Chapter 5

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The Approaching Plan

The two attacks, Aura Sphere and Draco Meteor collided with each other causing a blinding flash of light. Everybody in the arena had to cover their eyes or risk losing their eyesight becoming blind like a Zubat. The sheer power in both attacks shook the Battle Arena to its core. When the cloud of smoke and light settled, standing in the center of the battlefield was one Pokemon. Everybody in the arena eyes widened and gasped.

"And the victor is King!!!" the announcer shouted at the top of his lungs. There wasn't a single person in the crowd that wasn't cheering. Everybody rose to their feet and started clapping and whooping, few people yelling "We love King!"

At the battlefield stood two figures, the cloaked trainer and Lance the dragon trainer. The Kanto Champion absolutely stunned of what just happened. He looked at his battle scarred Dragonite with sadness mixed with pride in his eyes. Sadness due to the loss and pride because his Pokemon put every ounce of its being into the battle. Lance sighed and returned his Pokemon back into its pokeball for a well deserve rest. "Good job, old friend."

The cloaked trainer still shivering with excitement from the battle that he took part in looked at his tired Pokemon. Lucario was down on one knee panting heavily. The aura Pokemon was covered in scratches and sweat. The auburn eyed trainer walked to his Pokemon and kneeled right in front of it. He looked into his Pokemon eyes and smiled which Lucario could see due to the closeness. "Excellent job, Lucario. I'm proud of you." Lucario smiled and bowed his head. King returned his Pokemon back into its pokeball and minimized it. The cloaked trainer rose to his feet and saw that the dragon trainer was approaching him.

"That was one of the most exciting battles that I ever took part in. For that I wanted to say thank you" the Kanto Champion said while offering his hand. The auburn eyed trainer took the hand shook it. The crowd cheered for the good sportsmanship they witnessed and for one of the most exciting battles they ever watched.

"Now let's give these two top battlers another round of applause!" the announcer yelled. The crowd gave them another standing ovation. Lance waved to the crowd while the cloaked trainer stood their emotionlessly. Both trainers left to their respective sides and went into the capsule-like elevator.

"That was the coolest battle every yet!" the pink haired girl yelled. "For a second I thought King would lose, but he sure proved me wrong. From now on I will never doubt my sexy husband to be."

"You're absolutely right except the sexy part" Max said. "King has got to be the coolest trainer in the world. I have to get his autograph." Lisa agreed, but still kind of peeved that Max didn't think King was sexy.

"I wonder what he feeds his Pokemon?" wondered the breeder. "What ever he does sure makes them healthy and strong.

"You're right, Lisa. King just screams sexy!" the bandanna wearing coordinator shouted. "How about we wait for him in at the entrance. Maybe I could get a date with him." Lisa gasped and jumped on the brunette, pissed that she would try to take her man. Everybody sweatdropped.

"Quit fighting!" Dawn yelled at the two for being so immature. Both girls ignored her and continued slapping, biting, and kicking. "Fine, if you continue fighting you won't be able to get an autograph." Both girls immediately stopped their brawling and stood up both facing away from each other with their arms crossed. "Now with that over let's go!"

In the trainer's room stood the three champions who were sulking that them, Champion Pokemon trainers just lost to a trainer that wore a cloak and that didn't hold any titles. They all sighed together.

"This guy, King is one of the toughest trainers I ever battled and trust me I fought a lot of trainers" Lance said to the other two champion. "If he is the guy we're looking for, then we are in a heap of trouble."

"I know. I sure hope he isn't" the blonde beauty said. "We still don't have enough evidence to prove it's him. I propose we stay in Sasado City for a while so we can continue to study him."

"I agree with Cynthia" the Hoenn Champion said. "He is still the biggest suspect. Besides a special artifact will be displayed at the museum tomorrow and I'm sure that criminals will probably try to steal it."

"So it's settled. We'll stay in Sasado City for a while longer" the Kanto Champion stated. Both champions nodded.

At the entrance of the Battle Arena were five people waiting. It was late out. The sky was dark and littered with stars. They stood their waiting for the cloaked trainer that they now admired. Everybody that was in the arena who watched the battles were home sleeping snuggly in their beds.

"Where is he? We've been waiting here for hours!" whined the brunette.

"You know the saying, sis. Good things happen to those who wait" her younger brother said while waving his finger. May was about to retort when Lisa interrupted her.

"There he is! There's King!" the young girl squealed with hearts replacing where her eyes. King walked down the steps slowly and noticed the four familiar people. He immediately stiffened and his body turned rigid. He thought that he escaped his past and there they were in front of him. Before he could react the four familiar people and the pink haired girl he didn't know ran up to him.

"I can't believe it! I'm right in front of my idol!" Lisa shouted. The cloaked trainer winced at her loud voice. He looked around and took in the faces that he once knew. His eyes lingered on the blue haired coordinator, Dawn. He clenched his fist making his entire hand white. By the mere sight of the girl made his blood boiled. His thoughts were interrupted when he was attacked with praise and question.

"You're so awesome!" Max shouted.

"Can I have your autograph? Can I have your autograph?" Lisa asked jumping with excitement and having a deep crimson blush across her cheeks. May pushed the little girl away and imitated what the little just did.

"Great battle!" the breeder said with a thumb up. "You have to tell me your secrets on how to pick up women. The women in the crowds practically drooled over you. Please tell me how you did that!"

Dawn stood there mesmerized by the cloaked trainer's auburn eyes. He was looking directly at her. She thought that his gaze was so intense. She blushed. The blue haired coordinator felt that she met him before, but couldn't figure it out. Himself just being there made her body feel hot and made her heartbeat beat rapidly.

The cloaked trainer finally removing his eyes from the blue haired girl looked at all the other people. He sweatdropped. "One at a time. One at a time" he said. After he gave everybody an autograph he answered Brock's question with a simple answer "Become sexy." Brock took the advice to heart and wrote it in his small note book that he took from his pocket. "If you will excuse me. My ride is here" he said politely. Our heroes including Lisa looked behind themselves and saw a sleek, black car pull in. Their mouth dropped at the beautiful car. He left the group and entered the car and drove away.

Everybody except Dawn was talking about King and saying that he was the coolest. The blue haired girl just watched the car drive away while putting a hand over her heart. She was interrupted by her thoughts when May put her hand on her shoulder.

"Come we better get to the Pokemon Center. It's getting late."

In the sleek, black car were two people, the cloaked trainer and a lavender eyed man. "You sure are popular your majesty. I must say you were excellent today in your battles. It was like boom, take that, eat this, and in your face sucker" Rai said. The auburn eyed trainer ignored the lavender eyed man's comment and kept on thinking about the people he just encountered. He was interrupted when he kept on hearing his driver say "Did you hear me" every second. A large anime vein appeared on his majesty's head.

"Quit that incessant rambling! Are you a broken record or something! Can't you see I'm thinking!?"

The lavender eye man let out a hurt gasp. "Sheesh what crawled up your ass. A stick maybe?" Rai said.

The ride back to the mansion was uneventful unless you count Rai's talk about his favorite show, Code Geass. The car stopped in front of the mansion and both of the left the car and entered it. When they entered into the room the other four elites, Saru, Helena, Jin, and Stride stood there clapping.

"Awesome job your majesty!" Helena cheered. "You were amazing and super sexy!"

"I TIVOED it if you want to watch it" Saru said.

"Great job your majesty" Jin said

"You were insane your majesty. That was probably the best battle I ever seen in my life" Stride said.

The cloaked leader sighed. "Did you do anything productive like I said?" The five elite trainers sweatdropped.

"Actually we did. The artifact you're looking for is going to be displayed at the museum tomorrow" the yellow eyed man said.

"Good. We will assemble a team to steal it and then we can begin our true plans" the leader said. "I'm going to bed. You all should to. We're going to have a busy day tomorrow." The leader left to his room.

"You heard the boss" Rai said. The five elite trainers left to their rooms.

In the morning our heroes woke up and got ready for the day. They ate breakfast and left the center in hopes of finding something to do.

"I wonder where Kenny, Nando, and Zoey are?" wondered Dawn aloud.

"I bet their training for the contest" answered May.

"Don't you think we should too?" the blue haired coordinator asked.

"We have all week to prepare. We should explore the city and find something to do."

"My sister the slacker" the young boy with glasses said. The brunette smacked her brother's head and everybody laughed.

"Hey you guys" the light blue haired coordinator said.

"Hey Marina" the breeder greeted.

"What are you guys doing?" Marina asked. They all replied they don't know. She sweatdropped.

"Dawn! May! Max! Brock!" a young girl shouted. Our heroes including Marina looked in the distance and saw a pink haired girl. "Hi guys" Lisa said finally reaching them.

"Hey Lisa" they all said except Marina.

"Who is this?" Lisa asked.

"Oh, right. You haven't met her. This is Marina." Dawn said to the young girl. "She is a friend."

"Hi, I'm Lisa" said Lisa offering her hand. Marina shook it. "The reason why I'm here is that I wanted to see if you guys wanted to go the museum today. They're displaying an ancient artifact."

Everybody agreed and walked to the museum.

In the mansion stood six trainers in the dining area. "Is every thing set?" the cloaked leader asked.

"Yes, your majesty. We sent three Omni Grunts to retrieve the artifact" the yellow eyed man said.

"Just three?" questioned the leader.

"No need to worry. We sent him along with the other two Omni grunts." The leader nodded and left the room.

"Wow look at the exhibits!" Max yelled.

"What a nerd" May said.

"So, Lisa what is this artifact you were telling us about" the breeder asked who was very intrigued.

"I'm not sure, but it's supposedly very valuable. I think it's in that room" Lisa directed.

Our heroes including Lisa and Marina reached the room and were shocked at what they saw. The centerpiece of the entire room was a sparkling diamond. There was large window above it letting the sun hit upon the diamond's surface. The room shined with brilliance due to the diamond.

"It's amazing!" Marina said with sparkles in her eyes. Everybody nodded their heads with their jaw dropped. They were about to get closer when they heard their names being called. Our heroes including Lisa and Marina looked behind themselves and saw three figures approaching them. When the three figures walked closed they immediately knew who they were.

"Lance, Cynthia, Steven!" the breeder shouted. The three champions arrived to the group and introduced themselves to Marina.

"What are you guys doing here?" Dawn asked.

"We're here to guard that diamond" Cynthia replied. "That diamond is worth a lot of money. Many thieves and criminals are after it. We're here to guard the diamond until it gets put back into the vault."

"With you guys here the diamond is good as sa-" Dawn said but was interrupted when the glass window above the window broke. Three people came falling down and landed on their feet. They wore silver armor and a silver helmet that looked like a knight's helmet. On their chest was a yellow infinity symbol. The group gasped.

"Organization Omni!"

Word Count: 2218

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