Chapter 4: Beware of Lucario

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Beware of Lucario!

In the trainer's waiting room stood the three champions of Kanto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh. Steven was sitting on the bench trying to psyche himself up for one of the toughest battle he could ever face in his life. Lance and Cynthia were standing by his side also trying to psyche themselves up.

"Steven, be careful of this King" the dragon trainer said. "This man seems extremely dangerous. I'm sure that all the rumors about him are all true."

"Don't worry. I'm going to wipe the floor with the guy" the Hoenn Champion said while pumping his fist. "I'll make sure he remembers the name, Steven Stone!"

"Calm down, Champ" Cynthia said sweatdropping. "Be extremely careful. I can sense a foul, dark aura around him. Anyways, we weren't sent here to battle him in first place, remember. It's a cover up so we could study him."

"Yeah, Cynthia is right" Lance said. "If he is who we think he is this could be big trouble."

"Thanks for the advice" Steven said getting up from his seat and entering the elevator. "But I'm still going to win." The elevator doors closed leaving two worried champions.

"Do you think that Steven will win?" the blonde beauty asked.

"I don't know. Heck, I don't even know if I could beat King" Lance said while clenching his fist. "But I do know if he is the guy that we're looking for he has to be brought to justice." The woman nodded.

In the cloaked leader's room which was personally made for him stood the auburn eyed man standing their calmly with a pokeball in his hand.

"I wonder if these so called champions can make me feel alive" the cloaked leader of Organization Omni wondered aloud while gripping the pokeball in his hand. "Either way they will lose like the others." The auburn eyed man walked toward his personal elevator with feelings of anticipation and excitement.


"This arena is awesome!" shouted the young boy with glasses. The arena was enormous; it was almost bigger than the stadiums at the Indigo Plateau. The field was a large and round with a pokeball symbol in the center. Directly above the battlefield was a four sided, large TV screen with the beloved King picture on in and Steven.

"When will the battle start?" the blue haired coordinator asked. Suddenly, the lights in the stadiums turned off leaving only the lights on the battlefield on. "I guess it's starting."

Two circles opened on each side of the battlefield, and then two capsules like elevators came out. The capsule like elevator on the left was the first to open up; steam came out of it and then a man in a suit. Everybody in the stadium cheered.

"People of Sasado City! The name is Steven Stone and I'm going to win!" Some people cheered, but some of them booed at the overconfident trainer thinking that he could beat their savior, King.

"Man! These people must hate anybody who think that they can beat, King" the breeder said, and then looking at the little girl by him.

"Boo, you stink! King is going beat the crap out of you!" Lisa yelled. Our heroes sweatdropped.

Suddenly, the capsule like elevator on the right opened revealing the cloaked trainer. The stadium shook in an uproar. The cheering was so loud that even an army of Exploud couldn't overcome. The cloaked trainer walked out of elevator and locked eyes with Steven.

"Oh my Mew! King is the sexiest man alive!" Lisa yelled with her hands cupped on her cheeks. Our heroes sweatdropped some more.

"Are you ready!" the announcer yelled. The crowd stood on their feet and cheered. "This will be a one on one battle! Who will win our unbeaten, beloved King or Steven Stone the Hoenn Champion!?"

"King!!! King!!! King!!!" everybody in the arena chanted.

"Let the battle begin!!!" the announcer yelled at the top of his lungs.

"I choose you, Metagross!" Steven shouted releasing his most strongest Pokemon.

The cloaked trainer smirked. "Come forth!" The auburn eyed man threw his Pokemon releasing a flash of light. When the light cleared it revealed a blue Pokemon standing on his hind legs. It had red eyes, black paws, and four strange things coming out of its head.

"Lucario, at your service your majesty" the aura Pokemon said while kneeling.

"Did that Lucario just speak!?" shouted our heroes.

The pink haired girl looked at them and said "Yep, that Lucario is special. It can use telepathy." The two coordinators, the trainer, and the breeder's jaw dropped.

"Telepathy, huh?" Steven said. "This will be interesting. Metagross start off with Psychic!"

The rainbow colored beam came at the blue Pokemon at an incredible rate. Lucario didn't dodge, but just raised his right paw. The beam connected with its paw and was immediately put out.

"Impossible!" the Hoenn Champion shouted.

"Pitiful, Lucario, Aura Sphere!" the cloaked man ordered

Lucario charged a blue orb betweens it's paw and shot it towards the steel/psychic type Pokemon.

"Metagross push it pack with Meteor Mash!" The four legged Pokemon formed a fist with yellow energy and punched the blue orb. The Aura sphere pushed backed the Meteor Mash and exploded. Metagross flew back with scratches all over its body.

"Metagross hang on!"

"Lucario, Force Palm" the leader commanded calmly.

Lucario stormed the field running toward the exhausted Metagross at a pace quicker that a Quick Attack. It uppercut the steel/psychic typed Pokemon, and then released a large burst of energy from its paw sending Metagross into the air.

"Aura Sphere"

The aura Pokemon shot another blue orb at the four legged Pokemon who was flying in the air.


Metagross fell from the air and landed hard onto the battle field making a cloud of dust. Steven could only look with fear as his most strongest Pokemon was getting beaten so easily. The dust cleared revealing Metagross with swirl for eyes.

"Metagross is unable to battle and the winner is King and Lucario!"

The crowd cheered and chanted "King."

"Return Metagross. You did a good job" Steven said. The Hoenn walked to the cloaked trainer and put his hand out. The auburn eyed man shook his hand and left into his capsule along with Lucario while Steven did the same.

"We will take a short 5 minutes intermission for the next battle! It will be King versus Cynthia the Sinnoh Champion!" the announcer yelled.

"King is the sexiest man alive!!!" Lisa shouted. "Did you see the way his Lucario never got hurt?"

Our heroes were speechless. They never saw a trainer beat somebody without breaking a sweat, let alone beating the champion of Hoenn. They knew this trainer was powerful and because of the battle they just witnessed it confirmed the rumors about the mysterious cloaked trainer.

In the trainer's room was a sulking trainer. "I can't believe I lost so badly. He made me look like an amateur trainer" Steven said degrading himself.

"It's alright, Steven. You win some and you lose some" Cynthia said trying to comfort the man after his devastating loss.

"She's right" Lance said. "We will avenge your loss. Cynthia you better head up there now." Cynthia nodded and left to the capsule like elevator.

In the King's room stood the cloaked leader and Lucario. "Good job" the auburn eyed man said to the blue Pokemon.

"I only live to serve" Lucario said and bowed.

"You don't have to act like that you know. I'm your friend, not your master" said the leader of Organization Omni. The man patted the aura's Pokemon head. "Let's go. It's time for our second battle. At that they left to the capsule like elevator.

Meanwhile with Marina she laid in her bed in the Pokemon Center still pissed at the name of Organization Omni.

"I hate them so much. They took Jimmy away from me. I'll never forgive them" the light blue haired coordinator said.


"Typhlosion, Flamethrower!" shouted a boy in a red hoody. The fire type Pokemon shot a stream of fire out of its mouth at Crocnaw. The fire attack connected and knocked out the blue Pokemon.

"Wani Wani, return." (I'm pretty sure Marina nicknamed her Crocnaw).

"You rock, you rule!" Jimmy shouted giving thumbs up to his Typhlosion before returning it. "Man Marina you have to train some more if you want to beat me."

"Come on I was close wasn't I?" Marina asked who was kind of pissed that Jimmy was rubbing his victory in her face.

"No, you weren't even close. You have to stop trying to make you're Pokemon look cute."

"Well, I never!" Marina shouted. "I can't believe you said that."

"Well, it's true."

"If you think that, then I'm leaving! Hmph!" the light blue haired coordinator said as she stomped off leaving a confused boy.

"Did I say something?"

Marina was close to the Pokemon Center. She was trying to get as far away from Jimmy as she could. "I can't believe what he just said."

Meanwhile, Jimmy was just standing there confused why she was mad at him. "Man what did I do this time?" Jimmy sighed. The boy suddenly heard a whooshing sound above him. It surprised him. Above him was a large black ship with a yellow infinity symbol on its side. A cloaked figure jumped out of the ship and landed in front of the boy.

"Who are you!?" demanded the boy in the red hoody who locked eyes with the cloaked man. He saw that his eyes were auburn.

"Let's battle" the auburn eyed man stated.

"That Jimmy can really piss you off" Marina said. "Well he was being honest. I do tend to focus on making my Pokemon look cute in a battle too much. I have to go back and apologize to him." At that she turned around and ran back to where Jimmy was. When she got there her eyes widened. The battlefield was torn up and scorch marks were everywhere. She heard a whooshing sound and looked above her. She saw a black ship with a yellow infinity symbol on the side. She looked at the door that was opened and saw two people. There was a cloaked man and Jimmy under his arm. "Jimmy!" The door closed and ship flew off leaving a crying girl.

(End of Flashback)

"Don't worry Jimmy I'll save you" Marina said before falling asleep.

"And begin!!!"

"Garchomp I choose you!" the blond beauty shouted throwing her pokeball.

"Lucario" the cloaked trainer said. The blue Pokemon left his trainer's side and entered the battlefield.

"Garchomp, Dragon Rush!" Cynthia ordered. The jet Pokemon flew into the air and surrounded itself with blue energy. It dove down straight at Lucario who just stood there calmly. The dragon/ground type Pokemon was mere inches away from the blue Pokemon and finally it landed its attack, but was surprised to see that Lucario was holding it back with just it's paws.

"What!?" questioned the Sinnoh Champion.

Lucario did a back flip resulting a kick to the face for Garchomp. The jet Pokemon flew into the air by the sheer strength of the kick.

"Lucario, Bone Rush!" the cloaked trained commanded.

"Yes, your majesty!!!" Lucario shouted. It formed a long bone-like staff composed of aura and jumped high into the air right above Garchomp. The blue Pokemon repeatedly kept hitting the dragon/ground type Pokemon with its attack until they reached the battlefield. Lucario managed one final powerful swing slamming Garchomp down on the field at an alarming rate creating cloud of dust. Lucario retreated close to its trainer. When the dust revealed it showed Garchomp with swirl for eyes.

"Garchomp is unable to battle and the victory goes to King and Lucario!" The crowd stood on their feet and cheered loud for their beloved savior.

"Return Garchomp. You tried your hardest." The blonde beauty walked to the cloaked trainer and shook his hand, and then left to the capsule like elevator. The auburn eyed trainer and Lucario did the same.

"Unbelievable!!! He just took down Cynthia without breaking a sweat!!!" Our heroes shouted.

"I told you he can't be beaten" Lisa said while waving her finger.

Cynthia returned to the trainer's room with disappointment written on her face. "I'm sorry you guys."

"It's alright" they both said.

"He is incredibly strong" Cynthia said.

"Well, it's my turn. Wish me luck" the dragon trainer said as he entered the elevator.

"This is our last battle" the cloaked trainer said.

"Master, we must go. The battle is about to start" Lucario stated. The man nodded.

"I hope this match will more interesting than the last two."

"This will be the final match of the day! In our left corner we have Lance the Kanto Champion and on our right we have King!!!" Everybody cheered.

"Dragonite, Go!" Lance shouted as he threw his pokeball.

"You know what to do" the cloaked man said.

Lucario entered the field with a fierce expression on his face. Lucario glared at the dragon Pokemon.


"Dragonite, Hyper beam!" Lance commanded. Dragonite shot an orange beam that was heading straight towards the aura Pokemon.

"Lucario, Aura Sphere!" Both attacks connected with each other and exploded. Everybody in the crowd gasped at how even their power was. "Interesting" the cloaked leader said.

"Dragonite, Twister!"

The dragon Pokemon flew into the air and flapped its powerful wings and shot a spiral wind towards the aura Pokemon. The attack was too quick and Lucario hit by it. The aura Pokemon flew into the air helplessly.

"Headbutt now!" Lance commanded. Dragonite flew fast and slammed its head into the gut of Lucario forcing the aura Pokemon to drop to the ground at an alarming rate. Lucario slammed down to the ground with clouds of dust surrounding it. The crowd gasped.

"That's it!!!" the cloaked leader shouted. "Make me feel alive!!!"

The dust cleared and showed a battered and scratched up Lucario standing up. "Lucario I shall lend you my strength!" The cloaked trainer's body glowed a blue color causing a burst of wind to flow around the arena. The auburn eyed man shot a blue stream of light from his hand towards Lucario.

"I FEEL THE POWER!!!" Lucario shouted.

"This could be trouble. Dragonite, Draco Meteor!!!" shouted the Kanto Champion. The dragon Pokemon unleashed its strongest attack. Meteors came raining down onto the field blowing up when it connected to the ground.



Lucario lifted his arms into the air and gathered a large amount of energy. Everybody in the stands began glow blue. The blue energy that was emanating from the people were being gathered towards Lucario. The combined energy made the Aura Sphere 50 times the size of the original attack. Lucario threw the giant blue orb at the dragon Pokemon all the while connecting with meteors. The blue orb blew orb creating a blinding light. The intense light caused the people cover their eyes. The light finally settled.

"And the victor is....."

#Cliffhanger lol

Word Count: 2519

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