Chapter 3

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His Majesty's Legacy

"Drew, Marina!" shouted everybody.

The two coordinators walked towards the group of familiar faces. Marina the light blue haired coordinator had a frown on her face as she walked over. Drew the shrub colored haired boy walked towards the group with an arrogant smirk all the while eyeing Dawn. The blue haired coordinator took notice of the boy's action and frowned. The tan man immediately stepped in front of the girl.

"Hey losers" Drew said rather arrogantly.

"Hi everybody" Marina said in a sad voice.

"Hi Marina!" everybody shouted cheerily. "Drew" they added deadpanned because of the rude way he addressed everybody.

"Still that cocky boy from the Johto region I see" the brunette said acidly, still peeved that she was called a loser and for other disclosed reasons. "I hope you're ready to lose!"

Drew ignored the comment and brushed through the crowd of familiar coordinators until he was in front of the breeder. The squinty eyed man glared at the boy, giving the look that if he took a step closer he would wish that he was never born. Drew just scoffed, while everybody wondered why there was such animosity.

"Hey Dawn long time no see" the shrub colored hair boy said, while flicking his hair.

Brock didn't back down from his glare. He just rolled up in sleeves ready to pulverize the 18 year old boy. Brock blamed Drew as one of the reasons why Ash disappeared. The breeder was about to punch the boy, but was stopped by a comforting hand on his shoulder. Brock looked over his shoulder and looked at the blue haired coordinator who shook her head.

"Brock, I'm as much as to blame as Drew" she whispered. Brock sighed and rested his arms to his side. "Hey Drew" Dawn said quietly.

"I wondered if you would like to go on a date?" the green haired boy bowed and presented a blue rose to the young girl. "I would like make up and start anew."

"Dawn, don't do it. He is just a narcissistic bastard who likes to play with girl's hearts!" May shouted.

Drew turned to May. "Shut up! Just because you and I didn't work out doesn't mean that you can scare the crap out of the other girls that I want to date" Drew said in a harsh manner.

"That does it! I'm going to kill you!" May shouted venomously. The bandanna wearing girl stomped her feet towards Drew ready to bite his head off.

"May, stop!" Max shouted grabbing the girl's left leg. "Come on guys I need your help. You guys don't want to see what she can do!" Everybody sweatdropped because they all knew of the girl's temper. Nando and Kenny assisted the glasses wearing boy by grabbing her arms. Even with their help they still had a hard time holding the girl back. Zoey and Marina sweatdropped some more.

"Let go of me!" shouted the brunette.

The arrogant coordinator turned his head and locked eyes with Dawn. "Now with that she-demon out of the way, what is your answer?" Drew asked.

"Drew, I don't love you anymore. There is only one guy that I love and I'll wait for him forever" Dawn said quietly, while touching her sapphire bracelet.

"Come on! Get over it! Ash is gone and he is never coming back! He is probably dead anyways!"

Smack! Everybody looked at the furious blue haired coordinator. They could tell that she was extremely pissed. "Don't even say that! I hate you and I can't believe what I ever saw in you!" the blue haired girl shouted who was on the verge of crying. Drew touched the cheek where a red handprint was left. He was beyond pissed. Drew raised his fist, but luckily Brock came to the rescue and stood in front of the now weeping girl.

"LEAVE NOW!!!" the breeder bellowed. Everybody winced at the sound of the breeder's voice. They never once heard him shout like that.

"Whatever" the green haired boy said turning away from the breeder and flicking his hair. Everybody looked at the retreating boy's back who was joined by Harley heading towards the exit. After that the three guys released their grip on May who immediately walked up to the blue haired coordinator joined by Marina and Zoey.

"Dawn, are you okay?" May said softly. All she could hear was the girl's sniffling.

"Hey don't listen to that bastard" Zoey said trying to comfort the coordinator.

"Yeah, he knows nothing" Marina added.

"Thanks girls" Dawn said, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Hey what about me. I scared that bastard away. Don't I deserve thanks for that" Brock whined. The girls chuckled. "Thanks Brock."

"DD, are you sure you're okay?" Kenny asked deeply worried for his childhood friend.

"No need to worry" Dawn replied.

"Now that's over with. How about we all go to the food court? I heard that the food they serve here is the best!" Max shouted.

"I agree. I am quite famished" Nando said.

With everybody agreeing. They all headed towards the food court.

(Three days ago)

"Finally, we're home" the yellow eyed man said. "Better go wake his majesty." Stride left the room being accompanied by Jin.

"That Ichigo Kurosaki is soooooooo hot!" squealed Helena with hearts replacing her eyes.

The two men on the floor finally getting over the pain they just endured glared at the ice blue eyed girl.

"What?" she said innocently.

"Don't act so innocent. You freakin kicked us in the balls!" Saru shouted.

"Yeah, what he said" Rai added.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were guys." The girl smiled trying to piss the two off. From what she could tell she did.

"That's it you dirty wench! Give me the remote or else!" the crimson eyed man screamed.

"Or else what?"

"This." Saru grabbed Rai and lifted him over his head. "Saru, you bastard put me down!" shouted the lavender eyed man. "As you wish." Saru threw the man at Helena which caused her eyes to widen. The impact of the hit caused the remote to fly out of the girl's hand right into Saru's hand.

"Finally I can watch Death Note" Saru said.

On the floor laid Helena and Rai in quite an awkward position. Helena was beneath Rai, while he was on top of her. They were glad that the hood covered their faces or else they would see a deep blush on both of their faces.

"Get off me you loser!!!" Helena shouted.

Outside the door the two men were walking towards the leader's chamber. Stride heard all the commotion and laughed. Jin on the other hand let out another deep sigh.

"Never a dull moment here" Stride said.

"Yeah" Jin muttered.

After a few minutes they finally reached the leader's chamber. They stood their looking at the large metal door contemplating on who is going to wake up his majesty. They sighed.

"I don't really want to wake him. He is kind of cranky when he wakes up" the yellow eyed man said.

"Yeah, you're right. See ya!" the jade eyed man said while running in the opposite directions.

"Hey get back over here!" Stride shouted. The yellow eyed man sighed. "Why do I always have to wake his majesty up? Man I never thought Jin would leave me hanging. Eh, who could blame him? Might as well get it over with." Stride pressed the red button on the side of the door and the door whooshed open. Stride tiptoed into the leader's room. "Your majesty?"

"What?" the leader said.

"We're in Sasado City, your majesty." Stride stared at his leader who was looking out of his large window.

"Fine, you can leave."

"If I may ask, what were you doing? I thought you were sleeping."

"I was looking at the moon."

After the fight between Saru, Rai, and Helena was over which resulted in everybody watching Bleach the large ship landed in an enormous chamber right besides a large mansion. The ship made a loud hissing sound when it landed. The doors above the ship shut closed. On the side of the ship a door opened up. Six figures walked out with a few Omni Grunts behind.

"Go back to your quarters" ordered the cloaked leader.

"Yes, your majesty!!!" they all shouted, then saluting. They left the room leaving only the six cloaked figures.

"Can we take these ridiculous cloaks off now?" whined Helena. The leader sighed at the girl's childlike behavior.


The girl took off her cloak and letting her flowing black hair to be revealed. She has a slim figure with all the right curves that would make any guy drool. She wore a short, black frill skirt with white trimming the edges. She wore a no sleeve dark blue collar shirt that was unbutton a little showing a small amount of her breast and wore black high heeled shoes. "That's much better!" she cheered.

"Man these things are so annoying." The crimson eyed man took off his cloak revealing that he had spiky silver hair. The hair popped up from the back to the front.(Imagine Gary Oak's hair, but shorter). Saru had quite the buff build. He wore a long sleeve, black jacket with a red shirt beneath it. He had on dark blue jeans and black sneakers.

"I know what you mean." The lavender eyed man threw his cloak of f revealing his short red hair. He had a pale complexion due to staying in his room everyday. He had a tight long sleeved shirt which showed his skinniness. He had on grey sweatpants and black sandals.

The jade eyed man sighed. Jin took off his cloak and revealed his long green hair that reached his back. He had two long bangs that reached his chest. He wore a black vest over blue shirt. He had on dark blue jeans and green sneakers. Jin had a slightly bigger build that Saru.

"Quit complaining!" The yellow eyed man took off his cloak to reveal his short, messy blonde hair. He had a black dress shirt that was unbuttoned a little and his sleeves were pulled up. He wore dark blue jeans and had on black shiny shoes.

"How about you, your majesty? I'm sure you have an extremely handsome face" Helena said while batting her eyelashes.

"Quit flirting with his majesty. Who would be interested in an ugly wench like you?" Saru said.

"I'm going to kill yo-" the girl said, but was interrupted by the leader.

"That is enough. Go to bed" the auburn eyed man ordered.

"Fine, but aren't you going to take off your cloak, your majesty?" she asked.


"He sure has a way with words" Rai whispered to Jin who snickered.

"Pika Pi!" a yellow Pokemon shouted. The electric rodent ran up to the cloaked leader and jumped into his arms. "Hey, Pikachu. How have you've been buddy?" the leader asked softly. Pikachu rubbed his cheek against his majesty's chest. "Pika chu Pi." "Really? It seems like you had an exciting time when I was gone."

The five elite trainers smiled at the scene. They never heard their leader talk this much with a soft voice.

"Well it's late. We better get to bed" Stride said as he put his hands behind his head. The five elite trainers agreed and went the door that led into the mansion. The cloaked leader followed along with his companion on his shoulder.


"There is nothing to do!" whined Rai who was sitting on the couch flipping through the channels.

"Why not read a book? It could actually make you smarter" Saru said who was very irritated with the skinny man.

"Hey be nice now" the jade eyed man said.

"I wonder what his majesty is doing?" the black haired girls wondered aloud.

"Who knows? Every time we come from a big mission he plays with his Pokemon" Stride said. Suddenly, the cloaked leader walked into the room with a dark aura around him meaning he was pissed. He glared at his so called elite trainers that were sitting around doing absolutely nothing.

"Do something productive" the cloaked leader ordered. "Train or something."

Everybody groaned. "You're always so serious" everybody said.

"I'm the leader of Organization Omni I have to be serious or people will begin to slack just like you lazy five."

"That is so hurtful. I wish Pikachu was here to lighten the mood. I love that yellow fur ball it actually makes you nicer" Stride said with his eyes closed. The leader just glared at the man.

"I'm going out and when I get back you better be doing something productive or else" the cloaked leader said menacingly. Everybody sweatdropped.

"And what are you going to be doing your majesty?" Helena asked.

"I have to enter the Battle Arena" the leader said walking out the door.

"What?" questioned the ice blue eyed girl.

"His majesty has to keep his appearance up or people might become suspicious of him" Jin answered.

"I see."


"That was so good!" the dark blue haired boy shouted.

"You sure got that right, bro" the brunette said.

"Sheesh May. It seems you appetite is still as ravenous as I remember" the breeder said, while everybody nodded. "I wonder where it all goes. I bet it goes to he-" Smack! "Ouch!"

"Don't you dare say anything, Brock!" May snapped. Everybody laughed except Marina. Dawn took notice of this and got worried. The light blue haired coordinator lost most of her spunky attitude when Jimmy was abducted by Organization Omni. Marina blamed herself for not being there for him.

"Hey Mar-" Dawn said, but was interrupted when the people were rushing to the large TV in the food court screaming about Team Rocket.

"I wonder what is with all the commotion" Max said.

"Let's check out" Zoey said equally intrigued with all the commotion.

The group made it to the front of the large screen TV. The news was on. The video feed was in front of a pile of rubble.

"Hello this is Kanto Now! And I'm Shonda. We are here live to report that Team Rocket has been destroyed." Everybody in the room eyes widened and gasped. "Officer Jenny tells us that Organization Omni is behind this." Marina gritted her teeth. "Giovanni has been arrested and so were all of his grunts. That is all for now, but tune in later for the full coverage. Thank you!" At that the TV turned off. Everybody in the room was talking about what just happened.

"Amazing" Brock said. Everybody agreed.

"Organization Omni how I hate them" Marina said clenching her fist. "I'm leaving."

Dawn was about to reach out, but Brock stopped her. "Let her cool off." Dawn nodded and looked to her friends.

"Well I better get to training. There is still much work to do with my Pokemon" Kenny said.

"Me too" both Nando and Zoey stated.

"Goodbye" all three of them said.

This left only the four people that used to travel with Ash.

"Well, what are we going to do now?" questioned the breeder.

"I know let's go to the battle arena. I heard that Lance the Dragon Master, Steven Stone the Hoenn Champion, and Cynthia the Sinnoh Champion will be there. And I also heard that they are going to battle" Max said giddily like a child at a candy shop.

"Alright Max just settle down" his sister said.

(Time skip)

"Man we are lost!" shouted the four heroes.

"We've been walking for hours and we still can't find the Battle Arena" Max said.

"Did you say that you were looking for the Battle Arena" a young girl of 10 said. The heroes looked at the girl. She had pink hair with pony tails and had blue eyes. "I could show you the way since I'm heading there myself." The heroes sighed in relief.

"Thank you" they all said.

As they were walking they all introduced themselves. Our heroes found out that the girl's name was Lisa.

"Lisa, do you live here?" asked Dawn.

"Yep, you see my parents moved here 3 years ago. It was the best day of my life because I met him" she said dreamily.

"Who's him?" they all said. The young girl pointed to the large TV screen on the side of the largest building. Our heroes looked at the screen and saw a cloaked man in Pokemon battles. There was a date on the side of the screen telling our heroes it was a recorded battle.

"Who is he?" asked Max.

"Nobody knows, but he is the best trainer in the entire city. Everybody in the city calls him King. He never lost a battle ever since he came to the city and that was 3 years ago. He is so strong. I bet he could beat anybody" the girl said with a blush on her face. May took notice of this and grinned.

"It seems like you have a crush" May said with a huge grin on her face.

"N-No, I don't" the young girl stuttered out.

"Sure you don't" the bandanna wearing coordinator said sarcastically.

"So what if I do. He is just so dreamy."

"How can he be dreamy if you haven't seen his face?" May questioned.

"The way he battles just screams sexy." Everybody sweatdropped. "Someday I'm going to marry him." They sweatdropped some more. "Look we're here" the girl said stopping in front of the largest building with the enormous TV on it.

"Holy Miltank" everybody except Lisa said. They were about to enter the building when they heard screaming. They turned their heads and saw a large crowd of people surrounding three people. The group made it through the crowd and saw that the three people were none other than Lance, Steven, and Cynthia. The three champions immediately took notice of the four familiar people and walked up to them.

"May, Max, and Brock it's been a while. Oh and who are these two?" the dragon trainer asked.

"I'm Dawn nice to meet you and this is Lisa" the blue haired coordinator said with a smile.

"Hey you guys" the Hoenn Champion said to the five

"Long time no see Brock, Dawn and these three must be May, Max, and Lisa" the beautiful blonde haired girl said.

"So what are you three doing here?" asked the tan man.

"We're here to face, King" Lance answered.

"Well I hope you're ready to lose" Lisa said proudly.

The three champions eyed the girl strangely wondering if she ever heard of them and their accomplishments.

"Don't mind her. She has a huge crush on him" May said to the three champions.

"There he is! Here he comes!" a fan yelled. The champions and our heroes including Lisa looked to see who the fan was talking about. Lisa's eyes widened. It was her future Husband, King. As the powerful trainer walked by the people they all bowed. Lisa bowed also.

"You guys bow down to him now" the young girls said. Before our heroes could question why they were yelled at by Lisa. They bowed, but the three champions didn't. "King" walked towards the three champions and stopped standing right in front of them.

"Nice to meet you" Cynthia said with her hand out. She waited for a handshake, but the cloaked man just walked away and entered the building. "What a meanie."

After the cloaked trainer left everybody who bowed got up. "Lisa, why did everybody bow?" Max asked.

"You see King means a lot to the city. Before he came to Sasado City it was a barren place. When he showed up and beat every trainer in the city easily more people became to show up. Because of this trainers from every part of the world came hoping to beat him, but all of them failed miserably. Tourists started coming and made Sasado City's economy rise. Sasado now is one of the richest cities in the world because of King. The people of Sasado City hold a great deal of gratitude to him" Lisa explained.


"The Battle Arena was actually made to honor King" Lisa added.

"Well we better get going. We have to get ready for our battle" Lance said who was very excited now after hearing the story.

"Alright, see ya" Our heroes said including Lisa.

"We better get seats or they'll run out" suggested Dawn. They made it to the arena and was shocked at all the people here. Luckily our heroes and Lisa found five seats next to each other. (I know very convenient)

"Hello everybody! Welcome to the Battle Arena!" screamed the announcer. The crowd cheered.

"Wow it's packed" Dawn said feeling kind of claustrophobic.

"It's always like this" Lisa said.

"Are you ready for our first match!" The crowd cheered even louder. "The first match is our very own King versus Steven Stone!"

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