Chapter 8: His Majesty's Wrath

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His Majesty' Wrath

Officer Jenny and the three champions arrived on the scene. They saw that our six heroes were wide eyed and Dawn was on her knees crying. Our champions ran up to our heroes with Officer Jenny trailing close behind.

"What happened!?" Lance questioned, afraid of the reason. "Please tell us!" Our heroes didn't say a word. They still couldn't believe that their friend was the leader of Organization Omni. The boy who brought joy to their lives. The boy who traveled with them, always giving them a heartfelt smile. Steven put both of his hands on the breeder's shoulders and shook him.

"Brock, tell us what happened!" Steven shouted at the breeder. The squinty eyed man shook out of his trance and stared into the eyes of the Hoenn Champion. Brock looked away, ashamed to tell the champions that the Organization Omni's leader was none other than Ash. "Brock, look at me! And tell us what happened!" Steven demanded. The silver haired man was about to continue his rant until he felt Cynthia's hand on his shoulder.

"Steven, leave him alone" the Sinnoh Champion said. "Whatever it was, it must have been terrible. We'll wait for a while."

"But-" Steven said, but was interrupted by the dragon trainer. Steven looked at Lance who was shaking his head.

"Cynthia is right" Lance said. "Whatever happened came to a big shock for all of them."

"Lance!" Officer Jenny shouted. The three champions looked at the officer hoping it was good news. "The people we found unconscious have been safely transported to Sasado Hospital. With that out of the way please can you tell me what's going on?"

The three champions sighed. "Okay, but let's do it in King's mansion. I'm sure he won't be back for a while." Officer Jenny gave a puzzled look. "You guys" Lance directed to our six heroes. "I want you guys to come with us." Our heroes nodded except Dawn. May walked over to the weeping girl and helped her up.

"Come on, Dawn" the brunette said. "We have to tell Lance and the others about what happened." May could only hear the sniffling of the blue haired coordinator. The bandana wearing girl looked at her brother and saw him clenching his fist with tears rimming his eyes.

'How could you do this Ash!?' Max thought. 'This has to be a lie. That man must have been an impostor!' Max felt a comforting hand on his shoulder and looked over his shoulder. He saw Marina with a smile. Jimmy also had a smile on his face. Max knew that they were trying to comfort him. It's not everyday that your friend turns out to be the leader of the most notorious criminal organization. The dark blue haired boy wiped the tears from his eyes and gave them a fake smile to tell them that he was okay. Jimmy and Marina knew the smile was false and they frowned.

Brock followed the three champions up the staircase into the Ash's mansion. Pikachu hopped on his shoulder with a sad look. The squinty eyed man looked at the yellow fur ball and rubbed its chin which made the electric type Pokemon "cha." He looked behind himself and saw that his friends weren't holding up too well. He directed his eyes to a certain blue haired coordinator being helped by May. The breeder's face saddened at the sight. 'This must be hard for Dawn. Being reunited with the man she loved, but not in the way she expected' Brock thought. The tan man looked over to his left side and saw Officer Jenny right beside him. 'I can't believe that the mere sight of Officer Jenny is not cheering me up.'

Everybody reached the front door of the mansion. The doors were large and made of wood. The right door had an etching of Palkia and the left door had an etching of Dialga. The door knockers were gold in the shape of a Growlithe's head. Cynthia was astounded of the craftsmanship. Everybody entered the large wooden doors that led into the mansion. The floor was made out of black marble with a large chandelier above them. The champions along with Officer Jenny and our heroes went into the nearest room. The room had various couches and chairs and on the walls were various beautiful pictures of legendary Pokemon. On the shelves were badges in cases from Kanto, Jhoto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh regions which the three champions noted. Along with the badges was the Orange League trophy and memorable plaques from each region for making it to the League. Everybody sat down in a seat.

The champions looked at the faces of our heroes and let out deep sighs. "Well, I'll start telling you what is happening, Officer Jenny" Lance said. "And hopefully when that is over our friends will tell us what they witness." Our heroes took in a deep breath. "Okay here it is. We have recently found out that Organization Omni's headquarter was located in Sasado City." Officer Jenny gasped.

"Here. Right under my nose!" Officer Jenny shouted infuriated at herself for not finding out that Organization Omni was here in her city.

"Yes" Lance stated. "But what will surprise you is the leader of Organization Omni." Officer Jenny gave the Jhoto Champion a questionable look. "The leader of Organization Omni is King."

"What!" the officer shouted. "You're lying! King is a respectable man! He is the savior of Sasado City!"

"We have proof" the dragon trainer said. "The people that were unconscious were Omni Grunts proving that this mansion is the Organization Omni's headquarters." Jenny lowered her head, trying to final a reasonable explanation, but couldn't think of one. She bit her bottom lip.

"It can't be" Officer Jenny said softly. Lance sympathized with the officer. Knowing that the man who brought glory to this city was a criminal must be a lot of information. "We can't let this out to the public. If it does, then there will be widespread panic. The city will be in riots."

"I understand" the Jhoto Champion said. "Now that is over with. Let's see what our friends have to say." The three champions and Officer Jenny looked at our six heroes. Brock stood up from his seat with Pikachu on his shoulder and took up the job of telling them what happened.

"I'll tell you guys what we saw" the breeder said. The champions and Officer Jenny sat in their seats quietly waiting for Brock's explanation. "We found out the identity of King or whatever you call him, the leader of Organization Omni." Everybody in the room tensed up. "His true identity is…is A-Ash Ketchum" he stuttered out. Pikachu made a sad sigh. The three champions' eyes widened, while our heroes hung their heads down with clenched fists.

"No way" Lance uttered out. "Not the boy who helped me various times."

Steven didn't really know the boy well, but he met him a couple time. He was amazed at the boy's courage and his compassion for his friends when he first met him.

"No way. Not that sweet boy" the blonde beauty said. "Are you positive?"

"Yes, that man was absolutely Ash. There was no doubt about it" the tan man said with his fists clenched. Our champions looked at our heroes. They sighed.

"You know we have to capture him" Lance said. "No matter what. He must be brought to justice." Brock was about to say something until Dawn stood up.

"Please we want to help you" Dawn said. Everybody looked at the blue haired coordinator. They could see tears falling from her eyes. "I know that the Ash I know and love is still in there. When we stop him I want to speak to him. I want to save him." Our heroes nodded. "Ash has always saved us. Now it's our turn to save him." Pikachu jumped off the breeder's shoulder and rubbed against the beanie wearing girl's leg. Dawn picked up the yellow Pokemon and held it tight.

"That's alright with us" Lance said while the other two champions nodded. "But now we have to figure out where Ash is going."

"Maybe we can interrogate the Omni Grunts we helped" Officer Jenny said. "I'm sure one of them will break." Lance shook his head. "What?"

"Ash put those Omni Grunts in some kind of mind control" Lance stated. Officer Jenny had a shock look on her face. "Those Omni Grunts are the abducted trainers that Organization Omni took." The blue haired officer gasped. "They were forced to serve Ash. When you beat them in a battle they regain there memories before they were brainwashed. So, there is no point in questioning them."

"How is that possible?" Officer Jenny asked.

"We don't know" Lance said.

"I think I know" Dawn said. Everybody in the room looked at the girl. "I think he uses aura. The power that emanates from his body is just like Lucario."

"Dawn is probably right" the breeder said. "May, Max remember when we were at the Tree of Beginning." Both siblings nodded. "Kidd told us that Ash has a stronger aura than a regular person. Ash must have figured how to completely control the power."

"Well, we know how he does that, but it doesn't tell us where he is going" Jimmy said. Suddenly, there was a loud thump at the door that led to the room where everybody was. Everybody looked at the doorway to see a girl with long, curly blonde hair face first in the marble floor. She rose to her feet and rubbed her forehead which had a red print. She wore a long lab coat and under it was a short black skirt that was above her knees. The girl had on a tight blue blouse which made her breasts look more round and define; to top it off she wore glasses that made her silver eyes sparkle.

"Hi, there" she said.

"Who the hell are you!?" Jimmy shouted, jumping out of his seat. The girl just smiled and waved at everybody. "Well answer me!"

"My name is Koyomi. I heard you guys are trying to find Ash. I know where he heading" the silver eyed girl said. She walked into the room and was immediately surrounded. She sweatdropped.

"Koyomi, is it?" Lance said. "How long were you standing there and how do you know where Ash is heading?"

"Well, I was there for the entire conversation and I know where Ash is heading is because I work for him" Koyomi said. The room went silent. "What!?" everybody shouted. Everybody began to grab their pokeballs. Koyomi sweatdropped and began to wave both of her arms. "No, wait!" Pikachu jumped out of Dawn's grip and stood in front of the silver eyed girl with its arms spread apart.

"Chu pika chu" the electric rodent said. Everybody in the room put their pokeballs away because Pikachu knew this person. If it was protecting the person, then the person must be good.

"Thank you, Pikachu" the girl said with a bright smile. The yellow fur ball looked over its shoulder and smiled. Pikachu ran back to Dawn and jumped into her arms. The blue haired coordinator patted the electric rodent's head. "I'll start explaining. You see I'm not a trainer, but a breeder. I stay here to help manage all of the Pokemon Ash has." Everybody nodded.

"Okay, but please tell us where Ash is heading" the dragon trainer said. "It's the utmost importance that we know."

"He is heading to the Sinnoh Region to Alamos Town" Koyomi said. Brock looked at Dawn giving her a knowing look that they knew people there.

"How do we know she is telling the truth?" Jimmy said, glaring at the glasses wearing girl. "She works for Organization Omni! All we know is she could be leading us into a trap or sending us on a wild Psyduck chase!" The silver eyed girl sighed and lowered her head.

"Please I want to help" she said with her voice breaking.

"Excuse, Jimmy" Lance said. "But he is right. How do we know that you're not lying? You do work for Organization Omni and it seems pretty convenient that you show up and give us the information we need all of a sudden."

"I want to help, Ash" the silver eyed girl said. "Ash means a lot to me. He is the only person I have left in this world. You see when I was thirteen my father and mother was killed in a fire." Everybody in the room put their head down in shame, feeling guilty. They didn't mean to stir bad memories. "I was an orphan. I wandered the Kanto Region looking for a purpose and on the way I learned a lot about Pokemon. I had a knack for Pokemon behavior, physiology, health name it and I probably know about it. During my journey to find my purpose I met a handsome boy named Ash. When my eyes met with his I could tell he was looking into my soul. He understood the pain I went through. He told me that he and I are alike and we should be companions." Koyomi's eyes rimmed with tears. "For four years I stood by his side through thick and thin. We were always there for each other, to comfort each other. I was happy. All of a sudden Ash began to form a group, now called Organization Omni. He started to act darker. I tried to reason with him, but it didn't work. Ash is walking down a dark path and I want to save him because he saved me." The silver eyed girl couldn't hold back her tears anymore; they began streaming down her beautiful face.

"But-" Jimmy said until Dawn spoke up.

"She is telling the truth" the blue haired coordinator said. "I can see it in her eyes that she is telling the truth. She deeply cares for Ash." Koyomi locked eyes with Dawn and gave her a thank you look. Dawn smiled.

"Why would Ash leave you?" Marina asked. "If he cares a lot about you wouldn't he bring you along?"

"He told me that he didn't want to drag me down if things go wrong. He told me to tell you guys that I was forced to do his bidding" Koyomi said.

"I see" Marina said.

"Okay we believe her" the Jhoto Champion said. "But how the hell are we going to reach Alamos Town before Ash when he already has an early lead? And we need to know why he is going there in the first place and what he plans to do with the diamond."

"I can tell you why" Koyomi said. Everybody in the room looked at her with cocked eyebrows. "I don't know much about it, but he said he was going to retrieve the Remnant of Palkia. The diamond he stole was the Remnant of Dialga. He didn't tell me what he was going use them for though." Koyomi put her head down. "I'm sorry I wasn't much help."

"No, you told us a lot." Lance said. "We thank you. Now we just have to find out how we're going to reach Alamos Town."

"I know a way" the glasses wearing blonde said. Everybody gave the girl a puzzled look. "Beneath the mansion there is an airship, but there is one problem."

"What?" Dawn asked.

"You see I am the only person that can fly the ship, but I can't leave the mansion" she said. "I can't leave the Pokemon here. They need me"

"No need to worry!" Dawn yelled. "I know how to fix that."

Suddenly, everybody heard music; specifically the song was Colors from the hit anime Code Geass. The music came from Cynthia. The blonde beauty took her black cell phone and put it up to her ear. After the conversation was over she looked over to the other two champions. "Headquarters wants us back. They want us to report our findings."

"Alright" the dragon trainer said. He looked at our heroes and Koyomi. "Can you handle this situation by yourselves for a while?" Our heroes including Koyomi nodded their heads. "Then we must go." Before the three champions left they were stopped by Marina.

"I forgot to tell you that I faced a trainer. He was extremely powerful. His name was Rai" Marina said. "He said he was one of the five elite Pokemon trainers that serve Ash."

"Yeah, I faced one too. His name was Saru" Jimmy said.

"Me too, but I faced a girl. Her name was Helena" May said.

"Max and I battled one. They're name was Stride and Jinn" the breeder said.

"Were they under Ash's mind control?" Lance asked.

"They weren't" Koyomi said. Everybody looked at the silver eyed girl. "They all chose to serve Ash for their own reason. I don't know why." The dragon trainer nodded.

"Everybody thanks for the information. I'll try to see if I can get any info on them" Lance said. "But we have to leave right now." The three champions left the mansion and took the cop car they arrived with.

"Okay I better get going too" Officer Jenny said. "I have to call the families of the abducted trainers that we found them. Good luck." Officer Jenny left the mansion and hopped on her motorcycle. You could tell she was speeding by the screeching of her tires. This only left our six heroes, Pikachu, and Koyomi inside the mansion.

"Alright let's go to the ship!" Jimmy shouted. Marina who was right beside him winced at the boy's shouting. She smacked the back of his head which made anime tears fall from his eyes. Dawn, May, Max, Brock, Pikachu, and Koyomi sweatdropped.

"Alright follow me" the silver eyed girl said. She led them to the underground hangar. Our heroes gasped. They couldn't believe that something this big was underneath the mansion. In the center of the room there was a black medium sized ship that could fit at least ten people. "Alright here it is. This ship may be smaller than the Ash's ship, but it's much faster." Everybody went into the ship. Our heroes gasped. The ship had every comfort of a regular home; it had many rooms and a stocked fridge. Our heroes including Koyomi and Pikachu reached the bridge. They all took their seats. Pikachu sat with Dawn. Koyomi sat in the control seat. "Here we go!" The silver eyed girl opened the hatch and flew out.

"Koyomi, can we first go to the Pokemon Center?" the blue haired coordinator asked.

"We have a Pokemon healer machine built in this ship" Koyomi said.

"That's cool" Dawn said. "But there is another reason why we have to go to the Pokemon Center. We need to pick up a few people. They can help you on the Pokemon problem at the mansion." Koyomi nodded and went full speed to the Sasado City's Pokemon Center. The ship landed in front of the Pokemon Center where four people were waiting. Dawn with Pikachu on her shoulder left the ship and surprised the four people.

"DD! What the hell are you doing on a ship!? And when did you get a Pikachu!?" Kenny exclaimed.

"He's right!" Zoey shouted.

"I am quite perplexed to" Nando said.

"Is it true that King is the leader of Organization Omni?" Lisa asked

Dawn explained everything to the three. They were all wide eyed and shocked at what they just heard.

"Wow, I'm sorry, Dawn" Zoey said.

"Me too" Kenny said with a sad tone.

"You go. We can help the Pokemon at the mansion. Besides we have nothing to do since the Contest Championship Tournament has been postponed due to some technical difficulties."

Lisa put her head down in shame. She couldn't believe that her idol was a criminal. She felt like crying, but she felt a comforting hand on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Dawn smiling at her.

"No need to worry" Dawn said. "I will rescue Ash. I'm sure that he didn't plan to hurt you." Lisa smiled and gave the blue haired coordinator a hug. The pink haired girl released Dawn from the hug that she gave.

"Thank you" Lisa said. Dawn nodded, and then looked at the three coordinators.

"Do you know what happened to Drew and Harley?" Dawn asked with acid dripping from her voice.

"I heard that Drew and Harley left Sasado City when they found out the tournament was postponed. I believe that Drew went to the beach to pick up girls. He was saying how easy it will be to make out with the girls there." Nando said. "As for Harley I think he said he was heading to some Cacturne Convention." Nando said.

"I hope I never see those two again!" Dawn yelled.

"Pikachu!" the yellow fur ball yelled while pumping a fist. The electric rodent remembered those two and how they hurt its friends.

"Well, I'll have to be leaving" Dawn said.

"Good luck" Kenny said, giving Dawn thumbs up.

"May Mew be with you" Nando said.

"Go get your man!" Zoey shouted.

"What you're man!?" Lisa shouted.

Dawn smiled at her friends and entered the ship. She and Pikachu waved them goodbye before the door closed. The ship flew high into the air and sped out of Sasado City. "I'm back" the blue haired coordinator said when she reached the bridge. "They agreed to take care of the Pokemon at the mansion." Everybody nodded. "Pikachu, Brock, May, Max, Marina, Jimmy, and Koyomi are you ready to save Ash!" Everybody had a look of determination on her face and cheered "Yes!"

"Full speed ahead to Alamos Town!"


"Oh my Mew! Your Majesty is so hot!" Helena shouted with hearts for eyes. "You're the sexiest man alive!" Ash sighed as he closed his eyes, sitting down on his throne which was located at the bridge.

"Helena, shut up! You dirty wench! Can't you see his majesty is tired!?" Saru yelled. "I mean come on!" Helena was about to punch the crimson eyed man until Jin stopped her fist.

"No, fighting" the jade eyed man said. "His majesty has a headache."

"Jin is right" Stride said. "I have never seen his majesty so tired." Helena sighed and unclenched her fist. Suddenly, the door to the bridge opened and the red haired man walked inside with a sad smile on his face.

"What's wrong?" Saru asked.

"I just missed Code Geass" Rai said with anime tears streaming from his eyes. "I can't believe I missed my favorite show in the whole entire world. I will have revenge on Marina!" The skinny man's eyes were on fire. Everybody in the room sweatdropped including Ash.

"You're so infantile" Saru said with an annoyed expression. "I mean how old are you? You're twenty years old and you cry over a missed show. You should have just TIVOED it."

"Shut up, Saru!" Rai shouted at the crimson eyed man. "Before I stick my foot right up your ass!" The silver haired man had a huge anime vein on his head.

"You're so dead!" Saru shouted. He was about to jump the skinny man until he heard his majesty yell.

"ENOUGH!!!" Ash yelled. "I had enough of you're fighting. All you guys do is bicker! It's so annoying!" Both men bowed to the auburn eyed trainer and apologized.

"Lighten up" Stride said. Ash glared at the yellow eyed man. Stride felt as though he was suffocating by the mere gaze. His hands were sweating. "Man, what got you in this mood. Where is Pikachu when you need it?"

"He left" the ebony haired man said. The five elite trainers looked at their leader. "He betrayed me. The next time any of you see it, kill it." The temperature in the room turned extremely cold. It was like a blizzard hit the room. Everybody in the room gulped.

"Don't you think that you're taking that a bit too far?" Rai asked. Suddenly, Ash was right in front of the skinny man. The auburn eyed man grabbed the red haired man by the throat and lifted him up into the air. Rai's feet were dangling.

"Do you question my authority!?" Ash whispered menacingly. The ebony haired trainer's grip tightened. Rai was suffocating, his eyes were rolling back.

"Your majesty stop!" Jin yelled. "You're killing him!" Ash's grip began to lighten. He dropped the skinny man on the ground. Rai had his hands around his neck, coughing. Saru and Helena helped him up to his feet.

"Are you okay?" Saru asked. Rai nodded his head. Thanking Mew that Ash let go.

"If anybody wants to question my authority speak up!" Ash yelled. "If not then keep your tongue inside your mouth!" Everybody in the room stayed silent. "That's good. I will be in my quarters. Tell me when we reach Alamos Town." Ash left the room with a dark aura around him.

"Sheesh, what the hell was that about!?" Rai muttered. "I just thought that killing a Pokemon is going too far."

"I think his majesty is mad that Pikachu left him" Stride said. "Pikachu was his first Pokemon and it leaving must have been a dagger to his heart."

"Yeah, but he didn't need to choke me" Rai said, still rubbing his neck. "He can be very scary when he wants to."

"Let's just leave his majesty alone for a while" the crimson eyed man said. "We don't want to mess with him when he acting like that unless you want to be killed." The silver haired man looked around the room and saw that black haired beauty dazed. "I'm talking to you, Helena." No response. "Hey I'm tal-"

"His majesty is sooooooo hot!" the ice blue eyed girl squealed. "Everything he does makes him even sexier." Everybody in the bridge sweatdropped. Saru was thinking this wench must be freakin crazy.

"Stride, do you know why we're heading to Alamos Town?" Jin asked. "There is nothing valuable there. It's just a tourist site basically."

"I have no idea" the yellow eyed man said. "But I do know its something his majesty needs. I bet it has something to do with the diamond."

"What did he call that diamond again?" Rai asked.

"He called it the Remnant of Dialga" Stride answered. "When we reach Alamos town I'll ask him."


"Are we there yet?" May whined. "It's so boring here!

"May, why don't you read a book?" the dark blue haired boy with glassed asked. "It could do you some good." The bandana wearing coordinator just stuck out her tongue at here brother. "You are so childish. You're seventeen years old and I'm more mature than you.

"You know wha-" May said, but was interrupted by the breeder.

"Hey don't make me come back there!" Brock yelled. "I'm not afraid to give you guys a spanking." The two siblings immediately stopped bickering. Jimmy and Marina snickered, while Dawn smiled. Koyomi made a soft chuckle.

"You guys are funny" the silver eyed girl said.

"So, Koyomi you said you're breeder" Dawn said. The curly blonde nodded her head. "Brock is also a breeder and he is one of the best. I'm sure you can help one another."

"Really?" Koyomi questioned. "I'm sure we can get into great discussions."

"Koyomi, you said that Ash had a lot of Pokemon, correct?" Brock asked. The glasses wearing blonde nodded. "Just how much Pokemon does he have?"

"Ash has almost every Pokemon aside from the legendaries" Koyomi said. Everybody in the room choked.

"What!?" everybody yelled.

"Yeah, Ash has been traveling the world a lot" Koyomi said. "Every time he goes on a trip he catches at least ten different types of Pokemon."

"What kind of Pokemon does he carry with him?" Jimmy asked. The red hoody wearing boy interest peaked. If Ash caught that many Pokemon he must be a powerful trainer. He heard about him beating the champions easily without breaking a sweat. The dark eyed boy was sure that he wanted to battle him when this mess is over. "I'm pretty sure he only carries his strongest Pokemon with him like that talking Lucario."

"You're right" Koyomi replied. "He only carries his strongest Pokemon, but one of them is not with him."

"Which one?" Jimmy asked. Koyomi looked over shoulder at the yellow Pokemon sitting on Dawn's lap. The red hoody wearing trainer looked at the electric rodent.

"Pikachu?" Jimmy asked. The silver eyed girl nodded.

"Yep, Pikachu was one of his top Pokemon" Koyomi said. Pikachu put his head down. Dawn looked down at the sad Pokemon.

"No need to worry" the blue haired coordinator said. "We will rescue Ash and everything will turn back to normal." Pikachu just curled into a ball. Dawn sighed and started to pet the yellow Pokemon.

"Do you know what Pokemon he carries?" Jimmy asked. "That sure will help us when we battle him."

"No, I don't" The silver haired girl said. "He keeps those Pokemon secret. The only two I know are Scizor and Lucario. I found out Scizor was one of them because he used it to single handily take down Giovanni the boss of Team Rocket." Everybody in the room gasped. "Lucario, I knew for a while because he trained with it everyday. The other three I don't know."

"You said three, but wouldn't that mean he only has five Pokemon with him" Marina said. "Why wouldn't he have six?"

"I can assume that he thought Pikachu wouldn't leave him" the silver eyed girl said. "And knowing how Ash is so forgetful he probably forget to grab another Pokemon."

"Yep, that's Ash for ya" Dawn said.

"Dawn, what was your relationship with Ash?" Koyomi asked. "It sounds like you know a lot about him."

"I was his girlfriend" Dawn said with a light blush across her cheeks. Koyomi gasped, sadden by the fact. "But I broke up with him for stupid reasons. I don't really want to talk about that." Koyomi understood, but couldn't help asking the next question.

"Do you still love him?" she asked. Dawn was surprised by the blunt question. Our heroes looked at the girl including Pikachu.

"Yes, I still do love him" Dawn said with a dark red blush across her cheeks. "I will love him forever. It's about time I keep my promise. I don't care how long it'll take to win his forgiveness and love back, but I'm willing to wait for all eternity." May sighed, she was always was a romantic.

"I see" Koyomi muttered. After a few hours our heroes including Pikachu and Koyomi arrived at Alamos Town. The ship landed right in the middle of town. The crowd swarmed the ship, but most the two that stood out was a beautiful blonde and a skinny man with grey hair wearing glasses. "We're here." Our heroes were about to leave the ship until they noticed Koyomi not moving.

"Are you coming?" Dawn asked.

"No, I don't think I can" the silver eyed girl said. "I can't let Ash see me. He will be so mad at me. Besides I can't leave the ship in the middle of town."

"I understand" Dawn said. Our heroes left the ship and watch it fly away. The crowd dispersed except two people.

"Dawn, Brock, Pikachu!" the familiar blonde yelled. Our heroes turned their head and saw two familiar people.

"Alice, Tonio!" Dawn yelled. The group went up to the two residents of Alamos Town and greeted each other. May, Max, Jimmy, and Marina introduced themselves.

"What are you guys doing back here?" Alice asked. "And where is Ash?" Everybody frowned. Dawn explained the situation which shocked Alice and Tonio.

"I can't believe it" Alice said. "Ash was the sweetest boy I met."

"I know. Who would have thought that Ash could do that?" Tonio said.

"That's why we're here. We are looking for Ash" Dawn said.

"Tonio and I will help" Alice said. At that everybody separated into two groups. Alice with Tonio. Dawn with Brock including Pikachu. May with Max. Jimmy with Marina. They began to leave into separate parts of town desperately looking for their friend.


"Your majesty we're here" Stride said. Ash nodded and left his quarters and followed Stride to the bridge. When Ash walked in everybody bowed. "Why are we here in the first place if I may ask?" The auburn eyed trained turned his gaze to yellow eyed man.

"To retrieve the artifact" Ash said.

"Artifact?" Stride questioned.

"The Remnant of Palkia. Dialga and Palkia fought here once upon a time. When they fought Palkia left something. I'm here to take it" the ebony haired trainer said before he left the room. Ash opened the door while the ship was in the air. Nobody could see the ship because it was covered in an invisible cloak. Ash jumped out of the ship landing on his feet without getting hurt due to his powerful aura. He was on the stone bridge that led into Alamos Town. Nobody noticed the man when he jumped.

"Showoff" Stride said, while looking out the window. You could hear Helena squealing "His majesty is so hot."

Ash walked into town and was noticed by a lot of people, especially the women population. All the women in town were practically drooling when he walked by. They were staring at his muscular arms and his tone chest that could be seen because his shirt was zipped down a little, but what struck every lady was his handsome face. The ebony haired trainer smirked from the attention which caused some girls to faint. Ash finally made it to where he wanted to be. The Space-Time Tower. The ebony haired trainer was about take a step forward until he heard a voice.

"Go back. I know what you are here for."

Ash smirked. "It's been a while, Darkrai."

Word Count: 5681

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