Detention in the Dark Forest

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(A/N): Alright like I said in my message to my followers, I am rewriting the final act of year 1 and this is the first part. You see I thought the oroginal ending was rushed and the readers chatacter was just there just be there so hopefully, this will work better for you and the character. Enjoy!

(Y/n) POV

       The Golden Quartet are trying to sneak they're way back into Hogwarts on their way from Hagrid's hut. Hagrid was surely going to get into trouble for having a dragon on school property and now all that could be ruined because of Draco Malfoy, that back stabbing weasel.

Harry: Hagrid has always wanted a dragon. Told me so the first time I met him.

(Y/n): It's mad. And worse Malfoy knows.

Hermione: I don't understand. Is that bad?

Ron: It's bad.

     We all look to see Professor McGonagall with a very disappointed look.

McGonagall: Good evening.

     Malfoy then appears from behind her with a stupid smug expression. We are then taken to McGonagall's office and she starts tearing into us.

McGonagall: Nothing. I repeat, nothing, gives a student the right to walk about the castle at night. As a result, 50 points will be taken.

Harry: 50!

(Y/n): What!

McGonagall: Each. And to ensure it doesn't happen again, all five of you will recieve detention.

      This got a confused reaction from Draco, who then approached McGonagall's desk and asked.

Malfoy: Excuse me Professor. Perhaps I heard you wrong, I thought you said the five of us?

McGonagall: No you heard me correct, Mr. Malfoy. Honorable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed after hours. You will join your classmates in detention.

     I tried to stifle a chuckle because Malfoy was not off the hook. A little while later, Mr. Filch arrived to take us to detention.

Filch: A pity they let the old punishments die. There was a time when detention would find you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. God, I miss the screaming.

     I could tell Hermione was a little scared of what we might have to do and that story of the old punishments didn't help. So I took her hand in mine to try and help calm her nerves. As we approached Hagrid's hut, Filch then told us what we'd be doing as detention.

Filch: You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight. He's got a little job to do inside the Dark Forest.

     We walked up to Hagrid's campfire and I warmed up my hands a bit as Filch addressed a saddened Hagrid.

Filch: A sorry lot this, Hagrid.

Hagrid: *sniffles*

Filch: Good God man, you're not still on about that bloody dragon are you?

Hagrid: Norbert's gone. Dumbeldore sent him over to Romania, to live in a colony.

Hermione: Well, that's good isn't it? He'll be with his own kind.

Hagrid: Yeah well, what if he don't like Romania? What if the other dragons are mean to him? He's only a baby after all.

Filch: Oh for God's sake, pull yourself together. You're going into the forest after all. Gotta have your wits about you.

Malfoy: The forest? I thought that was a joke. Students aren't aloud and there are, *wolf howls in distance* werewolves.

(Y/n): Actually there's no full moon tonight, so no werewolves. But if there are any out there I'll let them know you want to meet them. *laughs*

Filch: Oh, there's more than werewolves in those trees. You can be sure of that. *leaves* Nighty night.

     I stand up and I look to see Hermione is even more scared than before. I gently pull her into a hug and she tells me.

Hermione: I'm scared.

(Y/n): Me too, but don't let them know that. As long as we do what Hagrid says, we'll be alright. Promise.

Hagrid: Alright, let's go.

      I grab a torch from the fire and Hagrid leads us into the Dark Forest, I held onto Hermione's hand as we made our way through the trees. I had to keep every sense on high alert because I had no idea what these trees could be hiding. We soon come across a pool of some sort of silver looking liquid substance. Hagrid and I both walk up to the pool and I stick my finger in it and quickly identify what this is, but Harry asks.

Harry: Hagrid, what is that stuff?

Hagrid: It's what we're here for.

     I lift my fingers that had the silver substance to the others and explain.

(Y/n): This is Unicorn blood, if I'm not mistaken.

Hagrid: That's right. I found one dead a few weeks ago. Now, this one's been hurt bad by something.

     I look at Harry who seemed to notice something, I quickly turn and see a black hooded figure disappear into the darkness.

Hagrid: So, it's our job to go and find the poor beast. Ron, Hermione, you'll come with me.

Ron: *voice cracks with fear* Okay.

Hagrid: Harry, (Y/n), you'll go with Malfoy.

     The three of us groaned as we had to work with the people we dislike.

Malfoy: Okay, then I get Fang.

Hagrid: Fine, just so you know he's a bloody coward.

Fang: *whines*

(Y/n): *facepalms himself* Great.

     I reassured Hermione that she'd be much safer with Hagrid, I lead Draco and Harry through the trees trying to find a unicorn trail to follow. Before we go much further, I hand Draco the torch and rip a large branch off a log and continue searching.

Harry: (Y/n), are you sure you know what you're doing?

(Y/n): Yup, one of the first things dad taught me was wilderness survival. He would drop me in a remote area and tell me to survive, sometimes for weeks at a time. I picked up skills like hunting, navigation.... *points to a plant* and tracking.

Draco: Always knew you were a neanderthal, (L/n).

      I point out a plant that had a few drops of unicorn blood on it. I look around a bit and find a trail.

(Y/n): Well, I'm still stronger, smarter and faster than you. *checks blood* This is very fresh, the trail leads this way. Come on.

Draco: Wait till my father hears about this. This is servant stuff.

Harry: If I didn't know better, Draco, I'd say you were scared.

Draco: *scoffs* Scared, Potter.

(Y/n): *sternly* Shut up, both of you. *normal voice* We're getting close.

     We continue walking for another few minutes and Fang then growls at something and I see what he sees.

Harry: What is it Fang?

(Y/n): Um, Harry.

     I point out the black hooded figure we saw earlier, drinking the blood of the unocorn we've been tracking. The creature notices us and growls at us, Harry scar starts to burn intensely as Draco and Fang make a run for it. I couldn't really blame them either, because I wanted to run too, but Harry was unable to move, so I moved in between this creature and Harry as the creature approached.

(Y/n): You may be strong, monster, but I'm infused with the power of the gods themselves! NYAH!

      I cast a lightning bolt from one hand towards this creature and another from my other hand into the sky, hopefully Hagrid sees that. I manage to intimidate the creature a bit. But I couldn't keep it up for long and I fell to my knees in exhaustion. The creature was then set upon by the sudden appearance of a Centaur and with some quick swings from it's hooves the creature flew away and the Centaur approached Harry and I.

Firenze: You children must leave. The forest is not safe at this time. Especially for you, Harry Potter.

Harry: What was that thing you saved us from?

Firenze: A monstrous creature. It is a terrible crime to slay a unicorn. Drinking the blood of the unicorn will keep you alive even if you are an inch from death. But at a terrible price. From the moment the blood touches your lips, you will have a half-life, a cursed life.

(Y/n): Who'd be dumb enough to choose such an existance.

Firenze: Can you think of no one?

Harry: You mean to say that the creature that was drinking that blood, was Voldemort?

Firenze: Do you know what is hidden in the school this very moment?

(Y/n)/Harry: The Sorcerer's Stone.

*Fang barks*

Ron: Harry!

Hermione: (Y/n)!

     We both look up to see everyone else finally arrive.

Hagrid: Hello there, Firenze. See you've met our young Mr. Potter. You alright you two?

     Just then, I hear a crash in the undergrowth, and it's getting closer.

Harry: (Y/n), what's that noise?

(Y/n): Harry, stay back with Hagrid.

Harry: Are you sure?

*crashing gets closer*

(Y/n): Go!

     Harry does so and prevents the others from coming down to me. Suddenly, I am set upon by 3 wolves, and not just any wolves these were as big as brown bears. Two of them were larger and brawnier, while the smaller one was more ferocious and barking orders to the others. They all charge at me without hesitation and I am forced into combat.

3rd Person POV

     (Y/n) swings his stick and hits one of the larger wolves in the head and while the third wolf tries to go for his leg, (Y/n) grabbed the Alpha and threw it into a tree. Meanwhile, Hagrid is getting the other kids into a tall tree nearby, Hermione was on one of the lower branches while the boys were higher up. Hagrid himself climbed a large boulder and tried to get a shot with his crossbow, but with (Y/n) in such close proximity to the wolves he couldn't get a clear shot. (Y/n) meanwhile, has picked up a large solid piece of tree trunk and swings it misses one wolf but hits the other. Hermione then hears a loud growl beneath her and sees the Alpha trying to get at her and she screams. (Y/n) uses the tree trunk to block the third wolf and the wolf hangs on as he swings the log and hits the largest dog in the face. (Y/n) then hears Hermione scream and tosses the log and throws away the third wolf as well as the Alpha. (Y/n) is then blindsided by the largest dog, still kicking strangely, and it bites (Y/n)'s arm, (Y/n) was too worked up to notice the pain and tore the wolf off and punched it's head, but the other two finally got back into the game as well and the three started biting into (Y/n). The Alpha had (Y/n)'s shoulder, the second had his right arm again and the third one had his left leg. (Y/n) easily tossed off the Alpha and then got the second one off by biting it's own leg and then punched it's head tossing it away a few feet. The Alpha came in again and went for (Y/n)'s crotch, (Y/n) fought through the pain and stood up and grabbed the Alpha by it's ears and smacked it in the face and then grabbed it again and tossed it into the second one before it had a chance to rejoin the fight. The third wolf still had a hold of (Y/n)'s leg, so (Y/n) simply lifted it's rear legs up and punched it in it's nuts and the wolf couldn't take it and loosened it's bite, then (Y/n) throws it hard. (Y/n) was at near exhaustion but still stood as the third and second wolf circled him. (Y/n) stood tall, and he then seemed to loose all sense of self control and yells with a mighty roar.

Harry: What's happening to him?!

Hermione: I think I remember him describing something like this to me. It's called Warrior's Madness, basically (Y/n) flies into a blind rage, his strength increases and dulls his sensitivity to pain, but he can no longer tell who is friend or foe.

     The second wolf stands in front of (Y/n) keeping his attention, the third one then blindsides him and latches onto (Y/n)'s shoulder. The second one charges in and wrestles with (Y/n)'s arm again, (Y/n) then slams the second into a tree cleaving the tree and knocking it down with one blow. (Y/n) then grabs a rock and slams it onto the third one and it falls off him dazed. Hermione then screams again as the Alpha went back after her in the tree, Harry and Ron tried to grab Hermione but couldn't reach her. While that's going on (Y/n) has punched his fist into the second wolf's mouth and with that same arm he lifts the wolf into the and slams it on the ground, he then raises both of his fists and slams them down onto the wolf finally killing it. The Alpha has finally forced Hermione to fall out of the tree and she is really scared to be at eye level with this thing, until (Y/n) jumps from his spot 20 feet away and lands on top of the Alpha wolf, he then grabs it and throws it as hard as he can into another tree and kills it too. For a split second Hermione relaxes until the third wolf latches back onto (Y/n)'s shoulder and she let's out a squeal. (Y/n) punches the wolf in the face several times but the wolf doesn't let go, (Y/n) finally activates some lightning and charges it into the third wolf, pretty much barbequing it a bit. He then pulls the wolf off him and the grabs it's jaws and rips the wolf apart with one motion of his arms. Hermione stares in fear at her rage fueled friend, who now is breathing heavily in front of her. (Y/n) then just gets up and wobbly walks away and then collapses to the ground, Hermione loses her sense of fear and rushes to her dear friend's side. Hagrid gets to them next and checks (Y/n)'s body, and breaths a sigh of relief.

Hagrid: It's alright, he's just unconscious.

Ron: Just unconcious?! How is he not dead?!

Hermione: Hagrid, we need to get him back to Hogwarts, now!

Hagrid: Right, stay close you lot.

Hermione POV

     We all rush back through the forest and back to the school. Madam Pomfrey was awakened and tended to (Y/n)'s wounds, some of which were severe.

Hermione: Will he make it?

Pomfrey: Of course, child. His wounds are already healing rather quickly, he should be fine by tomorrow afternoon. For now though, he needs rest.

     Madam Pomfrey leaves and I sit next to (Y/n)'s hospital bed and think back to what happened out there. What were those wolves and why did they attack (Y/n) out of all of us? Just then (Y/n) begins to stir, and he groans as he wakes up, I stand next to him and unwittingly take his hand. He then tries to get up.

Hermione: Easy, (Y/n). Try not to get up.

(Y/n): *groans* Hermione? What happened?

Hermione: What's the last thing you remember?

(Y/n): I remember, *gasps* the wolves! What happened?!

Hermione: Shh, shh, it's alright. The wolves are gone and we're safe.

(Y/n): Oh. *breaths a sigh of relief*

Hermione: Those weren't like any wolves I've ever seen and they're not in the magical creatures books either.

(Y/n): I only know of them from ancient legend. Those were the spawn of Fenrir, the Beast of Ragnarok. He is a child of Loki, the God of Mischief and one of the creatures that will help bring about the end times for the gods.

Hermione: Why were they here? And why did they only go after you?

(Y/n): I don't know. But what's important is that you're all safe.

Hermione: *sniffles and starts to let tears flow*

(Y/n): Hey, it's alright. We're all okay and that's what counts.

Hermione: *through shallow tears* You reckless idiot! I was so worried about you!

     I throw my arms around him and cry into his shoulder, I can feel him wrap his good arm on my back and he jist let's me cry for a few more minutes. Professor McGonagall then came by to check on the four of us then she hurried Harry, Ron and myself back to the common room. I was a little reluctant to leave, but (Y/n) reassured me that he was going to fine. So, we went back to the Gryffindor Common Room and Harry told us what he and (Y/n) learned before the wolves attacked.

Hermione: You mean You-Know-Who is out there right now in the forest?

Harry: Yes but he's weak. Don't you see we had it wrong. Snape doesn't want the stone for himself, he wants the stone for Voldemort. With the Sorcerer's Stone Voldemort will be strong again. He- He'll come back.

Ron: You don't think he'd try to... kill you do you?

Harry: I think without (Y/n) there he might've killed me tonight.

Ron: *gulp* And to think, I've been worrying about my Potions final.

Hermione: Wait a minute. We are all forgetting something. Who's the one wizard Voldemort has always feared?

     Harry and Ron both shrug in confusion.

Hermione: Dumbeldore. As long as Dumbeldore's arpund Harry, you're safe. As long as Dumbeldore's aroumd, you can't be touched.

      With that said we finally head off to bed, and while I was still worried about (Y/n), I knew he was safe and was going to recover soon. I put my thoughts to rest and fall fast asleep.

(A/N): Now this feels more like something that might happen to the Thunderer in his youth. Anyways, if you guys enjoyed leave a like and follow my channel if you want to see more content from me. I hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll see you all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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