A Turn for the Worse

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(Y/n) POV

During the night, however, Harry had another 'nightmare' and when he woke both Ron and I were there to try and comfort him. But he quickly tells us what he saw and I grab Mjolnir and Ron helps me get him to Dumbeldore's office, Professor McGonagall met us halfway and we explain what's going on. In Dumbeldore's office the Weasley children are all there as well and have worried looks on their faces and Dumbeldore without looking at Harry asks.

Dumbeldore: In the dream, were you standing next to the victim or looking down at the scene?

Harry: Neither. It was like I... Professor, will you please just tell me what's happening?

Dumbeldore: *to several paintings in his office* Everard, Arthur's on guard duty tonight. Make sure he's found by the right people. Phineas. You must go to your portrait at Grimmauld Place. Tell them that Arthur Weasley is gravely injured and his children will be arriving there soon by portkey.

Everard: They've got him, Albus. It was close, but they think he'll make it. What's more, the Dark Lord failed to acquire it.

Dumbeldore: Oh, thank goodness. Next we need to--

Harry: LOOK AT ME!

We all stare in shock at Harry's outburst of anger.

Harry: What is happening to me?

(Y/n): Dumbeldore, we can't wait any longer.

Dumbeldore: Agreed.

Snape: *as he walks into the office* You wished to see me headmaster?

Dumbeldore: Oh, Serverus. I'm afraid we can't wait. Not even till morning. Otherwise we'll all be vulnerable.

Understanding what's expected of him, Snape drags Harry out of the office and I stayed behind to try and comfort the Weasley kids. I knew Fred and George could handle it, but Ron and Ginny were a bit more scared about their father. I understand that pain better than they know.

Timeskip Christmas Day

Over the course of the next week Arthur was confirmed to be well enough to be out of hospital and I took up Ron on his offer and joined his family to celebrate Christmas at Grimmauld Place. The Weasley kids, Hermione and myself are all gathered around the long table and finally Molly walks in pushing Arthur in a wheelchair.

Molly: Here we go. Daddy's back.

We all applaud for Arthur's safe return and Molly then goes for the presents under the tree.

Molly: Let's see one for Ron and one for Ginny and uh...

Even Molly can't keep her twins straight, she then grabs two more presents and hands them to Hermione and I.

(Y/n): For me?

Molly: Yes, of course. Did you think we were going to leave you out?

(Y/n): This really isn't necessary.

Molly: Oh, come now, (Y/n). You didn't really think we'd leave you out did you? You're family after all, oh Harry, one for you dear. Happy Christmas.

I open up the present and find a sweatshirt knitted by Molly herself with a symbol of Mjolnir in the front. I actually start to tear up at this as presents were never a big thing with Robert and I.

Hermione: What is it?

(Y/n): This is just the nicest thing anyone's gotten for me.

Hermione: You didn't celebrate Christmas with Robert?

(Y/n): Well, yeah sure, but being a god of the old Norse presents were never a thing. We would just eat and drink all night long.

Hermione: Well then I suppose you don't want the present I got for you.

(Y/n): No, give it here.

Hermione: *laughs* Alright here.

I gave Hermione her gift as well, but we couldn't open it before everyone else started feasting into dinner. Afterwards, Hermione and I are up in a bedroom and we decide to open our gifts now, I had made her a necklace with a white gemstone and the metal was shaped to look like a tree.

Hermione: (Y/n), this is beautiful. You made this?

(Y/n): Yeah, one of the few things Robert taught me outside of combat. The gemstone is actually diamond and that's not just any tree adorning it, that's Yggdrasil, The Tree of Life. Mythology says that the nine realms are connected by this tree, with Midgard, or Earth, at it's center. You are the center of the nine realms for me. I think it fits.

Hermione giggled as she tackled me onto the bed and kissed me, she then started getting a little adventurous and tucked her hands under my sweater and gently rubs my muscles. I didn't want to be disrespectful but she forced my hands onto her back and her rear, until she heard footsteps coming to the door and quickly got off me still breathing somewhat heavily and a huge blush on her face just as Harry and Ron walk in.

Ron: *confused* Did we interrupt something?

Hermione/(Y/n): No.

Hermione: I was just about to ask (Y/n) to open his present from me.

(Y/n): Uh, right.

I reach for the box and open it up and it is a photo album with the word memories on the front. I open it up and it has several moving photos of the four of us throughout the book. Hermione takes my hand as another tear comes to my eyes.

Hermione: And there's more room for plenty of memories left.

(Y/n): Thank you, Hermione. Truly.

Hermione gives me a kiss before she goes to bed and the guys are teasing me and Hermione but I quiet them down with a slight shock of lightning to knock them out for the night. The next day we get ready to head back to Hogwarts and Hermione has me put her new necklace around her neck and I give her a quick kiss on her cheeks. The Golden Quartet, the twins and Ginny all gather in the park across the street and I tell them.

(Y/n): Alright, first time Bifrost travelers, hold on to your hats. Heimdall! Open the Bifrost!

The Bifrost bridge teleports us all back to Hogwarts, when we get there, everyone except me were a little wobbly, but Ron and Harry can't keep it together and puke over the bridge leading to Hogwarts.

(Y/n): You guys okay?

Hermione: Yep, *stabilizes herself* I'm okay.

Everyone else gave me a shaky thumbs up, eventually we caught up with everyone else and while Harry caught up with Cho, Hermione taps my chest and points to Hagrid's hut and the smoke rising from the chimney.

Ron: We better tell Harry.

Hermione: Harry. Harry.

Harry turns to us as we walk up to him, and Hermione tells him.

Hermione: Hagrid's back.

Harry apologizes to Cho and we all rush down the hil to Hagrid's place, as soon as we get there though I hear Umbridge's voice inside the house and I signal everyone to stay low and follow me. We get to the window and I notice Umbridge trying to look out the window and I pull Harry down so she doesn't and we listen.

Umbridge: I'll say this one last time. I'm ordering you to tell me where you've benn.

Hagrid: I told you, I've been away for me health.

Umbridge: Your health?

Hagrid: Yeah. Bit of fresh air, you know. Spend so much time here you kinda forget what the rest of the world is like.

Umbridge: *unconvinced* Oh, yes. As gamekeeper, fresh air must be difficult to come by. If I were you, I shouldn't get too used to being back. In fact, I mightn't bother unpacking at all.

As Umbridge walks out the door, I grab Ron because he was slower than the others to hide from her view. After she leaves, we head inside and Hagrid happily greets us and warms us up a pot of tea. I give the big lug a hug and Hagrid is the only person left at Hogwarts I still have to look up to, if you know what I mean. I mean, I'm 6' 6" for pete's sake. Anyways, Hagrid finally gets around to telling us where he's been, as we drink our tea.

Hagrid: Now, this is top-secret, right?

We all nod in agreement.

Hagrid: Dumbeldore sent me to parley with the giants.

Hermione: Giants?

Hagrid: Shh.

Hermione: You found them?

Hagrid: Well, they're not that hard to find, to be perfectly honest. They're so big, see? I tried to convince them to join the cause. But I wasn't the only one that was trying to win them over.

Ron: Death Eaters?

Hagrid: Yeah. Trying to persuade them to join You-Know-Who.

(Y/n): Did they?

Hagrid: I gave them Dumbeldore's message. Suppose some of them remember he was friendly to them. I suppose.

While this is happening, Fang is staring at Hagrid's piece of meat he was using to cover his wounds on his face.

Harry: And they did this to you?

Hagrid: Not exactly. *Fang whines* Oh, here you dozy dog.

Just then the wind starts to blow a little and we all see weather moving in outside.

Hermione: (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Nope.

We all approache a window to look outside and Hagrid says.

Hagrid: It's changing out there. Just like last time. There's a storm coming, Harry. We'd all best be ready when she does.

It was only a wek later when we learn that there was a breakout at Azkaban and 10 high security prisoners did escape, including Bellatrix Lastrange, Sirius' deranged cousin and as Neville informed Harry and I the one who tortured his parents. Poor guy, had to endure this at such a young age.

Hermione: Dumbeldore warned Fudge this could happen. He's gonna get us all killed just because he can't face the truth.

(Y/n): I intend to change the outcome of this conflict. Mark my words, Voldemort will not win this time.

Seamus then got our attention and apologized to Harry and, after a little convincing from Hermione, me as well. He then joined the DA in our next session and we're trying the Patronus Charm.

Harry: Think of the happiest memory you can think of and allow it to fill you up with strength as you cast.

(Y/n): Now remember, a full bodied Patronus is the most difficult to produce but shield forms can also be equally useful against a variety of opponents.

Ginny manages to produce a full bodied Patronus as a horse, Neville tries but fails, I come up to Hermione as she tries, I cast mine at the same time. Hermione manages a full bodied Patronus as well as an otter, her otter then started playfully swimming through the air around my ram.

(Y/n): Ha, I knew you were an otter. Brilliant but undeniably beautiful as well.

Hermione: *giggles* Oh, stop it.

Just then the room begins to shake as a boom is heard from outside, I quickly move everyone behind me and approach the sound as the mirror wall shatters and falls to the ground. Nigel move forward with me and looks through a hole in the wall. I move him out of the way so I can see.

Umbridge: I'll make short work of this. Bombardum Maxima.

Before she can use the spell I use my body to protect Nigel and as a result, I am flung across the room. Hermione is quick to check on us but is quickly grabbed by a Slytherin as I get up off the ground and summon Mjolnir to my hand. Umbridge stands across the room from me with a smirk on her face like she's proud of what she's accomplished which is nothing. I have finally had enough. I spin Mjolnir in my hand.

Umbridge: Mr. (L/n). I demand you put that hammer down right now.

(Y/n): You want me to put the hammer down?!

I throw Mjolnir at Umbridge, to which she used Protego, but I expected this and rushed her and leaped into the air. Mjolnir returns to my hand and I am about to slam Mjolnir into the ground when she simply shouts.

Umbridge: Petrificus Totalus!

Hermione: No!

I was too far into the attack and am hit with the spell and paralyzed. I hit the ground and Umbridge demands I be brought before the Ministry and now they have all they need to arrest Dumbeldore. After, my parlyzation has worn off I come to find out that Dumbeldore has escaped capture and Umbridge has been made headmaster of Hogwarts. And she didn't waste anytime in enforcing her new rules and some new ones that were barbaric, as punishment everyone who took part in the DA were forced to write lines with cursed quills and I couldn't switch them with fake ones either. Afterwards, we all realize Cho was probably forced to betray us but everyone was still upset about it. One day, an announcement came over the speakers.

Umbridge: Will, (Y/n) (L/n), come to the headmaster's office immediately.

(Y/n): *sigh* Well, this it.

Ron: What are you talking about, mate?

(Y/n): I knew this day was coming. Umbridge is going to expel me and try to turn me over to the Ministry.

Hermione: That's not fair!

(Y/n): I know, but it's the rules and there's not much I can do to change them.

I start walking up to Umbridge's office and knock on her door.

Umbridge: Come in.

I walk in.

Umbridge: Ah, Mr. (L/n), how are you today?

(Y/n): Let's just get this over with, huh.

Umbridge: As you wish, on this day--

Hermione: Please, Professor! You can't expel (Y/n)! It's not fair!

Harry: She's right. (Y/n) is our friend and you probably wouldn't have job if it weren't for him.

Ron: Yeah, (Y/n) is our mate! You can't take him away from this school!

Umbridge: Who says I can't? Pack your things, Mr. (L/n). You're no longer a student of Hogwarts.

Hermione and the others try to argue further but I just stop them before they get in trouble.

(Y/n): Guys, stop. I appreciate the support, but I'll always be a student at Hogwarts, whether some old hag says so or not.

I walk out and go to my dorm, pack my things and go to the courtyard as the DA members as well as a few others are gathered.

Hermione: So, that's it you're just going to give up after everything we've been through. This is how it ends?

(Y/n): No, you'll be able to do more to Umbridge than I ever would. I'll use this to try and stop Voldemort's forces. I won't allow my friends nor anyone at this school to be hurt by him any longer. It's time I start kicking some arse.

Hermione just breaks down and rushes to me and I wrap my arms around her in a hug and let her cry for a bit. I then see Umbridge in the doorway with her typical smug grin and I pull away and gently force Hermione to look at me.

(Y/n): You are the center of the nine realms, no matter where I go, I will always love you.

Hermione then quickly kisses me until the need for air became too much to bear. She then says through shallow tears.

Hermione: And you will always be in my heart.

I smile and grab Mjolnir, I give both Harry and Ron goodbye hugs.

(Y/n): Look after each other, will ya.

Ron: Yeah, always.

(Y/n): *to Harry* Don't do anything stupid until I get back.

Harry: How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you.

I chuckle as I step back and nod to the rest of the DA and raise Mjolnir.

(Y/n): Heimdall! Open the Bifrost!

Hermione POV

Well, that's it (Y/n) is gone and now I feel alone, I turn around and see Umbridge in the doorway with a smug grin and I simply bustle back inside and 'accidently' bump her as I head back up to the Common Room. I sit down on the my bed and just start to ball my eyes out into my hands, until someone sits next to me and pulls me into a hug and I hear Ginny's voice.

Ginny: Shh, it'll be alright. (Y/n) has the best reason to return. We just need to get stronger somehow and ready to stand by him in battle when the time comes.

My crying does slow but I was still so upset by (Y/n)'s expulsion from the school and grounds, but Ginny is right about one thing, I need to get stronger as a witch and be ready for whatever may come at us next.

(Y/n) POV

I arrive in a familiar camping spot of mine and release Huggin from his cage, but instead of going high into a tree he flutters to the shadows. I quickly ready Mjolnir and yell to the shadows.

(Y/n): Reveal yourself, mortal or face the wrath of the God of Thunder! *lightning cracks across the sky*

????: I had been wondering who'd been using the Bifrost so much recently. So, I had Heimdall track you.

The stranger reveals himself as an old man with an eye patch a long white beard and a staff.

(Y/n): Who are you and why are you here?

????: You want to become stronger?

(Y/n): I'm as strong as I need to be.

????: Oh sure, and when real trouble come knocking and your not enough then what?

(Y/n): Look, old man. I understand you want to help but, I'm just going through a lot right now so just leave me alone.

????: Can't do that. Grab your hammer and come with me?

(Y/n): Ugh, fine. I'll humor you.

I approach the old man and Huggin lands on my shoulder, the old man surprises me by yelling.

????: Heimdall! Portal!

We are suddenly teleported to a place I am unfamiliar with, I look out and see a fantastic golden kingdom laid out before me.

I look back at the old man is no longer feeble and crouched over he also doesn't have a staff anymore he wields a three pronged spear. I finally recognize who this is and apologize.

(Y/n): All father Odin. I am sorry, I mistook you for a mortal.

Odin: Hence the disguise, boy. You don't feel the need for one though?

(Y/n): No, a hero doesn't hide away waiting for his enemies, he challenges them before they become too powerful.

Odin: Ha! I like your spirit. Certainly reminds me of my son in his youth. Though you seem more tempered than he was. But no matter, I can help train you to become a true warrior. I see in you a desire to protect, I can help you. And in turn you can help you friends you love so dearly.

(Y/n): What's the catch.

Odin: Only that you live your life with honor and display true heroism, like my son did.

(Y/n): So you know about-

Odin: My son resides in Valhalla now. Thank you for giving him his final respects.

(Y/n): You know I saw him as a second father to me. He took me in when no one else would. I just wish I could've said goodbye to him.

Odin: Honor his memory by becoming the true warrior you were meant to be.

(Y/n): Alright, when do we start?

Odin stomps his spear on the ground and makes a clanging sound, we are suddenly transported to a arena and Odin says.

Odin: Now.

Just then countless soldiers rush towards my position and I start defending myself as best as I can but I quickly realize that these Asgardian soldiers are not holding back on me and neither shall I.

(A/N): Alright, Odin has appeared and is training you to be a stronger fighter. Can we be ready by the time Voldemort is ready to make his move? Find out as the journey continues. As always guys thank you so much for reading. If you liked it please lave a vote and consider following my channel so you can see my other stories I have written already. I hope you guys have a wonderful day and I'll see you all next time.

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