arms into the air with green particles forming between its hands. The green particles formed an orb of immense energy. The grass type released its attack toward the incoming Flamethrower attack. Both attacks collided creating a large explosion and smoke. Suddenly, from out of the smoke a stream of flames cut through the smoke and hit the grass type. The flames pushed Bellossom into the wall creating a mini crater. "Bellossom!" Erica ran to her fallen Pokemon, kneeled, and picked it up. She looked at her Pokemon and saw it had swirls for eyes. The Gym Leader directed her gaze at the army of Omni Grunts. She growled, while returning her Pokemon back to its pokeball.

"Houndoom, let's finish them. Now, use Flam-" the command was interrupted when a dragon-like Pokemon came bursting through the ceiling, landing right in front of the dog-like Pokemon. A figure with spiky red hair jumped off the dragon's back. The Omni Grunts gasped. "It's Lance, the Jhoto Champion!"

"Dragonite, Thunder!" the Jhoto Champion ordered. The dragon-like Pokemon released its Thunder attack on Houndoom causing it shout its name in pain. The attack ceased and Houndoom collapsed on the ground with swirls for eyes. Another second later its trainer fainted. All the Omni Grunts growled. Lance turned away from the battle and walked to the kimono wearing woman. "Are you okay?" he said, while offering a hand. She nodded and took his hand, rising to her feet.

"Lance, I thought I was a goner for sure" Erica said. "Thank you." Lance smiled and turned his head back to the army of Omni Grunts. Erica directed her gaze to silver armor clad trainer. "Why are they here? We did nothing to provoke them."

"Their leader commanded the attack to cover his real plans" the dragon trainer said. "Right now Organization Omni is attacking the other regions. Jhoto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh are in trouble." The purple haired girl gasped. "No need to worry. Jhoto is being protected by our forces. Steven is fighting in Hoenn, while Cynthia is fighting in Sinnoh." Omni Grunts began to throw their pokeballs releasing their Pokemon onto the battlefield declaring battle. "This is going to be very troubling. They outnumber us, but I bet our Pokemon are better trained." Erica nodded.

"Come on out, Meganium!" the Celadon Gym Leader shouted. A wild light flashed and revealed a large green Pokemon with petals around its neck.

"Meganium!" it shouted its name.

"Dragonite, Hyper Beam!" Lance ordered. The dragon-like Pokemon formed an orange ball of energy in its mouth and shot an orange beam from it towards the Omni Grunt's Pokemon.

"Meganium, Razor Leaf!" Erica commanded. A bunch of leaves came from the dinosaur-like Pokemon. The attack combined with the Hyper Beam attack causing the leaves to spiral around the beam. The Omni Grunts and their Pokemon took a step back. The attack was so powerful that it took all their Pokemon in one hit. All the Omni Grunts collapsed to the ground. "Why does that always happen when they lose a Pokemon battle?"

"They are being controlled" the Jhoto Champion said. The kimono wearing woman had a puzzled expression. "Every Omni Grunt is being controlled by the leader of Organization Omni, Ash Ketchum." Erica's eyes widened.

"What!?" she shouted. "That boy who dressed as a girl to get a gym battle is the leader of Organization Omni!" Now, Lance had a puzzled expression. Erica saw this and sighed. "It's a long story, but I can't believe he is one that is causing the suffering that is happening around the world."

"I know" the dragon trainer said in a soft voice. "This might sound absolutely insane, but Ash can control people's minds." Erica gasped. "He can control this power called aura making him the most dangerous man in the world. Once you beat an Omni Grunt, Ash loses his power over them. They are actually the abducted trainers." Erica couldn't believe that a single person could do all of this. "Once they revive they won't remember anything after they were abducted. It's kind of a failsafe if they get defeated and captured."

"Oh my Mew!" the purple haired Gym Leader exclaimed. "Ash has become the enemy of the world!"

"We have to stop him. No matter what" the dragon trainer said. Suddenly, the doors of the gym opened wide revealing three figures. Lance and Erica could see that they were wearing silver armor. "Who are you people!?" The three figures walked into the gym. The figure on the right and left were tall about the same height and the one in the middle was extremely smaller compared to the other two. The Omni Grunt on the right had shiny blue hair coming from out of his helmet. The Omni Grunt on the left had purple, maroon hair coming from her helmet. The middle Omni Grunt had some whiskers coming from its helmet. "Answer me!

"Listen, is that a voice I hear?" the Omni Grunt with purple, maroon hair asked.

"It's speaking to me loud and clear" the Omni Grunt with blue hair said.

"On the wind."

"Past the stars."

"In your ear!" the Omni Grunt with whiskers shouted

"Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace."

"Dashing hope, bringing fear in its place."

"A rose by any other name is just as sweet."

"When everything's worse, our work is complete."

"Jessie!" the Omni grunt with purple, maroon hair shouted as she took off her helmet.

"James!" the Omni grunt with blue hair shouted as he took off his helmet.

"And Meowth, now dat's a name!" the Omni Grunt with whiskers shouted as it took off its helmet.

"Putting do-gooders in their place…"

"…we're Organization Omni…"

"…and we're in your face!" the three shouted.

"Wobbuffet!" a blue Pokemon with a sour looking face shouted, who appeared out of nowhere.

"Team Rocket!" Lance and Erica shouted. The three figures including Wobbuffet had on a confused face.

"We're not from Team Rocket" Jessie said. "We are from Organization Omni. We're here to stop anybody who dares stands against his majesty."

"She's right" James said. "We have always been in Organization Omni. We live to serve his majesty."

"These two fools are both correct" Meowth said. "You guys must be crazy."

"Wobbuffet!" the blue Pokemon shouted, while saluting.

The Jhoto Champion looked closely at the four Team Rocket members. He gasped. Their eyes were covered in a shade of blue like the other Omni Grunts. This must have meant that they are under the control of Ash. "I see you guys are brainwashed" the dragon trainer said. "Well, I didn't expect Ash to take you guys into his organization. That is quite surprising." He cocked his eyebrow. "I guess I can't just let you guys continue doing Ash's bidding. Dragonite." The dragon-like Pokemon got into its battle stance and glared at the four former Team Rocket members.

"Meganium, get ready!" Erica ordered. The dinosaur-like Pokemon stomped both of its front legs and growled.

"James, you take the Gym Leader and I'll take Lance" Jessie said to her blue haired partner. James nodded. "We cannot fail his majesty."

"Alright" the blue haired man said. "Meowth, Wobbuffet stay back." Both Pokemon nodded. "Come on out, Carnivine!" The former male Team Rocket Member threw his pokeball revealing a green Pokemon with a large head that was shaped like a Venus fly trap.

"Carnivine!" it shouted its name.

"Seviper, I choose you!" the purple, maroon haired woman shouted, while throwing her pokeball. The pokeball shot out a wild light revealing a large black snake with long red fangs. The tip of its tail was arrow shaped.

"Seviper!" it shouted its name.

"Dragonite, wrap this up quick and use Hyper Beam!" the Jhoto Champion ordered. The dragon-like Pokemon spewed an orange beam from its mouth towards the snake-like Pokemon. The blast connected creating a cloud of smoke. When the smoke settled, Seviper was nowhere to be seen. "What!" All there left from the blast was a mid-size hole.

"Seviper, appear and use bite!" Jessie commanded. The red fang Pokemon suddenly appeared from a hole below the dragon's feet. Dragonite gasped with widened eyes. Seviper dug its fang into the dragon's right foot. Dragonite screamed its name in agony.

"Dragonite!" Lance shouted. He couldn't believe how his opponent could get this good. He could remember they were weak when he faced. 'The last time I remembered they weren't this strong. The only explanation I can think of is that Ash's aura also increases a trainer and their Pokemon abilities.'

"Poison Tail!" the female Omni Grunt ordered. The snake-like Pokemon released its Bite attack and hopped into the air. Its tail began to glow purple and it whipped it across the dragon-like Pokemon's belly creating a purple streak. Dragonite was pushed back a little, panting heavily.

"Are you okay?" the dragon trainer asked. Beads of sweat began to fall from Dragonite's face. Lance gasped. When he looked at his Pokemon's eyes he saw that there was a shade of purple across its cheek. "You're poisoned." The Jhoto Champion growled. "We have to finish this up quick. "Draco Meteor!" The dragon-like Pokemon flew into the air and roared. Colorful meteors began to fall from the sky.

"Seviper, Dig!" Jessie commanded. The Pokemon dug a hole to try to escape the attack. It was useless the meteors hit the ground causing little explosion. The ground collapsed and revealed the snake-like Pokemon. Seviper gasped. One large, final meteor came down and landed on it creating a large explosion with smoke everywhere. The smoke settled and revealed Seviper with swirls for eyes.

"Seviper, return!" the purple, maroon haired female said. "Go, Yanmega!" The dragonfly-like Pokemon appeared. Dragonite fell to the ground and landed on its legs. It was panting heavily.

' Dragonite is exhausted' Lance thought. "The poison and the Draco Meteor attack must be too much for it. I have to end it.' "Hyper Beam!" An orange ball began to form in the dragon's mouth, but then disappeared. "What!?" 'Dragonite is too weak.'

"Yanmega, finish it with AncientPower!" the female Omni Grunt commanded. The large dragonfly-like Pokemon formed and orb of whit energy between its six legs and shot it at Dragonite. The attack hit the dragon-like Pokemon and exploded created a shroud of smoke. The smoke settled and showed Dragonite with swirls for eyes.

"Dragonite!" Lance shouted. He returned his Pokemon for a good rest. "Dragonair, your turn!" His pokeball released a long blue and white Pokemon. It had some sort of blue bead beneath its neck.

"Dragonair!" it shouted its name.

"Ice Beam, now!" the Jhoto Champion ordered. The blue and white Pokemon opened its mouth and shot a ray of blue light towards the dragonfly-like Pokemon. The attack was too quick and it the Pokemon directly. Yanmega began to freeze immediately. It turned into a giant ice cube falling to the ground at an alarming rate.

"Yanmega!" Jessie shouted. The frozen Pokemon fell to the ground breaking its ice prison. Yanmega tried to get up, but it fell down with swirls for eyes. Jessie's eyes began to lose its shade of blue, and then she fainted.

"Jessie!" James shouted.

"Meganium, Vine Whip!" Erica ordered. The dinosaur-like Pokemon shot two vines towards Carnivine.

"Carnivine, dodge and use Bullet Seed!" James commanded. The plant-like Pokemon jumped into the air, successfully dodging the Vine Whip attack. It opened it large mouth and let out little golden pellets. The attack rained onto Meganium causing it grunt in pain.

"Meganium!" the Celadon Gym Leader yelled. She growled. "Fight back with Petal Dance!" The dinosaur-like Pokemon released hundreds of pink petals and shot them at Carnivine. Both attacks hitting each other, but the Petal Dance pushed through the Bullet Seed causing James and his Carnivine to gasp. The pink petals struck the green Pokemon making it fall into the ground.

"Carnivine, get up!" the blue haired man shouted. Carnivine rose up with beads of sweat on its face. "Now, Bite!" The plant-like Pokemon lunged at Meganium in a green blur. Carnivine chomped on the dinosaur-like Pokemon's neck causing it to scream in pain. Suddenly, James heard somebody shout "Yanmega." He saw Jessie faint. "Jessie!"

"You better keep your eyes on our battle!" Erica shouted. James shifted his gaze back to his battle. "Meganium, use Solar Beam!" Erica commanded. Meganium fought through the pain and gathered sunlight into its four petals around its neck. The petal began to shine with a bright light. "Now!" Meganium released its attack and blew Carnivine right off it.

"Carnivine!" James shouted. The plant-like Pokemon landed on the ground right in front of him with swirls for eyes. The male Omni Grunt's eyes lost its shade of blue, and then he fainted.

"Jessie, James!" Meowth shouted. "Wobbuffet, let's finish them." Both Pokemon began to lunge at Meganium.

"Meganium, Petal Dance!" the kimono wearing woman ordered. The dinosaur-like Pokemon released pink petals and shot them at the two Pokemon that were charging. The attacks cut right through them easily causing them to immediately faint. Erica sighed in relief that it was finally over. She returned her Pokemon and cast her gaze to the dragon trainer. She saw him petting his Pokemon. He walked up to her with his faithful Pokemon by his side.

"That was tougher than I thought" the Jhoto Champion said. Erica nodded. "Well, I must be on my way. Other cities in Kanto are being attacked. Can I count on you to protect the city?"

"Yes" the purple haired Gym leader said. "But what about them?" She pointed at the Team Rocket members.

"Just tie them up and give them to the authority" Lance said. Erica nodded. "Goodbye." The Jhoto Champion hopped on his Dragonair and flew off to another city that would need his help.


"Max, are we there yet!?" May whined. They've been flying for an hour straight. The bandana wearing coordinator was tired and bored of this. "Are we there yet?"

"For the umpteenth time, NO!" the glasses wearing boy yelled at his older sister. "We'll be there in a couple minutes. So, calm down!" May glared at her younger brother and "hmph."

"You didn't need to yell" the brunette said with her arms crossed. The dark blue haired boy sighed. "Hey Max do you remember that call we got from Jimmy?" Max nodded. "Do you think its right for us to battle them? Jimmy did say that if you beat them in a match they break apart and disappear."

"It doesn't matter" Max simply stated. May had a questioning look. "They are not real. They don't truly exist. They are basically an abomination. When the times come we will have to battle them."

"How can you say that, Max?" the brunette asked. "They are not an abomination. They breathe and look like us. The elites are just misunderstood. They must want to live."

"Whatever May" the glasses wearing trainer said. "I'm just saying that nobody will miss them once they are gone. They weren't born like the rest of us remember. They were created by Ash. That means they have no family to weep for them. They are nothing." May sighed. "Look we're here." May looked over her brother's shoulder and saw the beautiful Lake Valor. Max ordered Salamence to land by the lake. When they reached the ground they saw a staircase that looked like it led under the lake. Right next to the entrance was a black ship with the Organization Omni symbol on the side of it. The sibling hopped off the red winged Pokemon's back.

"It looks like we're here" May said. Max nodded and returned Salamence back into its pokeball for a well deserved rest. "Come on. I bet they went into the entrance." They began to walk to the entrance until they heard a sigh.

"How did you guys find us?" Jin asked. The siblings turned their gaze to the ship and saw a green haired man walking out. "You guys can't be that smart to predict where we were heading." Max took the tracking device from his pocket and showed Jin. "Now where did you get that?"

"That's none of your business!" Max shouted. "Tell us do you have the artifact!?" Jin shook his head.

"No, Helena is retrieving it right now" the jade eyed man said. "I wonder what's taking her so long. She should be back by now."

"Are you going to let us pass?" the glasses wearing trainer asked. Jin sighed.

"I wish" the green haired trainer said. May and Max had puzzled expressions. "I don't like to do work. It's so tiring."

"Well, then prepare for a battle!" Max shouted. The siblings grabbed one of their pokeballs ready to throw them. Jin rose his hand in a stopping manner. He sighed.

"I'll let one of you guys pass" Jin said. "I know that it will be a lot of work if I fight the both of you at once. I'm not saying that I'll lose to the both of you, but I'm saying that it will take a lot of thinking. So, who is it going to be?"

"May, I'll battle him" Max said. The bandana wearing coordinator looked at her brother. "We never really got to finish our battle the last time we met."

"Are you sure?" May asked. Max nodded. "Okay. Be careful." At that the brunette ran into the entrance not before looking at Jin as she passed him.

"This will be a three on three battle" Jin said. "The first to lose all of three of their Pokemon will lose." The green haired man took out a pokeball. He maximized it and threw it onto the field. "Go!" A wild light came out and revealed a purple Pokemon with a menacing face.

"Gengar!" it shout its name.

"I choose you, Electivire!" Max shouted, while throwing his pokeball. The pokeball released a wild light and revealed a large yellow Pokemon with black markings all over its body. It had a two tails with what looks like two red light bulbs coming out from the tips. It also had two antenna looking things coming from its head.

"Electivire!" it shouted its name.

"Once I beat you. You will disappear forever" Max said. Jin sighed.

"So, you found out about our secret" the jade eyed man said. "Then you know this battle means more to me than you." Max nodded. "Good. It just mean that I don't need to explain anything if I lose. And that's a large if." Max growled.

"I will make you disappear" the young trainer said. "Like Marina did to Rai." Jin gasped.

"What!?" Jin yelled. "Rai is gone?" Max nodded. "My friend I will live for the both of us." The green haired man glared at the boy. "My friend will be avenged! Gengar get ready!" The ghost type got into its battle stance.

"Electivire, Thunder" the dark blue haired boy ordered. The yellow Pokemon began to store large amounts into its body. Its body was literally sparking. Finally, the yellow Pokemon released all the stored electric power within its body and let it loose. The electric attack was aimed directly at the menacing looking Pokemon.

"Dodge and use Night Shade!" Jin commanded. Gengar disappeared and avoided the Thunder attack. Max and Electivire gasped. Suddenly, Gengar appeared behind the electric type and shot black rays from its eyes. The attack hit Electivire square on the back causing it to slide across the ground face first with a trail of dust behind it.

"Electivire!" Max shouted. "Please get up! We can't lose!" Electivire hearing the desperation in his trainer's voice rose to his feet. Its body was covered in scratches and dirt. Electivire turned around and faced his opponent. "Good job! Now, Thunder Punch!" The electric type Pokemon raised its fist into the air and channeled electricity into it.

"Gengar, Shadow Ball!" the jade eyed man commanded. Gengar formed a ball of purple energy in its hand and threw it towards the electric type. Electivire charged towards the attack and punched right through the Shadow Ball attacking causing it to burst into purple glitter. Jin and Gengar were wide eyes. Electivire continued his attack and ran to the shocked ghost type Pokemon. It was too late to react and Thunder Punch attack landed right into the face of Gengar. The ghost type flew few feet from where it was standing and skipped across the ground.

"Gengar!" Jin shouted. Gengar stopped its skipping because its back hit a tree. The ghost type rose to its feet with a large fist print in the middle of its place. "Dark Pulse!" The ghost type Pokemon raised its arm and shot dark rings towards Electivire.

"Electivire, use Discharge!" the glasses wearing trainer ordered. Electivire released a large electric attack from its body lighting up the battlefield. The Dark Pulse attack exploded when it came in touch of the electric attack. The Discharge attack continued and finally reached Gengar. The sheer power of the attack caused Gengar to fly right through the tree that it was standing in front of.

"Gengar!" Jin shouted. Gengar had swirls for eyes. Jin sighed. "Return." The green haired man looked at his pokeball and frowned. "This sucks."

"We did it Electivire" Max cheered. Electivire smiled, and then fell down to its knees. Max ran to his Pokemon. "Good job. You deserver a nice rest." The glasses wearing trainer returned his Pokemon. "Two more and you'll lose you abomination."

"Abomination?" Jin questioned.

"You are not human" Max said. "You are not a Pokemon. You don't truly exist. That's makes you nothing. You don't even have a family." Jin sighed.

"What gives you the right to say that I'm nothing!?" Jin yelled. "You have no right. I'm here aren't I? That gives me the title of something. I may not be human, but I deserve to exist!"

"Why?" the dark blue haired boy asked. "You plan to conquer this world. Why should you deserve to exist?"

"That is his majesty's dream!" Jin yelled. "That dream is not mine!" Max had a puzzled expression. "My dream is to become real! His majesty said that once he has all the artifacts he will make us real. We won't have to fear losing our lives due to a Pokemon match. That is why I serve his majesty. Not only for giving me life, but also for my dream!" There was complete silence. Max had only thought that the elites only had evil intention. He would have never guessed they could strive for a dream. A dream to become real.

"I didn't know" the young trainer said softly. "But that doesn't give you the right to destroy the world."

"Easy for you to say!" the jade eyed man yelled. "You're real! That is what all the elites strive for! To become real! You don't have to worry about disappearing!"

"You're right. I don't." Max said. "But I know what you're doing is wrong and I have to stop you. No matter what!" Jin sighed.

"Fine. Let's see who fate deemed to win this battle" the jade eyed man said. "Go, pokeball!" Jin threw his pokeball causing a wild light to shoot to the ground revealing a large purple Pokemon. It had two long and large claws. It also had a long, powerful tail.

"Drapion!" it shouted its name.

'It seems strong' Max thought. "Fine. I choose you, Gallade!" The humanoid-like Pokemon appeared from its pokeball and extended its blades.

"Gallade!" it shouted its name.

"Drapion, Crush Claw!" Jin ordered. The ogre scorp Pokemon stormed the field causing the ground to shake. Gallade stayed calm, waiting for the attack. Drapion lunge a claw at it.

"Dodge!" Max commanded. The psychic/fighting type Pokemon jumped in to air. It was right above the purple Pokemon. "Slash!" The humanoid looking Pokemon blades extended long and glowed with energy. Drapion gasped. Gallade made multiple slashed on the ogre scorp Pokemon causing it to be pushed back. The flurry of Slash attacks ended and Gallade landed on its feet. The purple Pokemon shook of the pain and roared its name. Max gasped. 'How can it not be tired after all those Slash attacks!?'

"Drapion, use Crush Claw one after another!" Jin commanded. The ogre scorp Pokemon nodded and both of its claws glowed white. It began to swing it claw at the humanoid like Pokemon.

"Keep on dodging" the young trainer ordered. Gallade began doing flip and jumping around avoiding the attack until its back hit a tree. Max and Gallade gasped. "Gotcha! Do it now!" Drapion stopped it barrage of Crush Claw attacks and used its right claw to grasp the psychic/fighting type Pokemon's neck. Drapion pushed Gallade against the tree. "Hyper Beam!" The large purple Pokemon formed a ball of orange energy in its mouth. An orange energy beam came out of the orange orb and hit Gallade. The Hyper Beam attack pushed Gallade right through a tree and into a pile of rocks, then exploding making a large cloud of smoke. Jin smirked.

"Gallade!" Max shouted. When the smoke settled it revealed Gallade standing and covered in scratch and burn marks. "You're okay!" Gallade made a small smile to its trainer, and then glared at its opponent. "Let's finish this!"

"Ha! You're kidding me!" the jade eyed trainer shouted. "My Drapion can't be stopped by the likes of you!"

"Gallade, Psycho Cut!" Max ordered. Suddenly, Gallade disappeared. Jin stopped his laughing and gasped. The psychic/fighting type Pokemon appeared right in front of Drapion and made an upward purple slash causing the ogre scorp Pokemon to fly into the air.

"Drapion!" Jin yelled. The large purple began to plummet to the ground face forward.

"Gallade, Guillotine!" the dark blue haired trainer ordered. Gallade's right blade began to radiate with intense energy. Drapion was about to hit the ground, but suddenly a green and white blur slashed across its neck in mid-air. The ogre scorp Pokemon finally hit the ground with swirls for eyes.

"Drapion! How!?" Jin shouted.

"Guillotine is an attack that automatically knocks out a Pokemon" Max said, while straightening his glasses. "Two down and one to go. Return Gallade for a nice rest."

"Drapion, return" the green haired man said sadly. "Don't think this is over! Let me introduce you to my strongest Pokemon! Enter the battle, Absol!" Jin threw his pokeball and it revealed a white fur Pokemon. It had black claws and a black face with one black horn coming out and a black tail.

"Absol!" it shouted its name.

"Meet my strongest Pokemon. I choose you, Sceptile!" Max shouted. The pokeball revealed a large gecko-like Pokemon. Its tail was shaped like an oversized pinecone and on its back it had yellow bulbs.

"Sceptile!" it shouted its name.

"Absol, Razor Wind!" Jin ordered. Absol's horn started to glow a bright color. Energy was radiating off it. "Now!" The disaster Pokemon released a boomerang shaped blast from its horn towards the grass type.

"Sceptile, Bullet Seed!" Max commanded. Sceptile opened its mouth and spewed out golden pellets. The Bullet Seed and Razor Wind attacks connected, but the Bullet Seed was easily pushed back. The Razor Wind sliced through it with ease causing Sceptile to gasp. Absol's attack hit the grass type across the chest causing it to tumble across the ground.

"Sceptile!" the glasses wearing trainer screamed. The gecko-like Pokemon rose to its feet and was surprised to see the white Pokemon was right in front of it.

"Absol, Hyper Beam!" the green haired trainer commanded. Absol gathered an orange ball of energy within its mouth and released an orange beam from it. The blast made full contact on the grass type causing it to tumble across the ground once again.

"Get up!" Max shouted. Sceptile struggled to get on its feet. It was covered in scratches and dirt. It was panting heavily. "Good Job! Now, use Leaf Blade!" The gecko-like Pokemon extended both leaves on the side of its arms. They started to glow bright green. Sceptile charged at the disaster Pokemon.

"Iron Tail!" the jade eyed man ordered. The disaster Pokemon sprinted across the field with its tail glowing. It jumped into the air and did a front flip aiming his tail downwards on its opponent. Sceptile jumped into the air and fought the Iron Tail attack with its right Leaf Blade attack. Both attacks collided creating shockwaves of energy to shoot everywhere. The lake and ground shook. Both trainers flinched.

"Sceptile, use your left!" the dark blue haired trainer ordered. Sceptile swung its left Leaf Blade attack and it made contact. The disaster Pokemon hit the ground hard creating a small crater. The gecko-like Pokemon landed on its feet and panted.

"Absol, get up!" the jade eyed man yelled. The white Pokemon got on all four with beads of sweat falling from its face. It growled. "Absol, keep on using Razor Wind!" The disaster Pokemon jumped backwards with its horn glowing. It released numerous boomerang shaped energy at the grass type.

"Dodge!" Max shouted. Sceptile began to jump, roll, and do flip avoiding all the Razor Wind attacks. Jin growled. "Sceptile, Leaf Blade!" The grass type extended the leaves on its arms and they became a bright green color. "Smack them away!" Sceptile began to smack away the Razor Wind attacks making them hit trees which were being sliced down.

"Absol, Razor Wind into Iron Tail!" Jin commanded. Absol shot one final Razor Wind attacks and ran right behind it. The Razor Wind attack reached the gecko-like Pokemon and was smacked away. The grass type Pokemon's eyes widened when it saw Absol. The disaster Pokemon did a front flip and landed its Iron Tail attack across the face of Sceptile.

"Sceptile!" Max shouted. The grass type slid across the ground with dust trailing behind. Sceptile opened its eyes and saw that Absol was right above it.

"Razor Wind!" the green haired trainer commanded. The disaster Pokemon released a large boomerang shaped energy blast from its horn at the grass type. The attack hit Sceptile fiercely across the chest making it scream its name in pain. Absol landed on its feet and jumped back in front of its trainer.

"Sceptile, you have to get up!" Max shouted. The grass type heard the desperation in its trainer's voice and rose to its feet slowly. There was a large mark on its chest created by the Razor Wind attack. "Bullet Seed!" Sceptile opened its mouth and spat out golden pellets towards the disaster Pokemon.

"Dodge!" Jin yelled. Absol began to run, easily avoiding all the golden pellets. "Ha! Your attack is too slow. They won't be able to hit Absol!" Max growled.

'He is right' Max thought. 'There must be a way! I know!' "Sceptile, Frenzy Plant!" Sceptile's body began to glow green and the wind started to blow hard. Suddenly, large thorny vines burst through the ground all heading towards the disaster Pokemon. Jin and Absol gasped. The attack closed in on the white Pokemon and grabbed it. The vines began to wrap around the disaster Pokemon's body. The only visible part was its head.

"Absol!" Jin yelled.

"Sunny Day into Solar Beam!" the glasses wearing trainer commanded. Sceptile began to absorb the intense sunlight causing the yellow bulbs on its back to glow bright. "Fire!" The gecko released an intense light from its mouth that was aimed at the disaster Pokemon.

"Hyper Beam, maximum power!" the green haired man ordered. Absol opened its mouth and roared its name. A large orange ball of energy began to form in its mouth. All of a sudden a large bright orange beam came from the orb. The Solar Beam and Hyper Beam attack collided creating a dazzling light show.

"Sceptile, you can do it!" Max yelled. The grass type dug its foot into the ground and pushed out more energy. The Solar Beam attack pushed the Hyper Beam attack causing Jin to gasp. The blast hit Absol causing the Pokemon to explode into blue particles. The field was then covered in an intense light. The light settled revealing Sceptile the only Pokemon on the battlefield. The thorny vines retreated back into the ground. A second later Sceptile collapsed. "Sceptile!" Max ran to his Pokemon to see if it was alright.

"It can't be" Jin said softly. Suddenly, Jin felt a sharp pain in his heart. He clenched his hand over his heart and fell to his knees. He removed his hand from his heart and saw that it disappearing into blue particles. Jin sighed. "Damn it."

"Sceptile, are you alright?" the dark blue haired trainer asked his Pokemon. The grass type gave a small smile. Max smiled back. "You did well. Have a nice rest." Max returned his Pokemon back into its Pokemon. He then cast his gaze to the jade eyed trainer. He saw him disappearing and immediately frowned.

"It would seem that fate deemed you the victor" Jin said as his eyes began to close. 'Rai, I will be joining you soon.' He rose to his feet and raised his head into the air. "All hail his majesty!" Jin finally exploded into blue particles.

"Jin!!!" Helena screamed.


"So you're Azelf" Helena said. She looked at the blue Pokemon that had two tails and a red bead in its forehead.

"I am" it said. "Leave at once."

"I will once I get what I came for" the black haired beauty said. She directed her gaze at the blue crystal on the pedestal. The Legendary Psychic saw this and floated in front of the artifact.

"You cannot have it!" the small, blue Pokemon shouted. "Leave it be!"

"I can't" the ice blue eyed girl said. "His majesty wants it and whatever he wants he gets. Besides if I get him that little crystal he will fall in love me" Helena squealed with hearts for eyes. Azelf sweatdropped. "And then maybe he will let me do things to him!" she squealed. The Legendary Psychic Pokemon sweatdropped some more. "But enough daydreaming. I will take that now! Come on out, Hitmonchan!" The pokeball released a flash of light. The light settled and revealed a brown Pokemon with a purple outfit. It also sported red boxing gloves. The fighting type began to punch the air.

"Hitmonchan!" it shouted its name as it raised its fist into the air.

"I will not tell you again, leave!" Azelf shouted. Helena smirked.

"Prepare for battle!" the black haired beauty yelled. "Hitmonchan, Comet Punch!" The fighting type nodded and ran towards the legendary Pokemon. It jumped into the air and did a flurry of punches. Azelf easily dodged them and retaliated with an Aura Sphere attack. The attack hit Hitmonchan square on the chest causing it to skip across the stone floor. "Hitmonchan!" The boxing glove wearing Pokemon finally stopped its tumbling and panted. Azelf's eyes began to glow blue. Helena saw this and panicked. "Hitmonchan, Ice Punch on the ground!" Frost covered the fighting type Pokemon's right glove. It punched the floor and a shield of ice pillars formed in front of it. The ice pillar suddenly exploded causing shard of ice to fly everywhere. Hitmonchan was alright, but was shocked.

"I warned you" Azelf said calmly. The ice blue eyed girl growled.

"Fine. If you want to play hard ball" Helena said. "Then I choose you, Flygon!" A large green Pokemon appeared from the pokeball. It had large red eyes and two thin wings.

"Flygon!" it shouted its name.

"Flygon, pick up Hitmonchan!" Helena ordered. Her Pokemon nodded and landed near the fighting type. Hitmonchan hopped on the mystic Pokemon. Flygon took off and flew towards the blue Pokemon. Azelf shot another Aura Sphere. "Hyper Beam!" Flygon shot an orange energy beam from its mouth at the Aura Sphere. Both attacks cancelled each other out. "Sandstorm!" Flygon flapped its wing creating a tornado of sand around the Legendary Psychic. Azelf gasped. "Thunder Punch on the Sandstorm!" Hitmonchan jumped off the mystic Pokemon gave the tornado of sand thunder charged punch. Electricity was sent through the Sandstorm. Thunder began to shoot from every direction hitting Azelf. It screamed in agony. "Ice Punch!" Hitmonchan punched the Sandstorm attack instantly freezing it. Azelf was now frozen and paralyzed in an ice prison. The black haired beauty smirked. She took the blue crystal from the pedestal and pocketed it. "Mission accomplished." She turned around and saw that a Flamethrower hit her beautiful ice work. The ice melted and Azelf fell to the ground. "What!"

"Hand over the crystal now!" May shouted with her loyal Blaziken by her side.

"Blaziken!" it shouted its name.

"When look it's the brat again" the black haired beauty said.

"I said hand it over!" the brunette demanded. "Or I will force you!"

"Ha! You make me laugh!" Helena shouted. The ice blue eyed girl began to walk towards the fallen legendary Pokemon. She put black high heel shoe on its head. "Come any closer and I'll kill it." May gasped.

"You wouldn't!" May yelled.

"You don't think so?" the black haired beauty questioned. Helena began to dig her heels. Azelf screamed in pain. May was wide eyed. "I was ordered to kill it if it interferes, but if you let me go without a fight I will release it." The coordinator growled and returned her Pokemon.

"Fine" the brunette said. Helena took her foot off the legendary Pokemon and returned her Hitmonchan. Flygon kneeled by her and she hopped on.

"I'll be seeing you!" the ice blue eyed girl shouted. Flygon began flying down the hall that led outside. May ran to Azelf to check if it was alright.

"Are you okay?" she asked. The Legendary Psychic Pokemon nodded.

"You have to stop her from leaving with the artifact" it said. "I have to leave and heal." At that the Pokemon disappeared. May with new determination sprinted down the hall.

"This was so easy!" Helena shouted. She finally reached the entrance. The first thing she saw was that field was torn up. Her eyes widened when she saw Jin explode into blue particles. "Jin!!!" She landed on the field and hopped off her Pokemon, but it was too late to reach him. Helena fell to her knees and cried. "No!" She turned her gaze to the young trainer. "This not over! Flygon, Hyper Be-" She was interrupted by a yell.


'This is not good. Two against one' Helena thought. "We will meet again and when we do I will avenge Jin!" The black haired beauty returned her Pokemon and ran to her ship. The black ship flew up into the air flew away.

"Max!" May shouted, finally reaching the exit. Max looked at the entrance and saw his sister panting.

"May!" he shouted. He ran to his sister to tell what happened. Max told May everything. "You're right, May. They aren't an abomination. They are real living things." May patted her brother's head.

"I guess we failed" the coordinator said. "Everything is up to Dawn, Brock, and Koyomi."


"Your majesty" Helena said to the screen with Ash in it. "Mission complete. I have retrieved the Remnant of Azelf." Ash nodded.

"Good job" the leader of Organization Omni said. "And where is Jin?"

"He didn't make it" the black haired beauty said with tears dripping from her eyes.

"I see, but we must push on" Ash said. "Wipe your tears. Jin would want us to carry on the dream." Helena nodded. "Now go to the rendezvous point." The screen disappeared. The ice blue eyed girl wiped her tears away.

"I will make his majesty's dream and my dream come true."

Word Count: 6908

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