Battle at the Ministry

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(Y/n) POV

     The past few weeks have been brutal for lack of an appropriate term, Odin has been pitting me against all manner of warriors, beasts and monsters unique to the nine realms outside of Midgard. All the while I keep Hermione in my mind so that I may return to her one day. Finally, Odin allows me to have a break and I grab some water and Asgardian ale and I walk to Heimdall's post at the Bifrost bridge.

Heimdall: Hail, Thunderer.

(Y/n): Hail, Guardian of Bifrost. Can you see her at all?

Heimdall: Hmph, yes.

(Y/n): How is she?

Heimdall: She misses you terribly, she seems to not go a day without coming to tears. See for yourself, though. She is also training herself in magical combat to the best of her ability.

      Heimdall touches my shoulder and now I can see what he sees, and Hermione is currently taking her OWLs. Just then though, there is a loud bang outside the door to the Great Hall. Umbridge, then walks to the door and looks just as the Weasley twins come flying in on broomsticks. I can't help but start laughing as Fred and George throw various party fireworks. One exploded into tiny firework explosions in front of Hermione and she starts laughing. I got a big laugh out of one going for Goyle and when he swatted it away and the firework hit Crabbe in the arse instead. Another one narrowly missed Malfoy but it left an impression of his scared face in the wall. Fred and George let loose their biggest one which to the form of a slightly comical but still scary dragon, this one went after Umbridge and chased her out of the Great Hall and exploded when it caught up to her. As the, now destroyed, educational decrees fell from the wall, Fred and George flew outside with the whole class cheering for them and their last as they ride off into the distance blew to display a big 'W'. I just chuckled to myself and said.

(Y/n): I bid you farewell, and good luck, morons! Hahaha!

      Heimdall was actually laughing with me because it was truly funny to see that old hag finally get her comeupance. Odin then calls for me to come back and we start training even harder. This will definitely raise my game to new heights.

Hermione POV

      It was honestly very nice to be able to laugh, but as I turn around I see Harry sitting on the ground and it looks like Voldemort may be trying to invade his mind again. I kneel down to Harry as he comes back to reality.

Harry: Sirius. He has Sirius.

Hermione: What?

Harry lead us up the stairs and explains to Ron and I.

Harry: I saw it. It's just like with Mr. Weasley. It's the same door I've been dreaming about. I just couldn't remember where I'd seen it before. Sirius said Voldemort was after something. Something he didn't have before, in the Department of Mysteries.

Hermione: Harry, please, just listen for a moment. What if Voldemort meant for you to see this? What if he's giving you false information to draw you out?

Harry: What would (Y/n) do, Hermione? Even if there's the smallest chance that Sirius is in trouble, I can't just ignore it. He's the only family I've got left.

I simply breath deep and nod at Harry, then Ron asks.

Ron: What can we do?

Harry: We'll have to use the floo network.

Hermione: Umbridge has all the chimneys under surveillance.

Harry: Not all of them.

Harry leads us to Umbridge's old office.

Harry: Alert the Order if you can.

Ron: Are you mental? We're going with you.

Harry: It's too dangerous.

Hermione: When are you going to get into your thick head?! We're in this together.

Umbridge: *very displeased* That you are.

Hermione: Oh gods.

Ron: Really wish we had a Thor right now.

(Y/n) POV

There is currently an attack on Asgard, by someone named Loki and he's employed the help of some Frost Giants, to which I easily defeated, but Loki now faces off against me and he just blasts me with magic sending me careening through several buildings.

Loki: You and Odin deserve what's coming.

(Y/n): I don't even know you. What do you have against me?

Loki: You share my arrogant, oafish step-brother's essence and now for your choice to defend Asgard, you will suffer.

I dodge to the right and then recall Mjolnir to my hand.

(Y/n): To me. Mjolnir!

Loki swings his spear and I deflect it, I then go into a overhead strike, Loki blocks and I then finally connect a blow from the side and Loki is sent flying onto the top on a tall building. I quickly fly up and see Loki recover and send magic energy from his hands and I use Mjolnir to block, I keep my footing and power through his attack and hit him sending down to a walkway below. I then summon a massive lightning storm and as lightning sparks from my body and eyes, I send a massive lightning bolt towards Loki and for a moment I think I've beaten him.

(Y/n): You can't win Loki, you could never win like this.

Loki then hits me from behind and uses magic to enhance his attack, I manage to power through it and grab Loki's wrists then manipulate his hands to his back and I then front kick him and send him across the roof.

(Y/n): Surrender. It need not be this way.

Loki: I think it does.

Loki sends two magic blasts at me and I simply deflect them with Mjolnir, Loki keeps trying and I finally had enough and knock him out then restrain him. I drag him in chains to Odin's throne room and toss him to Odin's feet. As Odin starts to tear into Loki, I suddenly get the feeling that one of my friends amulets has been activated and they are in need of help. I walk out of the throne room and start to walk towards the Bifrost when Odin tries to stop me.

Odin: And where are you going? There is training to be done.

(Y/n): My friends safety is more important my training will have to be sufficient this time. You told me to live my life with honor, so I shall, but you have to let me do this.

Odin: *after some silence* Very well. Go boy and may the blessings of Asgard give you strength.

(Y/n): Thank you, Allfather.

Hermione POV

We have just led Umbridge to Grawp's tree, Hagrid's half-brother, and come to find that his rope is snapped and Grawp is nowhere to be seen, great. Now what?

Umbridge: Well? Where is this weapon?

Umbridge quickly realizes I was bluffing and starts to lose her mind, if she hasn't gotten there already.

Umbridge: There isn't one is there? You were trying to trick me. You know I really hate children.

Before I can retort, a bunch of Centaurs appear and while Umbridge tried to tell them off, they tried to attack us. Umbridge then really went off her rocker when she used a spell to start strangle one of the Centuars.

Hermione: No, please stop!

Umbridge: No, ENOUGH! I will have order.

Then Grawp somehow sneaks up behind Umbridge and picks her up and the Centuars shoot an arrow at Grawp and force him to drop her. Against her protests the Centaurs carry Umbridge away and Grawp simply pulls the arrow out of his arm.

Hermione: Thank you, Grawp.

Harry: Hermione, we need to go.

Harry and I race back across the bridge and as we cross we come across Ron, Luna Neville and Ginny.

Hermione: How did you get away?

Ginny: Puking pasties. It wasn't pretty.

Ron: Crabbe was complaining about how hungry he was. He ate and let his guts out on Malfoy and the others.

Hermione: That was brilliant, Ron.

Ron: It's been known to happen.

Neville: So how are we getting to London?

Harry tries to tells us off and leave us behind, but I finally had enough and snap.

Hermione: We are your friends, Harry! And we are not leaving your side to face Voldemort alone!

Ron: Maybe you don't need to do this by yourself, mate.

Knowing he isn't talking us out of this, he gives in and asks.

Harry: So, how are we getting to London?

Luna: *smiles* We fly of course.

Long story short, we use creatures called Thestrals to fly to London and we make our way through the Ministry and to the Department of Mysteries. Only to find no sign that Sirius or Voldemort is not here, awesome. We start looking around a bit and Harry grabs a prophecy from one of the shelves, until a voice is heard, I recognize the voice as Lucius Malfoy.

Harry: Where's Sirius?

Lucius: You know you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams *reveals his face* and reality.

I knew it, this was all a trap to lure Harry away from Hogwarts, (Y/n) we could really use your help right now.

Lucius: You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now hand me the prophecy.

Harry: If you do anything to us, I'll break it.

Just then there is some maniacal laughing and a woman with long black hair, who is clearly mad in the head, I recognized the woman from the paper, Bellatrix Lestrange.

Bellatrix: He knows how to play. Itty, bitty, baby, Potter.

Neville: Bellatrix Lestrange.

Bellatrix: Neville Longbottom. How's Mummy and daddy?

Neville: Better now that they're about to be avenged.

Harry stops Neville, and I start to notice we are surrounded by Death Eaters, I point my wand at one and ready for combat.

Harry: Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?

Bellatrix: He dare speak his name? You filthy half-blood!

Lucius: It's alright. He's just a curious lad. Aren't you? Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made. Which is lucky for you really. Haven't you always wondered what was the reason for the connection between you and the Dark Lord, hm? Why he was unable to kill you when you were just an infant? Don't you want to know the secret of your scar?

Harry: I've waited 14 years.

Lucius: I know.

Harry: I suppose I can wait a little longer. NOW!

Hermione: Stupefy!

My spell connects and knocks the Death Eater away.

Hermione: This way!

We all end up splitting up, Harry, Ron and myself head one way and take out a couple more Death Eaters, Lucius tries to stop us but we simply bustle past him and continue trying to find our way out. We meet up with the others and fight our way to the door but instead of the hallway, the floor has disappeared underneath us and we start hurtling towards the ground.

Hermione: Arresto Momentum!

We all stop just before we hit the ground and then drop to the ground but as we recover the Death Eaters swoop in and grab everyone except Harry and I find that I've been restrained with a wand pointed at my neck, I reach for the amulet (Y/n) gave me and think about needing his help.

Lucius: Did you actually believe or were you truly naive enough to think that children stood a chance against us? I'll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the Prophecy now and I'll let your friends go.

Despite our protests for Harry to not give it to Lucius, Harry begrudgingly handed over the Prophecy. But as soon as he does this, we all hear something and Lucius turns around and comes face to face with...

Sirius: Get away from my Godson.

Sirius punches Lucius and as the rest of the Order arrives, I take down the Death Eater holding me, by first knocking his wand away and then immobilizing him by twisting his wrist and with my wand in hand.

Hermione: Stupefy!

The man is knocked away and I reach the others and we take cover while the Order takes care of the rest, but things take a bad turn when Sirius is blindsided by a killing curse from Bellatrix. This took a heavy toll on Harry as he screamed in agony at the loss of his only family, Harry's sadness then turned to anger as Bellatrix tries to escape. I try to go after Harry but am cut off by more Death Eaters and while Lupin got in the way and stopped the one in front of me, the Death Eaters were overwhelming. Then, suddenly, a rumbling is heard and I look up to see the Bifrost slam on the ground in the middle of the room.

Everyone is at first mesmerized by the rainbow colors until Mjolnir comes flying out of the light and hits every Death Eater near any of us and as it flies back the Bifrost disappears to reveal (Y/n) catch Mjolnir and I can only smile as Neville says.

Neville: Ha! You Death Eaters are so screwed now!

I see Lucius grow a very scared look around as (Y/n) starts charging up lightning.

(Y/n): Bring me Voldemort!

(Y/n) leaps into the air and slams Mjolnir into the ground and an explosion of lightning hits all the Death Eaters knocking them all out.

(A/N): End music here.

As (Y/n) stands, I rush to him and wrap my arms around him.

Hermione: I'm so happy you're back!

(Y/n): I told you I would. *looks around* Where's Harry?

Hermione: He went after Bellatrix Lestrange after... she killed Sirius.

(Y/n): Oh, no. Which way did he go?

Hermione: That way. *points where Harry went*

(Y/n): Come on!

3rd Person POV

Dumbeldore has just fought Voldemort to a stand still, so Voldemort decides to turn into dust and sneak into Harry's mind and torture him. Harry is able to resist a bit and when Harry finally sees his friends, arrive and they're all okay.

Voldemort: So weak. So vulnerable.

Harry: You're the weak one and you'll never know love or friendship. And I feel sorry for you.

Harry finally forces Voldemort out and for some time seems to stop, and Voldemort speaks to Harry again outside his mind and in the flesh.

Voldemort: You're a fool, Harry Potter. And you will lose... everything.

Just as the Ministry arrives, Voldemort tries to escape but is hit by Mjolnir and sent flying into the side of a chimney. Dumbeldore grabs Harry and moves him as (Y/n) recalls Mjolnir and rushes to Voldemort as he recovers.

(Y/n): Ready for round 2, ghoul!

Voldemort: Avada Kedavra!

(Y/n) casts a lightning bolt and easily overpowers Voldemort's spell, Voldemort manages to dodge at the last second and summon a fire snake. (Y/n) responds by starting spin Mjolnir and as the snake strikes, (Y/n) hits the snake and uses a windstorm to blow the flames towards Voldemort. Voldemort dissipates the flames but (Y/n) expected this and was already rushing Voldemort, (Y/n) swings twice but misses, he then goes into a overhead strike and Mjolnir slams onto Voldemort's Protego spell, causing a shockwave to erupt between them.

Voldemort then uses the recoil and flings (Y/n) backwards in the air. Voldemort tries two attempts at the killing curse and (Y/n) deflects them into the ground below him, (Y/n) then flies in and tackles Voldemort into the ground. Voldemort then uses the bombardum spell to get (Y/n) off him, (Y/n) was quick to get back onto his feet but not in time to be hit with the torture curse. (Y/n) endured the pain long enough to prepare for Voldemort's attempt at the killing curse, and while curse hit (Y/n) square in the chest, (Y/n) endured this as well and Hermione was amazed at how he was tanking through the killing curse.

Ron: How is he able to tank a direct hit from that spell?!

Harry: He really is the God of Thunder.

(Y/n) fought through the spells beam not feeling very much pain, he finally reaches Voldemort and hits him in the side with Mjolnir. After this (Y/n) was a little wobbly but still standing, Voldemort, however, recovered.

Voldemort: Imperio!

(Y/n) was physically restrained by the spell and Voldemort then brought him close to him, (Y/n) couldn't move enough to counter Voldemort. Voldemort then cast the Bombardum Maximum spell and in addition to sending (Y/n) careening into the wall Mjolnir also fell near Voldemort's feet. (Y/n) fell out of the crater in the wall and landed on his chest and was slow to rise to his hands and knees. Voldemort then walked to Mjolnir and said quite confidently.

Voldemort: Come to your new master and let us rid this world of everyone who defies me, for there are none stronger than Voldemort.

Voldemort grabs the hammer and attempts to pick it up, but comes to find that Mjolnir won't budge. Voldemort starts getting frustrated and tries harder, Hermione sees (Y/n) slowly rising to one knee and rushes to him.

(Y/n): I don't know... if.. I can...

Hermione: Stop thinking like that. You're (Y/n) (L/n), the Thunder, and you fight to defend your friends. Now quit doubting yourself and get up.

Voldemort: I will have this HAMMER!

(Y/n) with newfound resolve, summons Mjolnir from Voldemort to his hands and shouts.

(Y/n): Nay! You will have it's THUNDER!

(Y/n) slams Mjolnir into the ground and summons a massive sustained bolt of lightning, (Y/n) rises into the air with Mjolnir in hand. Voldemort manages to look up at (Y/n) with fear in his eyes.

(Y/n):*to himself* For Hermione. *outwardly* FOR MIDGARD!

With a mighty throw, a lightning infused Mjolnir slams into Voldemort causing an massive explosion of lightning. After a minute of this (Y/n) lets up and lands next to Voldemort who can barely move but is recovering.

(A/N): End music here.

(Y/n): Will thou yield, Voldemort.

Voldemort: I will rule over this world and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

(Y/n): I dare you to try. Know this, I am (Y/n) (L/n), the Thunderer! New son of Odin! Prince of Asgard! But today, above all things, I am a student of Hogwarts and this world is under my protection!

Voldemort uses what strength he has left and disappears, hopefully into hiding, the Minister finally admits that Voldemort is back and that (Y/n), while extremely powerful, is not a criminal.

(Y/n) POV

After the events at the Ministry, Harry and Dumbeldore were cleared of all accusations and I was publicly named a hero and cleared of all charges. Fudge was also set to resign from his position as Minister of magic, Umbridge was suspended from Hogwarts pending a investigation and Voldemort's return is now official. Despite all of our success, Harry is still distraught over the loss of Sirius, I understand that pain but I know he is strong willed enough that he will cope with it, and all his friends will be there to help. Hermione has not left my side ever since I returned and as we head to the train Harry joins the three of us.

Harry: I've been thinking about something Dumbeldore said to me.

Hermione: What's that?

Harry: That even though we've got a fight ahead of us we've got one thing Voldemort doesn't have.

Ron: A God of Thunder?

Harry: *chuckles* No, something worth fighting for.

On the train ride home, Hermione then asked a question I hadn't even considered.

Hermione: Do you have any plans on where you'll be staying this summer?

(Y/n): Oh, umm. No not really.

Hermione: Well, would you consider staying with me for the summer?

(Y/n): Seriously?

Hermione: Yeah, I mean if you got nowhere else to go, you can always stay with me.

(Y/n): Are you sure your parents won't be against it?

Hermione: I'm sure. Now are you coming or not?

(Y/n): Alright. Sheesh, don't need to twist my arm.

Hermione gave me a very excited kiss on the cheek and we arrive at the station and Hermione spots her parents in the crowd.

Hermione: Mum, Dad!

Mrs. Granger: Hermione! Oh, we've been so worried about you.

Hermione: I'm fine, mum. Really. Besides, (Y/n) was there to help, as always.

(Y/n): *blushes slightly* Oh, stop it.

Mr. Granger: In any case we're just glad to see you safe and sound.

Hermione: So, um, (Y/n) doesn't have anywhere to stay until school starts up again, so he's going to be staying with us.

Mr. Granger: What happened to Robert? He is such good guy.

(Y/n): He-He has sadly passed from this world, due to illness.

Mrs. Granger: Oh, my dear. I am so sorry, of course you can stay with us.

(Y/n): Thank you, truly. I just hope you have a big enough fridge.

Hermione just starts laughing as we head out of the station and to Hermione's house. As we load up into the car I hold the door open for Hermione to get in, she pulls me down and kisses me on the lips and tells me.

Hermione: I love you, (Y/n) the Thunderer.

(Y/n): Hmph. I love you too, Hermione Granger.

I climb in after Hermione gets in and I sit in the middle of the seat because the car was weighed down a bit by my weight gain in Asgard. Oh well, Hermione sat next to me and cuddled next to me and I could tell her father was a little unsettled about it but Mrs. Granger calmed her husband down. It felt nice to know I can always count on Hermione and her family and they feel they can count on me. With this threat we're facing I'll have to lose some of my restraint on my power to deal with Voldemort's forces. Because I refuse to let dark forces to control the world I call home and the people I call friends.

(A/N): Well there you have it everyone the end of Year 5 and what a ride, huh? Now I have been getting request to work on other unfinished stories, so I'm going to take a short break and think about what I want to do for the Half-blood Prince. But hey, if your bored of waiting then check the other works I have done. They may not peak your interest like this does but I believe you'll like them. Anyways, hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll see you all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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