Chapter 9: History In The Making

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Chapter 9

History in the Making

Ash looked forward to see the ghost-like Pokemon. Its body was the size of a regular human, but more bulky. The sinister Pokemon was floating a couple feet away from the ebony haired trainer. The dark type Pokemon white substance on its head was flowing through the air concealing most of its face except its eyes. Darkrai's eye glared at the auburn eyed man. "Leave now! I will not let you take it!" the dark type shouted. Ash smirked. People began to gather around the ghost-like Pokemon and the gorgeous man wondering what was going on. Since the people saw how Darkrai sacrificed its life for the town when it was vanishing, it became a hero. Everybody was no longer afraid of the sinister Pokemon.

"This is how you treat an old friend" Ash said. "I'm hurt. I would think that a legendary Pokemon would show respect."

"I told you to leave!" the dark type shouted. "Leave now! Or I will have to destroy you! The power you seek does not belong to you!"

"Do you know who you are talking to?" the ebony haired trainer said with a cocked eyebrow. "I'm the leader of Organization Omni." The crowd of people gasped. "I'm the one who will take the power and rule this pathetic world." Everybody began to panic; being in the presence of the leader of the notorious criminal organization was a bad thing. The crowd began to disperse running in different directions.

"I don't care for names!" Darkrai shouted. "I want you gone!"

"Such impudence!" Ash shouted. "I will make you fear me! You shall bow down to me!" The ebony haired trainer lifted his hand and opened it in front of the dark type Pokemon. A blue orb composed of aura began to form. "Take this!" Ash shot the blue sphere of aura towards the ghost-like Pokemon. Darkrai's eye widened. Before it could react the ball hit it creating an explosion and a cloud of dust around it. Ash smirked. The ebony haired trainer was about to continue walking until he saw a black orb coming through the dust aimed towards him.

"Dark Void!" Darkrai shouted.

Ash's eyes widened. The black ball hit the auburn eyed trainer and then swallowed him. Darkrai appeared from out of the smoke and was surprised the see that Ash was just standing there with his arms crossed. The leader of Organization Omni smirked. "You really think a pathetic attack like that could actually harm me" Ash said with a cocked eyebrow. "Ha! I shall show you true power!" The ebony haired man's body began to glow blue. Suddenly, Ash appeared behind the ghost-like Pokemon. Darkrai gasped and looked over its shoulder. The auburn eyed man made a straight jab to Darkrai's face making it slide across the stone ground with a cloud of dust trailing behind. The sinister Pokemon floated back up and winced in pain.

"A human can't do that" Darkrai said. Ash began walking slowly towards the ghost-like Pokemon with a smile plastered on his handsome face. Darkrai began to float backwards scared of the boy. The Pokemon that creates nightmares scared of a mere mortal.

"Don't you dare compare me to those wretched beings" Ash said venomously. "I am just a step below a God. When I attain all the pieces of the puzzles I will become a God myself! I will have absolute power!"

"I cannot allow that to happen!" Darkrai shouted. "Take this! Dark Pulse!" The dark type Pokemon shot out black and purple rings towards the auburn eyed trainer. Ash stood their emotionlessly and took the brunt of the attack. Clouds of dust formed around the leader of Organization Omni. When the dust settled it showed Ash in one piece with no scratches on him. Darkrai's eye widened. In a blink of an eye Ash disappeared and appeared in front of the shocked legendary Pokemon. The ebony haired trainer spun around and delivered a kick across the face of the dark type Pokemon. Darkrai flew straight into a lamppost complete decimating the object. The ghost-like Pokemon struggled to get up. It was covered in scratches and cuts. Ash smirked.

"How pitiful" the leader of Organization Omni spat. "I would have thought that a legendary Pokemon could have put up more than a challenge." Ash began to lift his hand and pointed it at the Sinister Pokemon. A blue sphere composed of aura began to light up, but then disappeared. "No, you don't deserve to be killed by me. I shall let my Pokemon handle this." Ash took out his pokeball and threw into the air. The pokeball released a wild blinding light that hit the stone ground. The light settled and revealed a large orange Pokemon with wings. Its tail was waving wildly. It had a flame at the tip of its tail, but the flame was black.

"Charizard!" it shouted its name ferociously making the sinister Pokemon tremble in fear. The fire type Pokemon raised its head into the air and blew out streams of black flames that made the air much warmer, than what it used to be. The dragon-like Pokemon lowered its head and glared at its opponent. If staring could kill, then Darkrai would be dead already.

"Darkrai meet Charizard" Ash said. "And Charizard meet Darkrai." The fire type Pokemon just looked away from its opponent and spat a little dark flame. "Now, now Charizard don't get picky with your opponents." The ebony haired trainer waved his finger. "I want you to destroy it." Charizard looked over to its trainer and nodded. The fire type Pokemon looked back at its opponent and glared at it. "Charizard, I want you take care of this by yourself. I have some work to do." Ash began to walk towards the Space-Time tower until Darkrai shot another Dark Pulse towards him. Charizard moved in front of its trainer and lifted its wing in a shield like manner. The attack made contact and exploded. The dragon-like Pokemon stood there with no scratches on its body.

"What!?" Darkrai yelled.

Charizard spread its large wings and took into the air. The orange Pokemon flew in the air gracefully while looking down at its opponent. Darkrai began float towards the fire type Pokemon ready to ram it. The dragon-like Pokemon saw this and it smirked. The orange Pokemon opened its mouth and released a black Flamethrower towards the sinister Pokemon.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Darkrai shouted in agony. The flames pushed the ghost-like Pokemon into the ground making a small crater with a cloud of dust around it. Charizard continue gliding through the air blowing flames to mock its opponent. When the dust settled Darkrai rose up with scorch marks all over its body. 'How can this Pokemon rival my own strength?'


"Hello, have you seen a trainer with black hair? He wears a white collar shirt zipped down. He also has on black jeans" Dawn asked a complete stranger who shook his head. The blue haired coordinator sighed. "Thank you, sir." The squinty eyed man ran up to the beanie wearing girl with sweat covering his face.

"Any luck" Brock asked with his breath short. Dawn shook her head. "Oh man! I've been running around everywhere and I can't find him or any information about his whereabouts. I wonder if Pikachu had any luck." The two friends looked around and saw that the yellow Pokemon was talking to an Espeon.

"Pika chu pi pika chu pika pi?" the electric rodent asked the psychic type Pokemon. The purple Pokemon shook its head and walked away. The yellow fur ball sighed and ran back to the blue haired coordinator. It jumped and rested on Dawn's shoulder.

"No luck?" Dawn questioned. The electric type Pokemon shook its head and let out another deep sigh. "No need to worry. We'll find him sooner or later."

Brock ruffled his hair. "Arrgh! How the hell can we find Ash in such a populated place!? It's impossible!" the breeder said. "Please Mew! Give us a sign!" Suddenly, a stampede of people came running down the street. Brock looked over his shoulder, but it was too late. The people began to trample over him. Luckily, Dawn was able to sidestep away. Brock rose to his feet with footprints all over his body. "What was that!?" the tan man said with anime tears streaming down his face. Dawn and Pikachu sweatdropped. Another man was running down the street where the crowd came from.

"Excuse me, sir" Dawn said. The man stopped in his track and looked at the blue haired coordinator. "What's going on?"

"The leader of Organization Omni is here!" he shouted. Dawn and Brock exchanged looks with worry written on their face. "He is at the Space-Time Tower and he is battling Darkrai!" Dawn and Brock gasped. "If you value your life then don't go back there!" At that the man ran away leaving our three heroes with determined faces.

"Brock, let's go!" the beanie wearing girl shouted. "Before he escapes again!" The breeder nodded. They both ran down the street, finally reaching the Space-Time Tower. What they saw surprised them. There was a Charizard flying through the air and Darkrai on the ground covered in scorch marks. "What the hell!?"

"Dawn, Brock, Pikachu!" a familiar voice with a bandana yelled. Our three heroes looked to their left and saw May and Max running towards them. "We heard all the commotion. So, we went here and seems like you guys had the same idea." May and Max looked at the two Pokemon that were battling. "What the hell is going on? Is that Ash's Charizard? Why does it have a black flame?"

"That is definitely Ash's Charizard. It's the same Charizard that he trained from a Charmander. I have no clue on why it has a black flame" the breeder said.

"Who cares!?" Max shouted. "We have to help Darkrai before it gets killed. Look Charizard is ready to finish the final blow!" Darkrai was panting heavily. It felt like its body weight over a million pounds. The only thing that was keeping it up was its strong desire to stop Ash. Charizard tired of this fight opened its mouth and blew out a black Flamethrower towards the exhausted Pokemon. Dawn, Brock, Pikachu, May, and Max gasped.

"Typhlosion, Flamethrower!" the dark haired boy shouted.

"Wani Wani, Hydro Pump!" shouted the light blue haired coordinator.

The Flamethrower and Hydro Pump attack combined forming spiraling fire and water combo. The speed of the attack stopped Charizard's attack from killing Darkrai. Right before the attack connected, Charizard's eye widened. The force of the attack caused the fire type to fly through a wall into a building, collapsing the entire building on it. Darkrai sighed in relief and started to collapse.

"Darkrai!" a familiar blonde screamed. Alice ran as fast as she could and reached the ghost-like Pokemon before it fell onto the cold cement. "Are you okay?" The dark type Pokemon nodded before finally fainting.

"Alice! Is it okay" Tonio yelled as he kneeled by the blonde girl. She nodded and gave thank you looks to Jimmy and Marina. The duo smiled back.

"Jimmy, Marina!" the blue haired coordinator shouted. The duo looked over their shoulder and saw that Dawn, Brock, May, Max including Pikachu were running towards them. "It took you guys long enough."

"Well, we would have been here sooner if it wasn't for Mr. Pokemon Battle" Marina said while using her thumb to point to the dark eyed man. The red hoody wearing trainer sweatdropped and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "He kept on challenging any trainer that past him. We didn't even get a chance too look for Ash."

"Hey, it's not my fault" Jimmy said. "Battling is in my blood. Right, Max." The dark eyed boy looked to the glasses wearing trainer hoping that a fellow Pokemon trainer could back him up.

"You're on your on buddy" Max said. Jimmy sweatdropped. Smack!

"Ouch!" Jimmy shouted. "What was that for!?" The dark haired trainer put both of his hands on his head, crying anime tears.

"That was for trying to get out of the blame!" the light blue haired coordinator yelled. Suddenly, there was an explosion. Everybody looked at the direction where the debris that covered the dragon-like Pokemon. A black Flamethrower blew from out of the rubbles revealing Charizard in scratches. Everybody gasped. The fire type Pokemon pissed at being hit by a surprise attack began to spit black fire everywhere making the air extremely hot.

"Did somebody turn up the heat" Jimmy said while fanning himself. "It's like an oven out of here. That fire is different than the fire my Typhlosion uses."

"I know" Marina said. "But we can't back down. We have to stop Charizard before it burns the entire town down and I'm pretty sure that it has the power to after surviving both of our attacks."

"We'll help" the beanie wearing girl said. "Right?" Everybody nodded. "Alice, Tonio get Darkrai to the Pokemon Center. There is going to be a big Pokemon Battle and I don't want to get you guys to get in the middle of the crossfire." Alice and Tonio put Darkrai's claws over their shoulders and began running in the direction of the Pokemon Center. "Now, that there out of the way. Empoleon, Spotlight!" A large blue Penguin appeared on the field. It had a yellow trident that covered its face and a black, white, and blue coat.

"Empoleon!" it shouted its name.

"Let me get into this. Sudowoodo, come on out!" the breeder shouted as he released his pokeball from his hand. The pokeball released a blinding light revealing a tree-like Pokemon with branch like arms.

"Sudowoodo!" the Pokemon shouted its name while saluting to its trainer.

"You too, Sceptile!" Max shouted releasing his large gecko Pokemon.

"Take the stage, Blaziken" May shouted releasing her fire/fighting type Pokemon into the battle. Pikachu jumped off the blue haired coordinator and stood up on its feet while pumping its fist. Typhlosion and Wani Wani ran behind Pikachu following Empoleon, Sudowoodo, Blaziken, and Sceptile, all standing as a united front against the fire type. Charizard spread its wing and flew high into the sky, and then skydived towards the group of Pokemon.


Ash walked up the long steps reminiscing about the time he was here. "I was so childish back then. Always so carefree looking for the next adventure. I've grown up now. I need no silly thoughts to distract me from my goal." Ash said. The ebony haired trainer continued to walk in silence until he felt a pain in his heart. The auburn eyed trainer gripped his heart and fell on his knees. 'What's happening!? Something is wrong!? Charizard is hurt!' The leader of Organization Omni closed his eyes and opened them revealing his auburn eyes covered in a shade of blue. Ash's vision turned completely dark except some objects emanated a blue aura. His vision reached outside and saw the familiar frames of people he knew. 'Damn it! How the hell did they find me!? No matter they will not interfere with my plans.' Ash rose to his feet and began to run to the top of the Space-Time Tower. He finally reached the top where he could see the entire town. Ash walked to the edge and looked down. He saw that his former Pokemon lead an attack against his Charizard. The ebony haired trainer scowled, and then smile. 'Let's measure their strength.'

Charizard skydived towards the group of Pokemon. The fire type stuck out his claws and attacked Blaziken. The fire/fighting type saw this and raised its own claws and grabbed the dragon-like Pokemon claws.

"Wani Wani, Hydro Pump!" Marina ordered. The large water type breathed in a large breath and blew out a burst of water from its mouth. Charizard watched the attack and smiled. At the last moment Charizard used its insane strength and moved the fire/fighting type in front of the water attack. The Hydro Pump attacked hit the humanoid fire Pokemon in the back making it cry its name in Pain.

"Blaziken!" May shouted.

"Sorry" the light blue haired coordinator said. Charizard took the moment of confusion and flew into the air with Blaziken in its arm.

"We can't attack!" the breeder shouted. "We might hurt Blaziken!" Everybody nodded. May watch with wide eyes as her first Pokemon in pain. The large orange Pokemon spun around in circles and at a fast rate slicing through the wind easily. Charizard released the fire/fighting type Pokemon from its iron grip causing the humanoid fire type Pokemon to fall to the ground at an alarming rate. Blaziken spun in circles when it was falling through the ground making it slice through the wind fluidly.

"Sceptile, catch it!" Max shouted. The large gecko Pokemon ran and jumped into the air catching the Pokemon in mid-air. The grass type Pokemon landed on its feet with the fire/fighting Pokemon in its arm. Blaziken smiled at the grass type before getting back on its two feet.

"Blaziken, are you all right?" May asked. The fire/fighting type looked over to its trainer and nodded. The bandana wearing coordinator could see that her Blaziken was in pain, but was fighting through it to save someone precious to her. Charizard made a loud roar drawing the attention of our heroes and their Pokemon. The fire type's wing began to glow with power. It dived down towards the tree-like Pokemon.

"Sudowoodo, it's using Steel Wing!" Brock shouted. "Use Double Edge." The rock type began to run towards the diving Pokemon with a yellow streak coming from behind it. Both attacks clashed creating a dazzling light show making everybody cover their eyes. When the light disappeared both Pokemon vanished. Brock panicked and looked everywhere for his Pokemon. He finally looked up and saw that Charizard was flying in a circle. The fire type flew once more in a circle, and then it dived directly down. "It's using Seismic Toss!" Charizard dropped the tree-like Pokemon into the stone cement creating a crater and a cloud of dust when it smacked on the cement. The dust settled the revealing Sudowoodo with swirl for eyes. A fighting attack is super effective against a rock type. "Sudowoodo!" The breeder ran to his Pokemon to see if it was alright.

"Brock is out!" the red hoody wearing trainer shouted. "It's my turn! May let's use a double flamethrower!" The brunette nodded.

"Flamethrower!" the two fire type trainers shouted. Both fire type threw their heads back and took in a huge breath. They launched their heads forward and blew a stream of fire above them directed at the dragon-like Pokemon. Both Flamethrower attacks combined creating a spiraling inferno. Charizard smirked. The large orange Pokemon sucked in a lot of air and spewed a black Overheat attack. Both attacks hit each other, but the spiraling inferno was overwhelmed by the black flames. The black Overheat attack swallowed the Flamethrower attacks powering itself. The attack hit both Typhlosion and Blaziken causing them to scream their name in pain. The black flames engulfed both of them. The heat that emanated from the flames was so intense that it melted the some of the stone cement.

"Typhlosion!" Jimmy shouted.

"Blaziken!" May shouted.

The flames disappeared and revealed two fire types Pokemon covered in scorch marks with swirls for eyes. May and Jimmy ran to their Pokemon to see if their alright. Charizard was still in the air panting heavily. Beads of sweat were falling from its face. It roared its name hoarsely telling them it was the best.

"Max, let's double team" Marina said. Max nodded. "Wani Wani kneel!" The large water type kneeled on one of its knee.

"Sceptile, use Wani Wani's back as a springboard, and then use Leaf Blade!" The grass type Pokemon nodded and ran towards the big jaw Pokemon. Sceptile stepped on the Feraligatr's shoulder and jumped high into the air. The large gecko Pokemon leaves on the side of its arm extended and glowed green. Sceptile was right in front of the dragon-like Pokemon. Charizard's eyes widened. Sceptile made multiple slashed hurting the fire type. One of the Leaf Blade attacks cut the dragon-like Pokemon wings causing it to wince in pain. Charizard began to plummet to the ground along with Sceptile.

"Sceptile!" the glasses wearing boy shouted.

"Wani Wani, use Hydro Pump to cushion the fall for Sceptile" the light blue haired coordinator ordered. The big jaw Pokemon blew a stream of water at the grass type. The grass type floated on top of the water and was gently placed down on the stone ground. Charizard fell down into the ground creating a large crater and cloud of dust.

"Is it over?" Max asked.

"I hope so" Marina said. Suddenly, a large orange figure rampaging out of the smoke covered in black flames. Everybody gasped. Charizard ran at an incredibly fast rate towards the large gecko Pokemon.

"Max!" Dawn yelled. "Get you're Pokemon out of there! It's Flare Blitz!" Before the glasses wearing Pokemon trainer could react the black flame engulfed Charizard was a few feet away from Sceptile.

"Empoleon, cool it down with ice beam!" the blue haired coordinator ordered. The trident faced Pokemon gathered a blue ball into its mouth. A blue ray came out of the ball aimed towards the fire type. The beam hit Charizard directly, but it had no effect. The moment the attack hit the dragon-like Pokemon it evaporated. Dawn gasped. Charizard continued to run towards the surprised large gecko Pokemon. Finally, the Flare Blitz attack connected with Sceptile causing it to be swallowed in black flames. The grass type cried its name in pain before fainting with swirls for eyes.

"Sceptile!" the dark blue haired trainer shouted. Max ran over to his Pokemon to see if it's alright. Marina glared at the large orange Pokemon.

"Wani Wani, Hydro Cannon!" the light blue haired coordinator commanded. The big jaw Pokemon took in a large breath that expanded its stomach. The big jaw Pokemon opened its mouth and let out a wave of water towards Charizard. The fire type opened it mouth and shot a black Fire Spin attack towards the water attack. The black flames began to evaporate the water turning it into steam. Marina and Wani Wani's eyes widened as the black Fire Spin attack pushed through their strongest attack. The black flames hit the big jaw Pokemon, and then surrounded it making a tornado composed of black flames.

"Wani Wani!" Marina shouted. After the black flame tornado subsided it showed the large water type Pokemon on its back with swirls for eyes. Its body was charred up. Marina ran towards her Pokemon to check if her Pokemon was alright.

"Empoleon, Pikachu! It seems like it's up to us!" Dawn yelled. Both Pokemon nodded and got into their battle stances. Charizard jumped into the air, but was surprised to see what was above it. It was Pikachu with it's back turned. Its tail was glowing bright with power. Before the fire type could react the electric rodent smacked Charizard across the face making it slide across the ground with dust trailing behind it. Pikachu landed on its feet and smirked. "Amazing! That was Iron Tail! When did Pikachu get so fast?" Charizard rose to its feet and wiped its cheek. The fire type roared at the yellow fur ball. The dragon-like Pokemon released a black Flamethrower towards Pikachu which it countered with a Thunderbolt attack. Both attacks collided with each other and extinguished each other. "Empoleon, Hurry and use Ice beam on the floor." The penguin-like Pokemon shot a blue ray from out of its mouth and made the entire stone cement covered in a sheet of ice. "Glide and use Metal Claw!" Empoleon glided across the ice easily while powering up its powerful fins. Charizard was about to fly to dodge, but it was too late. The water/steel Pokemon jumped and slashed its stomach. The fire type roared its name in pain and fell on its back. "We did it!"

On the very top of the Space-Time Tower stood an angry figure. Ash growled in frustration while watching his Pokemon getting beaten badly. "It's about time I wrap up this fight, but first I must get the Remnant of Palkia" the ebony haired trainer said. Ash looked between the pillars of Space and Time. He smiled. 'This is where Palkia hid and heal from Dialga when it was injured. This is where it's at.' Ash jumped high into the air right between the pillars. The auburn eyed trainer narrowed his eyes and saw the pink pearl. 'Invisible to the naked eye. Nobody could see it except me.' Ash grabbed the pink pearl and pocketed it. The leader of Organization Omni landed close to the edge. 'It's sure a long drop.' Ash jumped of the building with his arms and legs apart. He was freefalling. The ebony haired trainer smiled, enjoying the wind hitting his body. He whistled which caught the attention of a certain dragon-like Pokemon.

"Where is that whistling coming from?" Dawn questioned with a puzzle expression on her face. The blue haired coordinator looked into the air and was shocked to see her beloved fall from the sky. Everybody gasped. Before Dawn could react, Charizard flapped its powerful wings and flew towards the falling trainer. Ash landed on the large orange Pokemon's back.

"Good job, buddy" Ash said to his Pokemon. Charizard smiled. "Flamethrower on the ground!" The fire type took in a breath and breathed out black flames hitting the ice covered ground. The sheet of ice immediately melted surprising the blue haired coordinator. The dragon-like Pokemon landed on its feet and kneeled down. The ebony haired trainer hopped of the fire type and smirked. "Still as pesky as I remember."

Dawn glared at her beloved. "You're words don't hurt me anymore!" the blue haired coordinator shouted. Ash cocked his eyebrow. "Can't you see what you're doing!? Look around can't you see you're hurting your friends." The leader of Organization Omni cast his gaze at all of his former friends with a smirk.

"Weaklings! You're all weaklings! Being beaten by one of my Pokemon!" Ash yelled. Everybody winced. "You're all absolutely pathetic!"

"How can you say that to all of you're friends!" Dawn demanded.

"Friends?" Ash questioned. "The only friends are my Pokemon. Anything else is worthless!" The blue haired coordinator growled. "Oh, don't like what I say. Like I care. I don't care what other people think. I only care for myself and my Pokemon!"

"It seems like I can't get through to you" the beanie wearing girl said. Ash cocked his eyebrow. "I'll have to battle you!"

Ash laughed. "Ha! Battle me! You have to be kidding me! You're still that weakling from four years ago!" Ash shouted. "You will lose!" Pikachu shouted its name and drew in the attention of the handsome trainer.

"Pika pi, chu pi pika chu pika!" the electric rodent shouted.

"Ah, the little betrayer" the ebony haired trainer said rather menacingly. "You will get what's coming to you. What should I do to those who betray me, but show them death!?" The electric type Pokemon glared at its trainer and got into its battle stance.

"You'll see, Ash" Dawn said. "I have gotten stronger and I will show you. Empoleon, Whirlpool! Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" The water/steel type Pokemon blew a vortex of water and threw it at the fire type while the electric rodent emitted electricity from its body. Both attacks combined forming a Thunderbolt charged Whirlpool attack. Ash smirked and walked right in front of the attack. Everybody gasped. Ash formed a blue orb composed of aura in his right hand and shot it at the Thunderbolt charged Whirlpool attack. The aura sphere connected with attack and cancelled it out.

"It's hardly fair for two to gang up against one" Ash said. "How about I even it out." Ash shot an aura sphere that was twice the size of a normal one towards the water/steel type Pokemon. The blue orb composed of aura connected with Empoleon causing a large explosion with a cloud of dust. The dust settled to reveal Empoleon on its back with swirls for eyes

"Empoleon!" Dawn yelled. She grabbed her pokeball and returned it for a well deserve rest. "You'll pay for that!"

"I learned a few new tricks" Ash said. "I can control the power of aura perfectly."

Dawn growled. "Answer me this! What happened to Charizard!?" Dawn demanded. Ash looked at his Pokemon, then back to the blue haired coordinator.

"Oh, the black flames" the auburn eyed trainer said. "Well, this is how it goes. When Charizard completed its training at the Charisific Valley I took it to become one my elite Pokemon. When I started training with it there was an accident that killed Charizard." Everybody gasped. "I used almost all my aura to revive it almost causing me to die in the process. Charizard woke up and suddenly the red flame on its tail turned black. I guess that having died and brought back to life gave it unique powers. The black flames are hotter, than any other flames and can easily evaporate water or ice."

"That is not going to stop me!" Dawn yelled. "I will never let you win! I will save you!"

"Who says that I want to be saved" Ash said. "I'm the strongest trainer in the world. Nobody can hope to defeat me. I am all powerful!" The leader of Organization Omni reached into his pocket and pulled out the pink pearl. He lifted it into the air making it shimmer. "The Remnant of Palkia. I only need four more pieces, and then I will be able to created a new world in my liking."

'What? With that pearl and diamond. There are four more artifacts? I can't allow Ash to escape with that!" Dawn thought. "Pikachu, Volt Tackle!" Pikachu began to run towards Ash with a yellow aura surrounding its body. Charizard saw this and stood in front of his majesty. Ash smirked and put the pink pearl back into his pocket.

"I shall lend you my strength Charizard!" Ash yelled. The ebony haired trainer emitted a blue light from his hands into the fire type's body. Charizard's body began to glow blue making it roar. The roar sent shockwaves that shattered glasses of buildings and making everybody wince, but Pikachu didn't slow down. "Charizard, Overheat!" The dragon-like Pokemon opened its mouth and spewed out intense bright black flames. The black Overheat hit the Volt Tackle causing Pikachu to wince in pain. The yellow fur ball was being pushed back easily. The black flames consumed Pikachu. "DIE!!!" Ash shouted. Suddenly, Ash's vision began to blur. He fell to his knee which Charizard noticed. The fire type immediately stopped its attack and went to its trainer. Ash rose to his feet and saw that his first Pokemon covered in scorch marks breathing heavily.

"Pikachu!" Dawn yelled as she ran to the fallen yellow fur ball. She picked up the electric rodent and began to cry. "Pikachu, are you alright!" Pikachu opened its eyes and made a small smile before fainting.

'What's happening to me? I feel weak.' Ash thought. "Charizard, finish them all with a full power Blast Burn!" The fire type nodded and faced everybody. It raised its head up and formed a giant black fireball the size of the stone pokeball that sealed the ancient Claydol. The temperature became extremely hot burning up the trees and melting the lampposts. Ash's vision blurred again. 'Not again." The auburn eyed trainer began to spit blood. At that the handsome trainer fainted. Dawn's eye widened, seeing her beloved fall down with a pool of blood coming from his mouth. Charizard stopped his attack and ran back to its trainer. It carried Ash and flew off leaving everybody in a confused state.

"What happened?"

Charizard reached a large black ship with a yellow infinity symbol on its side. The side door opened and the fire type flew in. Immediately Ash's five elite trainers ran to his majesty's side. Stride and Jin helped up their leader, but Ash pushed them off. "I'm fine." The ebony haired trainer returned the dragon-like Pokemon back into its pokeball. Ash handed the pokeball to Stride. "Heal it." Ash began to walk, but fell to his knees.

"You're majesty!" everybody shouted. They began to run to their leader, but were stopped when Ash raised his hand.

"I'm fine" Ash said. "I just need rest." The auburn eyed trainer rose up to his feet and left the room leaving five worried elites. Ash began to walk down the hall to his quarters sweating heavily. 'What is happening to me?' Ash covered his hands over mouth and coughed. He removed his hands and it showed blood. Ash clenched his bloody hands. 'This will not stop me! Whatever it may be.'

Word Count: 5557

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