Chapter 11: Rai's Last Stand

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Chapter 11

Rai's Last Stand

"Jimmy, are you sure you know how to work the tracking device?" Marina asked, slightly irritated that the red hoody wearing boy wouldn't let her help. "We've been flying for a long time. Look at Salamence." The red winged Pokemon was sweating lightly, but you could see that it was close to exhaustion. "Hand over the device."

"Sheesh, woman!" Jimmy yelled, turning his head to look at the light blue haired coordinator. "You keep on babbling nonstop! I know how to use this device. So, sit back and relax." The dark haired boy turned his head to the front looking at the device. Marina huffed.

"Just like a man!" the light blue haired coordinator yelled. "Won't ask a woman for directions." Jimmy just waved his hand in a shooing matter, pissing off Marina. "That's it!" The stylish coordinator put her arms around the boy's neck making it into a headlock.

"Marina, are you crazy!?" the red hoody wearing trainer shouted. "We're in the air right now!" The light blue haired coordinator wasn't listening to the boy. She was beyond pissed. First, being yelled at, and then being ignored. This reminded her of a certain red haired person. Just by thinking of the lavender eyed man made her blood boil. She strengthened her headlock.

"Marina, c-can't bre-breathe!" Jimmy choked out with a purple face. He began to flail around in the girl's powerful grip, which was causing problems for the red winged Pokemon. Salamence began to fly in an unstable manner. This caught the attention of the trainer and coordinator. Marina immediately released her headlock and tried to balance herself on the dragon Pokemon. Jimmy did the same, but tried to help steer the red winged Pokemon to safety. Salamence began to plummet to the forested ground. "Oh, man!"

"Jimmy, do something!" the light blue haired coordinator shouted. "Or we're going to die!" Marina put her arms around the waist of the red hoody wearing trainer tightly for comfort and fear of dying. She closed her eyes shut with tears rimming the corners.

"Salamence, use Flamethrower on the ground to slow down the descent!" the dark eyed boy ordered. The red winged Pokemon took in a large breath and spewed out an intense red flame towards the ground. The blue dragon began to descent slowly to the ground. It landed on its side causing both people on its back to fall on the grassy ground. Jimmy opened his eyes and saw that he was in a provocative situation; on the red hoody wearing trainer's face was a crimson blush. He was on top of his crush with both of hands supporting himself up, which were besides the coordinator's face. Marina opened her eyes and a blush equal to Jimmy appeared on her face. "Are you okay?" Everything became quiet.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Marina yelled at the top of her lungs. Smack! The sound echoed throughout the forest that caused flocks of Starly to fly away. Jimmy fell on his bottom holding his right cheek, which had a red handprint on it.

"What the hell was that for!?" the red hoody wearing trainer yelled at the light blue haired coordinator. "I just freakin saved are lives! And this is what I get! A slap in the face!"

"Hmph" Marina said, while sitting up with her arms crossed. "You invaded my space." Her blush was still on her face, but was light. Jimmy was about to retort until Marina interrupted him. "We have to check out Salamence!" The red hoody wearing trainer looked over his shoulder and saw the dragon Pokemon lying on its side with scratches all over its body. The duo ran to the red winged Pokemon and kneeled to see if it was alright.

"Salamence, are you alright, buddy?" Jimmy asked. The dragon Pokemon roared lightly. "You deserve a nice rest." The dark haired boy returned Salamence back into its pokeball and pocketed it. Jimmy rose to his feet, which Marina followed too. "We better get going. By the look of the tracking device. Organization Omni are not that far from here. We must be close to Lake Verity." The light blue haired coordinator nodded. At that the duo left. Soon after they reached a clearing with a beautiful lake and a black ship near an entrance that looked like it lead under ground.

"It's been a while, Marina" a voice said. Marina flinched hearing the voice that she hated so much. The duo looked over to their left and saw a red haired man sitting down with his legs apart and his arms supporting him. Marina sighed. "I'm hurt. I thought you would miss me. Oh well, we have some business to settle." Rai rose to his feet and grabbed a pokeball from his pocket. He pressed the small button and maximized the pokeball. "Don't we?"

"Rai" the light blue haired coordinator muttered. "Still annoying I see." The skinny man let out a hurt gasp. "What business are you talking about?" Jimmy looked back and forth with a puzzled expression. He wondered why they were like buddies.

"How dare you!" Rai yelled. "You know damn well!" Marina shrugged. Rai pointed his finger at the girl. "You made me miss my favorite anime, Code Geass, when we last battled! You're going to get it!" Jimmy and Marina sweatdropped. "This time it's personal!"

"Psst! Marina, is this guy serious?" Jimmy whispered to the light blue haired coordinator. "I think this guy has a couple screws loose." Marina sighed.

"Yeah, he probably is" the stylish coordinator answered. "He is like that. Always so annoying." Jimmy nodded. "He reminds me of you." Jimmy continued nodding until he figured out what she said.

"Hey-!" Marina interrupted the boy before he could finish.

"Where is your partner!?" Marina yelled to the lavender eyed man. "We know you came with someone!" Rai cocked his eyebrows.

"And how do you know that?" the red haired man questioned.

"It doesn't matter!" the light blue haired coordinator shouted. "Just tell us where he is! Before we get rough with you!"

"It seems like you got smarter, than the first time we met" Rai said. Marina's face became red with anger. Steam was literally coming from her ears and nostrils. "Oh, and if you mean partner. I bet you're talking about Saru." Jimmy remembering the crimson eyed man stepped forward.

"Where is Saru!?" Jimmy demanded. Rai looked at the boy and cocked his eyebrow, then sighed.

"Man, you're just as dumb as the girl behind you" the skinny man said. "There is an entrance that's right there that leads under the lake. Where the hell do you think Saru would be?" Jimmy's face became red with embarrassment and anger. "Kids these days. Get stupider every day."

"Shut the hell up!" the red hoody wearing trainer shouted. "Before my fist connects with your face!" Rai laughed, while holding his stomach with tears falling from his eyes.

"Be my guest" the lavender eyed man said. Jimmy was about to run to the skinny man and give him the beating of his life until he felt a hand on his shoulder. The dark haired boy looked over his shoulder and saw Marina with a determined face.

"Jimmy, this guy is mine" the stylish coordinator said. "You go ahead. I'll make sure this guy pay." Jimmy nodded.

"Yeah, listen to your little girlfriend" Rai said. "You sure are whipped."

Jimmy ignored the comment and ran to the entrance. Marina looked at the boy's disappearing figure when he entered the entrance. "It's just you and me, now. I hope you're ready to get schooled." Jimmy laughed.

"That's the spirit!" Rai yelled. "Now, I can exact my vengeance. Prepare for a three on three Pokemon battle!"

"Before we start. I need to ask you something" the light blue haired coordinator said. Rai cocked his eyebrow. "Who exactly are you? There are no records of you. And why do you work for Ash?" The skinny man chuckled.

"Well, since you asked so nicely. Let's just say that I'm not exactly what you think I am" Rai said. "My Pokemon are my lifelines." Marina had a puzzled expression on her face. "And the reason I serve his majesty is because that is what I was made for."

"What do you mean?" the blue haired coordinator asked.

"You'll get you're answer if you manage to defeat me" the lavender eyed man said. "Let's battle! Go pokeball!" Rai released the pokeball from his hand. The pokeball let out a wild flash of the light. When the light settled it revealed large green Pokemon with a plant on its back.

"Venusaur!" it shouted its name.

"That again. Fine, come on out Snorlax!" the light blue haired coordinator shouted. The normal type pokeball made a loud yawned and got into its battle stance.

"My Venusaur is itching for a rematch" Rai said. "I'll start things off. Razor Leaf!" The grass type roared and released hundreds of spinning, sharp leaves towards the large normal type.

"Snorlax, Rollout!" Marina ordered. The squinty eyed Pokemon curled up into a ball and rolled towards the Razor Leaf attack. Rai smiled at the girl's stupidity, but what came next surprised him. The Razor Leaf attack was bouncing off. The skinny man surmised that due to the extreme speed of the Rollout attack the leaves couldn't hit the target correctly. The Rollout attack pushed through the flurry of leaves and hit the grass type causing it slide across the ground with dust trailing behind it.

"Venusaur!" Rai shouted. The dinosaur-like Pokemon rose to its feet with a few scratches on its body. Snorlax stopped its spinning and stood on its two feet.

"Good job, Snorlax! Continue!" the light blue haired coordinator ordered. The squinty eyed Pokemon nodded and prepared for another Rollout attack. 'Each Rollout gets stronger each time it is used. This match is mine!' Rai smiled. Marina had a confuse look on her face. How could her opponent be smiling at a time like this? 'He is crazy.'

"Venusaur, fly!" Rai commanded. Marina gasped.

"What!?" she shouted. The grass type Pokemon shot out two vines and began to spin very quickly. The motion was like the blades from a helicopter. Before she could comprehend what was going on, Venusaur floated into the air. Snorlax stopped its attack and gasped at the sight. "Impossible!"

"Now, Body Slam!" the red hair man shouted. The dinosaur-like Pokemon stopped its spinning and plummeted straight to the ground at an alarming rate. Beneath the falling grass type was a stunned squinty eyed Pokemon. Before it could react it was smashed by the Body Slam attack creating a large cloud of dust.

"Snorlax!" Marina shouted. The dust settled and revealed the large normal type Pokemon was holding the grass type over its head. Snorlax was covered in scratches and standing on top of a crater. Both trainer's eyes widened. The stylish coordinator smiled. "Send it tossing!" The normal type Pokemon threw the grass type right in front of stunned red haired trainer.

"You can't fail me!" the skinny man shouted. "Get up! Our lives depend on it!" Venusaur rose to its feet and surprised Marina and her Pokemon. "Good job. Now, use Sunny day into a Solar Beam!" The dinosaur-like Pokemon shot a bright, white ball from its plant on its back into the air. The sun's ray became stronger by the move. Venusaur began to absorb sunlight into its back at a fast rate.

"Snorlax, Hyper Beam!" the light blue haired coordinator ordered. Snorlax opened its mouth and formed a orange ball of energy. A beam came out of the orange ball creating a streak of orange. Back to Venusaur you could see the plant on it's back glowing.

"Use it now!" Rai shouted. Venusaur shot out a white beam from its plant on it back. Orange met white. Both attacks caused shockwaves that made both trainer flinch. Each attack was pushing each other equally. "You can do it!" The grass type heard the plea of its trainer and dug its feet into the ground. The white beam began to push the orange beam back.

"Snorlax, Full Power!" The normal type opened its mouth some more. The orange beam unexpectedly pushed the white beam back. The Hyper Beam attack consumed the grass type and made a large explosion creating a blanket of dust over the field. The dust settle revealing a half charred Venusaur barely standing. Marina and Snorlax gasped. Marina knew that her Pokemon was too tire to do anything. This attack would knock out her Snorlax.

"Venusaur, Frenzy Plant!" Rai ordered his Pokemon to use the strongest grass type attack. Large thorny roots came out of the ground heading straight towards the normal type. Marina closed her eyes, fearing the attack. After a few seconds she heard nothing. She opened her eyes and saw the attack stopped, when it was about to hit her Pokemon. The light blue haired coordinator looked at Venusaur. She saw it collapsed with swirls for eyes. The roots retreated back into the ground. "Venusaur, good job." Rai returned back his Pokemon and grabbed another pokeball from his pocket.

"Snorlax, awesome job!" Marina shouted. The squinty eyed Pokemon nodded. She returned her Pokemon back in its pokeball for a well deserved rest. "One down. Two to go."

"You were lucky. Go pokeball!" the skinny man shouted. The pokeball revealed a light purple Pokemon with two tails. It had blue eyes and a red bead on its forehead.

"Espeon!" it shouted its name.

"So adorable!" Marina squealed. Rai sweatdropped.

"You can admire my Pokemon later. Get on with the battle" the red haired man said.

"Fine, come on out, Little Miss!"

"Mismagius!" it shouted its name. The ghost type floated on to the field and looked at its opponent.

"Nice choice" Rai complimented. "A ghost type should have an advantage against a psychic type, but that won't matter. My Pokemon is stronger than yours."

"We'll see" the light blue haired coordinator said. "Little Miss, Shadow Ball!" The purple Pokemon created a purple ball of energy, and then shot it at the light purple Pokemon.

"Dodge and use Lock On!" Rai ordered. Espeon jumped to side making the attack miss it. The psychic type shot a red lock on mark onto the ghost type which surprised Little Miss. The red haired man smiled. "Zap Cannon!" The light purple Pokemon charged a dark blue energy ball with varied colors within it at the ghost type Pokemon.

"Little Miss, dodge!" the purple Pokemon followed its trainer order and floated upward, successfully dodging the attack or so it thought. The ball of energy turned around and hit the ghost type Pokemon's back creating a cloud of dust. Little Miss yelled its name in agony. When the dust settled it revealed the ghost type covered in scratches. "What happened!?"

"I used Lock On" Rai said. "This attack allows my next attack to hit my opponent without fail. You should know this. What are you an amateur?" The light haired coordinator growled.

"Little Miss, can you go on?" the stylish coordinator asked. The ghost type Pokemon nodded. "Alright, then use Destiny Bond!" Little Miss relinquished a black shadow onto the psychic type, which caused it to shiver.

"What did that do?" the skinny man yelled. "Whatever you did won't work! Espeon, Lock On once again!" The two tailed Pokemon shot a red lock on mark onto the ghost type Pokemon. "Zap Cannon!" The psychic type Pokemon shot another ball of energy towards the purple Pokemon.

"Shadow Ball, Full Power!" the light haired coordinator commanded. The purple Pokemon shot a sphere of purple energy that was twice the size of a normal Shadow Ball attack. Both attacks collided with each others causing massive surge of energy shoot out from the blast. Both trainers closed their eyes from the intense light that covered the entire field. They opened their eyes and saw that Little Miss was on the ground with swirls for eyes and Espeon on its legs with scratches all over its body. "Little Miss!"

"Ha! I told you!" Rai shouted. "My Pok-" Espeon collapsed onto the ground with swirls for eyes. "What the hell happened!?"

"Look who the amateur is now" the light blue haired coordinator said. The lavender eyed man glared at the girl. "The attack I called earlier was Destiny Bond. That attack automatically causes your opponent's Pokemon to faint, when my Pokemon is knocked out." Marina smirked. "I knew your Espeon was stronger, so I thought of a way that could make it a tie." Rai stomped his foot.

"What a stupid attack!" the skinny man shouted, while returning his fallen Pokemon. "That is not fair!"

"You can say whatever you want. This battle was a tie" Marina said, while returning her Pokemon.

"So be it" Rai said calmly. The light blue haired coordinator cocked her eyebrow. She couldn't figure out why her opponent could be calm after what just happened. He is down to his last Pokemon, while she still had two. "I will show you my strongest Pokemon. Quake with fear, Slaking!" The ape-like Pokemon appeared from the wild light and started to beat its chest.

"Slaking!" it shouted its name causing the coordinator to flinch. Beads of sweat appeared on the girl's face.

'This Pokemon is powerful. I guess I have to call out mine' Marina thought. The stylish coordinator threw a pokeball to the field, which made a wild flash of light. The light settled and revealed a large blue Pokemon with red scales on its back. "Do your best Wani Wani!"

"Feraligatr!" it shouted its name.

"Slaking, Dynamic Punch onto the ground!" the Rai commanded. The right fist of the ape-like Pokemon glowed with energy. It threw its punch at the ground making it rumble. Marina and Wani Wani lost their balance. Suddenly, pillars of rocks shot out of the ground towards the water type. The big jaw Pokemon couldn't react fast enough causing it to get hit with the brunt of the attack. The water slammed right into a tree.

"Wani Wani, are you okay!?" the light blue haired coordinator shouted. The big jaw Pokemon opened its eyes and saw that a Dynamic Punch was coming towards its face. The large blue Pokemon jumped away at the last minute. The attack connected to the tree causing it to get knocked down.

"Grab it and swing it!" Rai ordered. The ape-like Pokemon grabbed the large tree and swung it at the water type Pokemon. The tree connected the back of the big jaw Pokemon causing it to fly into Lake Verity. There was a big splash.

"Wani Wani!" the coordinator shouted. She ran to the lake to try to find her Pokemon. The water type Pokemon swam to surface and started to glow blue. It jumped out of the lake and landed a few feet from its trainer. It made the loud roar, which made the ape-like Pokemon to take a step back. "It's my Wani Wani's special ability Torrent!" Marina turned to her opponents. Rai flinched. "Hydro Pump!" The big jaw Pokemon inhaled a large breath expanding its stomach, and then let out a burst of water from its mouth. Slaking's eyes widened. The attack pushed the ape-like Pokemon through at least five trees. "Wani Wani we did it!"

"I wouldn't count your Torchics before they hatch" Rai said. Marina put up puzzled expression. The red haired man pointed beneath the water type's feet. Suddenly, a large Pokemon appeared and did an uppercut. Marina's eyes widened. The big jaw Pokemon flew was sent into the air, but was immediately grabbed by the leg. Slaking began to slam the big jaw Pokemon back and forth into the ground. "Die! Die!" The ape-like Pokemon jumped into the air with water type Pokemon and spun around in circles. Slaking released the Pokemon causing it strike into the ground like a meteor. There was a cloud of dust that blanketed the field. Slaking landed on its feet and began to beat its chest.

"Slaking" it roared its name. The dust settled revealing the water type Pokemon in a large crater with cuts and scratches. It rose on its feet slowly surprising Rai and his Slaking.

"Feraligatr" it roared its name defiantly.

"Wani Wani that's enough" Marina said with tears streaming down her face. "I can't bear to see you get hurt." The big jaw Pokemon looked at its trainer and shook its head. "You want to continue." The water type nodded. The light blue haired coordinator wiped her tears away and made a determined face. "Alright, I'm with you." Wani Wani looked at its opponent and growled.

"Defiant to the end, huh?" Rai questioned. "Then so be it. You will lose!" The skinny man looked at his Pokemon. "Jump in and keep on using Dynamic Punch!" The ape-like Pokemon jumped into the crater with a glowing right fist. It landed right in front of the blue Pokemon and punched it right in the face. Wani Wani move backwards a little.

"Wani Wani, fight back with Focus Punch!" the stylish coordinator commanded. The big jaw Pokemon right claw clenched into a fist and glowed with power. It punched the ape-like Pokemon right in the face causing it to retreat backwards a little.

"So, you want a brawl!" the lavender eyed man shouted. "Fight back, Slaking!" Both Pokemon began to exchange punches one after another. Each Pokemon not backing down. Both trainers cheering them for victory. The two Pokemon were relentless always alternating. One punch from Slaking, then one punch from Wani Wani. Both Pokemon looked like they could collapse at any moment.

"Full Power!" both trainers shouted. Both Pokemon landed one final punch on each other at the same time causing them to fly back into opposite directions. Wani Wani slid across the field in front of its trainer's feet. Slaking did the same.

"Come on get up!" Rai shouted. "We cannot afford to lose. We'll lose everything if we do!" The ape-like Pokemon rose to its feet and roared its name. "That's it. Let's finish them off. Use Fissure!" Slaking punched the ground creating a burst of light to shoot across the ground at an alarming rate.

"Wani Wani, Hydro Cannon!" the light blue haired coordinator commanded. The big jaw Pokemon spewed out a flood of water towards the Fissure attack. Both attacks collided head on. Both attacks were both overwhelming, but the Hydro Cannon was able to push it back. The large blast in the ape-like Pokemon causing it to scream its name in pain. The tsunami of water ended and Slaking was still standing with water dripping off its body. "No way!" Rai smiled.

"You did a good job Slaking" the skinny man said softly. Marina looked at the skinny man and saw tears falling from his eyes. "I'm proud of you." Slaking collapsed to the ground and exploded into blue particles. Marina gasped. "You did a good job, Marina."

"What happened!?" Marina yelled.

"I told you my Pokemon are my lifelines" Rai said. Marina had a puzzled expression. "Since you won. I will tell you. The reason why there are no records of me is because I truly don't exist." The red haired man raised his hand, which caused Marina's eyes to widen. His hand was disappearing into blue particles like Slaking. "When I lose a Pokemon match I also lose my life. I was created with his majesty's aura. That is the reason I serve his majesty. He gave me life. This is the least I can do for him." Rai fell to his knees. "I guess I won't be able to see the final episode of Code Geass." The lavender eyed man began to fall. Marina returned her Pokemon and ran to the red haired man.

"Rai!!!" a voice shouted. Marina shot her gaze to the entrance that led underground. She caught eyes with crimson eyes.

"Ah, there it is" the crimson eyed man said. He began to walk to a pedestal that held a pink crystal. "The Remnant of Mesprit." Saru reached the pedestal and was about to grab the crystal until he saw an Aura Sphere attack heading towards him. The silver haired man jumped out of the way and glared at the floating pink head Pokemon. It had a red bead on its four heads and had a small blue body with two tails. "You must be Mesprit, huh?"

"Leave at once!" the legendary psychic yelled.

"Oh, and it seems like it can talk" the silver haired man said. "I guess the legends are true. Look I just want that pretty little crystal and I'll be on my way." Saru was about to take a step forward until another Aura Sphere was directed towards him. The crimson eyed man jumped away from the attack.

"You will not take the crystal" Mesprit shouted. "I will destroy you before you do!"

"It seems like you want a battle" Saru said. "Then so be it. Come on out, Luxray!" The electric type Pokemon appeared from the wild light and roared its name. "Luxray, Shock Wave!" The black Pokemon shot out a stream of blue lighting out of its body towards the floating Pokemon. The shockwave attack began to glow pink. "A Psychic attack." The legendary psychic redirected the attack back towards the electric type. The attacked hit the black Pokemon, but it just shook it off. "Not bad."

"I will be forced use my full power if we continue" Mesprit said.

"Try me" Saru said in an arrogant tone. Mesprit's eyes began to glow pink and its gaze was directed at the black lion-like Pokemon. Suddenly, an explosion occurred where Luxray was standing leaving a cloud of dust. Saru covered his face with arms to protect him from the blast. The crimson eyed man moved his arms away and was shocked to see that his Pokemon had swirls for eyes. "You little bastard!" Saru returned his Pokemon and flipped off the legendary Pokemon.

"I will not allow such language and intolerance in my presence" Mesprit said.

"You're going to get it now!" Saru shouted. "Go Pokeball!" The silver haired man threw a pokeball that released a wild blinding light. The light settled and revealed a black and white Pokemon. It looked like there was a mean face on its stomach and it had one red eye.

"Dusknoir!" it shouted its name.

"Dusknoir, Night Shade!" Saru ordered. The red eyed Pokemon glared at its opponent and shot a black beam from his single eye towards the legendary psychic. Mesprit summoned an Aura Sphere attack and directed it to the Night Shade. Both attacks collided creating a cloud of smoke. The pink head Pokemon used its Psychic attack and cleared the smoke, but to find out that Dusknoir was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, the single eye Pokemon appeared behind the surprised psychic type. "Now, Shadow Punch!" The ghost-like Pokemon right fist began to glow black and it punched the legendary Pokemon directly on its back. Mesprit fell straight to the ground creating a mini crater that shook the entire cave. The pink head Pokemon was about to get up, but was surprised to see Dusknoir in front of it. "Hypnosis!" The black and yellow Pokemon lifted both of its hand and emitted black rings. The rings hit the legendary's eyes making them drowsy, then finally shutting. "Absolutely pathetic." The crimson eyed man walked to the pedestal and pocketed the pink crystal. "Mission Complete." The silver haired man looked at the sleeping legendary psychic Pokemon. "His majesty said to terminate it if it interferes. Dusknoir, Hyper Bea-" Suddenly, a stream flame hit the ghost type Pokemon interrupting its attack. "What!"

"What do you think you're doing!" Jimmy shouted as he ran into the room. Typhlosion roared its name right next to its trainer.

"What did it look like I was doing? I was planning to kill Mesprit" Saru simply said.

"Are you insane!?" the red hoody wearing trainer yelled. "Why would you kill a Pokemon!?"

"I was simply following orders" the crimson eyed man said.

"Orders!?" Jimmy yelled. "I will not allow you to kill Mesprit! Typhlosion, Flamethrower!" The fire type Pokemon inhaled a large breath, and then blew out a spew of flames towards the crimson eyed trainer.

"Dusknoir, Protect" Saru said. The ghost type Pokemon jumped in front of its trainer and produced a green sphere around itself. The flame deflected of the Protect attack. Jimmy growled. "Dusknoir, Hypnosis." The black Pokemon emitted black rings from its hand and immediately caused the fire type to sleep.

"Typhlosion!" the dark haired trainer yelled. "You have to wake up!"

"Dusknoir, Hyper Beam!" the silver haired man commanded. The ghost type Pokemon lifted both of its arm and pointed its arms at the slumbering Pokemon. An orange orb of energy began to form in Dusknoir's hands. The orange sphere shot an orange beam towards Typhlosion.

"Typhlosion!" Jimmy yelled. The boy's yelling failed and the Hyper Beam attack reached its opponent and exploded on contact creating a cloud of smoke. The smoke settled and revealed the fire type's eyes replaced with swirls. The red hoody wearing trainer sunk his head. "Return." Jimmy was about to grab another pokeball until he saw Saru walking towards the sleeping pink head Pokemon. The crimson eyed man grabbed the Pokemon by its neck, all the while the legendary was still sleeping.

"Stop or I'll snap its neck" Saru said with no remorse. Jimmy gasped. "You will let me leave if you want it to live." Jimmy stepped forward, but that was the wrong move. The silver haired man grip tightened around the psychic type Pokemon neck which caused the slumbering Pokemon to wake up. "Ah, you're awake." The Pokemon glared at the crimson eyed man. Suddenly, Mesprit's eyes began to glow pink, but turned back to normal when Saru squeezed. The pink head Pokemon grunted. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Let it go!" Jimmy shouted.

"I will release it when you will step away from the entrance" Saru stated. Jimmy growled, but succumbed to the crimson eyed man statement. He moved to the left and put the pokeball back into his pocket. "That's a good boy." Saru walked towards the entrance with his Dusknoir floating right behind him. The crimson eyed man tossed the Pokemon to Jimmy, which he caught.

"Dusknoir, Hyper Beam on the ceiling!" Saru commanded. The ghost type Pokemon shot an orange beam on the ceiling making it collapse with tiny trickles of water falling. "If I were you I get the heck out of here unless you want to drown." The crimson eyed man returned his Pokemon and began to sprint down the hall. Jimmy looked down at the legendary Pokemon that was in his arms.

"Whatever you do you must not let him escape. I must leave to heal" Mesprit said before disappearing. Jimmy growled and ran down the hall. The crimson eyed man finally made it to the end of the hall and reached the clearing. When he ran out he saw that Rai was disappearing into blue particles. "Rai!!!" Saru ran and caught the lavender eyed man in his arms. Marina stopped in her tracks. "Rai, you can't die!" Tears were running from his eyes. The red haired man smiled.

"Don't turn into a softy now" Rai said softly.

"Don't joke around!" Saru yelled.

"You know even though we fight a lot. I thought we were like brothers" Rai said with tears streaming down his face. Saru nodded. "Please tell his majesty that I'm sorry I failed him. Please make his majesty's dream come true." Rai finally disappeared into blue particles. Saru's eyes widened.

"NO!!!" the crimson eyed man screamed. He punched the ground with his fists. He looked up to the light blue haired coordinator with a murderous intent. He rose to his feet. "This is your fault. You killed Rai. I will kill you!" Saru was about to grab a pokeball from his pocket, but noticed Jimmy coming out of the entrance. Saru knew two trainers would be trouble. "The next time we meet. You die!" The crimson eyed man ran into his ship and flew off into the horizon. The red hoody wearing trainer sweatdropped when he looked behind himself. The water completely destroyed the entrance.

"Jimmy!" Marina shouted. Jimmy turned around and was tackled into a hug and fell on his bottom bringing down the light blue haired coordinator. The dark haired boy saw that tears were falling from her eyes. She buried her head into his chest. "I didn't know! I didn't mean to kill Rai!" Jimmy's eyes softened.

"It's alright" he said, trying to console the girl. "Please tell me what happened." Marina explained everything that happened to Jimmy. "It's not your fault. You didn't know. Come on we have to tell others." The red hoody wearing trainer took the communicator out of pocket and started to call the others.

Heading north was a black ship and within it was a furious crimson eyed man. Saru pressed a button on the control panel that made a screen pop up. In the screen was none other than Ash. "Your majesty, the mission is successful" Saru said.

"Good job" the auburn eyed trainer said.

"But we lost Rai" the crimson eyed man said, while clenching the steering wheel tight. "He said he was sorry." There was silence.

"His sacrifice won't be in vain" Ash said. "He will live on with my dream." Saru nodded. "You will go to our rendezvous point immediately."

"Yes your majesty" the silver haired man said. The screen disappeared. "I will avenge you Rai."

Word Count: 5645

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