The Trials of The Stone

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(Y/n) POV

The day of finals finally came around and while I thought they were going to harder, I still found no enjoyment in taking them. Hermione, however...

Hermione: I always heard that Hogwarts' final exams were frightful, but I found that enjoyable.

Ron: Speak for yourself.

(Y/n): You alright there, Harry?

Harry: My scar it keeps burning.

Hermione: It's happened before.

Harry: Not like this.

Ron: Maybe you should see the nurse.

Harry: I think it's a warning. It means danger's coming.

We then pass by Hagrid's Hut and Harry sees him playing the flute and it appears he's figured something out.

Harry: Of course.

(Y/n): What is it?

Harry: Don't you think it's a bit odd that what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon and a stranger turns up and just happens to have one?

(Y/n): Oh, of course. How many people wander around with dragon eggs in their pockets? It must've been Snape trying to figure out a way past Fluffy.

The four of us run up to Hagrid and he stops playing his flute.

Harry: Hagrid? Who gave you the dragon? What did he look like?

Hagrid: I don't know. I never saw his face he kept his hood up.

(Y/n): You and the stranger must've talked, though.

Hagrid: Well, he wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after. I told him, I said, "After Fluffy, a dragon's gonna be no problem."

(Y/n): Did he seem interested in Fluffy?

Hagrid: Well of course he was interested in Fluffy. How often do you come across a three-headed dog, even if you're in the trade? But I told him, I said, "The trick with any beast is to know how to calm him." Take Fluffy, for example. Just play him a bit music and he'll fall straight to sleep.

The four of us look at each other in worry and shock, we then run back inside the castle and go to Professor McGonagall's office. We rush up to McGonagall and Harry tells her.

Harry: We have to see Professor Dumbeldore, immediately.

McGonagall: I'm afraid the Professor is not here. He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic and left.

(Y/n): Oh, come on!

Harry: He's gone? Now? But this is important! It's about the Sorcerer's Stone.

McGonagall: How do you-

Harry: Someone's going to try and steal it.

McGonagall: I don't know how you four found out about the stone, but I assure you that it is under the tightest security. It is quite safe.

(Y/n): Forgive us if we're less than convinced.

McGonagall: Now, would you go back to your dormitories, quietly.

We leave the office and end up in the hallway and try to talk amongst ourselves.

Harry: That wasn't any stranger Hagrid met. it was Snape.

(Y/n): Which means he knows how to get past Fluffy and probably whatever else is down there.

Hermione: And with Dumbeldore gone.

Snape: Good afternoon.

We turn around and see Professor Snape behind us and I felt a slight chill crawl up my spine.

Snape: Now what would four young Gryffindor's, such as yourselves, be doing inside on a day like this?

Hermione and I both try to come up with an excuse but Snape cuts us off.

Snape: You'd best be careful. People may think you're... *sees Harry's cross expression* up to something.

Snape walks away and I gain a determined expression as Hermione asks.

Hermione: Now what do we do?

Harry: (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Yup, we go down that trap door, tonight.

Later that night, I grab some tools and my wand, the four of us head downstairs but we are stopped by the croaking of a toad.

Harry: Trevor.

Ron: Trevor, go you shouldn't be here.

Neville: Neither, should you.

(Y/n): Look, Neville. The world could literally be at stake here. You need to let us pass.

Neville: No, you'll get Gryffindor into trouble again. I-I'll fight you. *raises his fists*

Hermione: Neville, I'm really, really sorry about this. Petrificus Totalus.

Neville's body freezes up and falls to the ground, I move him to the couch and the Golden Quartet head up to the third floor under the invisibility cloak that Harry got for Christmas. We make it to the door and Hermione unlocks it, we head in but come to find Snape's already been here.

Harry: Snape's put a spell on the harp.

We approach and see the trapdoor under Fluffy's paw.

Harry: We have to move it's paw.

Ron: What?

Harry: Come on.

We all move the dog's paw and open the trap door, as Harry explains the plan from here, I notice the harp is not playing anymore, and I look up at a growling Fluffy.

(Y/n): Oh, no.

The others look up and I am quick to pull out my wand and cast a lightning bolt before Fluffy bites and the shock gave us all just enough time to drop down the trap door. We then all land on a pile of what looks like vines.

(Y/n): Hermione, you okay?

Hermione: Yeah. You?

(Y/n): I'll live.

Harry: Whoa!

I look and see the vines start to move, one wraps around my wrist as I stand, I simply rip it off but I am soon overwhelmed by more vines entangling all of us, then Hermione tells us.

Hermione: Stop fighting back all of you. This is Devil's Snare, you have to relax. If you don't, it'll only kill you faster.

Ron: Kill us faster? Oh, now I can relax.

Hermione then disappears underneath the plants.

Boys: Hermione!

Ron: Now what are we going to do?!

Hermione: Just relax!

(Y/n): Hermione, where are you?!

Hermione: Do what I say! Trust me!

I stop fighting and take a deep breath and then feel the vines let me down and I fall to the ground below.

Hermione: (Y/n), are you ok?

(Y/n): I'm good.

Harry follows suit not long after, but Ron refuses to relax.

Hermione: Oh, I remember reading about this plant in Herbology. Um, "Devil's Snare. Devil's Snare. it's deadly fun...but we'll sulk in the sun!" That's it! Devil's Snare hate sunlight.

(Y/n): Then do it already!

Hermione: Lumus Solem.

Hermione casts a flash of light and the Devil's Snare loosens it's grip on Ron and he falls down and when he gets up he acts like nothing happened.

Ron: Whew! Lucky we didn't panic.

Harry: Lucky, Hermione pays attention in Herbology.

We continue forward and we come to another room it just looks like an empty room, which put me on edge.

Harry: Come on. Snape is probably already at the Stone's location.

Ron: Yeah, there's nothing to fear here.

I quickly grab the two boys and pin them to the wall.

(Y/n): That's what scares me.

Hermione: (Y/n) is probably right. this place could be a secret challenge.

I look around the room and notice a lone suit of knight's armor in the middle of the room.

(Y/n): I think, this a dueling arena.

Harry: What makes you say that?

(Y/n): *pointing to armor* I'm willing to bet that if one of us steps into the light the armor will activate and challenge us.

I look around and see other suits of armor that have fallen already, I start grabbing some bits of armor that would fit me and I then grab a shield and strap it to my arm.

Hermione: (Y/n), are you sure about this?

(Y/n): Harry's right, Snape may already have the stone in his possession we need to stop him. This is the fastest way to get through to the next room. I'll engage the enchanted armor and beat it, then move on from there.

I then grab a sword from the pile of armor and weapons and then walk into the light and just as I predicted the armor came to life and readied itself. I give the armor a salute and we wait to see what the other does. Impatience gets the better of me and I charge the armor and thrust up at it's head, but it parried with it's shield and came back with it's sword and I barely manage to block with my sword. The armor then shield bashes my shield, it did it again and knocked my shield out of position, it then does the same with my sword with it's own sword. The armor then shield bashes my face and I try to thrust again and miss I then swing back and miss again, as I try another swing the armor parries with his sword and then spins and backhands with his shield and sends into a pile of rubble, as I try to recover, the armor goes into a overhead strike and I block with my sword and then spin my legs around and use the momentum to trip the armor. The armor falls to the ground and I try to strike it but it manages to block, I get up without my shield and as the armor has also gotten up it is already into a sideways power attack, I block and grasp the armor's own blade and twist the blade out of the armor's hand. I then swing back with my sword, miss but I then smack it's helmet with the hilt of it's own blade, I toss the sword away and grasp mine with both hands and go into several overhead strikes, all of which were blocked by the armor's shield, I then try a thrust, but the armor countered and was able to disarm me. It then hit me with it's shield, but as it goes to do it again, I grab the shield and use all my strength and spin around and force the armor's arm into a crippling hold behind it's back. The armor the uses it's other arm and elbows me in the nose, it drops it's shield, grabs me and throws me into another pile of rubble.

Hermione: Don't give up!

I turn around and miss the armor's overhead strike, it tries again and I only manage to block with the full gauntlet I picked up earlier, I use my other hand to parry it away. The armor then back hands me, but I recover to kick it on the top of it's knee, forcing down onto one knee, I then front kick it hard in the chest causing the chest plate to dent and crack. I wobble in place a little bit until I hear-

Harry: Look out!

I dodge an over head strike and as the armor goes into a thrust, I grab the blade and rip it out of the armor's hand and spin and stab the armor through the crack in it's chest plate. The armor seems to then lose the enchantment and the armor just falls into a pile of armor pieces. I drop the sword as I fall to my hands and knees in exhaustion. I then feel a pair of arms wrap around my neck.

Hermione: Thank goodness that's over with.

Ron: Mate, that was wicked!

(Y/n): Thanks. Come on, we need to keep moving.

Harry: Do you hear that?

We listen and hear a strange noise coming from the next room.

Ron: What is that noise?

Harry: Don't know. It sounds like wings.

We head through the door and see some flying objects.

Hermione: Strange, I've never seen insects like these.

Harry: They're not insects. They're keys, *sees a locked door* and I'll bet one of them fits that door.

(Y/n): But how are you supposed to pick which one?

Ron then pulls out his wand and trys the Alohamora spell but doesn't work.

Ron: Worth a shot.

Hermione: Ugh, what are we going to do?! There must be a thousand keys up there.

(Y/n): Probably an old time one, rusty like the handle.

Harry: *points* There, I see it the one with the broken wing.

Harry looks back at the floating broom that was in the middle of the room, but he hesitates grabbing it.

Hermione: What is it?

Harry: It's too simple.

(Y/n): He's right. Who knows what will happen if he touches that broom.

Ron: Oh, go on Harry. If Snape can catch that key on an old broomstick you can too. You're the youngest seeker in a century.

Harry then grabs the broom and suddenly the keys start chasing after Harry and cutting him. Harry finally takes off but is having trouble catching the key because of all the others hurting him. I then run to the middle of the room and yell at Harry.

(Y/n): Harry get ready to catch the key!

Harry: When!

(Y/n): You'll know!

Hermione: What are you doing?!

I then charge up some lightning, and as Harry and the keys pass by I clap my hands together to create a shockwave of electricity. The shockwave caused all the keys to become dazed and immobile. Harry quickly grabs the rusty key and flies down to us as I recover from all the enrgy I have spent. Hermione grabs the key from Harry and goes to unlock the door. The keys start back after Harry, Hermione finally gets the door open and we all rush through and I wait to close the door just as Harry comes through the door. As the door is shut, I come to find a key stuck in my back, I pull it out and we move on to the next room. We come to find what appears to an checkered floored room and piles of metal statues all around it.

Hermione: Are we in some sort of graveyard?

Ron: This is no gravyard. It's a chessboard.

The light shines nrighter and the room is indeed a chess board but giant sized. We try to make it across but the pawns almost literally cut us off.

Hermione: Now what do we do?

Ron: Don't you see? We're gonna play our way across the room. Alright, Harry, you take the empty bishop square. Hermione, you'll be the queen side castle. (Y/n), you take the king sude knight. I'll take the other knight.

We get to our positions and Hermione asks.

Hermione: You don't think this like real wizard's chess do you?

Ron: *points to a pawn* You there D5!

The pawn moves forward and the black pawn moves forward and physically hits our pawn and confirms our fears.

Ron: Yes, Hermione. I think this is going to be exactly like wizard's chess.

(Y/n): *gulp*

The game goes on for a while and I've played against Ron eniugh times to see his strategy here.

(Y/n): Wait a second.

Ron: Yup, once I make my move, the queen will take me. Then Harry will be free to check the king.

Harry: No. Ron no!

Hermione: What is it?

(Y/n): Ron's going to sacrifice himself.

Hermione: No you can't there must be another way!

Ron: Do you want to stop Snape from getting that stone or not? Look, Harry it's you who has to go on I know it, not me, not the others, you.

Harry hestitantly agrees with Ron and Ron makes his move. As soon as he does the queen does indeed take him out. I stop Hermione from walking to him because we're still in the middle of the game. Harry then makes his move and takes out the king, I then rush over Ron and check on him.

(Y/n): He'll just have some bruising.

Harry: Get him out of here. Then get to the owlry send a message to Dumbeldore. Ron was right, I need to keep going.

Hermione: You're a great wizard Harry. You really are.

Harry: Not as good as either of you.

(Y/n): Heh! Me? I solve my problems by hitting things.

Hermione: Books and cleverness. There are more important things.

(Y/n): Go and do not stop until victory is yours.

Harry smiles and heads down to the next room. I sling Ron over my shoulder and Hermione leads the way out. We make it to the hospital wing and I send Huggin with a message for Dumbeldore. After a while Harry was brought to the hospital and treated for any injuries. As Hermione and I head back to the Gryffindor Common Room, she asks.

Hermione: So, how did you cast that lightning?

(Y/n): Well, on Christmas, I went home and figured a few things out. Long story short, my reald dad was a caretaker for a temple to the old norse gods and my mother was a Valkyrie, a messenger for the gods. They fell in love and had me, but my lungs were too small for my body, my parents pleaded with the gods for help. Only Thor, the God of Thunder, accepted and healed me. In exchange I was to inherit his powers, which is why I can cast lightning and do all the other stuff I did.

Hermione: Wow, so you're like a demigod or something?

(Y/n): Yeah, when you put it like that. I hope this doesn't change our friendship at all.

Hermione then gives me a solid hug and said.

Hermione: Nothing will ever stop us being friends. I'm really glad to have you as a friend.

(Y/n): Me too.

We head to bed and wake up the next day to find that Ron is alright. So as the three of us get finished with another class we are just chatting on a balcony when I see Harry and hit Ron to get his attention.

Harry: Alright there, Ron?

Ron: Alright. You?

Harry: Alright. Hermione?

Hermione: Never better.

Harry: And you, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Feel like I could take on the world!

The three of them laughed and the next week sees us in the Great Hall for the farewell feast. As we eat, Professor McGonagall gets everyone's attention and Dumbeldore stands.

Dumbeldore: Another year gone. And now as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding, and the points stand thus- In fourth place Gryffindor with 262 points.

As the crowd applauses, Hermione and I know it was mainly our fault for our low ranking and the mood was dispondent.

Dumbeldore: In third place, Hufflepuff, with 312 points.


Dumbeldore: In second place, Ravenclaw, with 426 points.


Dumbeldore: And in first place, with 472 points, Slytherin house.


Dumbeldore: Yes, well done, Slytherin. Well done, Slytherin. However, recent events must be taken into account, and I have a few last minute points to award.

This gets my attention as well as the other Gryffindor's.

Dumbeldore: Firstly, to Ms. Hermione Granger, for the cool use of intellect when others were in great peril, 50 points.

As the Gryffindor's applaud, I gave Hermione a hug and a smile.

Dumbeldore: Second, to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best played game of chess this school has seen in these many years, 50 points.

I gave Ron a thumbs up while Harry gave him a pat on the back.

Dumbeldore: Third, to Mr. (Y/n) (L/n), for his bold use of bravery and honor to do what is right and the greatest duel since Gryffidor himself, 50 points.

Hermione quickly hugged me and laughed as she congratulated me, Ron and Harry also gave their congrats.

Dumbeldore: And fourth, to Mr. Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house 60 points.

Every Gryffindor gave their applause to Harry and Ron gave his best friend a pat on the back too. Hermione appears to be thinking and gains a very excited smile and whispers to us.

Hermione: We're tied with Skytherin!

Dumbeldore: And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stsnd up to your enemies but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award 10 points, to Neville Longbottom.

As everyone applauded for Neville, I gave him a playful punch on his shoulder.

Dumbeldore: Assuming that my calculations are correct. I believe a change in decoration is in order.

Dumbeldore claps his hands and the banners turn from the green of Slytherin to the red and gold of-

Dumbeldore: Gryffindor wins the House Cup!

The Gryffindor's roar in excitment and joy, Hermione jumps into me and Ron and Harry join in the group hug, I can see Malfoy looking depressed, good. Hermione then surprised me with a kiss on my cheek and we continue to congatulate one another. The next day saw us all at the train station at Hogwarts packing our things up to go back to our homes. As Hermione and I chat we see Hagrid give something to Harry. Harry then approached us to board the train and Hermione says.

Hermione: Feels strange to be going home, doesn't it?

Harry: I'm not going home, not really.

(Y/n): Hahaha! Come on.

As the train takes off we all wave goodbye to Hagrid and the school. We arrive at the train station and Harry said he'd get back home with Ron, leaving just Hermione and I.

Hermione: (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Hmm?

Hermione: Will you promise me something?

(Y/n): What's that?

Hermione: That we'll be friends forever.

(Y/n): *pulls her into hug* Of course, we'll always be friends. I promise.

She returned to hug and after a minute we pull away and go our seperate ways. I find Robert and we head home and if I want to keep my friends safe I need to gain control over my powers and get stronger.

(A/N): Alright there you have the rewritten ending of year one and I like it. If you enjoyed this please leave a like and follow my channel. I hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll see you all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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