Chapter 10: Remnant

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Chapter 10


It has been a day since Ash returned feeling weak. In the living room of the large Organization Omni ship stood five elite trainers worried about his majesty. Rai was sitting down on the couch watching his favorite anime, Code Geass. Saru was sitting along side the lavender eyed man, sighing how he lost the bet of who could eat the most hamburgers. The silver haired trainer loss which results that he has to watch Code Geass instead of his favorite anime show, Death Note. Helena was sitting in a comfy chair filing her fingernails, while thinking of her and his majesty doing something that involves both of them naked. A sly smile came across her face and squealed. Saru, who looked over his shoulder at the black haired beauty, sweatdropped knowing what she was thinking and muttered "Pervert." The ice blue eyed girl heard the comment and immediately jumped off her chair and lunged at the crimson eyed man.

"What did you say!?" the ice blue eyed girl yelled. She picked him up by the collar of his shirt and began to slap him across the cheek repeatedly. Saru's cheeks were covered with red handprints. He cried anime tears, when she stopped her beating. "You have better not said what I thought I heard you say." The crimson eyed man waved both his hands wildly in front of him.

"I didn't say anything!" Saru shouted. Rai, who was so engrossed in his favorite anime, spoke.

"So, you didn't call Helena a pervert" Rai said calmly, without taking his eyes off the TV. Saru glared at red haired trainer. The lavender eyed man didn't even flinched when he felt the murderous glare of the crimson eyed man aimed towards the back of his head. "I guess I must be hearing things." Rai raised his hand and swung it in a shooing manner. The silver haired trainer turned his eyes back to the black haired beauty. At that moment he wished he didn't. He saw that Helena's ice blue eyes ignited with fire. Saru sweatdropped. The black haired beauty swung her fist directly in the face of the crimson eyed man. He flew right into the TV, completely destroying it. Rai jumped out of his seat and cried anime tears.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" the lavender eye man shouted. "Why Saru!? Why Helena!? How could you do such an unspeakable act!?" Helena just cracked her knuckles and sat down, continuing her little fantasy inside her head. Saru was lying inside the TV screen with a bloody nose and his eyes were replaced with swirls. The skinny man fell to his knees. "WHY!?"

Stride who standing near the doorway laughed at the amusing display. "Man, I love these moments" the yellow eyed man said. "Don't you think so, Jin?" The green haired man sighed.

"Why do they act like that?" the jade eyed man questioned. "Don't they know that nothing will come out of it except misery?" Jin directed his eyes to the scene and sweatdropped. Seeing Saru unconscious inside the TV, Rai on his knees crying, and Helena squealing about her perverted fantasy was absolutely ridiculous to the green haired trainer.

"Who cares?" Stride said while patting the jade eyed man shoulder. Jin directed his gaze to the blonde haired trainer. "As long as it doesn't involve us. It doesn't matter. We can just sit back and relax."

"I guess you're right" Jin muttered. Suddenly, the door whooshed open revealing the leader of Organization Omni. Everybody stopped what they were doing and looked at his majesty. Ash entered the room and sighed at the destruction of the TV. He went towards Helena, who immediately sat up and offered her seat. The ebony haired trainer sat down, while the five elite trainers gathered around him.

"Your, majesty" Stride said. "You shouldn't be up. You should be resting." The other four elite trainers nodded. Ash just waved his hand in a shooing manner.

"I'm fine" the auburn eyed man said. "I just need rest."

"What do you mean you're fine!?" the ice blue eyed girl shouted. "You were bleeding from your mouth. We've never seen you like." Ash looked at the black haired beauty and sighed.

"I told you I was fine" the leader of Organization Omni said. "No need to worry." Ash thought of the words he said and chuckled bitterly. The five elite trainers exchanged gaze with each other, thinker their leader finally cracked. Ash looked at his elites. "I'm not crazy. I was just reminiscing."

"Reminiscing about what, your majesty?" Rai asked. The auburn eyed trainer directed his eyes to the skinny man. Ash closed his eyes and put his right elbow on the arm rest. Using his right hand he supported his head where he was resting it, he crossed his legs and let out a deep sigh.

"Nothing" Ash simply answered. "Just about the past." Everybody nodded. They all knew that they weren't going to get an answer out of their enigmatic leader.

"If I may be blunt" the crimson eyed man said. "What do owe the visit for?" Ash with his eyes still closed sighed.

"Straight to the point, huh?" Ash said. "I have a mission for all of you. It will require you guys to split up." The five elite trainers looked at each other, then back to his majesty. "I was able to retrieve the second artifact. The Remnant of Palkia." The ebony haired trainer took the pink pearl from his pocket with his left hand.

"That little thing is what you risked your life for?" Jin asked.

"This little thing along with the Remnant of Dialga will allow me to create a new world." Everybody gasped.

"Then why don't you do it now?" the green haired man questioned.

"There are four more artifacts that are needed" Ash said. "That is why I came here. I need you all, my elites to gather the remaining artifacts. Saru and Rai will team up to gather the artifact at Lake Verity. Helena and Jin will go to Lake Valor. Jin will go to Lake Acuity. Each holds a Remnant of a legendary Pokemon. Mesprit, Azelf, and Uxie."

"I see" Jin said. "But you said there are four artifacts. Who will retrieve the fourth?"

"I will" Ash said, while opening his eyes. "This artifact resides in the hidden lake of Sinnoh, Sendoff Spring. In the Sendoff Spring there is Turnback Cave and in there resides the Remnant of Giratina."

"Are you sure, your majesty?" the yellow eyed man asked. "You may be still too weak."

"I'm fine" the leader of Organization Omni said. "Once my plan is complete all will be fine."

"What do we do if we run into the Legendaries?" Saru asked. "We are going into their homes after all. I know I would be pissed if somebody enters my home unannounced."

"I'm sure you know what to do" Ash said menacingly. Everybody gulped. Nobody dared to speak up after they witnessed what he did to Rai. The leader of Organization Omni rose to his feet.

"When do we leave, your majesty?" the skinny man asked.

"You all will leave immediately" Ash said. "The ships you are taking already have the coordinates set in. Remember I don't accept failure." The leader of Organization Omni walked to the door and was about to leave until he was stopped by the black haired beauty.

"Wait! How did those people find out where you were heading?" Helena asked. Ash looked over his shoulder and stared into the eyes of the ice blue eyed girl. "It can't be a mere coincidence."

"I don't know, but when I do find out they will pay" Ash said. The leader of Organization Omni left the room heading towards the bridge. The five elite trainers looked at each other and nodded. They left to go to the hangar. When they reached the hangar they saw three black ships in the middle of the hangar. The ships were smaller than Koyomi's ship. They looked like it could only fit three people. Each team went to their ships.

"Now, don't you guys miss me when I'm gone?" Rai joked. Everybody sweatdropped. Saru sighed.

"Why do I get teamed up with the loser" the crimson eyed man said. Both elites went into their ship and flew out the large door. "Onwards to Lake Verity!"

"Finally, the two annoying losers are gone" Helena said. "We can finally have some peace." The green haired man sighed.

"I agree" Jin said. "Good luck, Stride." The yellow eyed man gave Jin thumbs up. The black haired beauty and the jade eyed man entered their ship.

"Here we come, Lake Valor!" Helena shouted as they flew out of the large black ship.

"I guess I'm the only one left" Stride said as he entered his ship. "Now, I'm off to Lake Acuity!" The yellow eyed man flew out of the large black ship.

"Your majesty, the elites have left" an Omni Grunt said.

"Good, bring this ship to Sendoff Spring" Ash said while sitting down on his throne in the bridge.

"Yes, your majesty!" the Omni Grunt shouted. The large black ship took off into the air and headed to Sendoff Spring with its invisible cloak on.

In Koyomi's ship there was complete silence until a voice rang through out the ship that came from the bridge. "Damn it!" shouted the red hoody wearing trainer. Jimmy punched the wall with his bare fist making it bleed. "I can't believe he escaped. Now, he has two of seven pieces. It's my fault. If only I was stronger!" Marina looked at her dear friend and put a comforting hand on his shoulder."

"It's not your fault, Jimmy" Marina said, trying to console the boy. "It's everybody fault, not just your. We all couldn't stop him. We weren't strong enough."

"Jimmy, she's right" the breeder said. "We're all too blame. We didn't think that one Pokemon could be us all. We were overconfident." Brock looked over to the blue haired coordinator to see if she was alright.

"How could Ash do this!?" Max shouted. The dark blue haired boy still couldn't believe that Ash, his idol was an evil guy. He closed his eyes and clenched his fist.

"Max, stay calm" May said to her little brother. "I'm su-"

"How can I stay calm!?" Max shouted, still not opening his eyes. "My friend called us weaklings and pathetic." Tears began falling from the young boy's eyes. "Ash was my friend. Now he is scum like Team Rocket." The glasses wearing boy felt a hand on his shoulder. He opened his eyes and looked over his shoulder. He saw that tears were falling from his sister's eyes.

"Don't say that about Ash" the brunette said. "He is not scum."

"How can you say that, May?" Max asked.

"That wasn't the Ash we know" the bandana wearing girl said. "The Ash we know is locked within that person. Remember the Ash from when he traveled with us." Max nodded. "Just think of that Ash. All those happy memories will always be with us. Those memories are also inside Ash. We just have to bring them out. When he finally remembers he will come back to the light." May wiped her tears and smiled at her little brother. Max smiled back.

"I'll save Ash" Max said.

"We'll all save him" May said. The brunette looked over to the blue haired coordinator. She knew it must be hard for the girl. She just hoped she hasn't given up hope that we can save Ash.

"Pikachu, do you think we'll ever get through to Ash?" Dawn asked the electric rodent. "He seems so far. I just don't know anymore if we can save him." Pikachu looked up at the blue haired coordinator. It glared at her.

"Pika pi chu pika chu pi pikapi!" the yellow fur ball shouted. Dawn gasped, and then smiled at the electric type Pokemon.

"You're right, Pikachu" the beanie wearing girl said. "Thank you; I should never give up on, Ash. In the past Ash never gave up on us. It's my turn to not give up on Ash. No matter how far he is gone. I know we can save him." The electric rodent smiled. Dawn smile back, but then a frown appeared on her face which puzzled the yellow Pokemon. "Pikachu, do you remember when Ash collapsed." Pikachu put on a worried face. "Oh, yeah I forgot you fainted before that happened. I'm just wondering if Ash is sick or anything." Suddenly, the door opened revealing the silver eyed girl with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Morning everyone" the glasses wearing girl said. They all looked at her and gave her a morning too. "Do you think we should leave?"

"No, Alice and Tonio said they would call us on Darkrai's condition" Dawn said. "Anyways, we have no clue where Ash is." Suddenly, there was a ringing, and then a floating screen appearing in the center of the room. There was a phone symbol on it. Dawn pressed the symbol and revealed Alice.

"Hi, Dawn" the blonde said. "How are you holding up?"

"Hey, Alice" Dawn said. "I'm doing okay. How is Darkrai?"

"Darkrai is doing fine" Alice said. Dawn sighed in relief. "He just needs some rest. I can't believe Ash would do this. I remember when he cried for it when we thought it died."

"Ash changed" the blue haired coordinator said in a sad tone. "No need to worry. We'll save him from the person he's turning into." Alice smiled.

"Good luck" the blonde said.

"Thank you" the beanie wearing girl said. The screen blanked and disappeared. "Everybody Darkrai is going to be fine." Everybody sighed in relief.

"That's good" Jimmy said. "At least one good thing happened."

"Yeah, but we still need to find Ash" the light blue haired coordinator said. Suddenly, another ringing was heard. The same screen appeared from the middle of room. Dawn pressed the phone symbol. Everybody gathered in front of the screen. Our heroes including Pikachu and Koyomi saw that it was Lance the dragon trainer.

"Lance!" everybody shouted.

"Hello, everybody" the Jhoto Champion said. "I'm calling for an update." Everybody in the room sighed. "That bad. I guess that means that Ash got the Remnant of Palkia." Everybody nodded. "When I thought things couldn't get any worse."

"What do you mean?" Dawn asked.

"Well, ever since Ash left Sasado City things have been happening" Lance said. "There have been multiple reports of Omni Grunts attacking every region." Everybody gasped. "The only theory that I have for why he is doing this is that Ash is trying to distract our Pokemon forces. It seems like it's working too." Everybody sighed.

"That's not the only bad thing" Dawn said. The dragon trainer cocked his eyebrow. "We have no clue where Ash is."

"That is troubling" Lance said. "We would help you, but our hands are full. We are being sent to stop the Omni Grunts. All our forces will be busy. Even when we do stop the attacks, we still have to sort out the missing trainers thing. We have to get everybody safely home. So, you guys will be on your own."

"Okay, good luck" the blue haired coordinator said. Lance nodded.

"There is also one more thing that I have to add" the Jhoto Champion said. "The trainers you told us about. Rai, Saru, Helena, Jin, and Stride don't exist." Our heroes including Pikachu and Koyomi had a puzzled expression. "We looked in our databases and there are no records of them. It's as if they just appeared out of thin air. Do you know anything Koyomi? I mean you must have spent some time with them while you were working for Ash."

"Once I think about it. They just appeared out of nowhere. I asked Ash and he said he just picked them up" the silver eyed girl said.

"Another mystery that has to be solved" Lance said. "Well, I have to go now. Good luck." The screen disappeared leaving our heroes hopes low.

"Damn it!" the red hoody wearing boy shouted. "When will things go our way!?"

"Hey, Koyomi" May said. The silver eyed girl looked at the brunette. "Can't you track Ash's ship?" Everybody looked at the glasses wearing girl.

"I could, but he probably has his ship cloaked" Koyomi said. "It's impossible. Ash made that ship absolutely untraceable when cloaked, but I will still give it a shot. If there is anything that can help lead us to Ash I will do it." Everybody nodded. Koyomi went to the control panel and started a string of buttons. The silver eyed girl gasped. "I found a signature!" Everybody ran to the front of the bridge. "It would seem that three ships left the Ash's ship. I can trace where they are going. It looks like each ship is heading towards one of Sinnoh's three lakes."

"To one of Sinnoh's three lake, why?" Brock questioned.

"I know!" Dawn shouted. Everybody looked at the beanie wearing girl. "He is probably going to try to retrieve the other artifacts. In Sinnoh legend there are legendary Pokemon that resides in the lakes. I bet the artifacts are there."

"Alright, but how are we going to get there" the light blue haired coordinator said. "We only have one ship." Everybody sighed.

"I can fix that" Koyomi said. "But we have to go outside first." Everybody left the ship and stepped into the clearing. "Come on out!" Koyomi threw three pokeballs onto the ground. In a wild flash of light three large blue Pokemon with red wings appeared.

"Salamence!!!" they shouted their names. Our heroes jaw dropped.

"You have three Salamences!" the dark blue haired boy shouted. "You must be a really strong trainer or breeder to have three!"

"They are not mine. They belong to Ash" the curly blonde haired girl said. "I thought we may need them. So, I brought them along just incase." The three dragons roared causing our heroes to step back a little. Koyomi saw this and smiled. "No need to worry. They are all friendly. See watch." The glasses wearing girl walked to the Salamence in the middle and petted it. The dragon leaned into the touch and smiled. Our heroes did the same thing.

"Wow! This is my first time being so close to a Salamence!" Max shouted as he petted the dragon. "Their scales are so soft."

"You're right, Max" May said while rubbing her face against the dragon. "I'm jealous."

"These Salamence are well taken care of" the breeder said. "They are in top condition." Brock turned to the silver eyed girl. "You did a good job." Koyomi rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.

"Thanks" the glasses wearing girl said.

"I agree" the blue haired coordinator said while petting the dragon. Pikachu was making conversation with the large red winged Pokemon.

"I don't see what the big deal is?" Jimmy said with his arms crossed. "I could easily get five Salamences." Marina saw this and sly smile came across her face.

"It looks like somebody is jealous" the light blue haired coordinator said.

"I'm not jealous!" the red hoody wearing trainer shouted. "I'm just saying!"

"Right" Marina said sarcastically.

"Okay, now that we have that problem figured out" Brock said. "We should split into groups. I bet these Salamences can carry at least two of us at a time."

"Alright, Jimmy and Marina will be together and will go to Lake Verity. May and Max you have Lake Valor. Brock, I'm sure you can handle going by yourself to Lake Acuity" Dawn said.

"What!?" the squinty eyed man shouted. "Why do I have to go alone!?"

"That's because Koyomi told me the ship that is heading towards Lake Acuity has only one life signature, while the other has two. This means that Ash's elite trainers are in those ships" the beanie wearing girl said. Brock sighed and nodded.

"What are you going to do?" Brock asked.

"I'm going with Koyomi" the blue haired coordinator said. "I'm pretty sure Ash's ship is heading towards the last artifact wherever it may be. Ash is probably going after that one. I want to be the one who stops him."

"How are you going to find Ash when he has his ship cloaked?" May asked.

"I can solve that" Koyomi said. "You guys just go and stop those elites. Here catch." Koyomi threw three remotes to Jimmy, Max, and Brock alone with three pokeballs. "These will keep you guys on track and they double as communicators. Make sure when you get to your destinations let the Salamences rest. I'm sure they will be tired." Everybody nodded. Jimmy and Marina got onto their Salamence. May and Max hopped on theirs. Brock jumped on his.

"Good luck, everybody!" Dawn shouted. Everybody nodded and flew away. "Well, I guess we better get going to." The silver eyed girl nodded. Dawn, Pikachu, and Koyomi walked into the ship to the bridge. "How are we going to find, Ash? You said that it's impossible to find Ash's ship when it's cloaked."

"I can trace where the three ships left" Koyomi said. "When we reach the place where they left I can use my ships infrared vision. I'll be able to see the ship. We just have to get there quick enough to see the ship."

"Then stop on it!" Dawn yelled.

"You got it!" the curly blonde haired girl said. Koyomi pressed a button that started the engine and blasted them towards Ash's ship. They reached the site. "Infrared on!" The ships viewing glass turned dark. They spotted the ship in a red picture. "Jamming device on!"

"Jamming device?" Dawn questioned.

"It's suppose to make sure that Ash's ship doesn't catch us on there scanners" the silver eyed girl said. Dawn nodded.

"Ash I'm coming!"

Word Count: 3664

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