To Diagon Alley (Again)

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(Y/n) POV

     It is early morning when Harry, the Weasely boys and I return to the Burrow. We thought we were quiet, but that quickly got shot down when we made it to the living room. Molly Weasely appeared and I felt a shiver crawl up my spine.

Molly: Where have you been!

     The boys and I hide the biscuits behind us, Molly shifted to Harry.

Molly: Harry, how wonderful to see you, dear. *back to us* Beds empty! No note! Car gone! You could've died, you could've been seen! *back to Harry* Of course, I'm not blaming you Harry dear.

Ron: They were starving him, mum. *Harry nods in agreement* There were bars on his window.

Molly: Well, you'd best hope I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasely!

     As Harry helps Molly with breakfast, the Weasely boys and I have set up the table, then Ginny runs down and asks Molly.

Ginny: Mum, have you seen my jumper?

Molly: Yes dear, it was on the cat.

     Ginny looks at Harry with a surprised look, she even blushed when he said hello, then she dashed out of the dining room.

Harry: *confused* What did I do?

Ron: Ginny, she's been talking about you all summer. Bit annoying, really.

     As I take another swig of butterbeer, and older gentleman walks through the front door, I presume to be Arthur Weasely, Weasely family patriarch.

Arthur: Morning, Weasely's

Weaselys: Morning dad!

Arthur: What a night. Nine raids, nine!

Harry: Raids?

Ron: Dad works for the Ministry for Magic.

(Y/n): The Misuse of Muggle Artifacts, right?

Ron: Right, Dad loves Muggles. Thinks they're fascinating.

     Arthur kisses Molly and sits down next to Harry and notices both guests and asks.

Arthur: And who are you two?

(Y/n): (Y/n) (L/n), sir. A pleasure to meet you finally.

Harry: I'm Harry, Harry Potter.

Arthur: Good Lord, are you really? Well, Ron's told us all about you two of course. When did they get here?

Molly: (Y/n) arrived yesterday afternoon after you left for work. Harry arrived this morning, your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surry and back last night.

Arthur: *intrigued* Did you really? How'd it go?

     We all try to eagerly answer, when Molly smacks Arthur's shoulder and glares at him. Arthur recomposes himself as I drink some more.

Arthur: I mean, that was very wrong indeed boys. Very wrong of you.

     We continue eating when the Weasely owl crashes into the window, I almost spit up my drink, when Percy gets up and grabs the mail.

Percy: Oh look it's our Hogwarts letters.

Molly: Oh?

Percy: They've sent us Harry and (Y/n)'s as well.

Arthur: Dumbeldore must know you two are here, doesn't miss a trick, that man.

Fred: Oh no, this stuff won't come cheap Mum. Spell books alone are very expensive.

(Y/n): I can help pay for some of those spell books, if you need it?

Molly: We'll manage. *looks at the list* There's only one place we're going to get all this, Diagon Alley.

     We all get ready and I explain to Harry how fleu powder works and emphasised that he needed to be very clear on what he said. Ron goes first, grabs a handful of powder and says.

Ron: Diagon Alley!

     Ron disappears in a puff os fiery smoke, then it's Harry's turn and as usual...

Harry: DiagonAlley.

     Harry disappears and I rub the bridge of my nose, Molly asked what he said and I grab a handful and followed Harry into Nocturne Alley. I look around and find him in the crowd, I grab his collar and turn him to me.

Harry: (Y/n), I don't think this is Diagon Alley.

(Y/n): Oh really, I must've gotten turned around. *serious* This is Nocturne Alley and- Hey! Hands off!

     Some of the people started to get a little close for comfort, until a familiar booming voice calls us out.

Hagrid: Harry? (Y/n)?

Harry: Hagrid!

Hagrid: What do think you two are doing down here?! Come on!

     I urge Harry to Hagrid and we follow him out and into Diagon Alley.

Harry: (Y/n), what was that place?

(Y/n): Nocturne Alley, terrible place filled with all sorts of scum ready to make a quick dollar off robbing people. What were you doing down there, Hagrid?

Hagrid: Oh, I was looking for some flesh eating slug repellent. They're ruining the school cabbages.

     Just then we are approached by a friendly face.

Hermione: (Y/n)! Harry! Hagrid!

Hagrid: Hello Hermione.

Hermione: Oh, it's so good to see you!

Harry: It's great to see you too.

(Y/n): Haha, it's always good to see you too, Hermione!

Hermione: Harry, what did you do to your glasses? *slight sigh* Oculus Repairo.

     Harry's glasses fix themselves and I get a big laugh out of it.

Harry: I definitely need to remember that one.

(Y/n): Hahaha!

Hagrid: Well you two, I'll leave to it then.

Harry: See you, Hagrid.

Hermione: Come on, everyone's worried about you two.

     Hermione gives me a friendly hug and we get to the book store and meet up with the Weasely's.

Molly: Harry, (Y/n) are you two alright?!

(Y/n): Got turned around in Nocturne Alley, luckily Hagrid found us. We'll be ok.

     As we wait for something to happen, Hermione starts chatting with me by asking.

Hermione: So how was your summer?

(Y/n): Fine, Robert started training me a bit harder than normal. I guess he wants to make sure I can control my, thunderous personality.

Hermione: *giggles* I can see that. I hope you got all my letters?

(Y/n): Did I? Hermione have you met me? I got one every week, not that I'm complaining.

Hermione: *blushes* Good, well you need to try harder on sending yours.

(Y/n): Well my lifes not very interesting, plus a lot of my time was taken up by training. What dad will do is-

????: Hello my adoring fans!

Excited Screaming

     Good grief, the one celebrity I would never, and I mean never, want to associate myself with, Gilderoy Lockheart. Although, all the girls seem to be excited, Hermione included, as pictures of this idiot are taken, Lockhart notices Harry and calls him out.

Lockhart: It can't be, Harry Potter.

     Everyone looks at Harry and start to get excited, the a photographer for The Daily Prophet grabs Harry and drags him towards Lockhart for a photo. Normally, I would be happy for Harry but now, I feel bad he has to pose with an idiot like Lockhart.

Lockhart: Ladies and Gentlmen, what an extraordinary moment this is. When Harry stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography, Magical Me....

     Everyone started clapping, even Hermione was getting all googly eyed, Ron and I were the only ones not impressed with Lockhart's rantings, even when he gifted Harry with all the spell books he'd need this year. I finally had enough as Harry worked his way back to the group, I just moved my way out of the crowd, the rest of the kids are not far behind. Hermione put a hand on my shoulder and was about to say something, until a prick opened it's mouth.

Draco: Bet you loved that, didn't you Potter?! Famous Harry Potter, can't even go into a bookstore without making the front page.

     I was about to step forward and teach this punk some manners but little Ginny beat me to it.

Ginny: Leave him alone.

Draco: Oh look Potter, you've got yourself a girlfriend.

     A cane with a snake adorned on the handle appears on Draco's shoulder and a older looking version of Draco spoke up.

Lucius: Now, now, Draco play nicely. *turns to Harry* Mr. Potter. *extends hand* Lucius Malfoy. We meet at last, *pulls Harry closer to see the scar* forgive me. Your scar is legend as, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you.

Harry: Voldemort killed my parents. He was nothing more than a murderer.

     Harry pulled away as Lucius looked a little shpcked at the mention of Voldemort's name, but keeps his composure.

Lucius: Hmm. You must be very brave to mention his name, ot very foolish.

Hermione: Fear of a name only increases the fear of the thing itself.

Lucius: And you must be Ms. Granger? *Draco nods to confirm* Yes Draco's told me all about you and your parents.

     Hermione looks over and sees her parents happily conversing with Arthur Weasely.

Lucius: Muggles, aren't they. * turns to the Weasely kids* Let me see, red hair, vacant expressions, tatty secondhand book. Weasely's.

     At this point my blood was boiling and lightning started to crackle across my body, Lucius noticed and called me out.

Lucius: And you must be Mr. (L/n), the Thunderer. You might want to keep those powers of yours in check, you never know when someone you care about could get hurt by you.

Hermione: (Y/n) would never hurt his friends.

Lucius: Not intentionally, *sparks start flying* but you never know when you might lose that infamous temper of yours.

     I finally manage to surpress my power and the lightning disappears, I push past everyone and go outside, as Arthur shows up. I walk out and find an alleyway and lean against the wall and breath.

(Y/n): *to self* Calm the storm within. Hmph, how? *sigh*

Harry: (Y/n)!

     I look up and Harry is beckoning me over, I breath one more time and head back to the group. Ron asks if everyrhing was alright, but I played it off and told them I was fine, which was a lie. We continue through Diagon Alley and get everones school supplies, one things for sure I do not want to get my friends hurt because of my misuse of my powers.

(A/N): Whew, that was getting a bit tense huh? Will (Y/n) be able to control his power or will he lose it and someone will get hurt? Only one way to find out.

     So, I hope you guys enjoy, be sure to leave a like if you do and I'll see you next time. Have a great day, PEACE OUT!!!

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