Year 2: Rescuing Harry

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(Y/n) POV

I have been writing to the others all summer but only Ron and Hermione ever responded, I'm guessing Harry is having a hard time with his guardians. Anyways, I have also been practicing to control my godlike powers and while I can cast my lightning, I can't control it, so I need to be extra careful so that I don't hurt anyone, especially my friends. Today though, dad is sending me to the Weasley household. Dad makes sure I have everything and we go to the fireplace.

Robert: Alright son, remember how fleu powder works?

(Y/n): Yup, speak loud and clearly.

Robert: That's my boy. Take care of yourself this year.

(Y/n): I will. Take care dad.

I give dad one last hug and as I grab some powder, he reminds me.

Robert: Respect and Honor.

I smile and nod as I ready the fleu powder and speak out.

(Y/n): The Burrow.

I throw the fleu powder at my feet and there is a flash, I then find myself in a living room. I look around briefly and see two needles magically knitting something by itself. I love magic. Just as I walk out of the fireplace, I come face to face with a young redhead girl. She sees me and starts looking freaked out, I simply say...

(Y/n): Hi there.

Ginny: Mom?! Theres a strange boy in the living room!

Just then I see a mature woman walk in, also a redhead, she is much more welcoming as she recognized me right away.

Molly: Ah, (Y/n), welcome to the Burrow.

(Y/n): It's nice to finally meet you, Ma'am.

Molly: Please just call me Molly.

I look back at the younger girl, who is still a little nervous.

(Y/n): You must be Ginny, Ron talks about all of you often.

Ginny: Hello, if I may you're nothing like Ron described.

(Y/n): Oh really? What pray tell did Ron say about me?

Ginny: That you were a giant monster of a man that can control lightning.

Ron: I never said that!

I look at the staircase and see Ron has rushed downstairs to see the commotion. I gave a slight glare and Ron grew red in the face in embarrassment. Just when Ron thinks that I'm gonna blow up on him, I simply smirk and start laughing.

(Y/n): Hahahaha! Well he's not entirely wrong!

We all laugh a little more at Ron's embarrassed state and I walk up to Ron and we hug each other.

(Y/n): How have you been Ron?!

Ron: Been doing great, buddy. You?

(Y/n): Gotta admit I missed hanging out with you and the others.

We let each other go, Molly then asks if I would like a drink.

(Y/n): Butter beer if you wouldn't mind?

Molly: Of course. *turns to Ron* Lunch is also almost ready Ron, can you get your brothers, please?

Ron: Sure thing mum.

I walk into the dining room and it looks like Molly is making a stew. I grab a mug, the cask of butter beer and pour myself a cup. The rest of the Weasely family walk downstairs and we all greet each other. As we eat I get asked a ton of questions, mainly involving my lightning powers. Afterwards, Molly showed me to the spare bedroom and I set my stuff down next to the bed decide to read for a little bit. I hear a knock on the door and I see Ron walking in with a suspicious look.

(Y/n): Hey, something on your mind?

Ron: Have you recieved anything from Harry at all this summer?

(Y/n): No. You?

Ron: *shakes head no* I think his uncle is preventing him from contacting us. We both know how horribly Harry gets treated by them. So, Fred, George and myself are gonna break him out. Want in?

(Y/n): *thinks for a moment* Let's get our boy.

Ron: We'll wait until everyone's asleep, then we'll go.

Timeskip Later that Night

I slowly make my way outside, so I don't wake anyone, although with iron soles, it isn't as easy as one might think. I get outside and Ron is waiting with the twins.

Ron: *whispers* What kept you?

(Y/n): *whisper* Have you seen these boots? Let's go before we're caught.

The four of us get into the car and surprisingly the car starts to fly and we head to Surry.

Harry POV

I am stuck in my room after that stunt that house elf did. Uncle Vernon put iron bars on my window and put a lock on Hedwig's cage. I was really starting to feel pretty helpless and thought I wouldn't see my friends again. Then a light glared off my glasses and I look outside and see, a flying car? As the car gets closer, I can see the passengers and see some really familiar faces.

Ron: Hya, Harry.

Harry: Ron? Fred, George? (Y/n)? What are you all doing here?

Ron: Rescuing you of course. Now come on get your trunk.

I get my trunk and Hedwig ready to go. I look back at the window and see (Y/n) grabbing the bars and says

(Y/n): Not a problem, better take a step back.

I do so and (Y/n) then tears the bars off the house and drops the whole thing.

(Y/n): Oh that wasn't as quiet as it could've been. Let's move, now.

Fred turns the car around as I put my trunk in the car, I hear Vernon yelling and unlocking my room door. I am about to climb into the car with Hedwig, when the door finally opens and Vernon tries to stop me.

Vernon: He's escaping!

Vernon grabs my leg, I struggle to get him off me. Then (Y/n) grabs Vernon's arm and pries him off my leg. (Y/n) then dangles Vernon from the car, Vernon looks angrily at (Y/n).

Vernon: Unhand me this instant boy!

(Y/n) simply smirks and looks down, causing Vernon to look down then back at (Y/n) as he says.

(Y/n): As you wish.

(Y/n) then let's go of Vernon and he falls into the bushes below with no injuries. The car starts to fly off and Ron then tells me happy birthday as we drive back to the Burrow.

(A/N): Ok, I know it's been a while, but I have been really busy with my other projects and work picking back up. I will finish year 2 as quickly as I can but progress may be slow. Thank you for your patience, and have a great day. PEACE OUT!!!

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